S-FOM 01 The Idea of Foundations

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Open Book
1. A mathematical proof is a convincing demonstration (within the accepted standards of the
field) that some mathematical statement is:
A. necessarily true;
B. possibly true;
C. may be true;
D. all the above answers correct.
2. The philosophy of mathematics is concerned with the role of language and:
A. mathematics as a problem;
B. mathematics as a definition;
C. mathematics as a language;
D. all the above answers correct.
3. A mathematical definition prescribes the meaning of a word or phrase in:
A. a very specific way;
B. a very moderate way;
C. a very general way;
D. all the above answers correct.
4. The phrase that gives the definition is called:
A. the defining object:
B. the defining phrase:
C. the defining subject:
D. all the above answers correct.
5. What is being defined is called:
A. the definiendum;
B. the definiency
C. the definitive;
D. all the above answers correct.
6. Proofs are obtained from:
A. deductive reasoning;
B. inductive reasoning;
C. empirical arguments;’
D. all the above answers correct.
7. Definition: “A sequence is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers”. The
required properties of a sequence are:
A. It must be a series;
B. It must be a function;
C. It must have the set of positive integers as its domain;
D. all the above answers correct.

S-FOM 01 The idea of foundations for mathematics

8. Definition: “A domain is a connected open set. The definiendum is:
A. connected;
B. open set;
C. domain;
D. all the above answers correct.
9. Connected means:
A. it is not in two or more disjoint pieces;
B. it does not include its boundary;
C. area inside a circle;
D. all the above answers correct.
10. The synonyms of foundations of mathematics is:
A. mathematical logic;
B. axiomatic set theory;
C. model theory;
D. all the above answers correct.
11. In an axiomatic system, if it is not a theorem that can be derived from other axioms in the
system, the system is called:
A. closed;
B. complete;
C. independent;
D. all the above answers correct.
12. A mathematical theory consists of an axiomatic system and all its derived:
A. definitions;
B. theorems;
C. axioms;
D. all the above answers correct.
13. A model for an axiomatic system is a well-defined set, which assigns meaning for:
A. the undefined terms;
B. the definitions;
C. the theorems;
D. all the above answers correct.
14. If an axiom’s correctness does not necessarily follow from the subsystem, the axiom is
A. complete;
B. consistent;
C. independent;
D. all the above answers correct.
15. If in two models, a one-to-one correspondence can be found between their elements, in a
manner that preserves their relationship. The two models are said to be:
A. isomorphic;
B. independent;
C. holomorphic;
D. all the above answers correct.
Have a good work!

S-FOM 01 The idea of foundations for mathematics

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