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BSc (Hons) Computer Science with

Network Security

Cohort: BCNS/17B/FT

Examinations for 2018 – 2019 / Semester 1

Resit Examinations for BCNS/15A/FT,


MODULE: Operating System Administration


Duration: 2 Hours

Instructions to Candidates:

1. Answer ALL questions.

2. Questions may be answered in any order but your answers must show
the question number clearly.
3. Always start a new question on a fresh page.
4. Total marks 100.

This question paper contains 4 questions and 5 pages.

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Operating System Administration (OSS2113C) SITE/Dec 2018/2019 Sem 1


(a) Define the term Operating System.

(2 marks)
(b) Describe briefly 2 services and facilities provided by an Operating system.
(4 marks)
(c) A bootstrap is a program that initializes the operating system during startup. List
the 5 steps that occurs during bootstrapping.
(5 marks)
(d) An interrupt is a signal that causes the CPU to alter its normal flow of instruction
execution. Show by means of a diagram how an interrupt for Time Sharing
(5 marks)
(e) A Multithreaded Server Architecture can run several processes or tasks
concurrently. Give 3 benefits of such an architecture.
(3 marks)
(f) Describe the features of the three File Access Methods.
(3 x 2 marks)


(a) When you install Windows Server, you need to have the computer join either a
workgroup or a domain. How would you determine which one to use?
(2 marks)

(b) Active Directory is the Directory Service used in Windows based networks. What
information does it store?
(2 marks)

(c) Describe the three types of User Accounts that are available in Windows Server.
(3 x 2 marks)

(d) What is the main function of a group?

(2 marks)

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Operating System Administration (OSS2113C) SITE/Dec 2018/2019 Sem 1
(e) Implementing Group Policies in a Windows environment simplify largely the tasks
of Systems Administrators. In this context, explain the use of Group Policies and
describe any task that can be accomplished using Group Policy to ensure the
organization security policies are abided to.
(2 + 2 marks)
(f) Explain the following user profiles:
(i) Local user profiles
(ii) Roaming user profiles
(iii) Mandatory user profiles
(3 x 2 marks)

(g) What do you understand by a Dynamic Disk? Hence, describe any two modes of
such disks, including their characteristics.
(3 marks)


You are to install a new LAN for an organization, ABC Company, of around 200
users. Management consists to 5 staff, Sales of 180 staff, Accounting 5 staff,
Administration 5 staff and IT 5 staff. Sales staff usually share computers and do not
have a fixed office. There are 2 network printers with static IP.

You have two network printers that have static IP addresses
and Managers manage these printers but everyone can print
on them.
All Sales members share a common folder where they can read and write to
files. Management can only read this folder. Others are denied access. The
server has a limited amount of free space but it is expected that a new large
hard disk will be added soon.
You should not allow anyone to keep large files such as videos, photos, etc.
inside that folder.
Only Management has access to Internet.
IT staff performs a backup of that folder every night.

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Operating System Administration (OSS2113C) SITE/Dec 2018/2019 Sem 1
Most of the Sales staff works outdoor with their laptop because they need
their files even when they are not connected to the LAN, and need to
synchronize their files when they are back to the office.

(a) List all the necessary server roles that are required.
(4 marks)

(b) You need to use Dynamic Addressing. Give the required configuration of the
server responsible for dynamic addressing.
(4 marks)

(c)Provide a logical AD structure. Give an example of proper names for the servers,
folders, groups, access lists, etc.
(8 marks)
(d) How would you implement access to the shared folder?
(2 marks)

(e) How can you add additional hard disks to avoid minimum disruption of users’
(2 marks)
(f) How would you implement synchronization of the Sales staff files when they are
back to the office?
(2 marks)
(g) Which type of user profile will mostly suit this organization? Explain your answer.
(3 marks)

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Operating System Administration (OSS2113C) SITE/Dec 2018/2019 Sem 1

(a) Give four reasons to justify the use of the Linux Operating System.
(4 marks)

(b) Some of the Directories required to run the Linux system are shown below:

Describe briefly the purpose of each folder.

(8 marks)

(c) Linux file system allows you to create hard links and soft links from one file or
directory to another.
(i) Differentiate between hard links and soft links.
(ii) Write down commands used for creating hard links and soft links.
(4 + 4 marks)
(d) Explain the following Linux commands:
(i) cp file1 file2
(ii) rmdir myfolder
(iii) grep 'fruit' myfile.txt
(iv) who | wc –l
(v) ps
(5 marks)

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Operating System Administration (OSS2113C) SITE/Dec 2018/2019 Sem 1

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