Nature of Research: Student Name: Section: Worksheet: 1 Date

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Evaluate the following research cases and

NATURE OF determine the nature/type of research implied.

Justify your answers by discussing the qualities of
these major types/nature of research. Write your
RESEARCH answers on the space provided.

Shiela, an entrepreneur, would like to Martha would like to investigate the

1 find out which is the most effective
marketing strategy for her products.
2 effectiveness of her homemade
organic fertilizer on her garden
Thus, she did a study by giving out plants. Hence, after two weeks of
survey forms to her customers in order spraying 10 of her garden plants with
to know the frequencyof their the said fertilizer, she compared
engagement in her products’ their fresh weight against those
advertisements online, in which are not given fertilizer sprays.
thenewspapers, and posters. The research uses [ ] quantitative
The research uses [ ] descriptive inquiry inquiry [ ]  qualitative inquiry because
[ ]  experimental inquiry because

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Ana, a cardiologist, wants do Marco wants to produce a new

3 determine the effects of taking a full
8 hours of sleep during adolescence
4 drink. Before he begins, he must
determine if his market is in need
on the incidence of cardiovascular of a new drink. He looks up sales
disease in adulthood. records and demand graphs. He
The research uses [ ] cross-sectional also sets up a taste testing study
research [ ]  longitudinal research to better understand his market's
because needs.
The research uses [ ] explanatory
research [ ]  exploratory research

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Student Name: Worksheet: 1

Section: Date:

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