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Type : Lowpass

Response : Butterworth
Order : 4
Number of Stages : 2
Filter Design Report
Design : Lowpass Filter - 4th order Butterworth
Design ID: 8

13.3 kohm R2_S2
5.23 kohm

100.0 nF C1_S2
100.0 nF

4.99 kohm R3_S2
R1_S1 2.15 kohm
5.9 kohm R1_S2
2.32 kohm

383.0 nF C2_S2
Vsignal 2.26 µF


Electrical BOM
# Name Manufacturer Part Number Properties Qty

1. A1_S1 Texas Instruments Inc. LMC7111 GbwTyp= 0.05MHz 1

VccMax= 11V
VccMin= 2.7V
2. A1_S2 Texas Instruments Inc. LMC7111 GbwTyp= 0.05MHz 1
VccMax= 11V
VccMin= 2.7V
3. C1_S1 Generic Ideal Cap= 100.0 nF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
4. C1_S2 Generic Ideal Cap= 100.0 nF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
5. C2_S1 Generic Ideal Cap= 383.0 nF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
6. C2_S2 Generic Ideal Cap= 2.26 uF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
7. R1_S1 Generic Ideal Res= 5900.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
8. R1_S2 Generic Ideal Res= 2320.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
9. R2_S1 Generic Ideal Res= 13300.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
10. R2_S2 Generic Ideal Res= 5230.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
11. R3_S1 Generic Ideal Res= 4990.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
12. R3_S2 Generic Ideal Res= 2150.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%

Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated 1

Filter Design Report | Lowpass Filter - 4th order Butterworth | October 25, 2020 19:14:08 GMT-07:00
Filter Design

Sensitivity Analysis
# Name Series Tolerance

1. Cap E48 2%
2. Res E96 1%

Magnitude Response Phase Response

15 - 20
10 - 40
5 - 60
Magnitude Response(dB)

Phase Response(Degree)
0 - 80
-5 - 100
- 10 - 120
- 15 - 140
- 20 - 160
- 25 - 180
- 30 - 200
- 35 - 220
- 40 - 240
- 45 - 260
- 50 - 280
- 55 - 300
- 60 - 320
- 65 - 340
- 360
1 E1 3 .1 6 E1 1 E2 3 .1 6 E2 1 E3 1 E1 3 .1 6 E1 1 E2 3 .1 6 E2 1 E3
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

Group Delay Step Response



5500 5

Step Response(V)
Group Delay(uS)

4500 4


3500 3

2500 2


1 E1 3 .1 6 E1 1 E2 3 .1 6 E2 1 E3 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Frequency (Hz) time (ms)

Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated 2

Filter Design Report | Lowpass Filter - 4th order Butterworth | October 25, 2020 19:14:08 GMT-07:00
Filter Design

Design Inputs
# Name Value Description
1. FilterType lowpass
2. FilterResponse Butterworth
3. FilterOrder 4.0
4. FilterTopology Multiple Feedback
5. NumberOfStages 2.0
6. PassbandFrequency 100.0
7. StopbandAttenuation -24.098
8. StopbandFrequency 200.0
9. Gain 5.0
10. DualSupply +/-5.00 V Power supply(s) to active chips
11. ResistorTolerance E96 Resistor series - 1% Passive resistor tolerance
12. CapacitorTolerance E48 Capacitor series - 2% Passive capacitor tolerance

Design Assistance
1. LMC7111 Product Folder : : contains the data sheet and other resources.

Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated 3

Filter Design Report | Lowpass Filter - 4th order Butterworth | October 25, 2020 19:14:08 GMT-07:00
Filter Design

Filter Stage :1

Cutoff Frequency 99.826 Hz

Min GBW Reqd 12.102 kHz
Stage Gain 2.254 V/V
Stage Q 539.74 m
Stage Topology Multiple Feedback
13.3 kohm

100.0 nF


4.99 kohm
5.9 kohm


383.0 nF


Electrical BOM
# Name Manufacturer Part Number Properties Qty

1. A1_S1 Texas Instruments Inc. LMC7111 GbwTyp= 0.05MHz 1

VccMax= 11V
VccMin= 2.7V
2. C1_S1 Generic Ideal Cap= 100.0 nF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
3. C2_S1 Generic Ideal Cap= 383.0 nF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
4. R1_S1 Generic Ideal Res= 5900.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
5. R2_S1 Generic Ideal Res= 13300.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
6. R3_S1 Generic Ideal Res= 4990.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%

Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated 4

Filter Design Report | Lowpass Filter - 4th order Butterworth | October 25, 2020 19:14:08 GMT-07:00
Filter Design

Filter Stage :2

Cutoff Frequency 99.838 Hz

Min GBW Reqd 29.216 kHz
Stage Gain 2.254 V/V
Stage Q 1.304
Stage Topology Multiple Feedback
5.23 kohm

100.0 nF


2.15 kohm
2.32 kohm


2.26 µF


Electrical BOM
# Name Manufacturer Part Number Properties Qty

1. A1_S2 Texas Instruments Inc. LMC7111 GbwTyp= 0.05MHz 1

VccMax= 11V
VccMin= 2.7V
2. C1_S2 Generic Ideal Cap= 100.0 nF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
3. C2_S2 Generic Ideal Cap= 2.26 uF 1
Tolerance= 2.0 %
4. R1_S2 Generic Ideal Res= 2320.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
5. R2_S2 Generic Ideal Res= 5230.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%
6. R3_S2 Generic Ideal Res= 2150.0ohm 1
Tolerance= 1%

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TI provides technical and reliability data (including datasheets), design resources (including reference designs), application or other design
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Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated 5

Filter Design Report | Lowpass Filter - 4th order Butterworth | October 25, 2020 19:14:08 GMT-07:00

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