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11 months ago

My thoughts on Ancient Indian Science
Brain is actually an organic quantum computer, and how google talked about information
teleportation in future , that has been currently achieved in the labs explains scientifically how
some people in my culture read other persons thoughts and we still got courses for children to
make them read anything eyes closed with the help of 10 min meditation. People in my ancient
culture perfected their own quantum computer rather than making one. Now I am scientifically
satisfied to some extent that these were not myths. We are existing in a very early history of a
scientific revolution. Current knowledge is just 200 - 300 years of progress and the thousands of
years of experience and knowledge is lost.
And how do you scientifically prove a child reading everything in front of him with a blindfold and
Art Of Living and Patanjali are conducting courses for children nowdays and they are able to do
this , I am not talking about imaginary achievements of our ancestors , I am talking about the real
implementation , I am myself a physics student and probably know enough , quantum science is
still a largely untapped field and much research is still left to be done.
You see western culture and the influence , you will find out the science they are implementing is
hollow, they introduce plastic bags to people already using cloth bags and now be like , "oh , the
oceans & environment is ruined , use organic material"
I am talking about the complete practical , in-life implementation which people can only learn by
What The current allopathy is doing is just that it is traning viruses to become more powerful
(scientifically proven) , what we had was thousands of year of experience , we healed this body,
which has naturally evolved in millions of years, with natural herbs. And current world scenario &
implementation? Vedic healing centers in Gujrat are curing cancer using Ayurveda.
What the west is doing now ? Coming towards natural food, Yoga, and now even extracting the
substance from "Haldi" (turmeric) which is now found out to be anti-cancerous. All we knew was
with Inference.
Current system is bussiness, Tech first is made for military and then for consumers , just for
'Money', no one cares about health or environment. We had in the early time were discussions in
kings court between sages , which came to different conclusions, they perfected economy, The
question of how this universe was created.
The person who discovered surgery in London mentions that how when he got his nose broken
and got into an indian village, where they stitched his nose and then he learned from there and
brought surgery to West.
India has given uncountable things to the world and the unfortunate thing is that children in our
country are not taught clearly the history, if not ancient then the current one.
And coming to the Vedas (the ancient texts), they clearly describe The Big Bang. They called it
the Hiranyagarba, the egg, the explosion from where the universe came.
They tell us our world is made of 5 elements which we clearly know now that is not true as there
are 100+ elements in periodic table. They mentioned Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Space. So what
were these ? These are the states of matter, Solid, Liquid, Gas, Plasma, and the empty Space.
They mentioned the Lord Vishnu (The God of Life), and his Avatars, if you look closely, his
avatars describe the process of evolution, How life came from oceans and decended onto land
and finally into human being. They knew all this thousands of years before Darwin
All this tells us is that the one who imagines the past are us, they were not free to imagine all this
in so many years, all they did was explored the universe and came to conclusions. All they did
were real scientific observation and now we call them dreamers because we don't understand
the language they spoke.
India still has plenty to teach the world, and how the West, even us, and the humanity are getting
ruined by drugs and other things, we had the real knowledge that how we, living organisms came
out of this earth and called it The Mother earth and talked about saving it.
Need to understand yourself ? Question your atoms, question your existence, do error-and-trial
and hence you will reach the scientific conclusion, and realize that how we all are just some
complex weird shape particles on this larger particle of dust in the universe which we call "Earth"
Well I have read quite much about the subject and seen countless quantum computer scientists
speak about it and believe that any computer scientist if asked about whether our brain is one or
not will agree onto it is infact.
Edit- Ah! there is study going on
What I am saying here is that in our yogic culture, we studied brain and different layers (12) of
consciousness and very carefully described and studied them source and therefore what we
today think as 'Chakras' were something real scientific and was the technique to attain
knowledge and in modern language 'download' from the universe.
Highly recommended Yogic-scientific discussion -
Recently paper published in Europe by two scientists shows that our memory is stored in the
universe after we die and that might be what we have known in our culture as 'aatman' or the
soul. All I am giving is scientific evidence and our way of life which is unfortunately known as a
"religion" now was actually developed science as humans had developed societies here first, on
this land, and tried to answer their curiosities with inference
So what I am saying is that maybe all this knowledge now perceived as imaginary stories were
actually describing real , modern science.
Thanks for reading
What we should know is that the combustion engine in the vehicles and the polythene is ruining
our environment and ultimately us as we are a part of it.
So we should live a natural Life, the life with the way of inference, and therefore stay healthy and
live better
Have a nice day ;)
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level 1
11 points·11 months ago
Quite literally, the hypothesis of objective truth is proven through the experiment of meditation.
Modern science does not promote self actualization. Modern practical science is a religion and
an immature one. It promotes blind belief whereas the evolution of 1000s of years of natural
science had already concluded that individual practice and experience is the only way to truly
know ANYTHING. What many don't understand is that mediation is a painstakingly detailed and
documented experiment meant to be conducted by individuals as a means to confirming absolute
truth. The Truth cannot be understood by reading or by being told about it. An individual must
confirm it. Modern pop science is a religion of belief where the high priests use monumental
contraptions to observe POINTERS to things like particles or solutions to quantum calculations.
Even the high priests cannot KNOW the actual truth. They can only observe signs. To
experience these things and to consequently KNOW them you must conduct the experiment in
self through the natural human body. Modern science has completely disconnected from
knowing. 1000s of years of the science of self actualization offers a path for confirming objective
truth and the experience of knowing. Not believing.
Look at Tibetan culture. There are massive libraries, the details of every stage of the experiment
painstakingly detailed in volume upon volume of text. Every possible observation, every
misleading outcome and the correct one, each step of the way detailed.
Nothing is needed to truly know the absolute truth of reality except one's own mind and
existence. You cannot know the true nature of reality and all it's manifestations and expressions
except through your own faculty and experience. No act of reading can do this. No experience of
being told about the 'god' particle will make you know it. If one is unwilling to conduct the
experiment themselves they can never know. It is impossible.
The practice of meditation leads to an experience that cannot be experienced any other way.
And that experience has been detailed and confirmed 1000s of times over. The conclusion and
result is knowing objective truth which is actual reality. Modern science is about using mental and
physical contraptions to observe the gross nature of the material world and the very surface
layers just under it. It's dazzling at times but it's also produces a lazy consumable for the religion
of science parishioners. The whole misdirected nature of it is,as you pointed out, destroying the
earth and will destroy us as well. Which if you know objective reality, leads you to conclude it
doesnt matter.
level 2
4 points·11 months ago
Man, you just wrote everything I was thinking and unable to say, thankyou for being here.
It has amazed me and brought more hope that people like you actually exist !
Well atleast the people like you and me can understand the reality from inference and work
towards our inner self and towards a better world ;)
Have a nice day
level 3
5 points·11 months ago
Thank you for being here and being compelled to make this post. Peace brother.
level 4
3 points·11 months ago
Would love to have more conversation with you and share some thoughts if you did like to :)
level 5
5 points·11 months ago
Absolutely. Please share your ideas, thoughts.
level 1
18 points·11 months ago
Same. I made it through the first half, will finish tomorrow. My brother just mentioned to me that
ancient Egyptians used copper medical tools, which viruses will die very quickly on copper;
whereas today our surgeons use stainless steel which viruses can survive on for hours and
hours and hours.
In many, many ways, we have forgotten the true knowledge of old, and we are slowly
rediscovering things that we think we are the first ones to have ever found out some piece of
knowledge. No. I say, we have regressed as a society in nearly every way since two thousand
years ago. In every way that doesn’t have to do with money.
level 2
11 points·11 months ago
Absolutely, here we have from early times recommended and have used gold and silver uttensils
as they have the anti-bacterial property ;-)
level 3
9 points·11 months ago
Wow. I had no idea there was a name for it! I have a feeling based on your post that you are
extremely intelligent. It’s a pleasure to have gotten this reply, thank you!
level 1
6 points·11 months ago
Just finished reading love the post, made me feel like we were back in conspiracy in 2013. I have
to read more about the Hindu scriptures and it’s similarities to the evolution of mankind.
level 1
6 points·11 months ago
Love this post! I am reading Bhagavad Gita and it has a lot of the answers on spirituality and life
that I was looking. It also gave me an interest in other vedic literature. They seem to really know
what they are talking about. Any recommendations on which vedas to start with that would be
easy for a westerner to understand? Thanks and Om Shanti.
level 2
5 points·11 months ago·edited 11 months ago
well if you want to start with the Vedas, you should keep one thing in mind that how the Vedas
when translated into english and even other languages, quite change the feel and meaning.
The one with a scientific mindset would understand that how the "god" 'Indra' , The one who
brings rain can be misunderstood. His weapon as a Lightning bolt and all. The thing is they are
actually perceiving Indra as the rain, or the water, or the liquid state of mater, and the
phenomena of lightning.
What it is that they did a personification of the clouds and thunder because in very ancient times
the knowledge was passed down to new generation by the means of Spoken Words and they
memorized it.
If you have a little scientific mindset before reading Vedas, then you can actually understand
what they are telling you instead of imaginary Godial stories.
The Rig veda starts with the five elements and the first verse which is about fire, if with
knowledge read can tell us about the origin of earth and all the matter. What I am saying is that if
your way is right you can then only understand advanced science else you will think these as
stories. And that is still the scenario with "Modern Science"
You might read this and get all info needed on Four Vedas and what four topics they cover -
You might also read-
The fact that I am recommending these to you is that these really help set the mindset of the
person and are also easily accessible. Just read everything in there and decide for yourself. :)
See it is like 2 fields in Vedas or of human life, The Scientific which tells us the nature of
universe, and The Behavioural, which tell us the morals and values and therefore how we should
live life with the people around us. The Upnishads which come at end are totally for a scientific
discussion and reasoning.
If you are interested in listening then you can follow -
Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation And,
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of Art Of Living
From listning to them you can get all the vedic knowledge you might need on all topics
Om Shanti
level 1
5 points·11 months ago
Great post. Our minds being ‘uploaded’ to the universe is a very interesting concept. Would line
up with people remembering past lives and past skills too.
I keep meaning to read up on the Veda’s, do you have any good videos on them?
level 2
2 points·11 months ago·edited 8 months ago
Check out my other comment
level 3
3 points·11 months ago
Thank you. This a good place to start !
level 1
3 points·11 months ago
Interesting take on Indian science
level 2
3 points·11 months ago
This is the take we all have taken from ancient times, all that awaits is that what we call as
"mordern science" to prove it in their way and believe more and more, "scientifically"
level 3
1 point·11 months ago
Then why was the "break-out" of western science so dominant between 1600-2000? In those
400 years, the technology of the west, supported by scientists such as Newton and Einstein,
subjugated the Americas, and destroyed and replaced the rival civilizations of Islam. India, and
China? This historical fact must be reckoned with, if we are to be fearless thinkers. You cannot
merely point to an integrated system like Vedic Philosophy. You must put these other "mental
realms" side by side with the west and perform a type of historical synthesis. In my opinion this is
much needed. It may be that the non-western pattern fits into a glaring void in the pattern
developed by the west which now occupies the entire planet. But mere nationalism will never
change that. We need the equivalent of a "New Enlightenment" that is capable of reaching back
in time to gather up the missing pieces of knowledge from each great civilization, and even
understandings of so-called "primitives".
level 1
3 points·9 months ago·edited 9 months ago
So which Indian science got it right? One of the many branches of Yoga, or one of the many
branches of Vedanta? Or Jainism? Or Sikhism? Or Buddhism? They all have different maps and
interpretations. The nice thing about empirical science is that it's much clearer what holds up to
scrutiny (peer-review) and what doesn't. What does is kept, and what doesn't gets thrown out.
Paradigm changes happen slowly, but they do happen eventually, when the scientific facts
require it.
In my opinion many of the esoteric traditions are indeed very valuable (not just the Asian/Indian
ones). But they haven't caused humans to live in harmony with each other and with nature. My
hope is that a future convergence of science and meditation-based wisdom will be able to
achieve that.
BTW, the blindfolded children being able to read thing seems to be
ranjana-agarwal/ Just one of the many instances of Indian hoaxers exploiting the widespread
superstitions among Indians.
level 2
1 point·9 months ago·edited 9 months ago
Absolutely, such hoaxes have been throughout the history and they have defamed the scientific
temper of the ancient knowledge. The article is 10 years old and, just now such sessions are
been conducted for children in various major cities by biggest organizations and they aren't trying
to prove anything fake. It is for the child's own benefit and why don't reporters come and check
now as they might have no answers currently. I would recommend you to see these things by
your own self as these things are not to display on news channels and increase their TRP.
Everything has a scientific aspect to it but only until something really is, else the hoaxes start to
come in :)
level 1
4 points·11 months ago
Saved to read tomorrow when I'm not so tired.
level 2
1 point·11 months ago
wtf it took literally 2 mins to read. nice excuse for being lazy tho!
level 3
4 points·9 months ago
I'm sorry, why so rude...not everyone can read that fast, not everyone's first language is English,
please be a little bit more kind and don't needlessly harrass others...
level 4
1 point·9 months ago
so use google translate? being lazy, bc you don't want to read an article, is bullshit. it is a cop
out, so to say. yeah im gonna call somebody out on that, no fucks given.
level 1
2 points·11 months ago
Wisdom can be found in many places. However, with rampant poverty and the caste system,
India, is far from a paradise or an ideal civilization. Have a nice day:)
level 2
7 points·11 months ago·edited 8 months ago
Well yes but actually no. The gap between poor and normal people has grown and there are like
60-70 % normal ones. The thing is conditions for some has not been good since the freedom
from Britishers.
The government is now rapidly working towards them also and the caste system has been nearly
exhausted and the new generation doesn't even know about it clearly in the mordern and urban
India and you might be surprised looking at the Western influence.
And there are so many good things happening too, Ayurvedic Institutes curing cancer naturally
and my grandma's himalyan house where there is snow in winters and the 200 tree fruit Orchard.
India is diverse with so many religions living together and the democracy and knowledge of
ancient science woven into the culture, it's truly a paradise.
All you get on TV is poverty and fights but the reality, atleast for me is truly heavenly ;)
Have a nice day !
level 3
3 points·9 months ago
Ayurvedic Institutes curing cancer naturally
I'd like to know more about that! Are Ayurvedic Institutes sitting on the cure for cancer? Why
don't they put it on trial scientifically so that we can find out if it actually works, and if it does, give
it to the millions of people dying from cancer?
level 4
3 points·9 months ago
All you have said is already happening, the thing is these are not always main stream.
level 1
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level 1
1 point·11 months ago
Yogananda helped me.bridge my personal experience w/ psychedelics, my christian beliefs and
indian yoga philosophy.
I always wanted to read Sri Yukteswar's book, "The Holy Science". I guess what I read from
Yogananda was enough though.
I feel like I AM comming into my Own quantum Self. New.golden age on Earth is here. Fuck yeah
level 2
4 points·11 months ago
Damn, so you taking help of some drugs ? Try meditation instead, the ancient technique of just
sitting down calmly and with practice, taking control of your body. Still strong in the urban life and
many people are coming back to this
level 3
1 point·11 months ago
Many paths One goal bud.
I got my light concious heart who cares?
level 4
0 points·11 months ago
psychedelics, christian beliefs. HAHAHAHAHAHAH you have already failed so hard.
level 5
Comment removed by moderator11 months ago
level 6
1 point·11 months ago
level 7
1 point·11 months ago
@nsachildcrimes.lock him.up.with biankka
level 1
1 point·11 months ago
This belongs in r/holofractal bud. You'll get less downvotes.
level 1
0 points·7 months ago
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level 1
-2 points·11 months ago
Cancerous wall of bs!

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