Rainbow of In-Text Citation

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Author acknowledgement tips Developed by Michael Kitschke

The rainbow of author acknowledgement and citation.

In-text referencing and paraphrasing.

 Paraphrased research
 Cohesive, consistent and varied author acknowledgment and citation

 NO RED!!!!! = Plagiarism xxxx

Green and blue always appear together in every sentence where ideas are
borrowed. Where research is used, it always needs to be sourced/cited.

Use a ‘variety’ or combination of acknowledgement styles:

*Within sentence grammar…
*Author focussed
*Information focussed
*Split Author from (year/page in brackets).
*Author/Year page all in brackets..
*End of sentence that is paraphrased
*NOT end of paragraph unless the last sentence is the only one needing
citation from that source!

Paraphrasing structure/sample: 
YOU . According to Simpson  research paraphrased from the
author     (2010,23). YOU cohesive author
acknowledgement paraphrased research. YOU
paraphrased research. YOU   research author
acknowledgement/citation YOU  research YOU. 




Use synonyms,
Change tenses,
Change active to passive or passive to active
Change word form - nouns to verbs to adjectives to adverbs
Phrase/idea order, clause order, sentence order, word order.

I am going to ride my bike everyday at 5pm to keep fit.

Author acknowledgement tips Developed by Michael Kitschke

Bicycle riding for fitness in the afternoon is a regular activity for some.

Michelle Simpson. 2013. P8 Walkers Club - Daily Walks Balmain

Press. Balmain. (p.8)
This morning during the group walk to TAFE, walkers witnessed an
accident. A truck and a train collided. This caused huge delays to the
commuters who were heading to work, plus the traders, merchants,
and suppliers trying to make an early start to business.

 Important or relevant information to our question/task

(Not everything may be necessary - but relevant points are useful)


 Restate the author’s ideas clearly, and in your own words...keeping the same, or similar
meaning (No exact words)
 Using synonyms, similar vocabulary, related words, grammar changes!!
 Some exact words or terms may be used..not whole phrases, sentences or clauses!
 Acknowledging phrases that clearly and accurately....reflect the authors’ views
 Eg reporting nouns, verbs “According to...states...argues...believes...reveals..suggests....puts
forwards...presents...” “statement, suggestion, argument, opinion, advice, findings, data


 Give author name clearly...Surname ONLY!

 Organisation name/website name if that’s all you have
 Date (Year only),
 Page number or Internet

Eg “The report suggests (Greenpeace, 2010, Internet) (url http://...in Bibliography) that
global warming is a threat.”

According to Simpson (2010, 23) the... incidence of flu had increased by 2008

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