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Reporter: Ruel B.

Who brought Islam in the Philippines?

• Arab Traders/Muslim Merchants are

trading profitably in the Malay World
particularly in Borneo
• Since Borneo is close to the Philippines,
Muslim traders had begun to explore the
southern parts esp. Sulu
Who brought Islam in the Philippines?
• An Arab remain was found in a tempat on Bud
Dato, Jolo (710 AH or 1310 AD)
• Hence, there was already Muslim settlement
in Jolo island at the end of 13th century
• Historians agreed that Missionaries, Arab
traders and teachers(sufis) brought Islam in
the Philippines
Who are these Missionaries?
Tuan Mashai’ka
• the root of Islamization in the Philippines
• Married a local maiden and raised his
daughters as Muslims
• Lived in Jolo in the early 14th century
Who are these Missionaries?
Karim ul Makhdum
• He reinforced Islam by winning new adherents
• Founded the 1st mosque at Tubig-Indangan on
Simunul Island
• There may be two or more Makhdumin who
spread Islam
• Due to the presence of graves in several places
claimed by residents
Who are these Missionaries?
Rajah Baguinda
• Came to Jolo from Menangkabaw, Sumatra
• Overcame Joloanos resistance and insinuated
himself into Sulu leadership
• Marrried the daughter of local chieftain
• Strengthened Islamic consciousness in Sulu
Who are these Missionaries?
Sayyid Abu Bakar
• Aka Sultan Sharief ul Hashim
• Married Rajah Baguinda’s daughter Paramisuli
• Founded the 1st Sultanate of Sulu
• Further consolidated Islam and shaped political
• Direct descendant of Muhammad(S.A.W)
• Gave cakes and clothings to the natives and
converted the hill people to Islam
How did it penetrate Mindanao?
Sharief Awliya
• Introduced Islam not far from Cotabato City
• While looking at the hill of Tawantawan, he
met a ‘houri’ and married her and bore him a
daughter Paramisuli and married Sharief
How did it penetrate Mindanao?
Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
• Credited for the introduction of Islam in
• His father was alleged as descendant of
Prophet Muhammad
• Ilanun and Maguindanao people proudly claim
that they were Islamized by his influence
• Secured alliance with the Datus and converted
How did it penetrate Mindanao?
Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
• Married the daughters of local datus
• Laid foundations of Maguindanaon Sultanate
• His great great grandson, Qudarat, who is the
1st ‘Sultan’ in Maguindanao
How did it penetrate Mindanao?
Sharief Alawi
• Carried Islam to Bukidnon and the shores of
Lake Lanao
• Came from Cotabato to the mouth of
Tagoloan River (Misamis Oriental)
What did the Spaniards do?
• Teachers from Brunei and Moluccas helped to
strengthen Muslim consciousness
• Spanish Governor General Francisco de Sande
ordered commanders of two military
expeditions against Maguindanao to arrest
preachers (1578-1579)
What did the Spaniards do?
• Bishop Domingo de Salazar of Manila
complained to the King of Spain that Islam is
getting prevalent in Mindanao
• They are building mosques and the boys are
circumcised, and there is a school where they
are taught the alcoran
• At 16th century, Maguindanao had sufficiently
incorporated into dar-al-islam (household of
What did the Spaniards do?
• Islamization was completed by the late
nineteenth century when the Spaniards
returned to campaign again
• Islamic legitimization are derived from
alliances and intermarriages with
Maguindanao and Ilanun aristocratic families.
Main Stages of Islamization
1. The appearance of Muslim missionaries
in the Cotabato area around the middle of
fifteenth century – possibly Arabs or Arab
descent, and they appear to have come
via the Sulu archipelago on their way to
Cotabato. To them can be attributed the
beginning of Muslim settlements in the
area of Pulangi River Basin. To this stage
belong the legendary Sharief Awliya and
Sharief Maraja.
Main Stages of Islamization
2. The immigration of Islamic people and the
arrival of Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan in the
Illana Bay area in the first quarter of the
sixteenth century. The ruling families of Buayan
and Cotabato are Muslims and through their
efforts the process of Islamization accelerated.
Muslim alliances with neighboring small
principalities took place.
Main Stages of Islamization
3. Additional contacts with other Muslim
principalities, i.e., Sulu and the Moluccas in the
last quarter of the sixteenth century – marriage
alliances between the royal families of Sulu,
Cotabato and Ternate were forged. Bornean and
Ternatean preachers as well as itinerant Arab
teachers, appeared before the end of the
Main Stages of Islamization
4. A stiffening of Islamic attitudes in the face of
Spanish attempts at colonization and
Christianization around the beginning of the
seventeenth century-an acceleration of the
Islamization process in the Maranao area
followed. A general awareness among the
Muslim people of Mindanao that they belong to
a wider dar-al-islam became universal,
especially during the reign of Sultan Qudarat.
Get Ready and Earn Points!
A. Raise your right hand
B. Raise your both hands
C. Stand up
D. Stand up and raise your right hand
Review Pop Quiz
Who introduced Islam in Mainland Mindanao?
A. Rajah Baguinda
B. Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
C. Karim ul Makhdum
D. Sayyid Abu Bakr

A. Raise your right hand

B. Raise your both hands
C. Stand up
D. Stand up and raise your right hand
Review Pop Quiz
Who was the first Sultan in Sulu?
A. Sultan Qudarat
B. Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
C. Karim ul Makhdum
D. Sayyid Abu Bakr

A. Raise your right hand

B. Raise your both hands
C. Stand up
D. Stand up and raise your right hand
Review Pop Quiz
What do you call the written geneology in Sulu?
A. Qur’an
B. Hadith
C. Tarsilas
D. Vedas

A. Raise your right hand

B. Raise your both hands
C. Stand up
D. Stand up and raise your right hand
Review Pop Quiz
Who reinforced Islam in Jolo, Sulu?
A. Rajah Baguinda
B. Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
C. Karim ul Makhdum
D. Sayyid Abu Bakr

Review Pop Quiz
Who founded the first mosque in the
A. Rajah Baguinda
B. Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
C. Karim ul Makhdum
D. Sayyid Abu Bakr
A. Raise your right hand
B. Raise your both hands
C. Stand up
D. Stand up and raise your right hand
Review Pop Quiz
He begun the process of Islamization by raising
his children as Muslims
A. Tuan Mashai’ka
B. Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
C. Sharief Maraja
D. Sayyid Abu Bakr
A. Raise your right hand
B. Raise your both hands
C. Stand up
D. Stand up and raise your right hand
Review Pop Quiz
Who came to Jolo from Menangkabaw, Sumatra
who headed warriors and settlers?
A. Sharief Maraja
B. Sharief Muhammad Kabungsuan
C. Karim ul Makhdum
D. Rajah Baguinda
A. Raise your right hand
B. Raise your both hands
C. Stand up
D. Stand up and raise your right hand

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