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Jevelav G.

BSCE-1A Oct. 22, 2020
Chapter 1
Activity 1
Today’s lesson consists of tasks that relate to the concrete of cardiorespiratory endurance
These tasks are:
Finding my pulse while at rest
Participating in activities that raise my heart rate
Monitoring my heart rate during the activities
Preparing the necessary equipment like a stopwatch or digital watch; notebook and a pen
to find one’s pulse.
Finding My Pulse
I will need a stopwatch or digital watch with a second hand. My partner (or it could b
you) takes time while I take my pulse. My pulse can be located at several places on my body.
The 2 most common locations are the carotid and radial pulse.
Carotid Pulse
Turn my head to one side
Feel the point at my neck where the large muscle and tendon stick out when my head is
Slide the fleshy part of your index and middle fingers along this tendon until you are on a
level equal to your Adam's apple.
Feel for the pulse. Readjust the fingers if necessary
Do not press too hard because this might alter the pulse (slow it down)
Count the number of pulses felt for 60 seconds. This number represents your heart rate in
beats per minute while you are at rest.
If you are pressed for time, you may count the pulses for only 15 seconds. Multiply this
by 4.
Remember however that is more accurate to take a full 60-second count if possible.

My heart rate while at rest (e.g. seated) is 74 beats per minute (bpm)
Radial Pulse
Hold my left forearm out in front with my palm facing me
At the top portion of my forearm (nearest the thumb) where my wrist is slide the fleshy
part of my index and middle fingers along until they are one inch from my wrist.
Feel for the pulse. Re-adjust the fingers if necessary.
Do not press too hard because this might alter the pulse (e. g. slow it down)
Count the number of pulses felt for 60 seconds. This number represents your heart rate in
beats per minute while you are at rest.
If you are pressed for time, you may count the pulses for only 15 seconds. Multiply this
by 4.
Remember however that it is more accurate to take a full 60second count if possible.

My heart rate while at rest (e.g. seated) is 75 beats per minute (bpm)
Raising My Heart Rate
Monitoring My Heart Rate
The table below shows the different tasks that I performed arranged from the highest to
lowest heart rate.
Task Heart Rate

Partner Tag 220

Jog 218

Crab walk 213

Step ups 210

Jumping Jacks 200

What to Process: You will be given activities about physical activity and proper eating habits
for you to understand the importance to your fitness and well-being. As you go on with the
activities, you will learn that active participation in any physicalactivitys is not just fun and
exciting but also an opportunity to improve your fitness and enhance your social skills. So
prepare yourself and get started
Jevelav G. Tahadlangit
 BSCE-1A.    Oct.22, 2020 

Activity 2:  Me and MyDay 

This activity will assess your physical activity engagement using a survey.

Objective: To discuss your daily activities that  to your health

Preparation: copy/survey form 
1. Form a small group with six to eight members 
2. Using the survey form, put a checkmark () on the activities that you do and the
estimated number of hours you do them.

3.  Discuss the following questions among the members of the group:
 What activities were commonly marked?
 - mostly of my activities are not that active, and my lifestyle is very sedentary
nowadays especially with this pandemic that I'm not allowed to go out, and then we have
a small space in our place or the house.

 How many minutes or hours were usually spent on these activities?

 -Most of my inactive activities take 3/4 of my time in a day. Like I spent 16-18
hours lying in bed, watching movies, using my phone, sitting, and not doing anything
Which among the activities do most of the group spend time on? 
-Sleeping, sitting, using phone/tablet, or laptop. 

What can you say about the activities commonly marked and the time spent doing them?
Classify the activity into active or passive?
 -Using phone/tablet/laptop - passive
 -Sleeping - passive
-Playing sports -active
 -Doing chores – active
 Which of these activities do you enjoy the most? Why?
 -Playing and using my phone and reading, I enjoy doing these things because it
brightens my day and help me discover new things and learn more information. 

4. Share your answers to these questions among the class.

How do you feel about the activity? What did you realize?
 -I realize that during these days I was living in a passive lifestyle which leads to
being overweight, not productive, and health issues. 

What do you think about the daily activities of your classmates? Do you have similar
activities to your classmates? 
-Yeah, pretty much like using a phone and gadgets for fun and other reasons. 

Should you stick to your daily routines or could changes be made?

 -I will not stick to my daily routine because it is not that healthy and it's bad for
my health maybe I'll start to change little by little every day and be more active, engaging
in active activities like more on jogging, walking, exercising and lessen the consumption
golf unhealthy snacks like junk food and sweets.
Jevelav G. Tahadlangit

BSCE-1A. Oct.21,2020.

Activity 3: Filling in My Schedule

This activity will provide an opportunity to get involved in active physical activities. This
will determine possible times during the day where you could be more active.

I. Objective: To discuss the opportunities of becoming more active based on your schedule

II. Preparation: Copy or survey form; activity notebook; pen.

III. Presentation:

1. Work in pairs

2. Using the Weekly Activity Log, fill in the spaces with how much time is spent doing these
activities. Do this in your activity notebook.

Weekly Activity Log

Activities Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat

Studying 20 20 20 No 20 20 20
minutes minutes minutes schedule minutes minutes minutes

Doing household 30 30 30 Break Break 20 20

activities minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes
to 1 hr. to 1 hr. to 1 hr.

Other activities: 10 Break Break 10 5 Break Break

Reading minutes minutes minutes

Sleeping 11 11-13 hr. 1113hr. 11-13hr. 11-13 hr. 11-13hr. 11-13hr


Note: please log in other activities that you do in a week

3. Concentrate on the following

How long do you spend on activities that make you move? Make you stay or still not move a lot?

-30 minutes to 1 hour

What are the best times and days for you to be more active?

-Tuesday, Saturday and Thursday

What activities can you do on these times (lockdown)?

-Reading, dancing, sleeping, and eating

4. Share your answers on the questions among the class/partner

How do you feel about the activity? What were your realizations? Or what did you realize?

-I realize that I spend most of my time sleeping and eating.

Are you busy most of the week or do you have more free time?

-Nah I have a lot of free time, but since there is a class, I consider my weekdays as busy days.

Are you busy doing active or passive activities?

- I'm busy doing passive activities.

What can you do about your schedule to have a healthier lifestyle

-Be more active and engage more into exercising, maintain 6-8 hours of sleep and less eating
unhealthy food.

Activity 4: Briefing on the PAR-Q


The students will be oriented on the physical activity readiness questionnaire and
required them to submit the duly accomplished form with the corresponding signatures
especially the parents/guardians.

Preparation: PAR-Q form


Enclosure No. 3 to DepEd Order No. 034, s. 2019

PAR-Q & YOU (A Questionnaire for People Aged 15 to 69)

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (revised 2002)

Regular physical activity is fun and healthy, and increasingly more people are starting to
become more active every day. Being more active is very safe for most people. However, some
people should check with their doctor before they start becoming much more physically active.

If you are planning to become much more physically active than you are now, start by
answering the seven questions in the box below. If you are between the ages of 15 and 69, the
PAR-Q will tell you if you should check with your doctor before you start. If you are over 69
years of age, and you are not used to being very active, check with your doctor.

Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions. Please read the
questions carefully and answer each one honestly: check YES or NO.

___YES_√__NO 1. Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you
should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?

_√__YES___ NO 2. Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?

_√__YES___ NO 3. In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing
physical activity?

___YES_√__NO 4. Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose
___YES___√ NO 5. Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back knee or hip) that
could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?

___YES___√ NO 6.Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your
blood pressure or heart condition?

___YES__√_ NO 7. Do you know other reasons why you should not do physical activity?

If you answered: YES to one or more questions you answered Talk with your doctor by
phone or in-person BEFORE you start becoming much more physically active or BEFORE you
have a fitness appraisal. Tell your doctor about the PAR--Q and which questions you answered

• You may be able to do any activity you want -as long as you start slowly and build up
gradually. Or, you may need to restrict your activities to those which are safe for you. Talk with
your doctor about the kinds of activities you wish to participate in and follow his/her advice.

• Find out which community programs are safe and helpful for you.

If you answered NO honestly to � PAR--Q questions, you can be reasonably sure that
you can:

• Start becoming much more physically active -begin slowly and build up gradually. This is the
safest and easiest way to go.

• Take part in a fitness appraisal - this is an excellent way to determine your basic fitness so that
you can plan the best way for you to live actively. It is also highly recommended that you have
your blood pressure evaluated. If your reading is over 144/94, talk with your doctor before you
start becoming much more physically active.


• If you are not feeling well because of a temporary illness such as a cold or a fever - wait
until you feel better; or

• If you are or may be pregnant - talk to your doctor before you start becoming more
PLEASE NOTE: If your health changes so that you then answer YES to any of the above
questions, tell your fitness or health professional. Ask whether you should change your physical
activity plan.

Informed Use of the PA&Q: The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, Health Canada, and
their agents assume no liability for persons who undertake physical activity, and if in doubt after
completing this questionnaire, consult your doctor before physical activity.

No changes permitted. You are encouraged to photocopy the PAR-Q but only if you use the
entire form

NOTE: If the PAR-Q is being given to a person before he or she participates in a physical
activity program or a fitness appraisal, this section may be used for legal or administrative

I have read, understood, and completed this questionnaire. Any questions I had were
answered to my satisfaction.

NAME: Jevelav G. Tahadlangit

SIGNATURE: _________________________ _ DATE. _Oct.21,2020

SIGNATURE OF PARENT ______ _______________ _ WITNESS ________________ _

Note: This physical activity clearance is valid for a minimum of 12 months from the date it is
completed and becomes invalid if your condition changes so that you would answer YES to any
of the seven questions

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