Critical Reading Strategies: SQ3R and KWL Reading Strategies

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Module 2

Critical Reading Strategies: SQ3R and KWL Reading Strategies

This module will help students acquire the knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of
academic texts.
At the end of this module, students are expected to:

1. outline reading texts in various disciplines

2. summarize the content of an academic text
3. write a précis/abstract/summary of texts in the various disciplines

Critical Reading
• Involves scrutinizing any information read or heard
• An active process of discovery
• Helps readers identify the key arguments and analyze concepts presented in the text
“Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse; but to weigh
and consider.”
- Francis Bacon (The Essays)

Critical Reading Strategies

Before Reading
• Determine which type of academic text (article, review, thesis, etc.) you are reading.
• Determine and establish your purpose for reading.
• Identify the author’s purpose for writing.
• Predict or infer the main idea or argument of the text based on its title.
• State what you already know and what you want to learn about the topic.
• Determine the target audience.
• Check the publication date.
• Check the reference list.


During Reading
1. Annotate the Text

Write key words or phrases on the margins in bullet form.

Write something on the page margin where important information is found.
Write brief notes on the margin.
Write questions on information that you find confusing.


3. Summarize the Text

Synthesize author’s arguments at the end of the chapter or section.

Write the main points in your own words.

4. Evaluate the Text
Identify the evidence or supporting arguments and check their validity and relevance.

After Reading
• Reflect on what you learned.
• Write your reactions on some parts of the text.
• Discuss some parts with your teachers or classmates.

SQ3R Method
(Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review)


• Skim the target text

• Check the headings and tables, diagrams, or figures presented in the text


• Look for answers to your questions as you read the text.
• Stop and slow down if the passage is not clear.
• Make sure to proceed reading only when you understand the previous texts.

• Recount the main points of the text.
• Recall by writing a summary or synthesis based on what you understand of the text.
• Highlight or underline important points you read.

• After finishing the text, go back and reread the questions you wrote and see if you can answer them; if
not refresh your memory.
• Evaluate what you learned to ensure that you are convinced and satisfied with the information presented
in the text.

KWL Method
K-W-L charts are graphic organizers that help students organize information before, during, and after a unit or a
lesson. They can be used to engage students in a new topic, activate prior knowledge, share unit objectives, and
monitor students’ learning.


Name: _____________________________________________ Rating: ______________

Grade and Section: _____________ Subject Teacher: __________________________
Due of Submission: _____________________________
Module 2
Critical Reading Strategies: SQ3R and KWL Reading Strategies


1. Read, “Love is a fallacy”, and pay close attention to its development as well as to the contradictions and
ironic twist that you may find.
2. Apply the four ways of reading critically. Write a summary after reading.
3. Refer to your book on page 18.



Saqueton, Grace M and Uychoco, Marikit Tara Alto. 2016. English for Academic and Professional Purposes. Rex
Bookstore, Samplaoc Manila.
Dadufalza, Concepcion D. 1996. Reading into Writing 2. Philippines: Bookmark,Inc.

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