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A PIC Real Time Clock IC (RTC) using the DS1307


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Making A Real Time Clock (RTC) is simple

if you use a helper chip such
as a DS1307...

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This PIC project uses an I2C Real Time Clock IC (DS1307) and a four digit
Home seven segment display to create a standard desk clock.
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Special care must be taken in placing the DS1307
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and the crystal. Warning: This
Project version 1.00 Initial Release project could be
For battery backup lost seconds as power applied -
Project version 1.01 solved by not writing to chip at all if already at any time.
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Real Time Clock IC : DS1307 But wait !

1 of 6 12/23/2011 12:47 PM
A PIC Real Time Clock IC (RTC) using the DS1307

Although the PIC16F88 has a built in oscillator for a 32kHz watch crystal a There's more...
DS1307 is easier to use on a bread board. This is because you can control
the layout of the circuit more easily. You'll receive more
free and exclusive reports as
The RTC also makes the software easier as it takes care of all calendar well as site information and si
product updates.
functions; accounting for leap years etc.

The DS1307 (RTC) Real Time Clock IC (an I2C real time clock) is an 8 pin Scroll up to the form above and sign up
NOW. Don't forget it's FREE and if you
device using an I2C interface (although the data sheet does not mention
don't like it you can unsubscribe at any tim
I2C to avoid royalty payments!). It has 8 read/write registers that store the
following information:
Click Here Now to use the form above to
get your Valuable information absolutely
3 Social Bookmarking
5 Click & Add:
6 Blink
Note: Addresses 0x08 to 0xf3 are user RAM and if you use a backup
battery these are then non volatile ram i.e. they will save their contents Google
after the power is off - so you have an extra 56 bytes of ram to play with! Simpy
Note: Address 3f is used in this project as a check to see if the clock needs Technorati
initialising and to store the upper year digit (for easier coding). Y! MyWeb
The last address 0x08 is the CONTROL address and it determines what is
generated at the SQW/OUT pin. You can control the level directly via I2C or Readers comments
set it to 1Hz, 4096Hz, 8192Hz, or 32768kHz.
"I wanted to thank
In the same way as the I2C pins you need to add a pull-up to V+ at the
you so so so much
SQW/OUT pin to see any output signal as it is an open drain output! for all the information
you have provided in
your site it's
Real Time Clock IC : Embedded control bits
There are two specific 'gotcha' type controls embedded in the addresses
- Ranish Pottath
which make using the chip slightly more complicated.

Real Time Clock IC DS1307 : Clock halt

"This site really is
the best and my favorite.
The most important is the Clock Halt Bit (CH) which is bit 7 of address 0. I find here many useful
This is the regeister that controls 'seconds' and the CH bit has to be projects and tips."

preserved otherwise the chip stops the clock. Writing zero to this bit resets - Milan
the CH bit so that the clock runs.
You have to reset the CH bit to zero to let the chip operate!
Learn PIC C Now
Real Time Clock IC DS1307 : 24/12 Hour control

The second is the 24/12 hour control which is bit 6 of address 2. It is set
how to
high for 12 hour mode and low for 24 hour mode.
program your
The problem with these two bits is that you have to preserve them when next project
accessing the registers to write data and ignore them when reading out using C and
values for display. Its not a big problem and you can see how it's done need a great
when you look at the code. start?

Real Time Clock IC : 32kHz oscillator "First Module

Free:" CLICK
Surprisingly making an accurate 32kHz oscillator is a difficult task (much HERE
more than a high speed oscillator e.g. a Mhz crystal oscillator). This is
because low speed oscillator drivers are designed for low power operation.
That means high impedance and therefore low current which makes the
"Awesome site,
driver extremely sensitive to noise (or any nearby signals which can very, very easy and nice
capacitively couple to the crystal wire). to navigate!"
Searching for rtc DS1307?

2 of 6 12/23/2011 12:47 PM
A PIC Real Time Clock IC (RTC) using the DS1307

- Matt
Using the DS1307 lets you put the crystal in the least noisy part of the matt_tr<at>
board. In addition it sets the crystal load capacitance which is critical in
making the crystal oscillate at exactly 32kHz - controlling its initial error
i.e. for the specified ppm error value the load capacitance must be exact.
"I am a newbie to PIC
and I wanted to say
Note: A common way of calibrating a crystal (not in this project) is crystal how great your
pulling or changing the capacitance at one crystal pin relative to the other - site has been for me."
so load capacitance is crucial.
- Dave

The DS1307 loads the crystal with 12.7pF so you need to buy a crystal that de_scott<at>
is defined to use this load capacitance. Circuit layout also affects the
capacitance at the crystal pins so you must keep the crystal as close as
possible to the chip and the tracks from crystal to chip must be short. Learn Microcontrollers

To ensure the crystal oscillates correctly you must ensure that :

Crystal uses 12.7pf load capacitance (correct crystal type). "Interested in

The crystal is close to the IC. Microcontrollers?"
The tracks are short.
The chip supply has lots of decoupling (capacitors from +5V to GND). Sign up for The
e.g. A 100n and a 10n Free 7 day guide:
There are no signal tracks near to the crystal.
For a pcb: It has a guard ring and a ground plane and away from FREE GUIDE :
digital signals. CLICK HERE

If you are doing a board layout there is good advice in the PIC 16F88
datasheet (Timer 1 section) on crystal pcb guard rings. Dallas recommends
Application note 58 which I have not read yet.

"Your site is a great

Real Time Clock IC : Power failure. and perfect work.
The DS1307 detects a power failure if its input voltage (Vcc) falls below
- Suresh
(VBat) and automatically switches to the Vbat supply input (you should use
a lithium 3V battery here as the backup battery). It also inhibits I2C integratredinfosys<at>
control signals until Vcc is 1.25 x Vbat so you won't be able to put bad data

into the chip as the power is failing!

"I couldn't find the correct
words to define
Input keys yourweb site.

To save microcontroller pins there are four input keys which are all Very useful, uncovered,
honest and clear.
connected to a single analogue input pin. This pin also drives one of the
seven segment display LEDs so it has to be switched between input (to read Thanks so much for
the analogue voltage) and output (to drive the led). your time and works.

Each key pulls the analogue input to a different voltage level which you can - Anon
easily read using the ADC (RA0).

Using the Real time Clock IC project

When the system powers up the ram location 0x3f is checked for value
0x20. If this exists then it means that the backup battery has saved
contents of the RAM and all the registers have therefore been initialised.
So the software skips the initialisation sequence.

If 0x20 is not found then the Real Time Clock IC is initialised to the
following values:

0 Seconds
1 Minutes
2 Hours
3 Day
4 Date
5 Month
6 Year

These are all Binary Coded Decimal numbers which the Real Time Clock IC
works with. Note that the initialisation values have been chosen so you can
easily Searching
understandfor rtcthe
what DS1307?
display is showing.

3 of 6 12/23/2011 12:47 PM
A PIC Real Time Clock IC (RTC) using the DS1307

Mode button

Pressing mode button cycles the display showing different data after each
button press. The following display sequence is followed:

1. Minutes, Secs.
2. Hours, Minutes.
3. Date, Month.
4. '20', Year.

Edit, Up and Down buttons

To change a value the Edit button must be pressed. When it is the left hand
two digits are flashed on and off and the Up and Down buttons now let you
edit the value. Hitting Edit again flashes the two right hand digits and you
can change the value as before. Hitting the Edit button or the Mode button
exits the edit mode.

The clock is only stopped when editing the Minutes/Seconds display and
restarted at the end of the edit sequence or when the Mode button is hit.
This lets you set the seconds accurately but does not disturb the clock in
other modes.

Real Time Clock IC hardware

Real Time Clock IC project
Click digital clock schematic to open a pdf document.

You can use any PIC microcontroller that has an ADC and enough memory
to hold the program and enough pins for the display multiplexing.

You can program the PIC in circuit through the ICSP connector.

There is nothing realy difficult about the project except for placing the
DS1307 away from noise sources and decoupling it as mentioned earlier.

One point is that the multiplexed display does not use any current limit
resistors that you would normally expect. You can get away with this if the
display is on only for a very short time so that the average current out of
the pin is kept small. Turning them on for a long time would draw too much
current possibly damaging the microcontroller.

Real Time Clock IC project Software

Searching for rtc DS1307?

4 of 6 12/23/2011 12:47 PM
A PIC Real Time Clock IC (RTC) using the DS1307

Project files

Compiler project files


C Source files.

Header files.
bit.h - bit manipulation macros

Output files



This contains the main routine and support functions for controlling the


These are all self explanatory.

Also in the file are analogue key reader function read_ANA_keys() and
display routines:


int2seg() - Converts a number into the required output value for PORTA to
drive the seven segment display.

clock_display() - The complexity in this routine is for selectively blanking

left or right pairs of digits so that they can be flashed on and off. Other
complexity is preserving the control bits at addresses 0x00 and 0x02. Yet
more complexity is in only turning on one seven segement display at each
call to the routine.

Other standard routines are included for port initialisation and general


This contains the software implementation of I2C (clock stretching has not
been tested). To change the PORTs/pins alter the #define statements at the
start of I2C.c


Operation of the software follows the description given earlier in section

"Using the Real time Clock IC project"

The only other point to mention is the switching of the TRISA port for
reading the ADC at the start of the while loop. This has to set the TRIS
state correctly after the ADC read.

And thats it - enjoy.

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to Best Microcontroller Projects Home Page.

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A PIC Real Time Clock IC (RTC) using the DS1307

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