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Exempting Circumstances inamin.

Sana pinahawak mo kay Major

iyong baril saka mo pinutok”; (9) appellant’s
People v. Susan Latosa children testified that they were informed by
G.R. NO. 186128 Felixberto, Sr. regarding the threat of
June 23, 2010 appellant’s paramour, Sta. Inez, to the
whole family; and (10) Francisco Latosa
Facts: presented a memorandum showing that
On February 5, 2002, at around 2:00 in the appellant was terminated from her teaching
afternoon, Susan Latosa, herein appellant, together job by reason of immorality.
with his husband Major Felixberto Sr. and two  The CA upheld the decision of the RTC. The
children Sassymae and Michael, were in their CA held that since appellant admitted
house in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. While Major having killed her husband albeit allegedly by
Felixberto Sr. was asleep, Sassymae saw her accident, she has the burden of proving the
mother take Felixberto Sr.’s gun and leave. She presence of the exempting circumstance of
asked her mother where she was going and if she accident to relieve herself of criminal
could come along, appellant refused. Moments responsibility.  She must rely on the strength
later, appellant returned and told Sassymae to buy of her own evidence and not on the
ice cream. After Sassymae left, appellant instructed weakness of the prosecution, for even if this
Michael to join his sister, but he refused. Appellant be weak, it cannot be disbelieved after the
thereafter turned up the volume of the television appellant has admitted the killing.
and radio to full. Shorty after that, appellant gave     
her son money to buy food. Issue: WON appellant has strongly established the
After buying his food, Michael went back to exempting circumstance of accident to relieve him
their house and thereupon saw his friend Mac-Mac from criminal liability.
who told him that he saw appellant running away
from their house. Moments later, a certain Sgt. Held: No
Ramos arrived and asked if something had
happened in their house. Michael replied in the
negative then entered their house. At that point, he Ratio:
saw his father lying on the bed with a hole in the left SC held that it was incumbent upon appellant to
portion of his head and a gun at his left hand. prove with clear and convincing evidence, the
Michael immediately went outside and following essential requisites for the exempting
informed Sgt. Ramos about what happened. Sgt. circumstance of accident.
Ramos told him that appellant had reported the
shooting incident to the Provost Marshall office. The basis of appellant’s defense of accidental
Then, Sassymae arrived and saw her father with a shooting is Article 12, paragraph 4 of the Revised
bullet wound on his head and a gun near his left Penal Code, as amended, which provides: ART. 12.
hand. Circumstances which exempt from criminal liability.
Appellant claimed that the killing was an —The following are exempt from criminal liability: x
accident, that when Felixberto, Sr. woke up, he x x x 4. Any person who, while performing a lawful
asked her to get his service pistol from the cabinet act with due care, causes an injury by mere
adjacent to their bed. As she was handing the pistol accident without fault or intention of causing it.
to him it suddenly fired, hitting Felixberto, Sr. who Thus, it was incumbent upon appellant to prove
was still lying down. with clear and convincing evidence, the following
 The RTC found appellant guilty beyond essential requisites for the exempting circumstance
reasonable doubt for the crime of parricide. of accident, to wit: 1. She was performing a lawful
The RTC, in finding appellant guilty, act; 2. With due care; 3. She caused the injury to
considered the following circumstantial her husband by mere accident; 4. Without fault or
evidence established by the prosecution: (1) intention of causing it.
shortly before the shooting, appellant asked
her two (2) children to do errands for her To prove the circumstance she must rely on the
which were not usually asked of them; (2) at strength of her own evidence and not on the
the time of the shooting, only the appellant weakness of that of the prosecution, for even if this
and Felixberto, Sr. were in the house; (3) be weak, it can not be disbelieved after the
appellant was seen running away from the accused has admitted the killing.
house immediately after the shooting; (4)
when Michael went inside their house, he SC find no merit in appellant’s contention that the
found his father with a hole in the head and prosecution failed to prove by circumstantial
a gun in his left hand; (5) the medico-legal evidence her motive in killing her husband.  Intent
report showed that the cause of death was to kill and not motive is the essential element of the
intracranial hemorrhage due to the gunshot offense on which her conviction rests.
wound on the head with the point of entry at
the left temporal region; (6) the Firearms The following circumstantial evidence considered
Identification Report concluded that appellant by the RTC and affirmed by the CA satisfactorily
fired two (2) shots; (7) Felixberto, Sr. was established appellant’s intent to kill her husband
right-handed and the gun was found near his and sustained her conviction for the crime.
left hand; (8) Sassymae testified that she
heard Sta. Inez tell appellant “bakit mo

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