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Journalism in campus has been practiced over a decade.Undeniably, it has brought

impact to the lives of the students. Campus press has been deemed important because
of its significant influence on the thoughts and actions of the students (Asperga, 2017).
With the changing of times, however, campus journalism has faced challenges,
especially to the part of the school paper advisers and journalism coaches.

The study was supported by the following theoretical frameworks:

Theory of Apperception, Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) of Mass Communication, and

Communicative Competence Framework.

Just like the researcher herself took the course mass communication in college because
of a pleasant experience of success of being recognized after winning in a division-wide
competition in journalism; thus, her future action was an outgrowth of the past. Now,
going eight years as school paper adviser, the researcher has found out that two of her
CJs took Mass Communication in tertiary and had graduated Magna Cum Laude and
Cum Laude, respectively. To add, some of her former campus journalists have been
vocal about the contributions of journalism into their lives.

Therefore, this study sought to describe the experiences of the former campus
journalists of the school to extract the meaning of campus journalism experiences in
their lives and onwards.

The most pressing problem is students’ disinterest to be involved and be trained. School
paper advisers and coaches scout for potential writers or go for endorsement from co-
teachers, but there are identified students who would refuse joining the club for some
personal reasons. Like for example, the time this study is conducted, the researcher
herself has scouted only three news writers for a daily training. The same predicament
is expressed by other coaches in journalism in the school and in the Division. In
addition, the lack of peer support to encourage one to join campus journalism and
immediate financial budget for the school paper publication are among secondary
challenges at times. Hence, putting campus journalism as an extra-curricular activity or
as a club cannot get maximum participation from the students.
The practice of journalism in the junior high school can be regarded as an extra-
curricular activity or an option since it is not part of the curriculum. For those who got the
heart to practice journalism, trainings and coaching are done during coaches’ extra
hours in school or over the weekend on an effort between coach and student. To many
teachers and coaches with the hectic schedule they are having, journalism mentoring
and coaching could be disregarded. Hence, through this study’s output, journalism can
be introduced to all students because skills and competencies are integrated in the
lessons. It poses challenge to all English.

F. Omay (2018) The Campus Journalism of PLSNHS.

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