Newsletter 23 October 2020

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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 3, Issue 14 23 October 2020

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the fourteenth issue of If you haven’t sown melons yet, it’s not
my newsletter for Volume 3. too late to get them started for planting
Newsletter back issues out in early December. I used to be
I hope you have all had a good week. able to plant melons by the third week
Facebook of November but in recent years, my
Labour Weekend planting date has been pushed out by
awful weather. This year I think I’ll
Perhaps the most important date in
Twitter wait until early December to plant
the gardening calendar is finally
them, which means that I don’t want to
Linkedin here—Labour Weekend. This time of
sow seeds too early. Labour Weekend is
the year marks the start of when it is
therefore perfect timing for sowing mel-
Pinterest safe to plant summer veggies, such as
tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers and
much more. You can also plant dahlia Ýou can also sow more of the following:
tubers, petunias and avocado trees
Contact me
(the latter in frost-free zones only).  Zucchini
 Feedback Garden centres will certainly be busy  Cucumbers
over the long weekend.
 Newsletter input  Lettuce
(tips, recipes, gar- If you’re not able to do your planting
den photos etc) this weekend, do not fret. Summer  Spring onions
veggies can be planted in November
 To be added to my
and December, too. In fact it’s some- Greenhouse
mailing list times a good idea to wait a week or If you have a greenhouse, make sure two after Labour Weekend before that you open the door(s) and windows
planting tender veggies because the on warm days otherwise the plants
weather can be quite temperamental might suffocate.
at this time of the year, especially at
night. Don’t forget this, as it’s easy to Watering the garden
Inside this issue:
just think of daytime temperatures
when putting in new plants. With water restrictions in place in some
parts of the country (Auckland is cur-
Seeds to sow rently at Level 1), now is a good time to
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2
Anita’s Garden plan ahead and think about installing a
There are some seeds that require tank in the garden to collect rainwater.
warmer temperatures to germinate,
even with the help of a heat pad. Useful links
Top 5 gardening tasks 2
Among them are the following:
for the week  Italian Seeds Pronto
 Okra
 Awapuni
Herb of the week: Cat- 2  Snake beans
nip  Bulbs Direct
 Gourds
Have a great weekend.
How to grow corn 3  Bitter melon
Kind regards,
 Luffa
Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 4

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

My Tom Thumb peas are coming For my recent 40th birthday, my

along nicely. This variety is good aunt and uncle got me this gor-
for growing in containers. It is a geous Floret Flower Farms calen-
dwarf pea that doesn’t require dar. They didn’t know that, but I
staking. This is the first time that absolutely LOVE their website and
I am growing it and I’m very excit- have been using their collection of
Our petunia is so beautiful! This ed about the idea of growing peas dahlias to build a wish list for next
variety is called Queen of Hearts in containers. Other peas I have year. Although they’re an Ameri-
and I bought it from Mitre 10 in sowed in the garden are Alderman can business, most of their tubers
early September. In its first week (a tall climbing pea), Goliath (a can be purchased here in NZ.
with us, I had to repot it twice! I snow pea) and Petit Provencal (a They have also written books and
highly recommend this plant. climbing dwarf pea) host online workshops.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

4. Plant avocado trees
1. Plant summer veggies den. Cats adore this herb, as you
can see in the picture below. Nor- You can also plant avocado trees in
Labour Weekend marks the time mally I sow catnip from seed but frost-free regions.
when it is safe to plant out sum- the seed supplier I purchase seeds
mer veggies such as tomatoes, zuc- from is out of stock, so this year 5. Sow corn
chini and cucumbers. But be sen- I’m putting in seedlings from
sible. If the weather is horrible, it Awapuni. You can sow or plant sweet corn
may be best to wait a bit. now. For growing tips, see the
3. Plant dahlias article on page 3. Corn can either
2. Plant catnip be sown direct or you can raise
It’s now warm enough to plant seedlings in punnets for trans-
Gardeners with felines will be dahlia tubers. planting into the garden.
wanting to add catnip to their gar-

Herb of the week: Catnip

Catnip is one of three herbs that sprinkle some seeds in a punnet
are grown for cats. The other two filled with seed raising mix and
are catmint and catgrass. Our cat cover lightly. Keep outdoors and
Ginger isn’t fussed with the other make sure it remains moist. When
two, so this year I will only be put- the seedlings are large enough
ting in catnip for her. Awapuni they can be pricked out and potted
kindly gave me some seedlings. into six-cell punnets.
Catnip can be grown in the ground
Beware that catnip doesn’t always
or in containers, as you can see in
have the same effect on cats. It
the picture. It is very easy to grow
makes Ginger playful but it can Our cat Ginger in catnip heaven
from seed. Simply
make some cats aggressive.
V O LU M E 3 , I S S U E 1 4 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

How to grow corn

Corn is great to have in the sum- ready to be harvested when it is
mer garden. It’s easy to grow and sitting at a 45 degree angle from
kids love it. Corn is very easy to the cob. The silks on the end of
grow from seed, but you can find the corn will also become dry and
seedlings at garden centres. brown.
Awapuni sell corn seedlings in
13. Corn is best eaten cooked
bundles wrapped with newspaper
straight after being picked,
and deliver direct to your door.
when it is at its sweetest.
This year, I’m growing just one
14. Corn can be frozen.
variety—Honey n’ Pearl from Eg-
mont Seeds. Nutrition
Corn in our garden last summer
Tips for growing corn While it is high in carbohydrate,
exposing them to the outdoors, an corn contains protein, fibre, vita-
 Corn can either be sown
hour at a time, in October. Even- mins and minerals.
direct to the ground after
tually, build up to leaving them
Labour Weekend when the Ideas for eating corn
outdoors overnight.
ground has warmed up or
you can plant seedlings in 8. Make sure you plant corn in  Boiled with some butter,
November. As it takes at a sunny site. salt and pepper (our favour-
least 100 days to mature, I ite)
wouldn’t plant corn any lat- 9. Prepare the ground well
er than early December, beforehand. Make sure you  Barbecued and grilled
otherwise it might not ma- mix in lots of compost, sheep
pellets and fertiliser. I like  Fritters
ture in time before it starts
to get cold. to use some nitrophoska.  Salads
 There is no need to soak 10. Corn is pollinated by the
 Creamed
corn seeds prior to planting. wind. Always sow or plant
Doing so may cause them to corn in blocks to aid pollina-  Chowder
rot. tion. Also,
don’t sow or  Casseroles
 A head pad (or your hot wa- plant corn “Corn is great to have in
ter cupboard) will aid germi- seedlings too the summer garden. It’s  Salsa
nation, as temperatures far apart or easy to grow and kids love
it”  Dips
drop at night. all the cobs
won’t be pol-  Pies
 Sprinkle a little seed raising linated. I like to leave a
mix (not potting mix or gar- hand span’s space between  Pizza
den soil) into a punnet and seedlings. If you plant too
sprinkle seeds. Cover light- closely, you’ll end up with  Risotto
ly. small corn.
 On nachos and tacos
 I like to keep my seedlings 10. Get into the habit of liquid
in an incubator (mini green- feeding your plants weekly  Cornbread
house) which sit on top of with a water soluble plant
my heat pad.  Relish
food or seaweed tonic if
you’re gardening organically  Puddings
 Make sure you keep seed-
lings moist. I mist mine 11. Water your plants regularly.  Frittata
with a spray bottle twice a Depending on where you
day and wipe off the conden- live, you may be on watering  Paella
sation on the incubator lids. restrictions, so this may
mean using a watering can  Stir-fry
 Avoid shocking your plants. if you’re at Level 1
When they come off the heat (Auckland at present). Have a great weekend
pad, move them into your
greenhouse before gradually 12. You’ll know that corn is Happy gardening!

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