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Title: - Analysis & Simulation of Uterine Contraction Signals.

Introduction:- Uterine contractions are stimulated by uterine muscle cells. Uterine

contraction variations reflect the physiological changes of the uterus during both
pregnancy and labor. Electro hysterography records the electrical uterine activities from
the maternal abdomen. All software implementation can be done using the software
Python. A biomedical signal can be described as the reflection or shadow of the process
that causes it. By examining the signals we receive information about the process. A
change of synchronization parameter can be very useful for medical diagnosis.
Prevention and early diagnosis of forthcoming preterm labor is of vital importance in
preventing child mortality. EHG may identify patients with high risk of preterm delivery.
An effective method for determining the strength of the signal when the pressure is at the
peak level or at the lowest level is achieved through analyzing and stimulation with a
better understanding of uterus dynamics. There must be patterns in contractions itself or
in their coordinations which can reveal difference between uterine contraction that can
lead to delivery and the ones that do not.

Literature Survey:- .
1.Miao Liu, Lee A. Belfore, Yuzhong Shen, and Mark W. Scerbo 2003
This paper proposed a set of parametric models to simulate uterine contractions. The
proposed algorithm contains three major components: AGGF model for contractions,
Perlin noise for maternal breathing and instrument noise, and rational polynomial
functions for fetal movements.
2. Kemal Aydin1 , Tansel Halic1 , Coskun Bayrak2 , Kamran Iqbal 2016
In this work, we built two computer simulations. First one was a simulation of uterine
contraction dynamics based on a set of differential equations. Second one was a
simulation of real uterine contraction, in which HHT is used to identify contractions from
the signal. We did verification and validation of the mathematical model by figurative
comparison and we found that mathematical model of uterine contraction dynamics
represents basic characteristics of the physiological phenomena of uterine contractions.
3. Mohamad O. Diab, Catherine Marque and Mohamad A. Khalil 2007
This article proposes a method for modeling and classification apply on the uterine
contractions in the electromyogram (EMG) signal for the detection of preterm birth. The
frequency content of the contraction changes from one woman to another and during
4. Collaborative research on uterine contractions -published in international journal
of clinical obstetrics and gynaecology Feb 2019
In this paper a series of studies on uterine contractions arepresented, from the perspective
of three approaches, with the main aim to support and encourage interdisciplinary
research on this topic. It also highlights the state of the research and issues still unclear on
this subject. There are two approaches discussed in this paper, namely medical-biological
and engineering, which although they have their own research methods and techniques
depending on the background, they have a common topic. This makes them suitable for
interdisciplinary research.
5)Automated electrohysterographic detection of uterine contractions for monitoring
of pregnancy: feasibility and prospects. 2019
These preliminary results appear to be encouraging for monitoring of uterine contractions
by algorithm-based automated detection to process the electrohysterographic signal
(EHG). This compact recording system, based on the use of surface electrodes attached to
the skin, appears to be particularly suitable for outpatient monitoring of uterine
contractions, possibly at home, allowing telemonitoring of pregnancies. One of the
advantages of EHG processing is that useful information concerning contraction
efficiency can be extracted from this signal, which is not possible with the TOCO signal

Problem definition:- Myometrium contraction is a complex process involving electrical,

hormonal and mechanical phenomenon. With all the effort studies reported so far
indicate that uterine contraction is not completely known.

Objective:- Methods of evaluating the uterine contractions is important and necessary.

Here we study and determine the various signal strength being received at the time of
labor due to uterine contraction. So the main objective is to analyze and measure the
variation in strength of uterine contraction signal and stimulate the same with the help of
MATLAB Software Implementation.
Scope: -The project aims to strengthen the role of interdisciplinary research in
Gynecology and Obstetrics for a complex approach to various problems, but also for
finding complete solutions.
Through complete examples described it aims at highlighting and clarifying some aspects
of uterine contractions. Prolonged labor is observed at the time of birth the signal strength
is at the peak and is at the lowest it shows variation throughout the time so it has scope to
study the graphical analysis and stimulation of these variation of signal which gives
different strength values.


[1] Kemal Aydin1 , Tansel Halic1 , Coskun Bayrak2 , Kamran Iqbal3 1 Dept. of Applied
Science, 2 Dept. of Computer Science, 3 Systems Engineering Dept. University of
Arkansas at Little Rock 2801 S. University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204 USA

[2] Mohamad O. Diab, Catherine Marque and Mohamad A. Khalil 2007

[3] Kemal Aydin1 , Tansel Halic1 , Coskun Bayrak2 , Kamran Iqbal3 1 Dept. of Applied
Science, 2 Dept. of Computer Science, 3 Systems Engineering Dept. University of
Arkansas at Little Rock 2801 S. University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204 USA 2013

[4] Collaborative research on uterine contractions -published in international journal of

clinical obstetrics and gynaecology Feb 2019

[5] Automated electrohysterographic detection of uterine contractions for monitoring of

pregnancy: feasibility and prospects. 2019

In terms of clinical and medical perspective the uterine contraction is an activity of
muscular tissue of uterus that dilates the cervix and pushes the fetus out of birth canal.
The level of uterus contraction may determine when or not the actual birth is triggered.
Also, high contraction of uterus indicates the uterine pressure is high enough to push the
fetus out of the birth canal. Instead low contraction of uterus indicates that fetus may or
may not be pushed out of birth canal that means an intervention is needed.
On the other hand, uterine contractions may affect the heart rate of the fetus by causing
declaration. Till date this effect is unexplained.
Various techniques are applied to predict term or preterm labor. How uterine contraction
can cause and show progress in labor and Methods of evaluating uterine contractions so
as to provide solution to this problem is done through analysis and simulation.
Methods to find and analyze uterine contractions are-
Intrauterine pressure determination (IUP)
Electrohysterography (EHG)
The recording of the uterine electrical activity at the abdominal surface can diagnose and
predict the term or preterm labor. But this involves computerized techniques for
analyzing and interpreting the myometrium tissue.
The myometrium tissue is a smooth tissue that can be spontaneously active so an isolated
part of uterus will produce regular spontaneous contractions. The uterine activity also
increases as the term approaches. In view of these the mechanical behavior of the
myometrium tissue should be investigated in correlation with this factor
The engineering approach of uterine contraction s is focused on electro-mechanical
activity of myotetrium tissue that determines the intrauterine pressure.
The intrauterine pressure resulting from the simulation ranged from 51 to 55mmHg,
beieng within the range of the clinical variability observed.

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