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MAURITIUS TIMES Friday 9 March 2018 5

Offbeat Perspectives

Removing the colonial blinkers

What is lacking as we prepare for the next 50 years is a movement that cuts across social classes which pledges to limit the political lifetime of
elected members, which rejects corporate finance to run its activities, that ensures that it talks left and walks left
our system seems to favour the monitored, the behaviour of MPs With proper vision and planning
election of those concerned only would have to be at their best as well as a strong welfare state
about securing positions and con- since there could be the possibili- as keystones, the country has
tracts for their near and dear. ty of being removed from office, progressed. Faced with the
new laws that would really inequalities inherited from the
The State of the Left colonial era, only a safety net for
change the lives of citizens be ini-
Chetan Ramchurn In a country where parties talk tiated and people would connect citizens has ensured the social
left and walk right, gleefully sub- with our Motherland's present and and political stability of our coun-

mitting themselves to the oli- future. try. But the inequalities continue
emocracy comes with its
garchs, bold progressive ideas to exist and the oligarchy still pulls
fair share of bitter sur- What is lacking as we prepare
have suffered. The Labour Party the strings. Through free educa-
prises. Many now feel for the next 50 years is a move-
betrayed its ideals and followers tion, the possibility of beating fate
that the Lepep Alliance's victory in ment that cuts across social
when it chose to go along with and improving one's destiny
2014 will rank among the most classes which pledges to limit the
corporate tax cuts prescribed by became an achievable milestone.
unpalatable ones. Having political lifetime of elected mem-
Sithanen. These have proved Despite the obvious progress,
reversed whatever was achieved bers, which rejects corporate
ruinous for our country which now this is a country that has yet to
in terms of 'democratisation', it finance to run its activities, that
finds itself reduced to asking for reconcile its citizens around core
has manoeuvred towards the allows open primaries for local
money from foreign powers to themes. There is a schism along
consolidation of the historic bour- and national elections, that
sustain infrastructural develop- communal lines to this day. There
geoisie and the offering of free- ensures that it talks left and walks
bies to its hangers-on and mem- ment. Having wilfully crippled our are newspapers that host articles
left and that is not afraid to tackle
bers of its close-knit circuit. We motherland in the name of reminiscent of Le Cernéen. There
the mighty conglomerates when
are in regression mode. If any- growth, Labour lost itself while hidden in plain sight. Selection of for its citizens. Our economy will are talks of Hindu hegemony by
the better interests of the country
thing, this highlights the glaring dancing to the neoliberal tune. are being jeopardised. heads of regulatory bodies should remain amorphous if driven by some brainwashed minds being
loopholes of a system that This is unbefitting of a party with be made independently and cho- the interests of rent seekers. The spewed. To this day, there is a
demand to be plugged. Shifting such a glorious past. The GDP Where Economic Power ≠ sen candidates should be free country's progress will depend on clear attempt at whitewashing the
the levers of real power to citizens growth, very much like the heir's Political Power… from any political shackles. how buoyant our economy will be history of our island telling us so
would significantly embolden and desire to appear prime minis- in the next half a century. little about slavery and the plight
Mauritius and the vast majori- Real democratisation and
truly liberate Mauritius. terial, has yet to materialise. of the coolies. This is a wonderful
ty of Mauritians suffer from the The empowerment of citizens
The MMM, in ideological encroachment of economic
what it entails? country but a fragile one.
Image can be nothing is an absolute requisite for real
wilderness for decades now, power upon the political sphere. The historic bourgeoisie and democratisation. We have too Being Mauritian
While the ripples from the seeks to be in power merely for Financiers are handsomely the state supported one both gun many echoes and not enough
havoc initiated during the first the sake of power. There is not rewarded with fiscal exemptions for profits. In this regard, pan- There have been talks for
voices. This starts with the cons-
months of this government in much it wishes to change that will of billions when embarking upon dering to either of them can hard- decades about the creation of a
tant upgrade of our education
power are still felt, this Prime benefit the masses. Like the real estate projects again killing ly be conducive to the progress of national identity. It takes the form
system and as crucial is the of-
Minister has manifested a deep MSM, it wishes to be a welcoming the possibility of any democrati- this country. We need a strong of due recognition of our mother
fering of real incentives to enable
concern for his image. His elusive doormat for oligarchs. It is not the sation of land. Ganesh state; one that can democratise tongues. A month celebrating
citizens to break free from the
quest for a bard to hype him so kind of faction that would be po- Sitaraman, Professor of Law at access to land and that will Creole and Bhojpuri in their
shackles of a salaried life.
that he gains a prime ministerial sitive for our motherland and light Vanderbilt Law School and a various forms would be helpful.
ensure the supply of energy with-
cachet continues. Good luck with is unlikely to come from them. Senior Fellow at the Center for out having recourse to any private
The Road Travelled Perhaps, the only way the
that. Other leftist blocs are still at a pre- American Progress, outlines the Mauritian identity will flourish is by
intermediary. We need 'un Etat There has been substantial
Still, this has worked in the cocious stage but they will grow importance of ensuring that letting our specificities co-exist.
stratège' that ventures into new betterment in the lives of
past when his father took to aping and in time hopefully become "Economic power doesn't turn By being respectful towards each
sectors and creates new avenues Mauritians since independence.
Lee Kuan Yew and tried to adapt wielders of change and progress. into political power. When the other and seeing the beauty of
living side by side in harmony. A

very selective chapters of the "If there is hope… it lies wealthiest people and corpora-
Singaporean model to our local tions are deciding policy, that's A month celebrating Creole and Bhojpuri in culture pass for students would
in the proles" not an actual republic - a repre- their various forms would be helpful. be beneficial in this sense;
context; public housing for lower
to middle classes was never very Direct democracy would help sentative democracy - there must Perhaps, the only way the Mauritian identity allowing young Mauritians to dis-
high on his agenda and the go- curb the disgust of citizens with be campaign finance regulation cover the beautiful tapestry that is
will flourish is by letting our specificities co-exist. By our culture.
vernment was relegated to a politics. No longer would they be and a more representative politi-
being respectful towards each other and seeing the
mere doormat with selected limited to one voting expedition cal system." A democratic state
beauty of living side by side in harmony. A culture We are born free. That is the
members of the private sector every five years but would have a requires independent regulators
pass for students would be beneficial in this sense; greatest gift imparted to every
acting as puppeteers. Whilst Lee say on the things that matter and to ensure fairness. This is not the
citizen. The freedom to think and
Kuan Yew's vision empowered be in a position to correct the case at the moment where many allowing young Mauritians to discover the beautiful act. We should never forget that.
Singapore enough to break imbalances of the system. nominees act as rubber stamps,
tapestry that is our culture…~ Viv Moris!
through the middle income trap, Excessive expenses would be refusing to see what seems to be

10. Undermined lakorite*. In fact this

It took us just 50 years to

is the culmination of all the above. When
some observers claim that "modern"
Mauritius has tamed the beast of "com-
munalisme" (read sectarianism) the more
insightful can only wince. Repli identitaire

'unbuild' Mauritius
is dangerously alive and kicking. Our dif-
ferences are still being sordidly instru-
mentalised to feather vote banks.
Whether more subtly, less in-your-face is
We have witnessed a nationwide upgrade if materialism is the sole marker of progress. Regardless how Arguably, we have witnessed a nation-
wide upgrade if materialism is the sole
dramatic the costs and the absolute disregard for quality and standard marker of progress. Regardless how dra-
Samad Ramoly matic the costs and the absolute disre-
mode in the education system. Over- gard for quality and standard. We now
Our brand of development has specialization, rote learning and exam desperately need to delegitimise the
obsession that manufacture herds of enablers of growth in instant gratification,
failed to ignite the desired mojo "sheep" and celebrate their smart avatar GDP extraction, bat bate*, feel-bad factor,
and live up to the expectations may comfort the status quo seekers at the tribalism, common non-sense, economic
of the many because of, namely: top but they barely train the human capi- and social rent seeking/clientelism, pluto-
tal to cope with the onslaught of artificial cratic tendencies, injustices, inequalities,
intelligence and survive the cut-throat etc.
1. Unreliable public institutions. It global competition;
takes inspirational heads and a commit- Market economy per se is not the
9. The nurturing of the self-hating problem; it becomes one when policies
ted team to build trustworthy institutions; Mauritian. The reluctance to openly and socio-economic environment tend to
2. Weakening rule of law. Unless and embrace our local lingua franca is one promote a magnetic hub for business
until our set of laws and regulations are illustration. Another is how we have hanky panky and cartelisation. The de-
regularly updated and indiscriminatingly become vulnerable to foreign soft power growth of these nuisances must simulta-
enforced, the culture of impunity for the as epitomised by the "exotic", unsophisti- neously be complemented with robust
few fades, leading is by example, trans- cated and pervasive narratives since the growth in leadership, vision, hindsight,
parency and accountability prevail, our advent of "la république". We have grown home-grown solutions, synergy, innova-
motherland will continue to foment mis- grateful to tokenism. When we could have tion, eco-friendliness, fairness, empathy
trust and cynicism. The worst thing to harnessed all the features in our cosmo- and contentment.
happen to any nation is when people tend politan DNA to build a nation anchored in
to feel they have a moral justification to infinite creative energies. Doing nothing Effective change will roll down with the
flout the law; steep borrowing costs that deplete any founded on experimentation, fast learning about it is suicidal; emergence of a mindful citizen agency
disposable income, endemic corruption and incremental improvements along with that overturns majakaro*, sophistry, denial
3. The heavily lopsided reward sys- and blame game of the "squatters" who
and structural unemployment constitute a a mechanism of carrot and stick that

tem. Glass ceilings, the struggle to make control the corridors of political, business
monstrous systemic distorter and parasite nudges people to suppress inefficiencies; We have witnessed a
ends meet and to afford a decent and and media power. Small can be beautiful
that triggers a vicious cycle for house- 7. Shoddy infrastructure. There has nationwide upgrade if
unisolated habitat are not conducive to as well as awful. It depends on the con-
holds and forward-thinking businesses been an apparent re-alignment in internal
identification to the Mauritius Project.
materialism is the sole text. Negativities can be as contagious as
Under these conditions, it would be a and external connectivity but by and large marker of progress. Regardless a gung-ho impulse. The more so in a
miracle if, say, turning zougader* spirit 5. The red carpet for land grab. Not the attempt has merely managed to fill up
how dramatic the costs and the relatively small place. Even if a turn-
into stress relief, contempt through bling only have mighty landowners been gifted part of the lag. Without actually catching
absolute disregard for quality around looks tremendously challenging
bling of the few and flashing surreally- with phenomenally inflated valuation of up with current demand. Accordingly
we must keep this in mind.
priced villas on billboards, do not also their assets, foreigners have been anticipating projected demand would be and standard. We now
empowered to buy property. The in-built asking too much. Just observe how the * Zougader: Betting culture
demotivate, whip up social ills and health desperately need to
issues, ruin families, hurt labour produc- disincentive has frozen any large-scale tropical "tiger" can be overwhelmed by a * Black swan: An event that comes as a
delegitimise the enablers of
tivity, fuel brain drain, etc.; initiative to salvage our crumbling food cyclone or extremely low and high rainfall surprise and brings devastating impact
sovereignty. One the wisest and boldest even if the synopsis does not fit into the growth in instant gratification,
4. The "welfare state" for lazy it its wake
steps to defuse the looming violent wake- definition of a "black swan*". Poor execu- GDP extraction, bat bate,
and/or fat businesses courtesy of the * Lakorite: Effortless sense of
deliberate and persistent depreciation of
up call stemming from brewing popular tion, inexistent maintenance and cost feel-bad factor, tribalism,
collaboration between stakeholders
resentment is through a comprehensive ineffectiveness have magnified the inade- common non-sense, economic
our currency. At independence it took that transcends creed and skin colour
and savvy land reform; quacy and systemic disruption. The bitter
about 13 rupees to buy one pound ster- and social rent seeking/ * Bat bate: Doing things the least
6. The demise of planning. Instead truth is, measured on a global scale,
ling. Today we need about 47 rupees. We clientelism, plutocratic bothered by the imperative of
policymaking has been outsourced to Mauritius is logistically a laggard;
can only pray we never reach the 2007 tendencies, injustices, achieving excellence
Peak Dive of 66 rupees. Lumped to- one-track minded technocrats and charla- 8. The disabling of the creativity,
gether, ever-shrinking purchasing power, tans. What is paramount is a culture problem-solving and entrepreneurial inequalities…~ * Majakaro: Overindulgence spree

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