Essay Self-Employment

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For the great majority of people being self-employed is nowadays the most attractive way of

working. It is often said that the advantages of this state of working widely exceeds its

The crucial factor is the possibility of time scheduling. As opposed to an ordinary fulltime
employee’s schedule, where the average work length it is expected to be up to seventy-six hours
per fortnight, a self-employed person has the option to decide how many working hours want to
do. It stands to reason that people is currently missing several personal experiences owing to be
immersed in their jobs. Added to that, occupational accidents and diseases have mushroomed in
the last couple of decades and as I see it is due to occupational stress based on the work length.

On the other hand, it is within the bounds of possibility that if you are a self-employed person
money could be a problem, having in mind that your incomes would be directly proportional to
how well-known you, your products or company are. However, you will not be working in order to
enrich another person. In other words, the earnings made by your own effort are only going to
beneficiate you. That knowledge can have a positive impact in a person’s mind and can lead to a
forward-looking attitude towards work.

By and large, I feel strongly that the most significant benefit of self-employment is the time
management. People work at their own pace and consequently can decide at any time to take
some time off when needed and enjoy what life has to offer.

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