Jack Release Notes

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Jack 6.

Release Notes and Installation Guide

Copyright 2010 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All Rights Reserved
This software and related documentation
are proprietary to Siemens Corp


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Copyright (c) 2010 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved.

This documentation is licensed to the licensee of the Siemens PLM Software product ("the Licensee") pursuant to
the terms and conditions set forth below and in the applicable Siemens PLM Software's license agreement. The
documentation at all times remains the property of Siemens PLM Software. The information contained in this
documentation is considered confidential to Siemens PLM Software and shall not be disclosed to any third party
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Manufacturer is Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc., 10824 Hope Street Cypress, California USA


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Release Summary............................................................................................................................ 5
Important Announcements .............................................................................................................. 5
Python win32 COM ................................................................................................................ 5
Legacy Translators .................................................................................................................. 5
Add-On Modules to be Retired ............................................................................................... 5
Functionality to be Retired...................................................................................................... 6
New and Improved Feature Details for v6.1 ................................................................................... 6
License Borrowing ...................................................................................................................... 6
Updated Jack Users Manual........................................................................................................ 6
Updated Grasp Support ............................................................................................................... 6
Task Analysis Toolkit ................................................................................................................. 7
ForceSolver ............................................................................................................................. 7
Anthropometric Scaling .............................................................................................................. 8
New Anthropometric Databases ............................................................................................. 8
External Anthropometric Database Support ........................................................................... 9
Motion Capture ........................................................................................................................... 9
Multi-Actor Support for MotionAnalysis and Vicon.............................................................. 9
Enhanced Head/Eye Tracking Behavior for Motion Analysis ............................................. 11
Cyberglove Support Enhancements ...................................................................................... 11
TSB Updates ............................................................................................................................. 12
Updated Reach Capabilities .................................................................................................. 12
Bimanual Hand Use Support ................................................................................................ 12
Locomotion; Improved Walk Path Planning ........................................................................ 13
Force Support: Object Weight and Forces ............................................................................ 14
Modules..................................................................................................................................... 14
Elevation Transition Module ................................................................................................ 14
Human Posture Tool ............................................................................................................. 15
Deleted Modules in 6.1: ................................................................................................................ 16
HumanReach: ............................................................................................................................ 16
PRs and fixes................................................................................................................................. 16
Jack ........................................................................................................................................... 16
OPT: .......................................................................................................................................... 17
TSB:........................................................................................................................................... 17

Specific Platform Notes ................................................................................................................ 17
Windows XP ............................................................................................................................. 17
Miscellaneous Notes (Licensing) ........................................................................................... 18
Installation Guide .......................................................................................................................... 19
Installing on Windows .............................................................................................................. 19
New Hardware Requirements ....................................................................................................... 19
Effects on 3rd Party Software ....................................................................................................... 19
Support and Feedback ................................................................................................................... 19
Download Latest Releases and Patches .................................................................................... 19
Incident Reports ........................................................................................................................ 20
Product Support Website .......................................................................................................... 20
Scripting Resources ...................................................................................................................... 20
Python: ...................................................................................................................................... 20
Tcl\Tk:....................................................................................................................................... 20
APPENDIX 1: TSB Bimanual hand use support .......................................................................... 21
Editing the hand(s) selected to complete a GET task ............................................................... 21
Accessing Bimanual Task Definition capabilities: Keep Uninvolved Hand Still ..................... 22
APPENDIX 2: TSB Force Support............................................................................................... 23
Annotating an Object with Weight ........................................................................................... 23
Adding Force(s) to an object..................................................................................................... 23
Using Weights and Forces during a simulation: the Apply_Force task .................................... 25

Release Summary
The Jack 6.1 release is a full release of the Jack product.

Version 6.1 has a number of very powerful new features, including new anthropometric
databases, enhanced posturing capability, a new maximum exertion prediction tool, expanded
capabilities within the Task Simulation Builder, and multi-actor support for the Motion Capture

Included on the Jack 6.1 installation CD are these separately licensed add-on application toolkits:

• Occupant Packaging Toolkit (OPT) for version 6.1

• Task Analysis Toolkit (TAT) for version 6.1
• Motion Capture Toolkit for version 6.1
• 3D Bodyscan Module for version 6.1

Important Announcements
Python win32 COM

• The Python win32 COM extension module will no longer be compatible with Classic
Jack V.7 and newer, thus it will be removed in future releases.

Legacy Translators

• This is the last release for many of our legacy translators. The legacy IGES and VRML
translators are based on 3rd party libraries that are no longer updated or maintained. We
will therefore switch to using the JT based translator technologies used by the other
Siemens PLM Software products.

Add-On Modules to be Retired

• Numerous add-on modules developed over the years have become outdated. New
capabilities in the core Jack application make these modules obsolete, or, they were
developed with legacy 3rd party libraries that are no longer available. The modules to be
removed for the v7.0 release of Jack include:

o Advanced Command Generator

o Data Reporter
o Material Replace
o Retarget Channelset
o Decimate Utility

Functionality to be Retired

• The following functionalities will no longer be available starting with the v7.0 release.

o Segment traces
o Ghosts
o Projections

If any of these changes impacts you or your organization, please contact us as soon as possible

New and Improved Feature Details for v6.1

License Borrowing

Jack v6.1 now supports license borrowing. This feature allows a user to checkout a license
from the license server and then disconnect from the server. This can be useful in situations
where use of the Tecnomatix Jack software away from the network is needed for a short
period of time.. The borrowing option requires a new product feature to be added to the
license file, and can be arranged through your account manager. Addition of the feature
enables borrowing for the base Jack product and all add-ons that have been licensed.

Updated Jack Users Manual

The Jack User Manual has been updated to incorporate many of the recent enhancements and
changes to the Jack software.
The revised manual can be accessed from the main toolbar menu: Help -> Jack Manual.

Updated Grasp Support

The hand grasping functionality allows the human hand to be postured around an object such
that collisions with the fingers and object are prevented. Previously, this functionality existed
only for the segmented human. With this release, Grasp support has been extended to include
the smooth skin figures as well.

Hand before Grasp Hand after Grasp

This functionality can be accessed from: Human -> Grasp.

The details of how to use the Grasp tool are described in Chapter 5 of the Jack Users Manual.

Task Analysis Toolkit


The ForceSolver is a unique implementation of the Static Strength Prediction (SSP) and Low
Back Analysis (LBA) tools. It allows you to posture a figure, define task specific parameters
such as support forces and standing strategy, in order to predict the maximum acceptable
force a human could exert under the prescribed conditions. Using thresholds defined by the
user, the ForceSolver will iterate through joint moments and low back forces in 1 Newton
increments until a limit or threshold is reached for a particular joint. The force observed in
the hands at this point is considered the maximum acceptable force.

This tool offers a powerful alternative to the traditional method of conducting a static
strength or low back assessment. With the ForceSolver, you do not need to know the weight
or force of an object a priori to conducting the assessment. Hand forces are an output rather
than an input, making the ForceSolver ideal for executing what-if scenarios or assessing
design proposals and providing force-specifications.

ForceSolver User Interface

The ForceSolver can be accessed from: Analysis -> Task Analysis Toolkit -> ForceSolver

Full documentation and usage steps for the ForceSolver can be found by clicking on the
‘Usage’ button in the bottom right corner of the ForceSolver user interface.

Anthropometric Scaling

New Anthropometric Databases

New for 6.1, additional anthropometric databases can be used to scale Jack and Jill. This
• NHANES: anthropometric data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (1990)
• CDN_LF_97: anthropometric data from the Canadian Land Forces (1997)
• NA_Auto: anthropometric data representing the North American automotive working
• CHINESE: anthropometric data representing Chinese adults aged 18-60 (males) and 18-
55 (females), based on GB 10000-88, 1989.

These anthropometric databases can be accessed from the traditional Scaling user interfaces
shown below:

Scaling Interface for Scaling Interface for
smooth skin figures segmented figures

To scale a human, you can right click on a figure and select ‘Scale’. The scaling functionality
can also be accessed by clicking on this icon in the main toolbar; .

External Anthropometric Database Support

Human figure scaling in Jack is based on dimensions computed from statistical equations.
These equations are derived from anthropometric databases. Currently, five anthropometric
databases are available to scale the human figures. New for v6.1, a method is provided for
users with access to alternate anthropometric databases to enter their own statistical equations
derived from these data, and have Jack set the anthropometric dimensions of the Jack and Jill
figures based on them.

Some basic scripting knowledge is required to add a custom anthropometric database to Jack.
For users who wish to do so, a sample script and instructions will be made available upon
request, please contact christina.cort@siemens.com.

Motion Capture

Multi-Actor Support for MotionAnalysis and Vicon

Analysis of coordinated, multi-person tasks can be a challenge. To help with these situations,
version 6.1 now supports real-time motion tracking for multiple actors simultaneously. This
functionality takes advantage of the latest motion tracking capabilities offered by our
technology partners, Motion Analysis and Vicon.
You will notice that the motion capture dialogues have been updated to allow you to include
more than 1 subject in your tracking parameters. Human figures can be added by pairing a
Jack or Jill figure to the desired ‘Subject Root’ once connected to your tracking system.

Updated MotionAnalysis Interface Update Vicon Interface

Multi-Actor tracking functionality can be accessed using the same Motion Analysis and
Vicon dialogues as in the past. These can be found at:

Modules -> Motion Capture -> Vicon

Modules -> Motion Capture -> Motion Analysis

To review the documentation and process steps for using multi-actor tracking, click on the
‘Usage’ button in the bottom right corner of your motion tracking dialogue.


• Motion Analysis Users: A separate software, called SoNIC, is required to solve multiple
skeletal representations simultaneously in real-time. This software has not been
integrated with the Jack motion tracking solution for 6.1. However, multi-actors can be
visualized in Jack by playing data back in post-process mode using either EvaRT or
• Vicon Users: The Jack v6.1 interface makes use of the latest Vicon SDK, which is not
compatible with the legacy Vicon IQ software. Users will need to migrate to the Vicon
Blade (v-1.6.199). Please contact your Vicon representative for further details.

Enhanced Head/Eye Tracking Behavior for Motion Analysis

The head/eye tracking protocol used in the MotionAnalysis Motion Capture module has been
improved through the use of an empirical posture model which relies on a target location
placed in front of the figure to guide head and eye postures. This change should decrease
sensitivity to head marker placement and minimize the amount of manual tweaking required
to ensure proper head/eye alignment.
You will notice that the Head Alignment option within the Subject tab of the Motion
Analysis Interface has been removed to reflect this change.

Cyberglove Support Enhancements

Cyberglove support has been enhanced to include the Cyberglove II wireless hardware.
Support for this device is represented in the same way as the traditional Cybergloves, and can
be accessed from the same User Interface;

If using this hardware, users will simply need to click the “Cyberglove-II(wireless)”
checkbox in the Cyberglove User Interface.

This functionality can be accessed from Modules -> Motion Capture -> Cyberglove

TSB Updates
Several enhancements have been made to TSB for 6.1, including updates to the predictive
reach methods used for human posturing, improved walk path planning, new support for
bimanual tasks and the ability to add weights and forces to objects for use during a

Updated Reach Capabilities

The reach posturing techniques used by Jack and other Siemens Human Products are
continuously evolving. With v6.1, TSB was updated to use the latest approach, which is
characterized by more precise solutions for situations where the hand targets are significantly
separated or at extreme locations. The update is particularly relevant for the new Bimanual
hand use support development (described below). It also provides the foundation for
upcoming force influenced posturing capability within TSB.

Bimanual Hand Use Support

Previously in TSB, users had minimal control over the hand(s) to be used for a task.
Specifically, the TSB Solver typically took control of determining how many hands, and
which (left or right) should be used to perform a task. While this enabled quick and simple
simulation generation, it did not always produce the desired results. Therefore, new for 6.1, a
user is now able to specify; a) which hand should be used for a particular task and also b)
specify if the two hands should operate independently. As an example, if mocking up a
healthcare setting, it is now possible to keep the left hand positioned on a bedrail, while the
right hand reaches to take a patient’s temperature. In other cases, where TSB may solve a

“Get” task using two hands, the user can now override this, so that only the left or right hand
is used.

More detail on how to use this functionality can be found in APPENDIX 1.

Locomotion; Improved Walk Path Planning

For 6.1 the walk path planning has been updated to provide better avoidance prediction in
cluttered environments and also in situations where obstacles are placed in non-orthogonal
(rotated) orientations.. These enhancements result in more realistic placement of the figure to
perform tasks, which ultimately contributes to more accurate overall postures and validity of
human performance evaluations.

Force Support: Object Weight and Forces

TSB simulations offer powerful visualization and task timing capabilities. New for 6.1,
objects can be annotated with weight and force information that will be automatically
transferred to the human and considered when the various Human Performance tools are
running in real time. This new functionality expands the value of TSB to enable quick, but
comprehensive, Ergonomic evaluations during a simulation.

In order to apply forces during a simulation, a new Task type has been added to TSB, called
the Apply_Force Task. Objects can be annotated with several different forces, such as a snap-
on force, a pushing and/or a pulling force. This allows the user to apply many different types
of forces to one object that may be used many times and in several ways during the same
simulation. The Apply_Force task allows you to specify when and which force(s) to apply
throughout your simulation.

More detail on how to use this functionality can be found in APPENDIX 2.


Elevation Transition Module

The Elevation Transition module allows you to compute and visualize motions for climbing
up and down stairs and ramps. This is particularly relevant for modeling scenarios such as
workers climbing utility stairs for aircraft assembly, transitioning across truck loading ramps,
or simulating building or ship walk through scenarios.

Using this module, you can easily define the layout of your staircase or ramp, and Jack will
automatically compute the steps necessary to ascend/descend. These footsteps, along with
Jack or Jill’s motions, can be visualized, edited, and exported to the animation system for use
in creating a simulation.

Sample Stair setup Sample Ramp Setup

Full documentation and usage steps can be found by clicking on the ‘Usage’ button in the
bottom right corner of the Elevation Transition Module dialogue.

This module can be accessed from: Modules -> Plug Ins, and browsing to
“ElevationTransition” in the Registered Modules menu.

Human Posture Tool

Predictive posturing methods for reach tasks were previously available in Jack through the
Human Reach Module. However, this module did not account for the effect of hand forces
that a human may be exerting. In reality, most tasks require a human to exert some force,
and therefore a new Module has been developed for 6.1 that can help account for such
scenarios; The Human Posturing Tool.

Humans will posture themselves differently depending on the task they are performing and
the amount of effort that is required. The Human Posturing Tool uses empirical models from
the HUMOSIM Research effort at the University of Michigan to help predict postures that
account for the effects of hand force exertion. Including the force requirements of a task
allows for a more accurate representation of human posturing behavior and ultimately a more
realistic analysis of task demands.

The human posturing tool allows you to select where and how the figure will position their
hands, a visual target to stay focused on, and the forces acting on the figure’s hands. These
inputs are used to predict the posture a human would assume and position the figure

The Human Posturing Tool

Note: For 6.1 only vertical or gravitational hand loads are considered by the Human
Posturing Tool. Future versions of Jack will expand this to include multi-directional hand
forces. Also, foot prediction has not yet been implemented. The research studies demonstrate
that people re-position themselves to achieve better mechanical advantage for the exertions
they need to perform. This effect has not yet been integrated and should be taken into
account when analyzing the predicted postures.

Full documentation and usage steps, can be found by clicking on the ‘Usage’ button in the
bottom right corner of the Human Posturing Tool dialogue.

This module can be accessed from: Modules -> Plug Ins, and browsing to “HumanPosturing”
in the Registered Modules menu.

Deleted Modules in 6.1:

The HumanReach module has been replaced by the Human Posturing Tool Module. This
module brings new functionality, which allows you not only to predict a reach posture
but also account for the effect of gravitational loads acting on the human.

PRs and fixes


• .jt load issue: some parts were not rendered. (PR 2107768)
• added check to ensure that the selected figure is indeed a path when creating a path
motion (PR 1737553)
• fixed bend torso manipulations which could generate incorrect angles. (No PR)
• fixed crash in "Loads and Weights" module related to figure deletion. (PR 6085963)
• fixed crash when hitting Ctrl in the name field of fig prop dialog when human head/eye
fixate behavior set (PR 6122249)
• fixed crash when hitting Ctrl in the name field of fig prop dialog when human head/eye
fixate behavior set, caused by out-of-order observer updates. (PR 6122249)
• fixed crash when loading an invalid human figure file (e.g., load file error). (PR 6084111)
• fixed crash when loading incorrect new human figure files. (PR 6084089)
• fixed crash when using motors and human control panel simultaneously. (PR 6079169)
• fixed erroneous conversion of mass to load vector in "Loads and Weights" module. (PR
• fixed loading invisible figure after loading visible figure with same name, and vice versa.
(PR 6027446)
• fixed problem with potentially out-of-date bounding boxes for Jt figures after moving
them. (No PR)
• Reflected face during animation will render correctly (error occurred any time segment
was rotated) (PR 1728183, 2113015)
• The assembly tab of the Hierarchy View will now automatically update correctly when
JT objects are loaded while it is open (PR 3046321)
• Updated the "Jack Public Site" help URL (PR 6159820)

• When a .jt file is loaded (using File Open), transparent parts should now appear
transparent. Also note that if the display property is changed (via Jack GUI) to shaded or
wireframe, the change is not persisted (no rendering property changes are persisted for .jt
files) (PR 6071102)
• When saving a .env file with JT data, Jack will ensure extra quotes are not inserted in the
property strings which would result in a crash. (PR 6231233)
• jt2 When a .jt file is translated (using File Import), transparent parts will have their
associated segment loaded as transparent as well. Only applies if the translated file is .fig
or .env (default). This behavior can be turned off by manually invoking jt2jack with -
jtIgnoreTransparency. (No PR)
• added check to ensure that the selected figure is indeed a path when creating a path
motion (PR 1737553)
• ensure that the "Exit Jack" confirmation is always on-screen; previously it would be
displayed in the same location as previous sessions, which could cause it to appear off-
screen if the screen resolution or number of monitors had changed. (PR 6039951)
• prevent potential crashes in the Reach Zone dialog if the human or traced site are not
selected. (PR 5547153)
• fix crash during generation in the Principal Component Manikins module. (No PR)
• fixed asymmetry issue with the left foot site locations on smoothskin female figure (No


• Coverage Zones - "visibility" field has been fixed. (PR 2113553)

• Coverage Zones - error in zone generation has been fixed. (PR 2042764, 5987486)


• fixed crash in "Analysis" mode after deleting a bound figure and changing the current
animation frame. The deletion is now observed, and an error dialog notifying the user of
the problem is now displayed. (PR 6118995)
• fixed rounding errors for frame numbers in animation generation, which caused
overlapping or overwritten frames. (PR 6111587)
• fixed undefined Python variable error in Reach (No PR)
• prevent errors when writing simulation files to read-only directories/files. (No PR)

Specific Platform Notes

Windows XP
WinXP users with NVidia graphics cards may have a problem with OpenGL based
applications (like Jack) after installing WinXP Service Pack 2. If you experience start up
problems with Jack, obtain an updated NVidia driver from the Windows Update site. If that

isn't an option obtain an updated driver from your workstation manufacturer's website, and if
that isn't an option, obtain an updated driver from the NVidia site.

NVidia graphics cards may also demonstrate problems generating antialiased screen capture
images - the resulting output images will not have antialiasing applied. This can be corrected
by going in to the advanced graphics settings of the driver and setting "Buffer Flipping
Mode" to "Use block transfer". Be sure to quit Jack and restart after making this change. This
is a persistent setting and will only need to be done once.

Testing was performed on Win XP 32 and 64 bit. While dual core machines have not been
separately certified, there are no known issues with these machines

Miscellaneous Notes (Licensing)

Jack 6.1 now uses the Siemens PLM Common Licensing system to simplify licensing and
provide maximum compatibility with other Siemens PLM Software tools. This uses FLEXlm
so it should be very familiar to existing Jack users; however, a new license file will be
required when upgrading from previous versions of Jack. You will receive a new license file
via an email from UGS. This email will automatically be sent to the contact listed with your
purchase information in our database. If you do not receive a license, please contact your
account representative. Alternatively, if you have your sold-to number, you can call 800-995-
0000 to verify that the information in our records is correct. If the records are correct, you
can also request a license by sending a message to ds_om@ugs.com .

A license server is now required - this can be either remote or running on your local
workstation. The Jack 6.1 installer will give you the option to install a license server on your
workstation at the end of the installation process - just check the "Install local license server"
box to run the UGS Common Licensing installation tool. The $JK/license/license.dat
file is used to configure Jack's licensing - by default, it will look on the local workstation for
a license server. A remote server can be specified by editing this file and replacing
"localhost" with the license server's hostname. An alternative method of specifying the
license server is to define the UGSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable - this should use
a "port@hostname" format (e.g. 28000@licenseserver.mycompany.com).

Full documentation on installing and using the Common Licensing system is provided as part
of the Jack 6.1 installation. You can access the documentation under the Jack start menu
folder by clicking on the "Licensing Manual" link, or you can directly open

NOTE: Jack 6.1 uses the same license features as 6.0 and 6.0.2. If you currently have a 6.x
licenses you will not need a new one for 6.1.

Installation Guide
The Jack distribution will allow you to install Jack and any add-on toolkits you have licensed
from the CD using a convenient installation utility. It will also set up shortcuts/links to start
Jack and assist in setting up your license file. Instructions on using this new procedure are
below. If you would prefer to manually extract and configure your installation from archive
files (tar), these files are provided under the "Archives" directory on the CD.

Installing on Windows
Jack 6.1 has a new installation tool that is more robust and compact than previous versions.
This installer will also properly handle environments where installation is done as an
administrator, but running the application is done by limited permissions users. To install

• Double-click on jack61-inst.exe.
• Use the wizard to install Jack and/or any toolkits.
• A start menu group will be created for all users with shortcuts to the Jack application
and documentation.

New Hardware Requirements


Effects on 3rd Party Software

For Vicon Motion Tracking, the IQ software is no longer supported. Users should contact
their Vicon representative to update to either Blade or Nexus.

Support and Feedback

Download Latest Releases and Patches
The official Siemens PLM Software site for downloading software releases and patches is
http://ftp.ugs.com. Once you logon to the site using your webkey, click on "Product
Downloads" and scroll down to the Jack section. All released versions of the software and
associated patches are available here. Release notes for the software can be found in the docs
folder in the directory where Jack is installed.

A webkey is required to access these sites. There is a link on the sites above that will allow
you to create a webkey account. You will need you're sold-to id in order to set up your

Incident Reports

To log an Incident Report (IR), please visit: http://qtac.ugs.com/logir

A webkey is required to access this site. There is a link on the site above that will allow you
to create a webkey account. You will need you're sold-to id in order to set up your webkey.

Product Support Website

The official Siemens PLM Software site for product support is http://support.ugs.com.

Global Technical Access Center is your focal point for post sale software support. The center
provides both your application and operating systems software support through telephone
and electronic access.

GTAC is organized into specialized teams that support specific product disciplines. These
teams are located in close proximity to their parallel product development groups, so they
can quickly locate the path that will lead you to improved productivity.

A sold-to id is required to access these sites. If you have any questions or comments, contact
the representative who sold you the software, or you can contact UGS Global Technical

GTAC (Global Technical Access Center)

800-955-0000 (USA and Canada)


Scripting Resources
http://www.python.org : This site contains a number of resources for python, including a
Python manual.
Learning Python, Lutz and Ascher, 1999. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lpython/
Python in a Nutshell, Alex Martelli, 2003.


Practical Programming in TCL and TK, Brent Welch, 2003. http://www.beedub.com/book/

APPENDIX 1: TSB Bimanual hand use support
Editing the hand(s) selected to complete a GET task
In the scenario depicted below, Jill is grasping an Endcap from a part bin using both hands,
which was automatically computed using the specified Grasp points and the TSB solver.

After viewing the simulation, you might decide that the part is small enough that only 1 hand is
needed. To quickly test how the simulation would look using only the right hand to grasp this
part, you could;

a) Right click on the ‘Reach’ portion of the Get_EndCap task in your timeline (note, you
must be in Analysis mode to do this).
b) Scroll to ‘Edit Side’ and select the Right hand.

c) This will automatically regenerate your simulation. Press the play arrow to visualize
the effects of this change.


End Cap

Accessing Bimanual Task Definition capabilities: Keep Uninvolved Hand Still

In the scenario depicted below, we want Jill to keep her left hand on the Turbocharger, to steady
it, while she reaches with her right to access the end cap for assembly. To do so, we will add a
‘Get’ Endcap task followed by a ‘Put’ Endcap task, and specify for each that the uninvolved
hand (the left hand) should remain still.

Note, you may also prefer not to specify what to do with an idle hand until after the initial
simulation is generated. This type of tweak is also possible. To edit hand activity after a
simulation is created, you can right click on your task in the timeline, and select ‘Edit
Parameters’. This will bring up the traditional editing dialogue, but you will notice the addition
of the ‘Keep uninvolved hand still’ checkbox.

APPENDIX 2: TSB Force Support
Annotating an Object with Weight

Objects weights can be defined by right-clinking on an object in the TSB Object hierarchy and
selecting ‘Define Weight’.

This will pop up a new dialogue, where the object weight and Center of Mass (COM) can also be

TSB will automatically compute the COM and display the location with a yellow matrix. If you
wish to modify the COM, Click on “User Defined” and move the matrix to a preferred location.

At anytime, an object’s Weight properties can be modified by bringing up the same dialogue.

Note: If an object weight has been defined, this will be automatically considered by the Human
Performance tools when a figure is handling this object.

Adding Force(s) to an object

Objects force(s) can be defined by right-clinking on an object in the TSB Object hierarchy and
selecting ‘Define Force’.

This will pop up a new dialogue, where the force actor name, origin, magnitude, direction and
name are defined.

Actor name: Each time a force is added to an object, an actor name is to be specified. Some
objects may have multiple forces, for example a snap-on force and a sliding force. When these
forces are being applied later, it will be helpful to have them uniquely named.

Origin: The origin specifies the point of application on the object where the force is applied

Magnitude: The magnitude specifies how much force is being applied. Forces can be defined
locally or globally by checking or un-checking the ‘Local’ option.

Direction: The direction of force can be specified by moving the red arrow that appears in your
scene when clicking on the icon. Alternatively, you can key in the direction in the data entry

Once an object force is defined, it will show up under a new “Force” heading in the TSB
hierarchy. To make edits, right click on the force and open the ‘Edit Force’ Dialogue.

Note: Objects can be annotated with as many forces as required.

Using Weights and Forces during a simulation: the Apply_Force task

In the scenario shown below, we want to have Jill apply a force in order to snap the Endcap into
position on the turbocharger. To do so, the Apply_Force task can be used.

Note: Apply_Force is a static task, which means that the figure will maintain the posture he/she
was in prior to starting the Apply_Force task. If you wish to posture the figure into a specific
position, this should be done using a Pose task prior to the Apply_Force task.

The Apply_Force task can be access from either the Human Tasks Menu, or by right clicking on
the last task in your series to Apply After -> Add Apply_Force Task.

In the ‘Add Task’ dialogue we can specify how we would like to apply the force;

Primary Actor: allows you to select which human figure to use for this task.

Acts On: allows you to choose which object/actor your human will be interacting with. Once this
field is selected, you should see the “With Forces” list populate with all of the forces you have
defined for that object.

Include Object Weight: allows you to decide if the Apply_Force Task you are defining should
include the effects of the object mass. In the case of snaping the End cap to the Turbocharger,
we assume the object has already been put into posotion, and now the the end cap is resting on
the turbocharger and no longer supported by the human. Therefore, when the human applies a
snap-on force, we would NOT consider the weight of the object as part of this task.

Override hand side: This option allows you to select which hand(s) will be involved in the task.

Time: You will need to specify the length of time the task should last. This corresponds to how
long the force is being applied for.

Release object when done: if you would like the object to stay in its shown location at the end of
the Apply_Force task, this options hould be check. In the case of the End cap, once it has been
snapped into place, we do not want the human to be holding the object anymore, as it is now
secured to the turbocharger. In other scenarios, we may want the figure to continue holding the
object, for example, if they were using a wrench, you may want your human to use the rench
again or move it to a new location.

Occurs After: This allows you to specify when in the simulation you would like the Apply_Force
task to fall.

How do your applied forces impact the huamn?

Once you have added the Apply_Force Task to your simulation, you may wish to review the
impact of these forces on your human. This can be done using the tools in the Task Analysis
Toolkit (licensed seperately). For exmaple you may wish to open the Static Strength Prediction
tool and run this in real time while your simulation plays. When the Apply_Force task is playing,
you will see the strength capabilites of the human adjust/respond. You can also modify or edit
the magnitude of your applied force and re-execute the simulation to see how this changes the
results of your assessment.

Note: for version 6.1, the specific COM Location and force application locations on an object
are not yet considered in the solution. For both object weights and forces, the loads are assumed
to be applied to the palm center of the hand, regardless where the COM was defined. For two
handed tasks, the loads are evenly distributed between the hands. Also, the Force Analysis
strategy is not altered with the figure action. For v6.1, the strategy is always assumed to be two
feet. These limitations will be addressed post the v6.1 release.

Apply_Force Task Apply_Force task using a Apply_Force task using a

snap-force of 60N snap-force of 90N


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