Environmental Protection Agency 60.17: P M S C - Continued

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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.


life of a comparable entirely new facil- PRIORITIZED MAJOR SOURCE CATEGORIES—

ity; Continued
(3) The extent to which the compo-
nents being replaced cause or con- ority Source Category
tribute to the emissions from the facil- Num-
ber 1
ity; and
(4) Any economic or technical limita- 34. Gypsum
tions on compliance with applicable 35. Sodium Carbonate
36. Secondary Zinc (Deleted)
standards of performance which are in- 37. Polymers and Resins: Phenolic
herent in the proposed replacements. 38. Polymers and Resins: Urea-Melamine
(g) Individual subparts of this part 39. Ammonia (Deleted)
may include specific provisions which 40. Polymers and Resins: Polystyrene
41. Polymers and Resins: ABS-SAN Resins
refine and delimit the concept of recon- 42. Fiberglass
struction set forth in this section. 43. Polymers and Resins: Polypropylene
44. Textile Processing
[40 FR 58420, Dec. 16, 1975] 45. Asphalt Processing and Asphalt Roofing Manufacture
46. Brick and Related Clay Products
§ 60.16 Priority list. 47. Ceramic Clay Manufacturing (Deleted)
48. Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer
49. Castable Refractories (Deleted)
51. Polymers and Resins: Polyester Resins
ority 52. Ammonium Sulfate
Source Category 53. Starch
ber 1 54. Perlite
55. Phosphoric Acid: Thermal Process (Deleted)
1. Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Industry 56. Uranium Refining
(SOCMI) and Volatile Organic Liquid Storage Ves- 57. Animal Feed Defluorination (Deleted)
sels and Handling Equipment 58. Urea (for fertilizer and polymers)
(a) SOCMI unit processes 59. Detergent (Deleted)
(b) Volatile organic liquid (VOL) storage vessels and Other Source Categories
handling equipment
Lead acid battery manufacture 3
(c) SOCMI fugitive sources
Organic solvent cleaning 3
(d) SOCMI secondary sources
Industrial surface coating: metal furniture 3
2. Industrial Surface Coating: Cans
Stationary gas turbines 4
3. Petroleum Refineries: Fugitive Sources
Municipal solid waste landfills 4
4. Industrial Surface Coating: Paper
5. Dry Cleaning
(a) Perchloroethylene 1 Low numbers have highest priority, e.g., No. 1 is high pri-
(b) Petroleum solvent ority, No. 59 is low priority.
2 Formerly titled ‘‘Sintering: Clay and Fly Ash’’.
6. Graphic Arts
3 Minor source category, but included on list since an NSPS
7. Polymers and Resins: Acrylic Resins
is being developed for that source category.
8. Mineral Wool (Deleted) 4 Not prioritized, since an NSPS for this major source cat-
9. Stationary Internal Combustion Engines egory has already been promulgated.
10. Industrial Surface Coating: Fabric
11. Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating
[47 FR 951, Jan. 8, 1982, as amended at 47 FR
12. Incineration: Non-Municipal (Deleted) 31876, July 23, 1982; 51 FR 42796, Nov. 25, 1986;
13. Non-Metallic Mineral Processing 52 FR 11428, Apr. 8, 1987; 61 FR 9919, Mar. 12,
14. Metallic Mineral Processing 1996]
15. Secondary Copper (Deleted)
16. Phosphate Rock Preparation § 60.17 Incorporations by reference.
17. Foundries: Steel and Gray Iron
18. Polymers and Resins: Polyethylene (a) Certain material is incorporated
19. Charcoal Production by reference into this part with the ap-
20. Synthetic Rubber
(a) Tire manufacture proval of the Director of the Federal
(b) SBR production Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1
21. Vegetable Oil CFR part 51. To enforce any edition
22. Industrial Surface Coating: Metal Coil
23. Petroleum Transportation and Marketing
other than that specified in this sec-
24. By-Product Coke Ovens tion, the EPA must publish notice of
25. Synthetic Fibers change in the FEDERAL REGISTER and
26. Plywood Manufacture the material must be available to the
27. Industrial Surface Coating: Automobiles
28. Industrial Surface Coating: Large Appliances public. All approved material is avail-
29. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production able for inspection at the Air and Radi-
30. Secondary Aluminum ation Docket and Information Center,
31. Potash (Deleted)
32. Lightweight Aggregate Industry: Clay, Shale, and
U.S. EPA, 401 M St. SW., Washington,
Slate 2 DC, telephone number 202–566, and is
33. Glass available from the sources listed below.


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition)

It is also available for inspection at the ing Protocol, Section 2—Differential

National Archives and Records Admin- Pressure Flow Measurement Devices,
istration (NARA). For information on First Edition, August 2005, IBR ap-
the availability of this material at proved for § 60.107a(d).
NARA, call (202) 741–6030 or go to http:// (e) American Public Health Associa-
www.archives.gov/federallregister/ tion, 1015 18th Street NW., Washington,
codeloflfederallregulations/ DC 20036.
ibrllocations.html. (1) ‘‘Standard Methods for the Exam-
(b) American Gas Association, avail- ination of Water and Wastewater,’’ 16th
able through ILI Infodisk, 610 Winters edition, 1985. Method 303F: ‘‘Deter-
Avenue, Paramus, New Jersey 07652: mination of Mercury by the Cold Vapor
(1) American Gas Association Report Technique.’’ Incorporated by reference
No. 3: Orifice Metering for Natural Gas for appendix A–8 to part 60, Method 29,
and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids, §§ 9.2.3, 10.3, and 11.1.3.
Part 1: General Equations and Uncer- (2) 2540 G. Total, Fixed, and Volatile
tainty Guidelines (1990), IBR approved Solids in Solid and Semisolid Samples,
for § 60.107a(d). in Standard Methods for the Examina-
(2) American Gas Association Report tion of Water and Wastewater, 20th
No. 3: Orifice Metering for Natural Gas Edition, 1998, IBR approved for
and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids, § 60.154(b).
Part 2: Specification and Installation (f) The following material is avail-
Requirements (2000), IBR approved for able for purchase from the American
§ 60.107a(d). Society of Mechanical Engineers
(3) American Gas Association Report (ASME), Two Park Avenue, New York,
No. 11: Measurement of Natural Gas by NY 10016–5990, Telephone (800) 843–2763,
Coriolis Meter (2003), IBR approved for and is also available at the following
§ 60.107a(d). Web site: http://www.asme.org.
(4) American Gas Association Trans- (1) ASME Interim Supplement 19.5 on
mission Measurement Committee Re- Instruments and Apparatus: Applica-
port No. 7: Measurement of Gas by Tur- tion, Part II of Fluid Meters, 6th Edi-
bine Meters (Revised February 2006), tion (1971), IBR approved for
IBR approved for § 60.107a(d). §§ 60.58a(h), 60.58b(i), 60.1320(a), and
(c) American Hospital Association 60.1810(a).
(AHA) Service, Inc., Post Office Box (2) ASME MFC–3M–2004, Measure-
92683, Chicago, Illinois 60675–2683. You ment of Fluid Flow in Pipes Using Ori-
may inspect a copy at the EPA’s Air fice, Nozzle, and Venturi, IBR approved
and Radiation Docket and Information for § 60.107a(d).
Center (Docket A–91–61, Item IV–J–124), (3) ASME/ANSI MFC–4M–1986 (Re-
Room M–1500, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. affirmed 2008), Measurement of Gas
NW., Washington, DC 20460. Flow by Turbine Meters, IBR approved
(1) An Ounce of Prevention: Waste for § 60.107a(d).
Reduction Strategies for Health Care (4) ASME/ANSI MFC–5M–1985 (Re-
Facilities. American Society for affirmed 2006), Measurement of Liquid
Health Care Environmental Services of Flow in Closed Conduits Using Transit-
the American Hospital Association. Time Ultrasonic Flowmeters, IBR ap-
Chicago, Illinois. 1993. AHA Catalog proved for § 60.107a(d).
No. 057007. ISBN 0–87258–673–5. IBR ap- (5) ASME MFC–6M–1998 (Reaffirmed
proved for §§ 60.35e and 60.55c. 2005), Measurement of Fluid Flow in
(2) [Reserved] Pipes Using Vortex Flowmeters, IBR
(d) American Petroleum Institute approved for § 60.107a(d).
(API), 1220 L Street NW., Washington, (6) ASME/ANSI MFC–7M–1987 (Re-
DC 20005. affirmed 2006), Measurement of Gas
(1) API Publication 2517, Evaporation Flow by Means of Critical Flow Ven-
Loss from External Floating Roof turi Nozzles, IBR approved for
Tanks, Second Edition, February 1980, § 60.107a(d).
IBR approved for §§ 60.111(i), 60.111a(f), (7) ASME/ANSI MFC–9M–1988 (Re-
and 60.116b(e). affirmed 2006), Measurement of Liquid
(2) API Manual of Petroleum Meas- Flow in Closed Conduits by Weighing
urement Standards, Chapter 22—Test- Method, IBR approved for § 60.107a(d).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(8) ASME MFC–11M–2006, Measure- (3) ASTM A100–69, Standard Speci-

ment of Fluid Flow by Means of Cor- fication for Ferrosilicon, IBR approved
iolis Mass Flowmeters, IBR approved for § 60.261.
for § 60.107a(d). (4) ASTM A100–74, Standard Speci-
(9) ASME MFC–14M–2003, Measure- fication for Ferrosilicon, IBR approved
ment of Fluid Flow Using Small Bore for § 60.261.
Precision Orifice Meters, IBR approved (5) ASTM A100–93, Standard Speci-
for § 60.107a(d). fication for Ferrosilicon, IBR approved
(10) ASME MFC–16–2007, Measure- for § 60.261.
ment of Liquid Flow in Closed Conduits (6) ASTM A101–73, Standard Speci-
with Electromagnetic Flowmeters, IBR fication for Ferrochromium, IBR ap-
approved for § 60.107a(d). proved for § 60.261.
(11) ASME MFC–18M–2001, Measure- (7) ASTM A101–93, Standard Speci-
ment of Fluid Flow Using Variable fication for Ferrochromium, IBR ap-
Area Meters, IBR approved for proved for § 60.261.
§ 60.107a(d). (8) ASTM A482–76, Standard Speci-
(12) ASME MFC–22–2007, Measure- fication for Ferrochromesilicon, IBR
ment of Liquid by Turbine Flowmeters, approved for § 60.261.
IBR approved for § 60.107a(d). (9) ASTM A482–93, Standard Speci-
(13) ASME PTC 4.1–1964 (Reaffirmed fication for Ferrochromesilicon, IBR
1991), Power Test Codes: Test Code for approved for § 60.261.
Steam Generating Units (with 1968 and (10) ASTM A483–64, Standard Speci-
1969 Addenda), IBR approved for fication for Silicomanganese, IBR ap-
§§ 60.46b, 60.58a(h), 60.58b(i), 60.1320(a), proved for § 60.261.
and 60.1810(a). (11) ASTM A483–74 (Reapproved 1988),
(14) ASME/ANSI PTC 19.10–1981, Flue Standard Specification for
and Exhaust Gas Analyses [Part 10, In- Silicomanganese, IBR approved for
struments and Apparatus], (Issued Au- § 60.261.
gust 31, 1981), IBR approved for (12) ASTM A495–76, Standard Speci-
§§ 60.56c(b), 60.63(f), 60.106(e), 60.104a(d), fication for Calcium-Silicon and Cal-
(h), (i), and (j), 60.105a(d), (f), and (g), cium Manganese-Silicon, IBR approved
§ 60.106a(a), § 60.107a(a), (c), and (d), ta- for § 60.261.
bles 1 and 3 to subpart EEEE, tables 2 (13) ASTM A495–94, Standard Speci-
and 4 to subpart FFFF, table 2 to sub- fication for Calcium-Silicon and Cal-
part JJJJ, § 60.285a(f), §§ 60.4415(a), cium Manganese-Silicon, IBR approved
60.2145(s) and (t), 60.2710(s) (t), and (w), for § 60.261.
60.2730(q), 60.4900(b), 60.5220(b), tables 1 (14) ASTM D86–78, Distillation of Pe-
and 2 to subpart LLLL, tables 2 and 3 troleum Products, IBR approved for
to subpart MMMM, §§ 60.5406(c) and §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
60.5413(b). 60.633(h).
(15) ASME QRO–1–1994, Standard for (15) ASTM D86–82, Distillation of Pe-
the Qualification and Certification of troleum Products, IBR approved for
Resource Recovery Facility Operators, §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
IBR approved for §§ 60.54b(a) and (b), 60.633(h).
60.56a, 60.1185(a) and (c), and 60.1675(a) (16) ASTM D86–90, Distillation of Pe-
and (c). troleum Products, IBR approved for
(g) American Society for Testing and §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
Materials (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor 60.633(h).
Drive, Post Office Box C700, West (17) ASTM D86–93, Distillation of Pe-
Conshohocken, PA 19428–2959; also troleum Products, IBR approved for
available through ProQuest, 300 North §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. 60.633(h).
(1) ASTM A99–76, Standard Specifica- (18) ASTM D86–95, Distillation of Pe-
tion for Ferromanganese, IBR approved troleum Products, IBR approved for
for § 60.261. §§ 60.562–2(d), 60.593(d), 60.593a(d),
(2) ASTM A99–82 (Reapproved 1987), 60.633(h).
Standard Specification for (19) ASTM D86–96, Distillation of Pe-
Ferromanganese, IBR approved for troleum Products, (Approved April 10,
§ 60.261. 1996), IBR approved for §§ 60.562–2(d),


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition)

60.593(d), 60.593a(d), 60.633(h), and (Reid Method), IBR approved for

60.5401(f). §§ 60.111(l), 60.111a(g), 60.111b, and
(20) ASTM D129–64, Standard Test 60.116b(f).
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- (32) ASTM D388–77, Standard Speci-
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- fication for Classification of Coals by
proved for §§ 60.106(j) and appendix A–7 Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
to part 60: Method 19, Section 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
(21) ASTM D129–78, Standard Test (33) ASTM D388–90, Standard Speci-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- fication for Classification of Coals by
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
proved for §§ 60.106(j) and appendix A–7 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
to part 60: Method 19, Section (34) ASTM D388–91, Standard Speci-
(22) ASTM D129–95, Standard Test fication for Classification of Coals by
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
proved for §§ 60.106(j) and appendix A–7 (35) ASTM D388–95, Standard Speci-
to part 60: Method 19, Section fication for Classification of Coals by
(23) ASTM D129–00, Standard Test Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
ucts (General Bomb Method), IBR ap- (36) ASTM D388–98a, Standard Speci-
proved for § 60.335(b). fication for Classification of Coals by
(24) ASTM D129–00 (Reapproved 2005), Rank, IBR approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f),
Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Pe- 60.41Da, 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
troleum Products (General Bomb Meth- (37) ASTM D388–99 (Reapproved
od), IBR approved for § 60.4415(a). 2004) e,1 Standard Specification for
(25) ASTM D240–76, Standard Test Classification of Coals by Rank, IBR
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq- approved for §§ 60.41, 60.45(f), 60.41Da,
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo- 60.41b, 60.41c, and 60.251.
rimeter, IBR approved for §§ 60.46(c),
(38) ASTM D396–78, Standard Speci-
60.296(b), and appendix A–7 to part 60:
fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
Method 19, Section
§§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
(26) ASTM D240–92, Standard Test
(39) ASTM D396–89, Standard Speci-
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq-
fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo-
§§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
rimeter, IBR approved for §§ 60.46(c),
60.296(b), and appendix A–7: Method 19, (40) ASTM D396–90, Standard Speci-
Section fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
(27) ASTM D240–02 (Reapproved 2007), §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
Standard Test Method for Heat of Com- (41) ASTM D396–92, Standard Speci-
bustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
by Bomb Calorimeter, (Approved May §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
1, 2007), IBR approved for § 60.107a(d). (42) ASTM D396–98, Standard Speci-
(28) ASTM D270–65, Standard Method fication for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for
of Sampling Petroleum and Petroleum §§ 60.41b, 60.41c, 60.111(b), and 60.111a(b).
Products, IBR approved for appendix (43) ASTM D975–78, Standard Speci-
A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap- proved for §§ 60.111(b) and 60.111a(b).
(29) ASTM D270–75, Standard Method (44) ASTM D975–96, Standard Speci-
of Sampling Petroleum and Petroleum fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap-
Products, IBR approved for appendix proved for §§ 60.111(b) and 60.111a(b).
A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section (45) ASTM D975–98a, Standard Speci- fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap-
(30) ASTM D323–82, Test Method for proved for §§ 60.111(b) and 60.111a(b).
Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (46) ASTM D975–08a, Standard Speci-
(Reid Method), IBR approved for fication for Diesel Fuel Oils, IBR ap-
§§ 60.111(l), 60.111a(g), 60.111b, and proved for §§ 60.41b and 60.41c.
60.116b(f). (47) ASTM D1072–80, Standard Test
(31) ASTM D323–94, Test Method for Method for Total Sulfur in Fuel Gases,
Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products IBR approved for § 60.335(b).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(48) ASTM D1072–90 (Reapproved ucts (Lamp Method), IBR approved for
1994), Standard Test Method for Total §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b).
Sulfur in Fuel Gases, IBR approved for (57) ASTM D1266–98 (Reapproved
§ 60.335(b). 2003) e,1 Standard Test Method for Sul-
(49) ASTM D1072–90 (Reapproved fur in Petroleum Products (Lamp
1999), Standard Test Method for Total Method), IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
Sulfur in Fuel Gases, IBR approved for (58) ASTM D1475–60 (Reapproved
§ 60.4415(a). 1980), Standard Test Method for Den-
(50) ASTM D1137–53, Standard Method sity of Paint, Varnish Lacquer, and Re-
for Analysis of Natural Gases and Re- lated Products, IBR approved for
lated Types of Gaseous Mixtures by the § 60.435(d), appendix A–8 to part 60:
Mass Spectrometer, IBR approved for Method 24, Section 6.1; and Method
§ 60.45(f). 24A, Sections 6.5 and 7.1.
(51) ASTM D1137–75, Standard Method (59) ASTM D1475–90, Standard Test
for Analysis of Natural Gases and Re- Method for Density of Paint, Varnish
lated Types of Gaseous Mixtures by the Lacquer, and Related Products, IBR
Mass Spectrometer, IBR approved for approved for § 60.435(d), appendix A–8 to
§ 60.45(f).
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.1; and
(52) ASTM D1193–77, Standard Speci- Method 24A, §§ 6.5 and 7.1.
fication for Reagent Water, IBR ap-
(60) ASTM D1552–83, Standard Test
proved for appendix A–3 to part 60:
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Method 5, Section 7.1.3; Method 5E,
Section 7.2.1; Method 5F, Section 7.2.1; ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
appendix A–4 to part 60: Method 6, Sec- approved for §§ 60.106(j), 60.335(b), and
tion 7.1.1; Method 7, Section 7.1.1; appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19,
Method 7C, Section 7.1.1; Method 7D, Section
Section 7.1.1; Method 10A, Section 7.1.1; (61) ASTM D1552–95, Standard Test
appendix A–5 to part 60: Method 11, Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Section 7.1.3; Method 12, Section 7.1.3; ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
Method 13A, Section 7.1.2; appendix A– approved for §§ 60.106(j), 60.335(b), and
8 to part 60: Method 26, Section 7.1.2; appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19,
Method 26A, Section 7.1.2; and Method Section
29, Section 7.2.2. (62) ASTM D1552–01, Standard Test
(53) ASTM D1193–91, Standard Speci- Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
fication for Reagent Water, IBR ap- ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
proved for appendix A–3 to part 60: approved for §§ 60.106(j), 60.335(b), and
Method 5, Section 7.1.3; Method 5E, appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19,
Section 7.2.1; Method 5F, Section 7.2.1; Section
appendix A–4 to part 60: Method 6, Sec- (63) ASTM D1552–03, Standard Test
tion 7.1.1; Method 7, Section 7.1.1; Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Method 7C, Section 7.1.1; Method 7D, ucts (High-Temperature Method), IBR
Section 7.1.1; Method 10A, Section 7.1.1; approved for § 60.4415(a).
appendix A–5 to part 60: Method 11, (64) ASTM D1826–77, Standard Test
Section 7.1.3; Method 12, Section 7.1.3;
Method for Calorific Value of Gases in
Method 13A, Section 7.1.2; appendix A–
Natural Gas Range by Continuous Re-
8 to part 60: Method 26, Section 7.1.2;
Method 26A, Section 7.1.2; and Method cording Calorimeter, IBR approved for
29, Section 7.2.2. §§ 60.45(f), 60.46(c), 60.296(b), and appen-
(54) ASTM D1266–87, Standard Test dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
ucts (Lamp Method), IBR approved for (65) ASTM D1826–94, Standard Test
§§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b). Method for Calorific Value of Gases in
(55) ASTM D1266–91, Standard Test Natural Gas Range by Continuous Re-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- cording Calorimeter, IBR approved for
ucts (Lamp Method), IBR approved for §§ 60.45(f), 60.46(c), 60.296(b), and appen-
§§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b). dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
(56) ASTM D1266–98, Standard Test
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition)

(66) ASTM D1826–94 (Reapproved (79) ASTM D2013–72, Standard Method

2003), Standard Test Method for Calo- of Preparing Coal Samples for Anal-
rific (Heating) Value of Gases in Nat- ysis, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
ural Gas Range by Continuous Record- part 60: Method 19, Section
ing Calorimeter, (Approved May 10, (80) ASTM D2013–86, Standard Method
2003), IBR approved for § 60.107a(d). of Preparing Coal Samples for Anal-
(67) ASTM D1835–87, Standard Speci- ysis, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) part 60: Method 19, Section
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da, (81) ASTM D2015–77 (Reapproved
60.41b, and 60.41c. 1978), Standard Test Method for Gross
(68) ASTM D1835–91, Standard Speci- Calorific Value of Solid Fuel by the
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Adiabatic Bomb Calorimeter, IBR ap-
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da, proved for §§ 60.45(f), 60.46(c), and appen-
60.41b, and 60.41c. dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
(69) ASTM D1835–97, Standard Speci-
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP)
(82) ASTM D2015–96, Standard Test
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da,
Method for Gross Calorific Value of
60.41b, and 60.41c.
(70) ASTM D1835–03a, Standard Speci- Solid Fuel by the Adiabatic Bomb Cal-
fication for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) orimeter, IBR approved for §§ 60.45(f),
Gases, IBR approved for §§ 60.41Da, 60.46(c), and appendix A–7 to part 60:
60.41b, and 60.41c. Method 19, Section
(71) ASTM D1945–64, Standard Method (83) ASTM D2016–74, Standard Test
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas Methods for Moisture Content of Wood,
Chromatography, IBR approved for IBR approved for appendix A–8 to part
§ 60.45(f). 60: Method 28, Section 16.1.1.
(72) ASTM D1945–76, Standard Method (84) ASTM D2016–83, Standard Test
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas Methods for Moisture Content of Wood,
Chromatography, IBR approved for IBR approved for appendix A–8 to part
§ 60.45(f). 60: Method 28, Section 16.1.1.
(73) ASTM D1945–91, Standard Method (85) ASTM D2234–76, Standard Meth-
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
Chromatography, IBR approved for Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
§ 60.45(f). part 60: Method 19, Section
(74) ASTM D1945–96, Standard Method (86) ASTM D2234–96, Standard Meth-
for Analysis of Natural Gas by Gas ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
Chromatography, IBR approved for Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
§ 60.45(f). part 60: Method 19, Section
(75) ASTM D1945–03 (Reapproved (87) ASTM D2234–97b, Standard Meth-
2010), Standard Method for Analysis of ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
Natural Gas by Gas Chromatography, Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
(Approved January 1, 2010), IBR ap- part 60: Method 19, Section
proved for §§ 60.107a(d) and 60.5413(d).
(88) ASTM D2234–98, Standard Meth-
(76) ASTM D1946–77, Standard Method
ods for Collection of a Gross Sample of
for Analysis of Reformed Gas by Gas
Coal, IBR approved for appendix A–7 to
Chromatography, IBR approved for
§§ 60.18(f), 60.45(f), 60.564(f), 60.614(e), part 60: Method 19, Section
60.664(e), and 60.704(d). (89) ASTM D2369–81, Standard Test
(77) ASTM D1946–90 (Reapproved Method for Volatile Content of Coat-
1994), Standard Method for Analysis of ings, IBR approved for appendix A–8 to
Reformed Gas by Gas Chromatography, part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2.
IBR approved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.45(f), (90) ASTM D2369–87, Standard Test
60.564(f), 60.614(e), 60.664(e), and Method for Volatile Content of Coat-
60.704(d). ings, IBR approved for appendix A–8 to
(78) ASTM D1946–90 (Reapproved part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2.
2006), Standard Method for Analysis of (91) ASTM D2369–90, Standard Test
Reformed Gas by Gas Chromatography, Method for Volatile Content of Coat-
(Approved June 1, 2006), IBR approved ings, IBR approved for appendix A–8 to
for § 60.107a(d). part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2.


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(92) ASTM D2369–92, Standard Test Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap-

Method for Volatile Content of Coat- proved for §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b).
ings, IBR approved for appendix A–8 to (105) ASTM D2622–98, Standard Test
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2. Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
(93) ASTM D2369–93, Standard Test ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray
Method for Volatile Content of Coat- Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap-
ings, IBR approved for appendix A–8 to proved for §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b).
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2. (106) ASTM D2622–05, Standard Test
(94) ASTM D2369–95, Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod-
Method for Volatile Content of Coat- ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray
ings, IBR approved for appendix A–8 to Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap-
part 60: Method 24, Section 6.2. proved for § 60.4415(a).
(95) ASTM D2382–76, Heat of Combus- (107) ASTM D2879–83Test Method for
tion of Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relation-
Calorimeter (High-Precision Method), ship and Initial Decomposition Tem-
IBR approved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.485(g), perature of Liquids by Isoteniscope,
60.485a(g), 60.564(f), 60.614(e), 60.664(e), IBR approved for §§ 60.111b(f)(3),
and 60.704(d). 60.116b(e), 60.116b(f), 60.485(e), and
(96) ASTM D2382–88, Heat of Combus- 60.485a(e).
tion of Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb (108) ASTM D2879–96, Test Method for
Calorimeter (High-Precision Method), Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relation-
IBR approved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.485(g), ship and Initial Decomposition Tem-
60.485a(g), 60.564(f), 60.614(e), 60.664(e), perature of Liquids by Isoteniscope,
and 60.704(d). IBR approved for §§ 60.111b(f)(3),
(97) ASTM D2504–67, Noncondensable 60.116b(e), 60.116b(f), 60.485(e), and
Gases in C3 and Lighter Hydrocarbon 60.485a(e).
Products by Gas Chromatography, IBR (109) ASTM D2879–97, Test Method for
approved for §§ 60.485(g) and 60.485a(g). Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relation-
(98) ASTM D2504–77, Noncondensable ship and Initial Decomposition Tem-
Gases in C3 and Lighter Hydrocarbon perature of Liquids by Isoteniscope,
Products by Gas Chromatography, IBR IBR approved for §§ 60.111b(f)(3),
approved for §§ 60.485(g) and 60.485a(g). 60.116b(e), 60.116b(f), 60.485(e), and
(99) ASTM D2504–88 (Reapproved 60.485a(e).
1993), Noncondensable Gases in C3 and (110) ASTM D2880–78, Standard Speci-
Lighter Hydrocarbon Products by Gas fication for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils, IBR
Chromatography, IBR approved for approved for §§ 60.111(b), 60.111a(b), and
§§ 60.485(g) and 60.485a(g). 60.335(d).
(100) ASTM D2584–68(Reapproved (111) ASTM D2880–96, Standard Speci-
1985), Standard Test Method for Igni- fication for Gas Turbine Fuel Oils, IBR
tion Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins, approved for §§ 60.111(b), 60.111a(b), and
IBR approved for § 60.685(c). 60.335(d).
(101) ASTM D2584–94, Standard Test (112) ASTM D2908–74, Standard Prac-
Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Re- tice for Measuring Volatile Organic
inforced Resins, IBR approved for Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection
§ 60.685(c). Gas Chromatography, IBR approved for
(102) ASTM D2597–94 (Reapproved § 60.564(j).
1999), Standard Test Method for Anal- (113) ASTM D2908–91, Standard Prac-
ysis of Demethanized Hydrocarbon Liq- tice for Measuring Volatile Organic
uid Mixtures Containing Nitrogen and Matter in Water by Aqueous-Injection
Carbon Dioxide by Gas Chroma- Gas Chromatography, IBR approved for
tography, IBR approved for § 60.335(b). § 60.564(j).
(103) ASTM D2622–87, Standard Test (114) ASTM D2986–71, Standard Meth-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- od for Evaluation of Air, Assay Media
ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray by the Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl
Fluorescence Spectrometry, IBR ap- Phthalate) Smoke Test, IBR approved
proved for §§ 60.106(j) and 60.335(b). for appendix A–3 to part 60: Method 5,
(104) ASTM D2622–94, Standard Test Section 7.1.1; appendix A–5 to part 60:
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Prod- Method 12, Section 7.1.1; and Method
ucts by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray 13A, Section


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition)

(115) ASTM D2986–78, Standard Meth- (126) ASTM D3246–92, Standard Test
od for Evaluation of Air, Assay Media Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by
by the Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap-
Phthalate) Smoke Test, IBR approved proved for § 60.335(b).
for appendix A–3 to part 60: Method 5, (127) ASTM D3246–96, Standard Test
Section 7.1.1; appendix A–5 to part 60: Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by
Method 12, Section 7.1.1; and Method Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap-
13A, Section proved for § 60.335(b).
(116) ASTM D2986–95a, Standard (128) ASTM D3246–05, Standard Test
Method for Evaluation of Air, Assay Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by
Media by the Monodisperse DOP Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap-
(Dioctyl Phthalate) Smoke Test, IBR proved for § 60.4415(a)(1).
approved for appendix A–3 to part 60: (129) ASTM D3270–73T, Standard Test
Method 5, Section 7.1.1; appendix A–5 to Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
part 60: Method 12, Section 7.1.1; and tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
Method 13A, Section sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
(117) ASTM D3173–73, Standard Test proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
Method for Moisture in the Analysis Method 13A, Section 16.1.
Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR approved (130) ASTM D3270–80, Standard Test
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
Section tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
(118) ASTM D3173–87, Standard Test sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
Method for Moisture in the Analysis proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR approved Method 13A, Section 16.1.
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, (131) ASTM D3270–91, Standard Test
Section Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
(119) ASTM D3176–74, Standard Meth- tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
od for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
Coke, IBR approved for § 60.45(f)(5)(i) proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
and appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Method 13A, Section 16.1.
Section (132) ASTM D3270–95, Standard Test
(120) ASTM D3176–89, Standard Meth- Methods for Analysis for Fluoride Con-
od for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and tent of the Atmosphere and Plant Tis-
Coke, IBR approved for § 60.45(f)(5)(i) sues (Semiautomated Method), IBR ap-
and appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, proved for appendix A–5 to part 60:
Section Method 13A, Section 16.1.
(121) ASTM D3177–75, Standard Test (133) ASTM D3286–85, Standard Test
Method for Total Sulfur in the Anal- Method for Gross Calorific Value of
ysis Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR ap- Coal and Coke by the Isoperibol Bomb
proved for appendix A–7 to part 60: Calorimeter, IBR approved for appen-
Method 19, Section dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
(122) ASTM D3177–89, Standard Test
Method for Total Sulfur in the Anal- (134) ASTM D3286–96, Standard Test
ysis Sample of Coal and Coke, IBR ap- Method for Gross Calorific Value of
proved for appendix A–7 to part 60: Coal and Coke by the Isoperibol Bomb
Method 19, Section Calorimeter, IBR approved for appen-
(123) ASTM D3178–73 (Reapproved dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
1979), Standard Test Methods for Car-
bon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sam- (135) ASTM D3370–76, Standard Prac-
ple of Coal and Coke, IBR approved for tices for Sampling Water, IBR ap-
§ 60.45(f). proved for § 60.564(j).
(124) ASTM D3178–89, Standard Test (136) ASTM D3370–95a, Standard Prac-
Methods for Carbon and Hydrogen in tices for Sampling Water, IBR ap-
the Analysis Sample of Coal and Coke, proved for § 60.564(j).
IBR approved for § 60.45(f). (137) ASTM D3588–98 (Reapproved
(125) ASTM D3246–81, Standard Test 2003), Standard Practice for Calcu-
Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Gas by lating Heat Value, Compressibility
Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR ap- Factor, and Relative Density of Gas-
proved for § 60.335(b). eous Fuels, (Approved May 10, 2003),


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

IBR approved for §§ 60.107a(d) and Reaction Rate Method), IBR approved
60.5413(d). for § 60.334(h).
(138) ASTM D3699–08, Standard Speci- (149) ASTM D4084–05, Standard Test
fication for Kerosine, including Appen- Method for Analysis of Hydrogen Sul-
dix X1, (Approved September 1, 2008), fide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead Acetate
IBR approved for §§ 60.41b and 60.41c. Reaction Rate Method), IBR approved
(139) ASTM D3792–79, Standard Test for §§ 60.4360 and 60.4415(a).
Method for Water Content of Water-Re- (150) ASTM D4177–95, Standard Prac-
ducible Paints by Direct Injection into tice for Automatic Sampling of Petro-
a Gas Chromatograph, IBR approved leum and Petroleum Products, IBR ap-
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, proved for appendix A–7 to part 60:
Section 6.3. Method 19, Section
(140) ASTM D3792–91, Standard Test (151) ASTM D4177–95 (Reapproved
Method for Water Content of Water-Re- 2000), Standard Practice for Automatic
ducible Paints by Direct Injection into Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum
a Gas Chromatograph, IBR approved Products, IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, (152) ASTM D4239–85, Standard Test
Section 6.3. Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis
(141) ASTM D4017–81, Standard Test Sample of Coal and Coke Using High
Method for Water in Paints and Paint Temperature Tube Furnace Combus-
Materials by the Karl Fischer Titra- tion Methods, IBR approved for appen-
tion Method, IBR approved for appen- dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section
6.4. (153) ASTM D4239–94, Standard Test
Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis
(142) ASTM D4017–90, Standard Test
Sample of Coal and Coke Using High
Method for Water in Paints and Paint
Temperature Tube Furnace Combus-
Materials by the Karl Fischer Titra-
tion Methods, IBR approved for appen-
tion Method, IBR approved for appen-
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section
(154) ASTM D4239–97, Standard Test
(143) ASTM D4017–96a, Standard Test
Methods for Sulfur in the Analysis
Method for Water in Paints and Paint
Sample of Coal and Coke Using High
Materials by the Karl Fischer Titra-
Temperature Tube Furnace Combus-
tion Method, IBR approved for appen-
tion Methods, IBR approved for appen-
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section
dix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, Section
(144) ASTM D4057–81, Standard Prac- (155) ASTM D4294–02, Standard Test
tice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and
and Petroleum Products, IBR approved Petroleum Products by Energy-Disper-
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, sive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry,
Section IBR approved for § 60.335(b).
(145) ASTM D4057–95, Standard Prac- (156) ASTM D4294–03, Standard Test
tice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum Method for Sulfur in Petroleum and
and Petroleum Products, IBR approved Petroleum Products by Energy-Disper-
for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 19, sive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry,
Section IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
(146) ASTM D4057–95 (Reapproved (157) ASTM D4442–84, Standard Test
2000), Standard Practice for Manual Methods for Direct Moisture Content
Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Measurement in Wood and Wood-base
Products, IBR approved for § 60.4415(a). Materials, IBR approved for appendix
(147) ASTM D4084–82, Standard Test A–8 to part 60: Method 28, Section
Method for Analysis of Hydrogen Sul- 16.1.1.
fide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead Acetate (158) ASTM D4442–92, Standard Test
Reaction Rate Method), IBR approved Methods for Direct Moisture Content
for § 60.334(h). Measurement in Wood and Wood-base
(148) ASTM D4084–94, Standard Test Materials, IBR approved for appendix
Method for Analysis of Hydrogen Sul- A–8 to part 60: Method 28, Section
fide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead Acetate 16.1.1.


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition)

(159) ASTM D4444–92, Standard Test (169) ASTM D5403–93, Standard Test
Methods for Use and Calibration of Methods for Volatile Content of Radi-
Hand-Held Moisture Meters, IBR ap- ation Curable Materials, IBR approved
proved for appendix A–8 to part 60: for appendix A–7 to part 60: Method 24,
Method 28, Section 16.1.1. Section 6.6.
(160) ASTM D4457–85 (Reapproved (170) ASTM D5453–00, Standard Test
1991), Test Method for Determination Method for Determination of Total
of Dichloromethane and 1,1,1-Tri- Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons, Motor
chloroethane in Paints and Coatings by Fuels and Oils by Ultraviolet Fluores-
Direct Injection into a Gas Chro- cence, IBR approved for § 60.335(b).
matograph, IBR approved for appendix (171) ASTM D5453–05, Standard Test
A–7 to part 60: Method 24, Section 6.5. Method for Determination of Total
(161) ASTM D4468–85 (Reapproved Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons, Motor
2000), Standard Test Method for Total Fuels and Oils by Ultraviolet Fluores-
Sulfur in Gaseous Fuels by Hydro- cence, IBR approved for § 60.4415(a).
genolysis and Rateometric Colorim-
(172) ASTM D5504–01, Standard Test
etry, IBR approved for §§ 60.335(b) and
Method for Determination of Sulfur
Compounds in Natural Gas and Gas-
(162) ASTM D4468–85 (Reapproved
eous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and
2006), Standard Test Method for Total
Chemiluminescence, IBR approved for
Sulfur in Gaseous Fuels by Hydro-
genolysis and Rateometric Colorim- §§ 60.334(h) and 60.4360.
etry, (Approved June 1, 2006), IBR ap- (173) ASTM D5504–08, Standard Test
proved for § 60.107a(e). Method for Determination of Sulfur
(163) ASTM D4629–02, Standard Test Compounds in Natural Gas and Gas-
Method for Trace Nitrogen in Liquid eous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and
Petroleum Hydrocarbons by Syringe/ Chemiluminescence, (Approved June
Inlet Oxidative Combustion and 15, 2008), IBR approved for §§ 60.107a(e)
Chemiluminescence Detection, IBR ap- and 60.5413(d).
proved for §§ 60.49b(e) and 60.335(b). (174) ASTM D5762–02, Standard Test
(164) ASTM D4809–95, Standard Test Method for Nitrogen in Petroleum and
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq- Petroleum Products by Boat-Inlet
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo- Chemiluminescence, IBR approved for
rimeter (Precision Method), IBR ap- § 60.335(b).
proved for §§ 60.18(f), 60.485(g), (175) ASTM D5865–98, Standard Test
60.485a(g), 60.564(f), 60.614(d), 60.664(e), Method for Gross Calorific Value of
and 60.704(d). Coal and Coke, IBR approved for
(165) ASTM D4809–06, Standard Test §§ 60.45(f) and 60.46(c), and appendix A–7
Method for Heat of Combustion of Liq- to part 60: Method 19, Section
uid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calo- (176) ASTM D5865–10, Standard Test
rimeter (Precision Method), (Approved Method for Gross Calorific Value of
December 1, 2006), IBR approved for Coal and Coke, (Approved January 1,
§ 60.107a(d). 2010), IBR approved for §§ 60.45(f),
(166) ASTM D4810–88 (Reapproved 60.46(c), and appendix A–7 to part 60:
1999), Standard Test Method for Hydro- Method 19, section
gen Sulfide in Natural Gas Using
(177) ASTM D6216–98, Standard Prac-
Length of Stain Detector Tubes, IBR
tice for Opacity Monitor Manufactur-
approved for §§ 60.4360 and 60.4415(a).
ers to Certify Conformance with Design
(167) ASTM D4891–89 (Reapproved
and Performance Specifications, IBR
2006) Standard Test Method for Heating
Value of Gases in Natural Gas Range approved for appendix B to part 60: Per-
by Stoichiometric Combustion, (Ap- formance Specification 1.
proved June 1, 2006), IBR approved for (178) ASTM D6228–98, Standard Test
§§ 60.107a(d) and 60.5413(d). Method for Determination of Sulfur
(168) ASTM D5287–97 (Reapproved Compounds in Natural Gas and Gas-
2002), Standard Practice for Automatic eous Fuels by Gas Chromatography and
Sampling of Gaseous Fuels, IBR ap- Flame Photometric Detection, IBR ap-
proved for § 60.4415(a). proved for § 60.334(h).


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.17

(179) ASTM D6228–98 (Reapproved by Ultraviolet Fluorescence, IBR ap-

2003), Standard Test Method for Deter- proved for § 60.4415(a).
mination of Sulfur Compounds in Nat- (187) ASTM D6751–11b, Standard Spec-
ural Gas and Gaseous Fuels by Gas ification for Biodiesel Fuel Blend
Chromatography and Flame Photo- Stock (B100) for Middle Distillate
metric Detection, IBR approved for Fuels, including Appendices X1
§§ 60.4360 and 60.4415. through X3, (Approved July 15, 2011),
(180) ASTM D6348–03, Standard Test IBR approved for §§ 60.41b and 60.41c.
Method for Determination of Gaseous (188) ASTM D6784–02, Standard Test
Compounds by Extractive Direct Inter- Method for Elemental, Oxidized, Par-
face Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) ticle-Bound and Total Mercury in Flue
Spectroscopy, (Approved October 1, Gas Generated from Coal-Fired Sta-
2003), IBR approved for § 60.73a(b), table tionary Sources (Ontario Hydro Meth-
7 to subpart IIII, and table 2 to subpart od), IBR approved for § 60.56c(b) and ap-
JJJJ. pendix B to part 60: Performance Speci-
(181) ASTM D6366–99, Standard Test fication 12A, Section 8.6.2.
Method for Total Trace Nitrogen and (189) ASTM D6784–02 (Reapproved
Its Derivatives in Liquid Aromatic Hy- 2008) Standard Test Method for Ele-
drocarbons by Oxidative Combustion mental, Oxidized, Particle-Bound and
and Electrochemical Detection, IBR Total Mercury in Flue Gas Generated
approved for § 60.335(b)(9). from Coal-Fired Stationary Sources
(Ontario Hydro Method), (Approved
(182) ASTM D6420–99 (Reapproved
April 1, 2008), IBR approved for
2004), Standard Test Method for Deter-
§§ 60.2165(j) and 60.2730(j), tables 1, 5, 6
mination of Gaseous Organic Com-
and 8 to subpart CCCC, and tables 2, 6,
pounds by Direct Interface Gas Chro-
7, and 9 to subpart DDDD, §§ 60.4900(b),
matography-Mass Spectrometry, (Ap-
60.5220(b), tables 1 and 2 to subpart
proved October 1, 2004), IBR approved
LLLL, and tables 2 and 3 to subpart
for § 60.107a(d) and table 2 to subpart
(190) ASTM D7467–10, Standard Speci-
(183) ASTM D6522–00, Standard Test fication for Diesel Fuel Oil, Biodiesel
Method for Determination of Nitrogen Blend (B6 to B20), including Appendices
Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen X1 through X3, (Approved August 1,
Concentrations in Emissions from Nat- 2010), IBR approved for §§ 60.41b and
ural Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines, 60.41c.
Combustion Turbines, Boilers, and (191) ASTM E168–67, General Tech-
Process Heaters Using Portable Ana- niques of Infrared Quantitative Anal-
lyzers, IBR approved for § 60.335(a). ysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d),
(184) ASTM D6522–00 (Reapproved 60.593(b), 60.593a(b), and 60.632(f).
2005), Standard Test Method for Deter- (192) ASTM E168–77, General Tech-
mination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon niques of Infrared Quantitative Anal-
Monoxide, and Oxygen Concentrations ysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d),
in Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired 60.593(b), 60.593a(b), and 60.632(f).
Reciprocating Engines, Combustion (193) ASTM E168–92, General Tech-
Turbines, Boilers, and Process Heaters niques of Infrared Quantitative Anal-
Using Portable Analyzers, (Approved ysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d)(1),
October 1, 2005), IBR approved for table 60.593(b)(2), 60.593a(b)(2), 60.632(f), and
2 to subpart JJJJ, and §§ 60.5413(b) and 60.5400.
(d). (194) ASTM E169–63, General Tech-
(185) ASTM D6667–01, Standard Test niques of Ultraviolet Quantitative
Method for Determination of Total Analysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d),
Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous Hydro- 60.593(b), 60.593a(b), and 60.632(f) .
carbons and Liquefied Petroleum Gases (195) ASTM E169–77, General Tech-
by Ultraviolet Fluorescence, IBR ap- niques of Ultraviolet Quantitative
proved for § 60.335(b). Analysis, IBR approved for §§ 60.485a(d),
(186) ASTM D6667–04, Standard Test 60.593(b), and 60.593a(b), 60.632(f).
Method for Determination of Total (196) ASTM E169–93, General Tech-
Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous Hydro- niques of Ultraviolet Quantitative
carbons and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Analysis, (Approved May 15, 1993), IBR


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§ 60.17 40 CFR Ch. I (7–1–14 Edition)

approved for §§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), tures for Custody Transfer (2009), IBR
60.593a(b), 60.632(f), and 60.5400(f). approved for § 60.107a(d).
(197) ASTM E260–73, General Gas (2) Gas Processors Association Stand-
Chromatography Procedures, IBR ap- ard 2261–00, Analysis for Natural Gas
proved for §§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), and Similar Gaseous Mixtures by Gas
60.593a(b), and 60.632(f). Chromatography (2000), IBR approved
(198) ASTM E260–91, General Gas for § 60.107a(d).
Chromatography Procedures, (IBR ap- (3) Gas Processors Association Stand-
proved for §§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), ard 2377–86, Test for Hydrogen Sulfide
60.593a(b), and 60.632(f). and Carbon Dioxide in Natural Gas
(199) ASTM E260–96, General Gas Using Length of Stain Tubes, 1986 Revi-
Chromatography Procedures, (Ap- sion, IBR approved for §§ 60.105(b),
proved April 10, 1996), IBR approved for 60.107a(b), 60.334(h), 60.4360, and
§§ 60.485a(d), 60.593(b), 60.593a(b), 60.4415(a).
60.632(f), 60.5400(f), and 60.5406(b). (k) International Organization for
(200) ASTM E1584–11, Standard Test Standardization (ISO) available
Method for Assay of Nitric Acid, (Ap- through IHS Inc., 15 Inverness Way
proved August 1, 2011), IBR approved East, Englewood, CO 80112.
for § 60.73a(c). (1) ISO 8178–4: 1996(E), Reciprocating
(201) ASTM UOP539–97, Refinery Gas Internal Combustion Engines—Exhaust
Analysis by Gas Chromatography, Emission Measurement—part 4: Test
(Copyright 1997), IBR approved for Cycles for Different Engine Applica-
§ 60.107a(d). tions, IBR approved for § 60.4241(b).
(h) Association of Official Analytical (2) [Reserved]
Chemists, 1111 North 19th Street, Suite (l) International Organization for
210, Arlington, VA 22209. Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. de la Voie-
(1) AOAC Method 9, Official Methods Creuse, Case postale 56, CH–1211 Geneva
of Analysis of the Association of Offi- 20, Switzerland, +41 22 749 01 11, http://
cial Analytical Chemists (AOAC), 11th www.iso.org/iso/home.htm.
edition, 1970, pp. 11–12, IBR approved (1) ISO 8316: Measurement of Liquid
for §§ 60.204(b), 60.214(b), 60.224(b), and Flow in Closed Conduits—Method by
60.234(b). Collection of the Liquid in a Volu-
(2) [Reserved] metric Tank (1987–10–01)—First Edi-
(i) U.S. Environmental Protection tion, IBR approved for § 60.107a(d).
Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue (2) [Reserved]
NW., Washington, DC 20460, (202) 272– (m) This material is available for
0167, http://www.epa.gov. purchase from the National Technical
(1) EPA–454/R–98–015, Office of Air Information Services (NTIS), 5285 Port
Quality Planning and Standards Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.
(OAQPS) Fabric Filter Bag Leak De- You may inspect a copy at the EPA’s
tection Guidance, September 1997, IBR Air and Radiation Docket and Informa-
approved for §§ 60.2145(r), 60.2710(r), tion Center (Docket A–91–61, Item IV–
60.4905(b), and 60.5225(b). J–125), Room M–1500, 1200 Pennsylvania
(2) [Reserved] Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460.
(j) The Gas Processors Association, (1) OMB Bulletin No. 93–17: Revised
6526 East 60th Street, Tulsa, OK 74145; Statistical Definitions for Metropoli-
also available through Information tan Areas. Office of Management and
Handling Services, 15 Inverness Way Budget, June 30, 1993. NTIS No. PB 93–
East, PO Box 1154, Englewood, CO 192–664. IBR approved for § 60.31e.
80150–1154. You may inspect a copy at (2) [Reserved]
the EPA’s Air and Radiation Docket (n) North American Electric Reli-
and Information Center, Room 3334, ability Corporation, 1325 G Street NW.,
1301 Constitution Ave. NW., Wash- Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005–3801,
ington, DC 20460. http://www.nerc.com.
(1) Gas Processors Association Stand- (1) North American Electric Reli-
ard 2172–09, Calculation of Gross Heat- ability Corporation Reliability Stand-
ing Value, Relative Density, Compress- ard EOP–002–3, Capacity and Energy
ibility and Theoretical Hydrocarbon Emergencies, updated November 19,
Liquid Content for Natural Gas Mix- 2012, IBR approved for §§ 60.4211(f) and


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Environmental Protection Agency § 60.18

60.4243(d). Also available online: http:// ience and is available to all subparts in
www.nerc.com/files/EOP-002-3l1.pdf. 40 CFR parts 60, 61, 63, and 65 that re-
(2) [Reserved] quire monitoring of equipment with a
(o) The following material is avail- 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A–7, Method
able for purchase from the Technical 21 monitor.
Association of the Pulp and Paper In- (b) Flares. Paragraphs (c) through (f)
dustry (TAPPI), 15 Technology Park- apply to flares.
way South, Suite 115, Peachtree Cor- (c)(1) Flares shall be designed for and
ners, GA 30092, Telephone (800) 332–8686, operated with no visible emissions as
and is also available at the following determined by the methods specified in
Web site: http://www.tappi.org. paragraph (f), except for periods not to
(1) TAPPI Method T 624 cm-11, (Copy- exceed a total of 5 minutes during any
right 2011), IBR approved, for 2 consecutive hours.
§§ 60.285(d) and 60.285a(d). (2) Flares shall be operated with a
(2) [Reserved] flame present at all times, as deter-
(p) Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. mined by the methods specified in
(UL), 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, paragraph (f).
IL 60062. (3) An owner/operator has the choice
(1) UL 103, Sixth Edition revised as of of adhering to either the heat content
September 3, 1986, Standard for Chim- specifications in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of
neys, Factory-built, Residential Type this section and the maximum tip ve-
and Building Heating Appliance, IBR locity specifications in paragraph (c)(4)
approved for Appendix A–8 to part 60. of this section, or adhering to the re-
(2) [Reserved] quirements in paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this
(q) Water Pollution Control Federa- section.
tion (WPCF), 2626 Pennsylvania Avenue (i)(A) Flares shall be used that have a
NW., Washington, DC 20037. diameter of 3 inches or greater, are
(1) Method 209A, Total Residue Dried nonassisted, have a hydrogen content
at 103–105 °C, in Standard Methods for of 8.0 percent (by volume), or greater,
the Examination of Water and Waste- and are designed for and operated with
water, 15th Edition, 1980, IBR approved an exit velocity less than 37.2 m/sec
for § 60.683(b). (122 ft/sec) and less than the velocity,
(2) [Reserved] Vmax, as determined by the following
(r) West Coast Lumber Inspection Bu- equation:
reau, 6980 SW. Barnes Road, Portland, Vmax = (XH2¥K1)* K2
OR 97223.
(1) West Coast Lumber Standard Where:
Grading Rules No. 16, pages 5–21, 90 and Vmax = Maximum permitted velocity, m/sec.
91, September 3, 1970, revised 1984, IBR K1 = Constant, 6.0 volume-percent hydrogen.
approved for Appendix A–8 to part 60. K2 = Constant, 3.9(m/sec)/volume-percent hy-
(2) [Reserved]
XH2 = The volume-percent of hydrogen, on a
[79 FR 11242, Feb. 27, 2014, as amended at 79 wet basis, as calculated by using the
FR 18965, Apr. 4, 2014] American Society for Testing and Mate-
rials (ASTM) Method D1946–77. (Incor-
§ 60.18 General control device and porated by reference as specified in
work practice requirements. § 60.17).
(a) Introduction. (1) This section con- (B) The actual exit velocity of a flare
tains requirements for control devices shall be determined by the method
used to comply with applicable sub- specified in paragraph (f)(4) of this sec-
parts of 40 CFR parts 60 and 61. The re- tion.
quirements are placed here for admin- (ii) Flares shall be used only with the
istrative convenience and apply only to net heating value of the gas being com-
facilities covered by subparts referring busted being 11.2 MJ/scm (300 Btu/scf)
to this section. or greater if the flare is steam-assisted
(2) This section also contains require- or air-assisted; or with the net heating
ments for an alternative work practice value of the gas being combusted being
used to identify leaking equipment. 7.45 MJ/scm (200 Btu/scf) or greater if
This alternative work practice is the flare is nonassisted. The net heat-
placed here for administrative conven- ing value of the gas being combusted


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