"LF Judge of New: We Creation Industries

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"lf we judge Pravind Jugnauth solely on the debt

levels and creation of new industries, he has failed"
gradual realisation tiat a mere
handful would be elected could
have led to the numerous depar-
tures. But not only that, a leader
who refuses to question the gov-
ernment in parliament solely
because he is no longer the lead-
er of opposition is childish and
illusffates the party's dirc health.
He may not have put
questions directly to minis-
ters but he says he worked
with his team. And his MPs
? did give the government a
F ruu for its money,
didn't they?
The leader has to show the
way. I do feel that many of the
questions seem to have been tar-
geted at those that the party
\{'ould like to see gone in the e\en-
tuality ofan alliance. And why
'1 In coocrete terms, what would 1,ou choose to ask Minister
With the loss of a ByTouria PRAYAG
exactly bothered you? Seeruttun whether a price hike
number of members of You were the presideut As president, I merely was being considered to bail out
the Mouvement Militant ofthe youthwing ofthe Moz- averredtlat if we stuck to tlte the cane industry? Such ques-
Mauriclen (MMM) in the oement Militant Mquticien Ramgoolamists vs Berengists tions are puzzling to say the least.
run up to the general (MMM), a party thatyou left paradigm, we would end up re- Didn't Paul B6renger
in2011. Why? linquishing our values and would and his MPs offer some
election, Weekly speaks To be honest, I never left the reduce ourselves to useless fol- meaningful speeches in the
to Chetan Ramchurn, party officially, I went away hop- lowers. And indeed, once the National Assembly?
former president of the ing that the yes-men would get MMM and the Labour Party Yes, there have been some
youth wing of the party, tired oflosing and change would were in alliance, it created a void solid budget speeches by some of

for his views. His astute eventually come. Little did I that was filled with power-hun- the members belonging
know tlnt some ofthose figures gry individuals. \Vewere quick- to the MMM.
observations about the have nothing except the MMM ly tagged as rebels and the clash- Coming back to the res-
strategies being played to exist. \ohen there was the es between the youth wing and ignations, you don't seem to
out in the political controversy surrounding the the politburo were regular Many be shocked by such ratting on
choice of candidates for the 2017 of those yes-men have now oEe's party so close to the
arena provide general election. . .
by-election in Belle-Rose/Qua- changed ships and state proudly
food for thought. re-Bornes whereby the one that that they have had enough of the This is verill, the period of
had been working in the con- rotten state of affafus that they headhunting and poaching.
stituency for years was sacrifrced had helped create. Clearly this is a move that has
in favour ofa handpicked one, I - Did you expectthe been orchestrated by those in
went to the regional cell and lis- party to weaken so much ofiice. The timine is interestine.
tened to the arguments put for- overnight? The premier gni'Is not in th-e
ward. The yes-men were very The decline of the parry* was country u'hich sen es as a dam-
much tiere with zealous voices, predictable. The MMM has age limitation tactic that he has
professing unflinching loyalty to failed its own values. The ab- long privileged. It has spectacu-
the leader's whims. Nothing sence of intospection and stmt- larly flopped though. And here
had changed. egy is obvious. Added to that, tlrc u,e are, laughing at their expense.

your English news magazine lissue N"l65l < lnterview

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