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MECQ Guidelines for IL Giardino Homeowners Association Incorporated

are hereby issued:

I. Entry Restrictions

A. Legitimate Reason Only. HOA members are reminded that movement of persons while under
MECQ should be limited to accessing essential goods and services and going to work in (and returning
home from) any permitted establishment. Therefore, persons entering the subdivision should be
limited to the following:
 Residents returning home must submit the following prior to entering the village;
o Health Clearance or Certification that he/she is Covid-19 Free from the point of origin
o Travel Pass to those who are within the reach or areas known as Covid-19 zones
o Barangay Acceptance Letter based on Governor Jonvic Remulla Executive Order No. 18-
2020 Sections 2 to 4 (see attached Appendix A)
 Employees going to work in the subdivision such as administration staff, property management
services, maintenance, drivers, house help, security services, or those working in any permitted
establishments that might be operating within a subdivision.
 Deliveries, including courier and mail services. The HOA may require all deliveries to be picked up
at the gate of the subdivision, provided that gate security should ensure proper distancing among
any waiting delivery personnel. Delivery personnel should remain inside their vehicles and
dismount only when strictly necessary OR when the HOA resident have ADVISED the HOA Admin,
Officer and or the Village Guards prior to the scheduled delivery date and time. No Advise No
 Essential or emergency maintenance, repair or installation services, including utility services,
telecommunications, internet service providers, cable providers, garbage, sewerage, pest control,
plumbing, electrical, fire prevention, termite control; and
 Emergency responders.

B. Thermal Scanning. Thermal scanning of all persons entering is MANDATORY. Residents that have
temperatures above 37.5 C should not be permitted entry and can be referred to the Barangay
Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT). Gate security should report any such instances of
symptomatic residents to the HOA Admin or Officer immediately and if and when unavailable shall be
referred to BHERT. The HOA Admin or Officer is encouraged to contact the symptomatic resident to
determine if the HOA may provide any medical assistance.
C. Testing. There is no mandatory requirement to test all residents for COVID-19 before
they may return to work. However, the IGHAI residents that were away during the ECQ or any known
Covid-19 areas and are returning to work, are recommended to go to the
nearest health center. They will be assessed by a health professional and if necessary,
tested in one of the City’s community testing centers free of charge if and when is possible.
Prescribed health and safety protocols shall be applied.
D. Tricycles. HOAs may allow tricycle operator/driver associations (TODAs) to ply their
routes subject to TODA compliance with the Guidelines of the General Trias Tricycle Franchising
E. Face Masks. HOAs are reminded that the wearing of face masks in public places and even inside the
village is mandatory, as we will follow and execute Provincial Ordinance No. 276-2020. Persons
without face masks should be denied entry with NO EXEMPTIONS. If a resident can present a medical
certificate coming from a hospital pertaining that he/she has Hypoxia who cannot wear a face mask,
by then he/she still needed to wear a Face Shield as a form of a protection.
F. Vehicle Stickers. The current vehicle sticker validity is from August 3, 2019 to August 3, 2020 only. We
encourage everyone to apply for a new vehicle sticker on ALL TYPES OF MOTORIZED VEHICLES such as
sedans, suv’s, trucks, motorcycle, franchised tricycles, e-bike and the like. This is just to avoid further
inconvenience and for the safety and security of our village. The NEW vehicle stickers are way better
than the previous and have a distinction between a Homeowner and a Tenant.
II. Activity Restrictions

A. No Mass Gatherings. Block parties, neighborhood events, assemblies, religious gatherings and other
mass gatherings are prohibited.
B. No Schools. Any schools located in the subdivision should remain closed, except that
they may continue to provide virtual or remote learning facilities for their students.
C. No Recreational, Leisure or Personal Care Establishments and Facilities. Any recreational, leisure, or
personal care establishment or facility in the subdivision should remain closed, such as gyms, fitness
studios, basketball, badminton and tennis courts; day care centers, barbershops, salons; and other
similar enterprises within the village.
D. No Non-Essential Construction. No private residential construction or renovation projects shall be
allowed. Limited work may be performed in so far as necessary for essential maintenance or
emergency repair of existing residences or facilities. Also, construction on essential facilities, such as
utilities, telecommunications and digital works, may proceed.
E. Limited Outdoor Exercise. Limited outdoor activities shall be allowed, including walking, jogging and
bicycling, provided that persons must continue to continue to observe social distancing. Such
activities should not be earlier than 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM or later than 4:00PM to 6:00PM in
compliance with the current Provincial Curfew. No team sports or group exercises shall be allowed.
F. No Loitering/Observance of Provincial Curfew Hours. Aside from the limited outdoor exercise
mentioned above, residents should be discouraged from loitering in public and encouraged to remain
in their homes. Also, HOAs are reminded that he Curfew Hours remain in effect, meaning that from
8:00PM to 4:30AM, only persons going to work, dealing with emergencies, or who otherwise have
legitimate reason to leave their homes, may go outside.
G. No Visitors Allowed. This is just to limit the number of people going in that is NOT a resident of our
village and to limit the movement to help decrease and or the spread of the Virus.

III. Health Measures

A. Peace and Order Team, IGCF and Village Guards. Will be responsible for enforcing and reminding safe
practices among subdivision staff and residents (distancing, face masks, hand washing, etc.) and
disseminating such information to the community.
B. Mandatory Reporting. The HOAs and its members must promptly report to the HOA Admin, Officers
and Village Guards, IF they become aware of any suspected, probable or confirmed COVID-19 case
within their block or street,
 by email to;
 or by text message to IGHAI President +63917.651.1160, IGHAI Secretary +63915.248.8199;
 Village Guards +63975.260.1190 & +63935.207.4104

The Board of Directors, its staffs, the IGHAI umbrella of committees, the village guards and its
members must strictly observe confidentiality in making such reports. Within the subdivision, the
identities of the persons concerned must be disclosed on a “need to know basis” only to staff directly
coordinating with the BHERT. There must be no public announcement or social media posting of the
identities of the concerned persons.

C. Health Declaration Forms. Shall be available at the Village Main gate for both incoming vehicles and
pedestrian. This is to keep track of everyone coming in to our village for ease of identification and as a
reference. (see attached Appendix B)
D. Non-Discrimination. HOAs are reminded that Provincial Ordinance No. 273-2020 strictly prohibits
discrimination against health workers, frontliners and suspected, probable or confirmed COVID-19
cases. Among the prohibited acts are: a) denying such persons access to their homes or services; b)
stigmatization or the disclosure of the identity or personal data of such persons, whether offline or
online, that would result in putting them to shame. Further, any person in violation of non-
discrimination shall be meted with a fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php5, 000.00) or imprisonment not
exceeding Six (6) months or both at the discretion of the court as stated under the abovementioned
Ordinance. (see attached Appendix C)
E. Non-Cooperation. Failure to cooperate with any of the measures under these Guidelines may lead to
criminal charges under Republic Act No. 11332. Further, Any person or entity found committing non-
cooperation as mentioned above may be penalized with a fine of not less than Twenty thousand
pesos (₱20,000.00) but not more than Fifty thousand pesos (₱50,000.00) or imprisonment of not less
than one (1) month but not more than six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the
discretion of the proper court, under R.A. 11332 or charged under Data Privacy Act, Cybercrime
Prevention Act or the Revised Penal Code, depending on their actions.

IV. Management of Symptomatic Residents and or Guests

Following DOH guidelines, the following measures must be complied with in the management of
symptomatic residents and or guests:

1. Create a holding area for symptomatic guests with travel history from identified countries or
areas with high cases prior to transport to hospital.
2. Immediately refer residents and or guests with fever (> 38 C) and/or cough, and have a history of
travel to identified high risk countries or localities within the Philippines, to the BHERT or nearest
3. Assure residents and or guests of assistance in case they begin to manifest symptoms such as
fever and/or cough.
4. Keep the symptomatic residents and or guests confined in the room originally used until trained
transport providers are available to transport him or her to BHERT or nearest hospital.
5. Coordinate with the BHERT or nearest hospital for necessary transportation of symptomatic
residents and or guests.
6. Screen existing residents and or guests, well or sick, for fever and/or cough, and travel history
using the health checklist provided by the DOH.
7. Immediately inform the doctor on duty or the emergency response team for assistance for
coordination to the referral hospital or the Barangay Health Emergency Response Team (BHERT)
for assessment if any staff is concerned about the condition of a residents and or guests, or if a
residents and or guests request access to medical services.

Staff and personnel shall avoid employing any discriminatory action against any sick person with high
fever and cough for fear of contracting or spreading the virus and or false representation of any kind.
Appendix A
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix C
Appendix C
Appendix C

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