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Case Study: E-Recruitment


Identify the key problems and issues in the case study.

The case study is mainly concerned about the Recruitment (variants), its process and its benefaction and

The key problems of the case study: Failure to provide correct information online as they are not
computer savvy - mistaken encoding details such as names of applicants, native place, qualifications and

Other problems include duplication of resumes, as resumes are uploaded online so there is no surety of
authenticity and correctness of information provided by personnels.

Another core issue are the quality and the quantity of candidates through the web tools - Many
organizations have reported getting large number of applicants from unqualified people.

Through the making of some company's website multifaceted (due to over engineering) there is an
occurence of difficulties for job seekers to find relevant opportunities and application where employers
aren't able to scrutinize the personality of candidates online due to the lack of direct interaction.

In case of candidates comes out to be a total change than what was expected at the time of interview, it
leads to complete waste of time for employers as they have to restart the process again.

There is a contingency of having difficulty in finding a candidate within the given budget and stipulated
time frame which will then turns out to run into another challenge such as filtration of the information
they have showcase and the elimination of fake job offers and the job seekers too.
•Formulate and include a thesis statement.

Organisations use online recruitment systems for multiple purposes, including attracting candidates,
communicating benefits about the organisation, and assessing applicants’ knowledge, skills, abilities and
other personality requirements.

However there are numerous times that e-recruitment is not that much effective because of the
challenges that is occurring through this e-recruitment strategy.

•summarizing the outcome of your analysis in 1–2 sentences.


•Set the scene: background information, relevant facts, and the most important issues.

“E-Recruitment”. Also known as “Online recruitment”, it is the use of technology or the web based tools
to assist the recruitment processes. The tool can be either a job website like, the
organisation’s corporate web site or its own intranet. Many big and small organizations are using
Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job
seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae (CV) through an e-mail using the Internet.
Alternatively job seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective
employees depending upon their requirements.

The internet penetration in India is increasing and has tremendous potential. According to a study by
NASSCOM – “Jobs is among the top reasons why new users will come on to the internet, besides e-
mail.” There are more than 18 million resume’s floating online across the world.

Organizations’ investment at the job portal and career content on the website can be beneficial in
the long run (Khan, Awang & Ghouri, 2013). A significant proportion of recruiting companies adopting
online recruitment. The companies are considering the online recruitment as an effective method in
future making a rising trend in its total use (Parry & Tyson, 2008). Parry & Tyson (2008) provided insights
into the practice and potential accomplishment of online recruitment systems.

Some papers by different authors have been found about the online recruitment effectiveness. But
there is insufficient study found about the perceived advantages of online recruitment and
improvement in the recruitment process of a developing country like- Bangladesh. This is the research
gap of the study. Through analyzing different papers and present perspective recruiters, variables are
taken into consideration. To explore the perceived advantage, the variables that are considered
include fastest mode, cost, time, accessibility, reducing workload, large pool of candidates, specified
requirements, attracting passive job seeker, reducing turnover, and increasing organizational
performance and to assess the improvement of each stage of recruitment process, the test variables
that are considered include screening, interviewing, assessment, selection, and induction.

The two kinds of e-recruitment that an organisation can use is –

Job portals – i.e. posting the position with the job description and the job specification on the job portal
and also searching for the suitable resumes posted on the site corresponding to the opening in the

Creating a complete online recruitment/application section in the companies own website. - Companies
have added an application system to its website, where the ‘passive’ job seekers can submit their
resumes into the database of the organisation for consideration in future, as and when the roles
become available.

Resume Scanners: Resume scanner is one major benefit provided by the job portals to the organisations.
It enables the employees to screen and filter the resumes through pre-defined criteria’s and
requirements (skills, qualifications, experience, payroll etc.) of the job.

Internet job boards are rapidly gaining market share of all advertised jobs. According to,
the biggest concerns when recruiting on the Internet include not enough time to review resumes, too
many resumes, too many unqualified applicants due to the ease of application process, and potential
exposure to discrimination charges due to adverse impact.

Faced with the expected wave of retiring baby boom employees, organizations are looking to entice
retirees and seniors back into their organizations as employees or as consultants. Several new websites
have emerged to address these organizational needs. The websites are:,, and

According to, the top three general job websites by traffic ranking are, and reviews and ranks job and career websites based
on a three month window of traffic volume. In addition to general job sites, the site compiles rankings
for college sites, executive sites, niche sites, diversity sites, and international sites.

According to online recruiting commentator Peter Weddle, nearly two-thirds of all companies under-
utilize their corporate web sites for recruiting. Weddle suggests the following recruiting website
improvements: take full advantage of virtually unlimited web space, communicate your company's
image as an employer, attract both active and passive job seekers, and provide a high-quality web
Through e-recruitment employers reach larger number of potential employees. Companies may build
their e-recruitment platforms in-house, use e-recruitment HR software or employ recruitment agencies
that utilise e-recruitment as part of their package.

E-recruitment elements

1. Applicant tracking: candidate status with respect to the jobs applied by him/her

2. Employer’s website: provides details of job opportunities and collecst data for the same

3. Job boards: carry job advertisements from employers and agencies

4. Online testing: some kind of evaluation of candidates over Internet

5. Social media: quick reach out to potential candidates

Advantages of e-recruitment

- cost effective as it's generally free and it minimizes labor cost

- reaches bigger audiance as the user can target a far wider audience without having to pay extra

- user friendly

- enables dynamic content making user's adds more appealing to job seekers

- shortenes hiring process

- immediacy because most posts and replies appear in real time

Disadvantages of e-recruitment

- not suitable for senior positions where the pool of prospective candidates is much lower

- high volume of responses including large number of unsuitable candidates

- technology issues that come from standardising the application process

- too impersonal

-waste of time for employers as they have to restart the process again.

•Demonstrate that you have researched the problems in this case study.
Evaluation of the Case

•Outline the various pieces of the case study that you are focusing on.

This study is fucosing on effectiveness of E-Recruitment in attracting administrative positions in the large
scale organization , how effective is e-recruitment to recruit administrative positions in large
organization? These research questions were then formulating each research objectives.ObjectivesTo
completely answer the research topic, Effectiveness of E-recruitment in attracting for administrative
positions in the large scale organization in, this research hereby transformed the topic into 5 sequenced
objectives as follow:

•Objective 1, to identify if organizations use e-recruitment to attract administrative employees.

•Objective 2 was to identify the reasons why e-recruitment attracts administrative employees more

• Objective 3was to identify the reasons recruiter in large organization uses e-recruitment. •Objective 4
was to identify the systems that recruiter in large organization use in screening administrative positions.

• objective 5 was to identify the effectiveness of using e-recruitment to recruit in large organization.

•Evaluate these pieces by discussing what is working and what is not working.
•State why these parts of the case study are or are not working well.

It Can Be Difficult to Measure Effectiveness - Not all online recruitment services offer an in-depth
analysis of posting; therefore, it can be hard to figure out what is and isn’t working and how to optimise
the ad. Of course, this is a common problem in offline recruitment, too, but it’s worth remembering that
just because you’ve posted an ad online, it doesn’t mean that you will always have access to reams of
metrics and supporting data.

There’s a Lot of Competition - The main downside to following trends is that everybody else is doing the
same thing. As a result, a post can quickly become buried under a mountain of other job offers, forcing
you to either pay more for extra exposure or risk not being seen. When it comes to social media, you’re
also at the mercy of Facebook or Twitter’s algorithms, meaning that who you target is essentially in the
hands of somebody else.

Proposed Solution/Changes

•Provide specific and realistic solution(s) or changes needed.

Giving a detailed job description and job specifications in the job postings to attract candidates with the
right skill sets and qualifications at the first stage.

E-recruitment should be incorporated into the overall recruitment strategy of the organisation.

A well defined and structured applicant tracking system should be integrated and the system should
have a back-end support.

Along with the back-office support a comprehensive website to receive and process job applications
(through direct or online advertising) should be developed.

•Explain why this solution was chosen.

Many of the organizations are becoming online-centric day by day. So, this is necessary for the new
entrants to understand the effectiveness of online recruitment regarding different dimensions. The
study focused on

showing the effectiveness of online recruitment in terms of preference of different media among
employers, perceived advantages as well as improvement in different recruitment stages. This is
observed that very insignificant number of recruiters prefer traditional media, word of mouth and
referrals for employee recruitment. The
perceived advantage analysis showed that online recruitment is effective regarding speed, cost, time,
and accessibility, reducing workload, reaching to a large pool of candidates, meeting specified
requirements, attracting passive job seeker and increasing organizational performance. Another finding
presented that the recruitment has been improved most in the screening stage. So, the organizations
should be concerned about how they can utilize the benefits of online recruitment in other stages of the
recruitment process to make the recruitment process easy, flexible and convenient. They should
undertake proper steps to solve the faced problems in recruitment process.

In future, researchers can further work on proposing a system to accelerate the online recruitment
effectiveness in other recruitment stages, and to do investigate whether online recruitment is filling the
gap between recruiters and job seekers.

•Support this solution with solid evidence, such as:

Today’s job seekers rely more heavily on social networking and referrals to find a job. surprisingly, 88%
of American respondents seemed not to mind if prospective employers checked their profiles on social
media (including Facebook and Twitter) as part of a recruitment process. More recuiting organizations
likely to turn to social media in mid-2012, organizations expect to be using social media to
source 82% of the types of jobs inquired about, including finance and administration roles, front office
and for IT Jobs.

°Concepts from class (text readings, discussions, lectures)

°Outside research

°Personal experience (anecdotes)


•Determine and discuss specific strategies for accomplishing the proposed solution.

Some recommendations have been proposed after analyzing the fact and findings here:

 The online recruitment media should advance their tools by providing some auto-filtration techniques
so that perfect candidates can be chosen quickly and easily.

 The organizations should practice the use of online recruitment in all stages of recruitment process.

 There should be a clear feedback system between the recruiters and applicants while using online
media of recruitment.
To become a successful the organization must adopt its own individual e-recruitment strategy. The
organization must have to adopt the approach that will result in massive savings of cost and increase
productivity, opening new opportunities for you in your marketplace.

•If applicable, recommend further action to resolve some of the issues.

Investigation According to the researcher’s analysis, there could be several areas for improvement for
more comprehensive study. This research was solely based on E-recruitment only, although the data
analysis could state the various elements of E-recruitment, but it could not use as acomparison to the
traditional or media based recruitment. Thus, another research based on thesame target population in
similar research methodology in traditional recruitment can be done for future comparison to this
research. As a result, the comparison between E-recruitment andtraditional recruitment will provide
better vision on well-rounded effectiveness of E-recruitmentin large organizations

•What should be done and who should do it?

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