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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Division of Tabuk City

Module in TLE 9 – Industrial Arts
Consumer Electronics Servicing
Quarter1 – Week1

Subject Teacher

Name of
Mobile Number
Page 1
This module contains information and learning activities in
understanding of the basic concepts and underlying theories in Consumer
Electronics Servicing.

Learning Objectives:
1. Explain basic concepts in electronics servicing.
2. Discuss the relevance of the course.

Attract Electricity Electrica

Magnetism Matter Element
Molecule Compound Atom
Electrostatic field Positive Negative
Attract Valence shell Free electron
Fill in the blanks. Write the word or group of words that will make the
sentence true and complete. Choose your answer from the box.
1. A naturally occurring force that exists all around us is called _________.
2. Greek philosophers noticed that when a piece of amber was rubbed with
cloth, it would __________ pieces of straw.
3. Latin word that describes the static charge that develops when certain
materials are rubbed against amber is called ___________.
4. The natural forces that are very closely related is electricity and
5. Anything that has mass, weight and occupies space is called______.
6. A group of atoms bunched together is called ________.
7. A material composed of only one kind of atom is called _______.
8. A material composed of more than one kind of atom is called ________.
9. Composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons is called ____.
10. The forces of ________ between the electrons and the protons hold an
atom together.
11. Protons have a ________ electrostatic charge.
12. Like charges repel, unlike charges _________
13. The outer shell of the atom is called________.
14. The electron that can easily move from atom to atom is called_______.
15. The free electrons are responsible for _________.

What is Electricity?
Electricity is a naturally occurring force that exists all around us.
Humans have been aware of this force for many centuries. Ancient man
believed that electricity was some form of magic because they did not
understand it. Greek philosophers noticed that when a piece of amber was
rubbed with cloth, it would attract pieces of straw. They recorded the first
references to electrical effects, such as static electricity and lightning, over
2,500 years ago.
It was not until 1600 that a man named Dr. William Gilbert coined the
term “electrica,” a Latin word which describes the static charge that
develops when certain materials are rubbed against amber. This is probably
the source of the word “electricity." Electricity and magnetism are natural
forces that are very closely related.

1. What composed all matter?


2. What particles that compose an atom?

3. What particles that have opposite electrical charges?
4. What is the valence shell?
5. What is free electrons are and why they are important?

Basic Structure of Matter

All matter such as solids, liquids, and gases, is composed of atoms.
Therefore, the atom is the basic building block of matter. Moreover, atoms

are usually grouped together with other atoms to form what is called a
molecule. Only a few gases such as helium are composed of individual
atoms as the structural unit.
Atoms are extremely small and cannot be seen by our naked eyes.
Any material that is composed of only one type of atom is called a
chemical element, a basic element, or just an element. Any material that is
composed of more than one type of atom is called a compound.

Water is a compound made from the

elements hydrogen and oxygen.

Basic Structure of an Atom

What is an atom composed of?
An atom is the smallest particle of any element that still retains the
characteristics of that element. However, atoms consist of even smaller
particles. Atoms consist of a nucleus that is surrounded by one or more
negatively charged particles called electrons. The nucleus is made up of
positively charged particles called protons and neutrons which are neutral.
An atom is held together by forces of attraction between the electrons and
the protons. The neutrons help to hold the protons together.

Hydrogen Atom

Niels Bohr was a Danish scientist who introduced the model of an

atom in 1913. Bohr's model consists of a central nucleus surrounded by tiny
particles called electrons that are orbiting the nucleus in a cloud. In our
pictures and exercises, the electron appears to orbit in the same path
around the nucleus much like the planets orbit the Sun. The electrons,
however, do not really orbit in the same path. The electrons change their
orbit with each revolution.

Electric Charge
Electrons are the smallest and lightest of the
particles in an atom. Electrons are in constant motion as
they circle around the nucleus of that atom. Electrons
are said to have a negative charge, which means that
they seem to be surrounded by an electrostatic field.

Protons are much larger and heavier than

electrons. Protons have a positive electrical charge.
This positively charged electrostatic field is the same
strength as the electrostatic field in an electron, but it is
opposite in polarity. Notice that the negative electron
(pictured at the top left) and the positive proton (pictured
at the right) have the same number of force field lines in
each of the diagrams.

Like charges repel, unlike charges attract

Two electrons will tend to repel each other because both have
negative electrical charge. Two protons will also tend to repel each other
because they both have positive charge. On the other hand, electrons and
protons will be attracted to each other because they have unlike charges.



Another important fact about the electrical charges of protons and

electrons is that the farther away they are from each other, the less force
their electric fields have on each other. Similarly, the closer they are to each
other, the more force they will experience from each other due to this
invisible force field called an electric field.

The Valence Shell

What is the valence shell?
Notice that in the copper atom pictured below that the outside shell has
only one electron. This represents that the copper atom has one electron
that is near the outer portion of the atom. The outer shell of any atom is
called the valence shell. When the valence electron in any atom gains
sufficient energy from some outside force, it can break away from the parent
atom and become what is called a free electron.

Pictured here is an atom of copper,

which is much more complex than
Atoms with few electrons in their valence shell tend to have more free
electrons since these valence electrons are more loosely bound to the
nucleus. In some materials like copper, the electrons are so loosely held by
the atom and so close to the neighboring atoms that it is difficult to
determine which electron belong to which atom. Under these conditions, the
valence or free electrons tend to drift randomly from one atom to its
neighboring atoms. Under normal conditions, the movement of the electrons
is truly random, meaning they are moving in all directions by the same
amount. However, if some outside force acts upon the material, this flow of
electrons can be directed through materials and this flow is called electrical
current. Materials that have free electrons and allow electrical current to
flow easily are called conductors. The top three best conductors of
electricity are Silver, Copper and Gold. Many materials do not have any free
electrons. Because of this fact, they do not tend to share their electrons very
easily and do not make good conductors of electrical currents. These
materials are called insulators, examples are rubber, plastic and glass.

Activity 1. Fill-in the Missing Word.

Directions: Supply the necessary word or group of words that will make the
sentence complete.
1. Matter is composed of _________.
2. A group of atoms is called _________.
3. A material which composed of only one kind of atom is called _______.
4. _____________ is a material composed of more than one kind of

Assessment 1
Describe the word or group of words you supplied to complete the sentence
in the Activity 1.
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________

Activity 2. Repel or Attract

Direction: Based on your observation, write whether the following magnet
instances “repel” or “attract” each other.

____________ 1.

____________ 2.

____________ 3.

____________ 4.

Assessment 2
1. What instance makes it repel?
2. What instance makes it attract?

Activity 3. Crossword Puzzle

Direction: Complete the crossword by filling in a word that fits each clue.
1 Outer shell of an atom 2 Allow the electrons to flow
5 Unlike charges 3 Free _______ is responsible for
7 Like charges producing current.
8 Do not allow the electrons to flow 4 Best conductor of electricity
6 An insulator

Assessment 3
Explain what free electrons are and why they are important.
A. Fill in the concept map the particles that a matter composed of.

B. Describe each particle that you entered in the concept map.

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________

Direction: Answer briefly the questions below.

1. Give a basic definition of matter.


2. Describe a molecule.

3. Differentiate an element and a compound.

4. Describe the basic structure of an atom.


5. Explain what holds an atom together.


6. Explain the differences between electrons and protons.

7. What happens when protons and electrons interact with other protons
or electrons.

8. Explain what free electrons are and why they are important.

A. Multiple Choice:
Direction: Choose letter of the correct answer from the choices given.
Write your answer on the space provided before each number.
___ 1. A naturally occurring force that exists all around us is called
a. Electrica b. Electricity c. Electron d. Element
___ 2. Greek philosophers noticed that when a piece of amber was rubbed
with cloth, it would __________ pieces of straw.

a. Repel b. Attract c. Eliminate d. Drop

___ 3. Latin word, which describes the static charge that develops when
certain materials are rubbed against amber, is called ___________.
a. Electrica b. Electricity c. Electron d. Element
___ 4. The natural forces that are very closely related to one another is
electricity and ________.
a. Magnetism b. Proton c. Electron d. Element
___ 5. Anything that has mass, weight and occupies space is
a. Matter b. Molecule c. Element d. Compound
___ 6. A group of atoms bunched together is called ________.
a. Matter b. Molecule c. Element d. Compound
___ 7. A material composed of only one kind of atom is called _______.
a. Matter b. Molecule c. Element d. Compound
___ 8. A material composed of more than one kind of atom is called ____.
a. Matter b. Molecule c. Element d. Compound
___ 9. Composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons and is called ____.
a. Matter b. Atom c. Element d. Compound
___ 10. The forces of ________ between the electrons and the protons hold
an atom together.
a. Electrostatic field b. Friction c. Gravity d. Air
___ 11. Protons have a ________ electrostatic charge.
a. Negative b. Positive c. Neutral
___ 12. Like charges repel, unlike charges _________
a. Repel b. Attract c. Eliminate d. Drop
___ 13. The outer shell of the atom is called________.
a. Valence Shell b. Free electrons c. Middle shell
___ 14. The electron that can easily move from atom to atom is called
a. Valence Shell b. Free electrons c. Middle shell
___ 15. The free electrons are responsible for _________.
a. Current b. Voltage c. Resistance d. Capacitance

1. Watch this 5-minute video about electricity for additional information

and knowledge. Electricity 101 Episode 1

2. Draw the water molecule.

3. Draw the atom of a copper element.


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