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Simple present tense indicates an action which happens in the present,

but it´s not necessary for actions to happen right now. Simple present
tense indicates, unchanging situations, general truths, scientific facts,
habits, fixed arrangements and frequently occurring events.


I start I do not (don´t) Do I start
You Start You do not Do you start
(don´t) start
He starts He does not Does he start
(doesn´t) start
She starts She does not Does she start
(doesn´t) start
It starts It does not Does it start
(doesn´t) start
We start We do not (don´t) Do we start
You start You do not Do you start
(don´t) start
They start They do not Do they start
(don´t) start

1.- Complete the sentences using the following verbs

Cause (s) Connect (s) Drink (S) Live (s) Open (s) Speak (s) Take (s)

1.- Maria speaks German very well.

2.- I don’t often drink Coffee.
3.- The swimming pool opens at 8.30 every morning.
4.- Rosario driving causes many accidents.
5.- My parents live in a very small flat.
6.- The Olympic Games takes place every four years.
7.- The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and pacific oceans.

2.- Put the verbs in correct form.

Don’t drinks
1.- Yuly ………………………………………………………. (not/ drink) tea very often.
The banks close
2.- What time ………………………………………………… (the banks/ close) here?
Don’t use
3.- I´ve got a car, but I ……………………………………………… (not/use) it much.
Don’t Susy come
4.- Where …………………………………………………………………(Susy/come) from?
Do you do
5.- What …………………………………………………………………………(you/do)?
6.- It ……………………………………..(take) me an hour to get to work. How long
Does it take
………………………………………………………. (it/take) you?
7.- look at this DoesWhat
sentence. this word mean
word/mean)? Don’t do
8.- Rose isn´t very fit. She ……………………………….……….. (not/do) any sport.

3.- Form positive and negative statements or questions.

She sits on a big chair (-)
She doesn’t sit on a big chair.

You read a nice book (?)

Do you read a nice book?

Marina doesn´t like green apples (+)

Marina does likes green apples.

My dog plays with a ball in the yard (-)

My dog doesn’t play with a ball in the yard.

Correct the mistakes.

1.- She don´t like swimming.

She doesn’t like swimming.
2.- Who get up early in the morning?
Who gets up early in the morning?
3.- I hasn´t a new blouse
I don’t have a new blouse.
4.- What does he likes?
What does he like?
5.- Has you get a new dress?
Do you have got a new dress?
6.- They like their job. Does They?
Do they like their job?
7.- She usually wake up at 7 o´clock.
She usually wakes up at 7 o’clock.
8.- Who house are this?
Whose house is this?
9.- Where she lives?
Where she does live?
10.- What language you know?
What does language you know?
11.- She and her sister is students.
She and her sister are students.
12.- I have got a good job. Doesn´t I?
I have got a good job. Do not I?
13.- Who often play the guitar?
Who plays the guitar often?
14.- She not likes frogs
She doesn’t like frogs.
15.- Where is you from?
Where are you from?
16.- When you get up?
When do you get up?

Daily routines

Sabina is a nice girl. She lives in San Miguel. She lives with her family in a
modern house. She is twenty-five years old and she has got and older
brother. David and a younger sister Pilar.
She starts her days at about half past six. She gets up goes to the
bathroom takes a shower. Brushes her teeth and get dressed. Then she
has breakfast and at a quarter to eight. She leaves her home and catches
the bus to her job.
She usually has lunch at the restaurant at half past twelve. After job of
quarter past six she goes home. There she does the house homework and
when she finishes it. She helps her mum laying the table. At half past
seven the family dines together.
Sabina usually watches tv. For a while after dinner and of about ten o
´clock she brushes her teeth again put on her flowers woman pajamas and
goes to bed.

True or false.

1.- Sabina is a nice girl ……………….
2.- She lives in a modern flat F
3.- She is twenty-three years old F
4.- She has got two brothers ……………………………..
5.- Sabina wakes up at seven o´clock …………………………
6.- she and her family have dinner at half past seven ………………

Answer the following sentences

1.- Where does Sabina live?

She lives in San Miguel.
2.- What´s her sister´s names?
Her name is Pilar.
3.- What time does she wake up?
She wakes up about half past six.
4.- Does she have breakfast at home?
Yes, she does.

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