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1. The boys are supposed to have finished their homework when we come
home. This means: we expect that________by the time we come home.
A. the boys are going to finish their homework
B. the boys will be finishing their homework
C. the boys will have finished their homework
D. the boys were finishing their homework

2. Yesterday my friend said that he had never seen such good film like
“Slumdog Millionaire”.
From the above statement we may conclude that_________
A. It was the first time he went to see a film.
B. He seldom went to see good movies.
C. That was the best film he had ever seen.
D. The film he saw was a bad one.

3. I can lend you my car next week because by that time I ______using it.
A. will be finishing
B. have finished
C. am finishing
D will have finished

4. Bono: “When had the workers finished their work?”

Budi : “They had finished it when all the goods_______________”
A. Were unloading B. had been unloaded
C. were being unloaded D. Unloaded

5. We could not get a room at the Beach Hotel because we________reservations.

A. would not make
B. does not make
C. were not making
D. had not made

6. Anton: “Why didn’t Budi want to go home?”

Toni: “His father_________________him for causing the firehouse.”
A. Had blamed B. would blame C. is blaming D. has blamed

7. Nadira : “What’s the prediction of our boss about what will be achieved by
this company at the end of this year?”
Syifa : “It ___________________ its peak progress.”
A. will achieved
B. will have achieved
C. will have been achieving
D. will achieve
8. Ari : ”What will actually happen on you for the next two days?”

Arai: “My brother______________ me his secret”

A. will tell B. will be telling C. will have told D. is telling

9. Decky said that he lost his wallet yesterday. May be somebody______it.

A. takes B. has taken C. had taken D. would take

10. Jono : “What did you look for yesterday?”

Joni: “Yesterday I looked for my dictionary; I really didn’t know where I
A. have put
B. have been putting
C. was putting
D. had put

11. This is the best picture of my mother___________have ever taken

A. whom B. of which C. where D.which

12. The doctor is treating a patient____________leg was broken in an accident.

A.who B.whose C. which D. whom

13. Bajuri : “Where did the fire start?”

Bajiru : “In the fifth floor of that building______my brother worked last year”
A. where B. there C. which D. that

14. This is Mr.Anwar….

A. which I told you
B. whom I told you about
C. I told you
D. That I told you

15. Tina: “Is everybody graduated from SMU 25 invited to the party?”
Tono: “Well, the party is exclusively for those_________”
A. they graduated in 1993
B. were 1993 graduates
C. to whom are 1993 graduates
D. who graduated in 1993

16. Tomi : “What did Bambang say to you?”

Tomo: “He said________he would join us at the restaurant after his meeting.”
A. When B. Whether C. why D. that

17. Ani : “ Why do you want to see Ridwan?”

Ana: “Oh._____________”
A. I only want to congratulate him on his graduation

B. I want to congratulate only him on his graduation

C. Only I want to congratulate him on his graduation
D. I want to congratulate him only on his graduation

18. Lands and houses are often the largest single investment that most______
A. will make families ever
B. families will ever make
C. will make ever families
D. families make ever will

19. ________is a beautiful island has been confirmed by tourist from around the
A. Bali B. whether C. that Bali D. How Bali

20. Badu: “What do reporters usually ask the authorities nowadays?”

Budi: “_________Indonesia will soon be able to overcome its economic
problem very soon”.

A. Whether B. in case C.where D.why

21. If he______________more confident during the interview, he might have got

the job he wanted.
A. were B. would be C. could have been D. had been

22. The Arman’s family would not have lost their bag, if they____it in the hotel.
A. left B. have left C. had left D. would have

23. Riza : “Do you know that Tanto had withdrawn his money from the bank
just before it was liquidated”?
Roni : “Oh yes, otherwise he__________a great deal.”

A. Lost B. would lose C. has lost D. would have lost

24. Bill has been working for this bookstore for many years, and now he acts as if
he were the owner. From this sentence we may conclude that:_______
A. Bill is an honest man
B. Bill has become a rich man
C. Bill is not the owner of the store
D. Bill is a shareholder
25. Had I realized that Tim a bad driver, I___________my car.
A. would not lend him
B. did not lend him
C. would not have lent him

D. had not lent him

26. The traffic regulations in the USA are different from those in Indonesia. In
US, you__________drive on the right side of the road.
A. can B. may C. must D. would rather

27. The whole kitchen was still very dirty; she______might have forgotten to
clean it.
A. should have B. would have C. might have D.must be

28. Fatimah : “Rita has just missed the plane to Medan”

Nadira : “She________at the airport at least two hours before departure”
A. Was B. should be C. should have been D. has to be

29. “It is possible that there will be another rise of the price of fuel soon”. We can
also say: “There_______another rise in the price of fuel soon”.
A. must be B. may be C. Should be D. has to be

30. Myrna’s house is empty; the family___________ on vacation.

A. ought to be going B. must have gone C. had to go
D. should go

“Success Is Sum of Efforts Repeated Day In and Day out (Continuously)”

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