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Name: Reyes, Kathryn

AB Foreign Service FS301

International Political Economy
Professor: Jumel G. Estrañero
Date: March 05, 2018

“Philippines Vs. China:

Advantages and Disadvantages”

The Philippines and china started its conflict when the Chinese stated that
they owned the panatag shoal or Scarborough Shoal through the 9-dash line. They
started to build infrastructures and like at the shoal and if Philippine fishing boats
or navy boats went near to them they use water spray so they can go far away
from them. It is not right to such things but we can't fight back.

One of our allies, the US, is a powerful country but in reality they can't face
China in a battle. And China knows it. So they are taking an advantage. On the
other hand, the Philippines can file a formal protest for china but it will cost a lot
and we might lose our focus on our internal security operations. Another
advantage for China and disadvantage for us.

The Philippines is known for the promotion of peace for every country and
friendship for their allies. China is taking again the advantage for they know the
weakness of our country. We can't fight them for they are really strong and we
can't match their military power. Hence we do not promote war. As we all know,
no one wins in a war. We lose a something- a land, people’s lives, home, and like-
but most of all the peace and the assurance of a happy life.

Lastly, the economy of the Philippines is not fully developed unlike them. In
every place of the Philippines we can see that there is a Made in China products.
And they can cut it off anytime. Due to the conflict of The Scarborough shoal.
Another advantage for them for they belong at the first world countries and we
ate at the third world countries.
These examples shows the advantages and disadvantages of China and the
Philippines. Shortly, China has more powers than us. And they might even win in
every fight with us. But it is not a sign that we have to stop. It is a sign that we
are doing enough to win. Let us use it as an encouragement for the better version
of us.

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