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Method 2: MUHURTA CHINTAMANI.........................................................................................................................................................3

Method 3: MUHURTA CHINTAMANI.........................................................................................................................................................3

Method 4: VASTU PRADEEPA....................................................................................................................................................................3

Method 5: MUHURTA CHINTAMANI.........................................................................................................................................................4

Method 6: VASTU PRADEEPA...................................................................................................................................................................4

Method 7: MUHURTA RATNAKARA..........................................................................................................................................................4

Method 8: VASTURATNAVALI...................................................................................................................................................................4


DIG DASA: VASTU PRADEEPA....................................................................................................................................................................5

VASTU RAJA VALLABHA............................................................................................................................................................................5

SITE EXAMINATION:.......................................................................................................................................................................................6

JUDGING THE PLOT....................................................................................................................................................................................6

SALYAS IN THE SITE...................................................................................................................................................................................6

SALYAS IN HOUSES.........................................................................................................................................................................................7

VASTU PLOTS WITH PROJECTIONS AND ROADS.....................................................................................................................................7

PLOTS WITH ROADS:..................................................................................................................................................................................7

KSHETRAPHALA IN VASTU.............................................................................................................................................................................8

DETERMINATION OF KSHETRAPHALA.....................................................................................................................................................8

SIX VARGAS................................................................................................................................................................................................8

COMPOUND WALLS, GATE, SPEARING ROADS:.........................................................................................................................................10


VEEDHI SHOOLA (SPEARING ROADS).....................................................................................................................................................10

SLOPES IN A HOUSES PLOT...........................................................................................................................................................................11

INAUSPICIOUS PLOTS:..................................................................................................................................................................................12

EKASEETI PADA VASTU:................................................................................................................................................................................13

SIXTEEN KINDS OF VEDHAS IN VASTU........................................................................................................................................................14


NUMBERS OF DOORS....................................................................................................................................................................................15


Page 1
OPEN SPACE...................................................................................................................................................................................................16

OUT HOUSES..................................................................................................................................................................................................16

SEPTIC TANK..................................................................................................................................................................................................16

TREES IN HOUSE COMPOUND......................................................................................................................................................................16

WATER FLOW................................................................................................................................................................................................16

HOUSE EXTENSION.......................................................................................................................................................................................16

PLOT EXTENSION......................................................................................................................................................................................16

HOUSE PARTITION........................................................................................................................................................................................16


Vastu- Science of Harmony...........................................................................................................................................................................18

Change Your Destiny....................................................................................................................................................................................20

Patiently Wait for Effect of Vaastu Corrections.........................................................................................................................................22

Fundamental Theory of Vastu......................................................................................................................................................................23

The Mantra of Vaastu...................................................................................................................................................................................24

VAASTU: An Effective Method of Peace and Prosperity............................................................................................................................25

The Fortune of Your Personal Door............................................................................................................................................................26

Vastu Shastra for Prosperity in Life............................................................................................................................................................34

The Instant Trigram Therapy.......................................................................................................................................................................39

Vastu and Garden..........................................................................................................................................................................................44

Vastu Tips......................................................................................................................................................................................................47

Vedic Vastu or Vastu Science ?.....................................................................................................................................................................49

Philosophy of Astrology and Vastu yoga.....................................................................................................................................................51

Determination of Directions Solar System and the Earth in Solar System:.............................................................................................52

Aaya Prakarana.............................................................................................................................................................................................55

Determining Aaya :.......................................................................................................................................................................................55

The effects of Aayas are:..............................................................................................................................................................................56

Direction Varga Aaya Lordship....................................................................................................................................................................57

Dikpatis (Lords of directions) :....................................................................................................................................................................59

The Viswakarma Prakasika Method........................................................................................................................................................60

The Kalamruta Method............................................................................................................................................................................60

Casting of Horoscope by Pendulum............................................................................................................................................................62

Dwar Vastu Chakra.......................................................................................................................................................................................64


Page 2
Say Good Bye to Examination Fever The Fengshui Way...........................................................................................................................67

Vastu in Modern Times................................................................................................................................................................................69

Formula of Success...................................................................................................................................................................................72


Page 3
If one wants to construct a house and live in it happily for years, the first norm of vastu is Gramarvan which means a choice of
the city town or village. The following are some of the methods dealt in our ancient texts of vastu, concerning Gramarvan.


The syllables in Sanskrit alphabet are divided into 8 Vargas. They are Avarga, Kavarga, chavarga, Tavarga, Thavarga, pavarga,
Yavarga, and Savarga.

Keep the number counted from the first syllable of person's name, on the left of the number counted from to the first syllable of
the village name. Divide the entire number counted by 8. The number Dhana. Now keep the number counted from to the first
syllable of the person's name on the right of the number counted from to the first syllable of the village - name. Divide the entire
number by 8. The reminder is rina. If dhana is greater than rina, the village (town/city) favors him with happiness in prosperity if
he builds a house and lives in it. Dhana is less than rina, it doesn't favor the person. If dhana and rina are equal, it is mediocre.

Example: - the name of the person is Raman. The name of the town is Bangalore. The first syllable of Rama is Ra. This is the 39th
syllable counted from the first syllable of Bangalore is. This is the 35th, syllable counted from placing 39 on the left of 35, we get
the number k3955. This when divided by 8, gives the remainder 7. This is dhana. Now keeping 39 on the right of 35, we get the
number 3539. This when divided by the 8, we get remainder 3. So dhana is greater than rina.


Among the 8 vargas of alphabet, mentioned previously find out the varga numbers that the first syllable of person's name and
the first syllable of village - name belong to. Keep the person's varga number on the left of the village varga number. Divide the
entire number by 8. The reminder is dhana. Now keep the person's varga number on the right of the village varga number.
Divide the entire number by 8. The remainder is rina. Dhana should be greater than rina.

Example: - the name of the person is Raman. The name of the city is Bangalore. The first syllable of Raman is 'Ra' which belongs
to varga 7. The first syllable of Bangalore is (ba) which belongs to Varga 6. Keeping 7 on the left of 6. We get the number 76. This
when divided by 8, gives the remainder 4. This is dhana. Keeping 7 on the of 6, we get the number 67. This when divided by 8
gives the remainder 4. This is Rina since Rina is less than Dhana, Bangalore favors Raman.


Double the Varga number of the person and add to it, the Varga number of the village. Now divide the sum by 8. The remainder
is Namakakaini. Double the Varga number of the village and add to it the Varga number of the person. Now divide the sum by 8.
The remainder is Gramakakini. The Namakakaini is Dhana, while Gramakakini is Rina. The Namakakaini should be greater than

Example: - the name of the person is Raman. The name of the city is Bangalore. The Varga number of 'Ra' is 7. When double it
becomes 14. Add the Varga number 6 of 'ba', now we get 14+6=20. This when divided by 8, gives the number 4.  This is
Namakakanini or Dhana. Now double the Varga number 6 of'ba' a dad to it the Varga number 7. So we get 19. This when divided
by 8 gives the remainder 3. So, Namkakini is greater than Grmakakini. So Bangalore suits Raman.


Find the varga lords of the person and the village. If the two lords are the same or if the two lords are mutual friends, the village
favors the person, if the two lords are inimical to each, the village falls in disfavor. If

VARGAS                                                                    LORDS
Avarga                                                                         sun
Kavarga                                                                       Moon  
Chavarga                                                                      Mars
Tavarga                                                                        Venus
Thanvarga                                                                    Mercury          
Pavarga                                                                        Jupiter
Yavarga                                                                       Saturn
(8 syllables)

The two lords are neutral to each; it is Medicare, neither prosperous nor calamitous.

Example: - Raman is the name of the person. 'Ra' belongs to Yavarga whose lord is Saturn. Bangalore is the name of the city 'ba'
belongs to Pavarga whose lord is Jupiter. Since the two lords are neutral, Bangalore is mediocre to Raman.


Page 4
The eagle, cat, lion, dog, snake, rat and rabbit are symbolic respectively of the eight Vargas from Avarga to Savarga. Each is
inimical to its 5th Varga. So, one should not choose a village from his own Varga. The eight Vargas from Avarga to Savarga
respectively represent the eight directions from the East to North- East. So, one should choose the village of the 5th direction
from his own direction. See the table below:

Savarga Rabbit Avarga,

Eagle Kavarga,

Cat Yavarga,

Elephant Varga,

Chart Chavarga,

Lion Pavarga,

Rat Thavarga,

Snake Tavarga God.


From the person's name Rasi, the village belonging to the 2nd , 5th 9th, 10th or 11th name rasi is good to him to build a house
and live in that village. The village belonging to two 1st, 3rd, 4th or 7th name rasi is mediocre. The village belonging to 6th, 8th or
12th name rasi is evil.

Example: - the Nama rasi of Raman is Thula. The Nama Rasi of Bangalore is Dhana. Since Dhanus is the 3rd from Thula, it is


Multiply the number of syllables in the name of the village with 4 and add the number of syllables in the name of the person.
Divide the sum by 7. The remainders 1, 2,4,5,6 are good. 3 and 7 are evil.
Example: - Raman contains 2 syllabuses. Bangalore contains 4 syllables therefore 4*4+2 =18. This when divided by 7, gives the
remainder 4. So. Bangalore is good for Raman.

Count from the name asterism of the village to the name asterism of the person. The results are interpreted according as the
number falls in the asterism connected with the as shown below:

Head                - 5 - gain
Face                 - 3 - loss of money
Belly                 - 5 - money
Foot                 - 6 - harm to woman
Back                - 1- danger to life
Navel               - 4 - wealth
Secret organ     - 1 - money
Right hand        - 1- grief
Left hand          - 1 - difference
Example: the name of the person is Raman. His name star is Chitta. The name of the city is Bangalore. So, the name asterism of
Bangalore is Uttarashada. Counting from Uttarashada to Chitta, we get the number 24, this falls in navel, which indicates wealth.

See that the majority of the eight methods mentioned above, favor the village or city where in you intend to build a house and
live in. never build a house in a village whose name asterism lies in the sign transited by Saturn, during Saturn's transit period.


Page 5
Having selected a favorable village, for building a house, one has to decide the factorable direction reckoned from the centre of
the village. Persons with Nama rasis of vrishabha, simha, makara and mithuna should not construct houses in the centre of the
village. Those with Nama rasi of vrischika should not construct houses in the east. Those with Nama rasi meena should not
construct houses in south-east. Those with Nama rasi of kanya should not construct house in south. Those with Nama rasi of
kataka should not construct houses in south-west. Those with Nama rasi of dhanus should not construct houses in south. Those
with name rasi of thula should not build houses in north-west. Those with Nama rasi of kumbha should not construct houses in
north. Those with Nama rasi of kumbha should not construct houses in north-east. And one should not build a house in the
village in the direction indicated by the 5th varga of his own varga.

Example: - arun is the name of the person. The name asterism of arun is krittika - 1, because the first syllable belongs to the 1st
pada of krittika. Krittika - 1 lies in mesha. So the Nama rasi of arun is mesha. So arun should not construct a house and live in
north reckoned from the centre of the village or town city. Arun's varga is avarga in mesha. The 5th from mesha is simha
representing south. So, he could not build a house in the south reckoned from the centre of the village chosen by him.


Note the constants of Vargas & directions, mentioned below:

Avarga, East                           =8

Kavarga, south - East             =5
Chavarga, south - west            =6
Tavarga, south - west              =4
Thavarga, west                        =7
Pavarga, north - West               =1
Yavarga, north                          =3
Savarga, north - east                 =2

Add the constants of the village varga. Person's varga and direction. Divide the sum by 9. The remainders from 1 to 9 respectively
indicated the planetary dasas of the sun (6), moon (10), mars (7), rahu (18), Jupiter (16), Saturn (19), mercury (17), ketu (7), and
Venus (20). These planetary dasas begin from the time of house constructions. The maximum limit of life span of a house
attained in varga calculation. The results of planetary dasas are follows:

Sun dasa          (6 y)                 = fickle- mindedness and tensions.

Moon dasa       (10 y)               = gain of money
Mars dasa        (7 y)                 = fear and distress
Rahu dasa        (18 y)               = fevers
Jupiter dasa      (16 y)               = happiness, prosperity
Saturn dasa      (19 y)               = disease
Mercury dasa   (17 y)               = happiness
Katu dasa         (7 y)                 = troubles
Venus dasa       (20 y)               = happiness, prosperity

Example: - Rama builds a house in hanamkanda in north- east from the centre of hanamkanda. "ra" belongs to yavarga of
constants 3. "ha" belongs to savarga of constant 2. The constant of north- east is 2.
Therefore, 3 +2 +2 =7. This is not divisible by 9 and hence 7 is the remainder. So, mercury dasa of 17 years begins from the time of
house- construction. There is another school of thought concerning dig dasa which is as follows:-


Add the varga numbers of the person, village and the direction, divide the sum by 9. The remainders 1 to 9 respectively show the
planetary dasas from the sun to Venus. The dasas of benefic planets are good while dasas of malefic planets are evil.

Example: - varga number of Rama is 7. Since "ra" belongs to yavarga whose number is 7. Varga number of hanamkonda is 8 since
'ha' belongs to savarga whose number is 8. Varga number of north-east is 8. Therefore, 7 +8 +8 = 23. 23 when divided by 9, gives
the remainder 5. So the planetary dasa of Jupiter of 16 years begins.


Page 6
The site before constructing a house should be examined to see if it favors the person with happiness and prosperity.

Test the colors, smell, taste, touch and sound of the soil in the site. The plot is good if the colour of the soil is white or brick -red.
The soil should have fragrance of flowers or of honey. It should not have bad odour of meat or liquor etc. if the soil tastes sweet,
the plot is good. If it tastes bitter or saline, it is bad reject the plot if you hear from the ground any fierce sounds like those of
fox, dog, ass, water fall or broken pots. The plot is good if you hear melodious sounds like those of horse, elephant, bamboo,
ocean, kettle-drum or lute. If the ground in the plot is too rough for one to stand or if the clay is too hot or too cold, the plot
should be rejected.


TEST 1: dig s pit of s cubit's depth and fill it again with clay. If the clay falls short of filling the pit, the pit is no good for house
constructing. If the clay exactly suffices to fill up, it is mediocre. If some of the clay remains left out, the plot is good.

TEST 2: fill the pit with water. If water remains the next day, the plot augurs prosperity. If only the mud remains, it forebodes
poverty. If dust remains, it is an indication of death.

TEST 3: fill the pit with water. The plot is good if the water remains in half of if it by the time a person walks hundred feet and
returns. If the water-level is less than a half and more than a quarter it is bad. The next test is to see if the site is alive or dead. A
dead site should be rejected fro house construction.

Test 1: add the varga numbers of the person, village and direction. Divide the sum by 3. if the remainder is 1, it is alive and if the
remainder is 2, it is dead. If the remainder is 1, it is alive and if the remainder is 2, it is dead. If the remainder is 3 it is neither alive
nor deed.

Example: varga number of Rama is 7 (Ya varga)

                Varga number of hanamkonda is 8 (SA varga)
                Varga number of north- east is 8
                7 + 8 + 8 = 23. This when divided by 3 gives the remainder as 2 which show the site is dead.

TEST 2: add the constants of the village varga, person's varga and direction. Divide the sum by 3. If the remainder is 1, it is jagati
which is good. If the remainder is 2, it is 2; it is rakshasi which is bad.
The constants of Vargas and directions are as follows:

Avarga - East = 8; Kavarga, South - East = 5;

Chavarga - South = 6; Tavarga, South - West = 4;
Thavarga, west = 7; Pavarga, North - West = 1;
Yavarga, North = 3; and Savarga; North - East = 2.
Example: the varga constant of Rama is 3. The varga constant of Hanamkonda is 2.

The constant of North - East is 2. Therefore 3 +2 +2 = 7. This, when divided by 3, gives the remainder 1 which is jagati.
TEST 3: add the constants of the Vargas of village, person and direction. Add 9 to the sum and multiply the sum with 7 and divide
it by 4. If the remainder is 1, happiness if assured. If the remainder is 2 it is sleepy which is mediocre. If the remainder is 3, it is
deed. If the remainder is 4, it is void.

Example: varga constant of Rama is 3; varga constant of Hanamkonda is 2. Constant of North- East is 2.
Therefore, 3 +2 + 2 =7
7 + 9 =16; 16*7
                                    R = 4
Therefore it is void.
Test 4: if the seeds sown in the site sprout in 3 days, it is good for house construction. If they sprout in 7 days, it is bad. The seeds
may be of paddy, wheat, mustard, seas mum, barley etc.


Salyas may be bones, ash, husk, or leather pieces. They may be pieces of wood, coal, or iron etc. Such extraneous and evil-
portent objects in the site should be removed by digging the ground before you build a house. Salyas found beneath 12 inches
depth in the ground bear no evil effect.

The syllables Aa, Ka, Cha, Ta, Tha, Pa, Ya, and Sa respectively represent the 8 directions from the east to north-East. Ha, Pa, Ya
represent the centre of the site. From the first syllable of a word uttered by the querent you can know in which direction the
salyas lie in the site. If the first syllable of the querent is other than the above mentioned syllables, it means the absence of
Salyas in the site. See the figure:


Page 7
If deaths occur once in every three years in any house, it means human bones may lie in the east. Frequent troubles from
Government like suspension, dismissal from services, indicate the salyas of donkey in the south-East. If the head of the family
suffers from a chronic disease human salyas lie in the south. If infant mortality is frequent, canine bones lie in the south- west. If
any member of the family is a vagabond because of lunacy, bones of an infant child lie in the west. If the head of the family is
troubled with enemies or litigation etc., for more than twelve years, husk and pieces of coal lie in the north-west. If the head of
the family, through rich, loses his wealth gradually in twelve years, human bones lie in the north. Loss of cattle indicates human
bones in the north-East. If the family is extinct, bone ash and pieces of coal lie in the middle of the site. A site mostly cracked or a
site with salyas, anthills or hillocks thrown up by white ants, moles etc., should be rejected for house construction. At the time of
ploughing the land for cleaning the site, the sight of stones, gold, bricks etc., augurs happiness and prosperity. The sight of husk,
bones, eggs, snake, tatters etc. may portend death. The sight of cotton portends disease. The sight of cowries forebodes
quarrels and distress. The sight of pieces of fuel-wood presages fire-accident. Such extraneous and evil salyas should be
removed and the site should be covered with fresh bricked or white clay.


A square or rectangular plot is best preferred. Any polygonal plot or any plot in the shape of a quadrilateral of unequal sides
should be tailored if possible to a square or a rectangular plot. This is the opinion of our ancient scholars of vastu. But moderns
hold the opinion that a North-East projections of a square or a rectangular plot yields better results. And a projection in any
other corner, they agree is a blemish. For example see the diagrams for North-East projections.

An obsolete karika states: A black-grain extension of North-East corner in the plot is enough to give education, erudition and
cattle-wealth to the inmates of the house. But even a corn-seed extension of south East corner will mar happiness and
prosperity, causing diseases. In fact this seed-extent mentioned in the karika is not traceable to the naked eye. But today's
practitioners not only accept the same kartika but also exaggeratedly state that the more the North-East corner is extended, the
more auspicious and favorable is the plot. And they also hold the decrease of the south-East, south-West and North-West
corners is must. But such a concept of the modern practioner contravenes the fundamental vastu norm that a plot of unequal
sides causes distress and grief. A reduced North-East sector in the plot is not favored as much reduced south-west sector.

See the diagrams with much reduced south-west sectors in the plot. A house constructed with a little open space left in the
west, will have much more open space in the south and similarly a house constructed with a little open space in the south, will
have more open space in the west. Both are inauspicious.


A plot with four around it is very good.
In the four-road plot, the main-entrance door can be in the East for those with Nama rasis viz. kanya, makara, mithuna. It can be
in the west for those with Nama rasis viz. Tula, kumbha, vrishabha. It can be in the north for those with for those with narma
rasis viz. mesha, simha, and dhanus. Keeping entrance doors on four sides is no blemish. With respect to the roads around a plot,
the eight directional plots are as follows:

EAST PLOT: this will have a road in the East, or roads in the East, North and South. The main-entrance of the house should be in
the East.

SOUTH-EAST PLOT: this will have roads in the East and South main entrance should be in the East,. A more open space in the
East is welcome. Coverage of house in south is advisable.

SOUTH PLOT: this will have a road in south or roads in south, East and west. Main entrance should be in the south.

SOUTH-WEST PLOT: this will have roads in south and west. Main entrance should be the west.

WEST PLOT: this will have a road in the west or roads in the East, South and North. Main entrance should be in the west.

NORTH-WEST PLOT: this will have roads in the north and west. Main entrance should be in the west, keeping more open space
in the East and North.

NORTH PLOT: this will have road in the North or roads in North, East and West. Main entrance should be in the north, with more
open space in the north.

NORTH-EAST PLOT: this will have roads in the north and East. Main entrance should be in the East with more open space in the
North. It can be in the North, with more open space in the East.


Page 8
DEFINITION: KSHETRAPHALA is the product of length and breadth of the house- plot. It is also called pada or panda.
Determination of Kshetraphala is based on a chosen house-asterism and ayam. Ayams are eight in number. They are: 1. dhwaja, 2.
dhuma, 3.simha, 4.swana, 5.vrishabha, 6. khara, 7. gaja and 8. Kaka. The odd numbered ayams, namely, dhwaja, simha, vrishabha
and gaja are good while the rest are evil.

Choose any asterism among the 27 asterisms from aswini to revati that suits well with the name - asterism of the person by the
8-kuta judgments. This will be the house-asterism. Aridra, punarvasu, pushyami, alesh, makha, pubba, satabhisha, poorvabhadra,
uttarabhadra are generally considered auspicious for Kshetraphala. So, one can choose any one among these nine asterism too,
that would suit the name-asterism of the person. This will be the house-asterism. This is not necessarily the asterism at the time
of beginning house-construction.

Count the house-asteris from Aswini. Subtract 1 from this number. Now multiply this by 152.

Select any Ayam from the four odd-numbered ayams, namely, dhwaja, simha, vrishabha, gaja. Subtract 1 from this number.
Multiply it by 81.
Add the results of (a) and (b) and to this sum, add 17 and divide it by 216. The remainder is Kshetraphala. You can divide
Kshetraphala by your chosen length to get breath or by your chosen breadth to get length. But make sure that the breadth is an
integer. If the calculated Kshetraphala is too small for our intended house, you can add 216 or 432 or 648 or 864 and so on, to
get your intended house-plinth.

Example: arun is the name of the person who intends to build a house. His name asterism is krittika. Makha is his chosen
asterism because it matches with krittika by 8-kuta judgment. Makha is therefore his house-asterism.

Makha is the 10th asterism from aswini.

10        -           1          = 9
9          *          152      = 1368
His chosen ayam is gaja, the 7th ayam from dhwaja.
7          -           1          = 6
6          *          81        = 486
1368    +          486     = 1854
1854    +          17        = 1871
1871    /           216

                                    R = 143
So for makha house-asterism and for gaja ayam, the kshetraphala is 143 in which case the breadth can be 11 yards and the length
can be 13 yards of the house-plinth. It is better that the length between the souths and north should measure ¼ more than that
between the East and West in the house-plinth. This is called Chandra viddha.

therwise it is surya viddha which is mediocre. That is, prefer always a square plot but in the case of rectangular plot, avoid surya
viddha. Choose any one of the kshetraphala from the table on the next page that suits you by the least shadvarga.

The six Vargas are 1. Ayam, 2.dhana, 3.rina, 4. Weekday, 5. Asterism and 6. Amsa.
AYAM: multiply Kshetraphala (K.P) by 9 and divide it by 8. The remainder gives ayam. The remainders will be 1. Dhwaja, 2 =
dhuma, 3 = simha, 4 = swana, 5. Vrishabha, 6 = khara and 7 = gaja respectively, 1,3,5,7 are good.

Kshetraphala as calculated fro the 9 auspicious house asterisms and the 4 auspicious ayams is as shown in the table:
Kshetraphala*9\12 = remainder which is Dhana.
Kshetraphala*3\8 = reminder which is Rina.
Kshetraphala*9\7 = reminder which is weekday.
                        Sunday and Tuesday are evil.
Kshetraphala*8\27 = reminder which is house-asterism.

Aridra, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Pubba, Satabhiha, Pooravabhadra and Urratabhadra are auspicious.


Page 9
For Kshetraphala calculated for other asterisms, count from the name asterism to the house asterism of K.P. Divide this number
by 9. The reminders 2, 4,6,8,9 are good. 1,3,5,7 are evil. The name asterism and the house asterism should not be the same.

Kshetraphala * 6\9 =Reminder which is Amsa.
Remainders 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, are good. Reminders 1,4,5,6 are evil. 2 give prosperity, 3 gives wealth. 7 give progeny, 8gives cattle-
wealth, 9gives fulfillment of ones desires.

xample: The Kshetraphala is143 for Gala Ayam. (See the table)
4 out of 6 Vargas is good. Rina is greater than dhana. This is covered by amsa which gives wealth.

For house asterism other than the above mentioned 9 asterism, if you determine kshetraphala, see that it suits you well by Nava
varga judgment. The remaining three Vargas are ayu, tithi and dikpati.
New moon day and the 1st lunar day of the bright half are evil.

It is, therefore, advisable to first decide kshetraphala of the house-plinth with length and breathe in yards and then construct the
house according to the palm keeping in view of vastu norms.


Page 10
It is better to construct compound walls in the house plot before one begins constructing a house. This prevents evil effects of
vastu blemish arising in the surroundings. The compound wall in the east should be shorter in height than the compound wall in
the west. The compound wall in the north should be shorter in height than the compound wall in the south. This ensures good
progeny and prosperity. If it is vice versa one has to incur heavy expenditure of money and may have to grieve concerning

If one desires to keep the gate frontal to simhadwara. See the midpoints of the gate and simhadwara do not lie on the same

The gate should not be higher than simhadwara. It should have less height than simhadwara.

The gate should be broader than simhadwara. A gate in the east north or north-east is best preferred. A north-east gate for east
simhadwara, a south-east gate for west simhadwara, a north-west gate fro north simhadwara are generally allowed, since the
turn of a person from the gate to simhadwara is clockwise.


A Vertical road ending at a house is called a spearing road. This is one of the evil most vastu blemishes. Since it sometimes causes
death of the family-head. This spearing never yield good and benefic results and hence there is nothing like a good spearing road
or subha vedha. At the most, the evil of spearing road may be reduced or sometimes may be mitigated completely. See the
diagram below where four spearing roads are shown. Anyone of the four would suffice to cause fatality to the head of the
A spearing road may cover only a part of a house. The evil caused by this may be less potential when compared to the above. See
the diagram. Any one of the eight spearing roads is capable of causing long ailment to the mistress of the house and other
troubles to the in habitants of the houses.

A spearing road is a capable if causing evil effects even though it end at or crosses another road running parallel to the houses.
The evil caused by any one of the eight roads, shown in the diagram is mitigated if the breadth of the parallel road exceeds the
breadth of the spending road. The evil is also mitigated if the parallel road is longer then spearing road.
A vertical road towards a house is split running in the two sides of the house, causes vedha blemish. The causes grief and distress
to the inhabitants of the houses.
A road running in between two houses of a person has dwara vedha causing fatality to the family head.


Page 11
A declivity of a hose-plot means a downward slope of the plot. An acclivity of a house-plot means an upward slope of plot. A
declivity towards the East, North and North-East and an acclivity towards South-East, South-West, West and North-West are in
general the accepted norms of Vastu. Here are a few types of Vastu plots which are auspicious having both an acclivity and

(1) Supadha Vastu: Acclivity in the South and South-East sectors, with declivity in the North and North-West sectors forms
Supadha Vasthu. This is auspicious.

(2) Deerghayur Vastu: Declivity in the North and North-East sectors, with acclivity in the South and south-West sectors makes the
family flourish.

(3) Punyaka vastu: declivity in the east and north-east sectors with acclivity in the west and south-west sectors is auspicious.

Besides these, gajaprishtta plots and korma prishtta plots are also auspicious.

A gajaprishtta plot has activity in the south, west and North West sectors. The inmates of this house will be healthy, prosperous
and long-lived. A korma prishtta plot has acclivity in the central sector of the plot. The inmates of this house will always be happy
and prosperous.

There are also plots with only declivities which are auspicious.

Plot of goveedhi: this has declivity in the east sector of the plot. This gives cattle-wealth.

Plot of dhanya veedhi: declivity in the north-west sector giving wealth of paddy.

Plot of gaja veedhi: declivity in the north giving wealth.

Plot of dhana veedhi: this has declivity in the north-east sector giving happiness and prosperity.


Page 12
Pitamaha vastu: activity in the east and south-east sectors, with declivity in the west and north-west sectors of a house-plot is in

Apadha vastu: declivity in the east and south-east sectors, with activity in the west and north-west sector makes the inmates of
the house quarrelsome and undergoes litigations.

Progakrit vastu: declivity in the south and south-east sectors, with acclivity in the north and north-west sectors causes long
illness and diseases.

Argala vastu: declivity in the south and south-east sectors with acclivity in the north and north-east sectors gives brahamahatya

Smasana vastu: acclivity in the east and north-east sectors with declivity in the west and south-west sectors leads to family

Syenaka vastu: declivity in the south-east with acclivity in the south-west, north-west and north-east sector causes destruction or

Swamukha vastu: acclivity in the south-east, north-east and west sectors with declivity in the south-west sector causes poverty.

Brahmahna vastu: acclivity in the south-west, south-east and north-east sectors with declivity in the east and north-west sectors
is inauspicious.

Sandula vastu: acclivity in the north-east sector with declivity in the south-east, south-west and north-west is inauspicious.

Daitya prishtta plot: acclivity in the east, south-east and north-east sectors and declivity in the west makes the inmates of the
house poor. This is also harmful to progeny's and cattle.

Naga prishtta plot: long sectors in the east and west and acclivity in the south and north sectors causes' early death of the head
of the family or his wife. The inmates will be driven out of the houses.

Plot of vahni veedhi: declivity in south-east sector may cause fire accidents.

Plot of preta veedhi: declivity in the south sector may cause severe illness.

Plot of naga veedhi: declivity in the south-west sector causes fear of serpents.

Plot of jala veedhi: declivity in the west causes shortage of money always.

There are two opinions about sthavara vastu and sthandila vastu. Sthavara vastu has activity in the south-east sector with
declivity in the south-west, north-west and north-east. Some believe that it causes family extinction while others say it is good.
Sthandila vastu has acclivity in the south-west sector with declivity in the south-east, north-west and north-east. Some believe
that it is inauspicious while others others claim it is auspicious.

Soon occasions like house-construction, house-warming etc., he who performs vastu pooja and offers vastu Bali in accordance
with the assemblage of ekaseeeti pada, will be free from troubles and will be happy and prosperous, ekaseeti pada vastu means
the occupancy of 45 deities on 45 limbs in the 81 fold division of vastu purushna. We find also in the classical texts, the mention
of 64 fold division, 49 fold division, 100-fold division, and 196-fold division etc., of vastu purusha. For any class of building
ekaseeti pada vastu is given much importance. We find its exposition chiefly in matsys purana.


Page 13
Draw 10 straight lines from the west border of the plot to the east border of the south border of the plot to the north border of
the plot. Now the plot becomes a big square having 81 small squares. The names of the lines respectively are shanta, yashovati,
kantaa, vishala, parnavahini, sati, vasumati, nanda, subhadra, manorama, harini, suprabha, laxmi, vibthi, vimala, priya, jaya, jwala,
vishaoka, Ida. Vastu home should be done to the above mentioned deities.

The central part in the diagram has nine squares marked as B. the presiding deity here is Brahma representing the heart of vastu

The vastu term for this is garbha or the central hall of the building. Vastu scholars recommend its auspicious varga kshetraphala
for happiness and prosperity. In the next 16 squares, 8 deities preside. In the 24 squares 4 deities preside

Draw major and minor diagonals from N.E. to S.W. and from S.E. to N.W. the points of intersection are the vulnerable points
which are called mahamarma sandhi and upamarma. These are subject to vedha if a wall or window or pillar is constructed. This
implies that the corresponding limb at the vulnerable point gets disfigured. The same fate would hit the same limb of the person
who builds the house.

Avoid any structure in the exterior part of 32 divisions since it is pisachca part ruled by four evil spirits cahraka, vidara, pootana
and paparakshasi.

If any defect or injury strikes any limb of the person, it means that the same limb of vastu purusha is weakened by a prohibited
structure. So vastu homa should be perdormed to the presiding deity of that limb. Some specific results may be attributed to the
weakened limb or deity of vastu purusha.

For example troubles to women occur if the right arm of the vastu purusha is weakened. If the left arm is weakened, it may be
loss of wealth. If the feet are weakened death of a son is probable, if all the limbs of vastu purusha are well and intact the person
becomes happy and prosperous.

Vastu pooja may be done at least once in three years. He who does not perform vasu pooja during the house warming function
and does not honour the architect, suffers from leprosy for seven births and then goes to hell.

There may be a bit of exaggeration here. But some sort of evil effect is inescapable not doing vastu pooja. He who does vastu
pooja lives 100 years here free from grief and dwells in heaven for a kalpa.


Page 14
The in habitants of a house would be happy and prosperous, if the house is free from Vedas which are 16 in number, as given
Andhaka: a simhaswara having no windows on its both sides from andhaka vedha. This blemish always causes ailment to the

Rudhira: a house constructed without following 81 divisions of vastu purusha, forms rudhira vedha. This blemish frequently
causes dysentery to the inhabitants of the house.

Kubja: a house having entrance doors and windows of less measure of height and breadth, disproportionate to the house
measure, forms kubja vedha. This causes diseases like leprosy, tuberculosis, asthma, jaundice etc., to the house-owner and the
inhabitants of the house.

Kana: a window on either side of a simhadwara gives kana vedha. Windows in the improper directions to the entrance doors also
cause kana vedha. This causes eye-diseases to the house- owner.

Badhira: a simhadwara placed to the ground level causes badhira vedha. This casues many kinds of calamities and some times
death too.

Digvaktra: a house having windows of more measure of height and breadth, disproportionate to the house-measure forms
digvatra vedha. This blemish causes loss of progeny and abortions.

Chipita: a house of low height disproportionate to the house plinth forms chipita vedha. This blemish makes the family-head
associate with base people of vices like gambling, drug- trafficking, pornography, prostitution etc.

Vyangya: a house looking ugly and grotesque causes vyangya vedha. This blemish causes the family head to be deformed.

Muraja: a simhadwara with either of its two sides higher causes muraja vehda. This causes family- extinction and poverty.

Kutila: the roof of the house at a lower height that is the height of a person, forms kutila vedha. This causes death of the family-

Kuttaka: a house built on the up paved ground causes kuttaka vedha. This gives troubles from devils and evil spirits.

Supta: a house built on the sleeping ground form supta vedha. a ground is said to be sleeping if the house construction begins in
ghatis 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 of the 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 19th and 26th asterisms respectively counted from the sun's asterism. This blemish
causes death of the family head.

Sankapalaka: a house constructed without pillars forms sankapalaka vedha. This blemish indicates ugly-looking inhabitants.

Vikata: a formidable and hideous simhadwara forms vikata vadha. This blemish causes the death of the family head.

Kanka: a house having 1 corridor is good. But a house having 3 or 5 corridors of unequal measures of length and breadth forms
kanka vedha. This blemish causes distress to the family head.

Kaikara: a house of extraordinary height and width causes kaikara vedha. This blemish cause's harm to the mistress of the house.


Page 15
Placements of the main entrance door (simha dwara)

DIRECTION: The direction of the main door depends on whether your janma rasi (moon sign) is watery, earthy, airy or fiery. The
main entrance door may be fixed in the east for those of vrishabha, kanya and makara (earthy), it is good in the south. For those
of mithuna, Tula and kumbha (airy) it is good in the west, for those of mesha, simha and dhanus (fiery) it is good in the north.

In the modern times any one of the three following measures of length and breadth of the main entrance door and other doors
could be made use of.

The doors should be of even numbers, but the number of doors like 10, 20, 30 etc. (digits with zero) is harmful. One entrance
door is permissible, if it is in the east. For shops, commercial houses etc. one entrance door is good.

Incase of three entrance doors, the south one should be closed. We should adopt the same principles of doors for fixing
windows, almirahs etc. the no. should be even.

Some essential principles

A door should be frontal to another door or a window. A window should be frontal to another window and an almirah should be
frontal to another almirah. But the entire doors of a house not are telescopic or compartmental.

Any door or entrance door should be lesser in measure of length and breadth than the main entrance door (simhadwara). But all
the other doors should be of equal dimensions. See that no door, window or almirah is fixed on the middle of a wall.


POOJA ROOM: The north east room may be used for pooja. Incase no separate room pooja is spared. The northeast corner of
the kitchen may be used.

KICHEN: South-east room is most preferred. If this is not possible, any other room may be L-shaped platform in it in the south
east such that the cook can face the east for cooking.

BEDROOM: This can be in the south west.

STUDTROOM: This can be in the mid west in between the south west and west.

DINING ROOM: This can be in the west.

BATHROOM: The bathroom in the east is the best choice. But in the houses of main entrances in the east the alternatives are the
north east, North West and north.

TREASURY: A bedroom in the north may be used to keep money, gold etc. in the safe lockers adjoining the north wall of the

TOILET: This can be in between the south west and south attached to the bedroom.

OVERHEAD TANK: Provides over head tank in the mid north or in the mid east of the 1st or the last floor.

BALCONY: Keep balconies towards north & east. Cover the balconies in south and west with curtains and glass.

PORTICO: Prefer the portico towards north east lower than the roof level.

TERRACE: Open terrace should be in the north, east and north-east.

STAIR-CASE: For a multistoried building the no. of storey should be odd. The height of the upper floor be 1/12 less of the lower


Page 16
To keep open space on all the 4 sides of a building is much favored, since it gives all-round happiness and prosperity. The open
space in the east should be more than the one in the west. The open space in the north should be more than the one in the
south. More open space should be left in the north east sector of the plot. a latrine could be constructed if necessary in the
south west corner covering the walls of the south and west. a well/bore well/sump should lie in the north east sector of the plot.

An outhouse may be built in the south west corner of the plot. An out space may be built in the south west leaving the west
border wall. It can also be built in the west. But no outhouse should be built in the North West covering the border wall of the
east and north. The out house should not be higher than the main building.

Never keep a septic tank in the north east. Keep it in the south or in the south west.


In the house compound milky trees and fog trees are in auspicious and they destroy the riches of the house owner. The thorny
trees cause troubles from the enemies. While the fruit trees causes' loss of progeny. If one doesn't want to remove such trees, it
is better to plant any auspicious trees like jack, coconut or tulsi in the midst of those inauspicious trees. The trees of banana,
turmeric, peepal and neem would not allow the house owner to flourish.

1) If the water flows out towards the north east from house compound, health is assured.

2) If the water flows out towards the south east, a grave concern for the progeny is probable.

3) If the water flows out towards the east. Prosperity is assured.

4)  If towards the south, family quarrels are probable.

5) If towards the west, insults and disappointments may be frequent.

6) If towards the south west, serious illness is probable.

7) If towards the North West, the inhabitants may never be happy.

8) If towards the north they will be happy.

If one intends to make the house bigger, the extension should be in all the 4 sides, but never on one side. Extension in the east
causes enmity with the neighbouring friends. Extension in the south causes fatel diseases. Extension in the west causes loss of
money. Extension in the east and in the north is not evil.

If a person intends to construct or purchase another house by the side of his existing house, east is most preferred. The next
preference could be north, but never the south or west. But if the construction is unavoidable in the south, make sure that it is
constructed at a distance twice the height of the existing house.

Never extend your plot to the south east, south, south-west, west or North West. If the plot is extended to the east, north east
or north, your prosperity is assured.

Two partitions of a house are not advised. The inhabitant in one partition only flourishes more than four partitions bear no
specific result. If the house is divided into 2 partition, front and back, the one who lives in the front portion, only will have good
progeny. Among the brothers the elder should reside in the east and north. The house of the brothers should never be frontal to


Page 17
Vastushastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology; it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and
building. Vastu is the science of direction that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with the man and the
material. Man is the subject, object and the cause of architecture. He perceives and conceives architecture in relation to his
experience of himself with the surrounding world. Vastushastra helps us to make our lives better and will protect us from things
going wrong.


Vastushastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology; it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and
building. Vastushastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong. Vastu is the science of direction
that combines all the five elements of nature and balances them with the man and the material. Man is the subject, object and
the cause of architecture. He perceives and conceives architecture in relation to his experience of himself with the surrounding
world. Vastu is the science of harmony that brings harmony among the five elements in existence in the universe.

It guides us to live with the law of nature for health, wealth and over all prosperity. The five elements are related to human
beings. The first element EARTH is present in the form of minerals and bones in the body. Earth constitutes 73% of water and the
content of water in the body is almost 73%. Fire is required in the digestive system of the body to break down the food to get
required energy. Air in terms of oxygen circulates the blood in the body. Space is required for the existence as soon as we are
born. Thus the five elements in the earth are correlated with our body. The principle of Vastu is based upon the situation of Sun,
the property and the position of the matter. Directions and its elements play an important role. There are four main directions -
North, East, South and West and four-cardina directions – North East, South East, North West and South West. The center is
called the Brahmasthan.

Each direction bestows different energies and is ruled by different lords, which have direct impact on our lives. Earth's magnetic
force flows from North Pole to South Pole. The planet Mercury rules North direction and deity is Kuber. The element is water,
color is green. This direction gives health, balance and stability. Northeast direction is ruled by the planet of abundance Jupiter
and is called Ishaan Kona. Deity is lord Shiva, the color is yellow it gives wealth and wisdom. It is the most auspicious and
sensitive direction. The East direction is ruled by the king of planets Sun, Deity is lord Indra and color is orange. This direction is
the victory door and bestows name, fame and success in life. The Southeast direction is ruled by the planet of love and luxuries
and is Agneya Kona. The lord is Venus and deity is fire.

This direction gives new beginnings and the blessings of Goddess Laxmi. The South direction is ruled by the martial planet Mars
and deity is Yam. The color is red and it gives stability in life. The shadowy planets Rahu-Ketu rule the Southwest direction. The
element is earth and deity is Pitra. The colour is mixed colour and it reveals firmness in life. The planet of karma Saturn rules the
West direction and deity is Varun. This direction gives motivation and new lessons in life. The fastest moving Moon rules the
Northwest direction and deity is Vayu. The element is air and colour is white. This direction brings changes in life. The most
important is Brahmasthan, which is the beginning and end of each direction and centre of the area. This is sensitive part of the
area; it should remain open and clean. Thus each direction fills the different shades of life and enables us to achieve balance and
prosperity in our life. The basic points should be taken under consideration while constructing the house or building according to

It is very essential that there should not be any religious place, cremation ground, open slitting water lane etc near by
surroundings of the plot. The plot should be North / Northeast and east facing are the best preferable directions. The shape of
the plot should be square or rectangle (Maximum ratio allowed in case of rectangular plot is 1:3). The slope of the plot should be
towards Northeast. The directions North, Northeast, East, Brahmasthan should be kept light, clean and open. South, Southwest,
West should be kept heavy. There should not be any reduction or extension in the plot except North, Northeast and East. More
even numbers of balcony, verandahs and windows should be in North / Northeast / East direction. Pillars should be in even
numbers and should not come on the sensitive points of Brahmasthan. Main gate should be bigger than the other doors. Doors
should be made leaving South / Southwest / West direction. Rooms like drawing room in North / East direction. Prayer room
should be in the North / Northeast / East direction. Study room in North / Northeast / East, Guest room in Northwest, Bedroom
for head of the family in Southwest / South direction, Kitchen in the Southeast / Southeast-East / Northwest direction, bathroom
in Northwest direction and bath cum toilets in Northwest / West-Northwest, South / Southwest direction. Dining hall should be
in West / East-Southeast direction. Store room should be in Southwest / South direction. Under ground water tanks should be in
North / Northeast / East direction. Overhead water tanks should be in South / Southwest / South direction, Septic tank in
Northwest / East - Southeast (more towards South direction.), Stairs in South / Southwest / West direction in clockwise direction
in odd number. Basement should be made under the whole building or partially in North / Northeast / East direction. Only garden
should be in North / Northeast / East direction and small flowery or herbal plants should be planted. Guard room in the right
hand side of the main gate.


Page 18
In the modern times it is very difficult to leave Brahmasthan open, so lobby/drawing/dining hall should be constructed there. In
staircase the steps should be in odd number in clockwise direction and elevation of it should be from east to west or north to
south. It should not be in reverse direction in any case. Vaastu Shanti Tips for Offices / Businesses In the office, the temple should
not be placed at the back of the owner’s seat. The owner seat must be facing east or north. West is also permissible but it must
not face south. There must always be a solid wall behind the owner’s seat. The owner’s desk must always be rectangle. The
central point of a factory, house and office should be empty.


Page 19
(Vastu/Feng Shui- An Effective Source of Bliss)

One should face either North-East, East or North while working, studying or negotiating with clients. Positive magnetic field
from North helps in sharp memory and quick grasping power and getting ability to take right decisions much faster.

The kitchen/ fire-place should be preferably arranged in South-East or East direction of the house. Avoid North and South
directions while cooking as facing North increases unwanted expenses while and facing South while cooking is detrimental to
lady's health.

Face East or West while worshipping for better concentration and devotion.

To maintain health and happiness, the color of the bedroom walls should be same on all four walls, while the ceiling should
always be white.

Never put a mirror in front of the bed or attached with the bed. Cover it while sleeping to avoid bad dreams and ensuring a
healthy sleep.

Avoid or minimize the use of T.V or computer in bedroom as the energy level of the room will get destroyed by the radiations
emitted; causing disharmony which may lead even to separation.

To balance the harmonious Chi and to avoid tension and illness in the house, do not keep rubber plants, bonsai, cactus or milk
producing plants in the house.

Never sit or sleep under a projected beam to avoid depression, headache and loss of memory.

Avoid sleeping on metal beds (wrought Iron) etc. as it may lead to health problems related to heart and brain. Wooden beds
without box (for storage) are the best.

More open space in North and East gives name, fame and prosperity. Leaving more space on the South or West side in the house
can affect the male members badly; whereas in industry it leads to financial loss and quarrel amongst partners/ executives.

Tall trees of any kind should be avoided in eastern, northern and northeast directions. Only small plants should be grown here.

Improper position of the bedroom/ bed/ dressing table brings unhappiness in the married life and causes disturbed sleep.

Avoid sleeping in a room located at the end of a long corridor, or where the door opens directly to a staircase. The strong flow of
bad Chi may bring illness to the occupants.

Never keep your head towards North while sleeping. Keeping it towards South or East gives peaceful/ restful sleep and a healthy
life. West facing head is also acceptable.

A properly placed round mirror and soothing paintings etc. in the bedroom can enhance the relationship of occupants.

A wall poster having mountains/ snow-clad peaks of mountains (without water) etc. on South-West wall of the bedroom or
office can add immense strength and stability in the life.

First impression is extremely important in Vaastu/Feng-Shui. When a visitor walks into a residence/ office for the first time; the
first thing that he experiences will be one of the strongest feelers for his subconscious mind. It is important that what he first
sees is beautiful and refreshing, such as a painting, fountain or something visually pleasing.

In office, you should always sit with a solid wall behind your back and farthest from the gate to have support from seniors,
colleagues and friends. Keeping a picture of High Altitude Mountains without water in South–West will enhance stability and
help to overcome insecurity. Never sit with your back facing main door. Unwanted guests/visitors should be given such a seat. It
results in lack of strength and sense of fear and insecurity.

Put a Crystal Globe on North-West corner of your table to get better overseas opportunities and rotate it at least three times in a
day in clockwise direction. For enhancing the potential of clients place your address book or planner on North-West corner of
the desk.


Page 20
Fix the nameplate and number of your house on door, so that opportunities can trace you easily. Lighting the nameplate
increases the effect manifold.

Never keep non-working or damaged watch, telephone, mixer, spoiled ball pens, cassettes etc. in the house. This will create
negative energy in the house and would retard progress and harmony.

To improve the energy level of your house/work place: ring the Tibetan bell. Especially for west group people, hanging 7 Rod 11”
white/silver wind chime in West and 6 Rod 11” golden/yellow wind chime in N-W zone of the house or room proves to be very

To improve the studies of your children: Put Crystal Globe and Education Tower on the North-East corner of the study table or
room for excellent performance. Keeping his/her stamp size photo in between the wish-pyramid along with Fortune card and
keeping the study pyramid underneath the seat or the pillow also adds significantly to the concentration/results.

Way to handle Money: Never accept money between two fingers, as in Feng Shui this is considered as cutting of further inflow
of wealth. Accept the money with five fingers.

To improve marriage prospects or love life: Hang several crystal balls and light a chandelier in South-West corner. Keep Rose
Quartz in South-West of your room. Keeping Mandarian Doves along with Rose Quartz Grapes, sticking Double Happiness
Symbol in the bedroom will enhance harmony. Immerse a fresh sweet and juicy orange to a moving stream of water on any full
moon day for an early, happy and durable marriage.

To remain healthy : Do not complain all the time as this will create Shar Chi (Negative Energy) around you. Give sincere thanks to
the Almighty for all your virtues and pray humbly for the additional things, without forgetting those who are living much below

Avoid water and fire in one line from the kitchen for better harmony : remove medicine from kitchen and shift it to living room,
preferably at Pooja place.

Check the sound of your door bell : If it sounds irritating, family members will be short tempered. If it has a dull sound, energy
level of the house will be low. The doorbell should be pleasing and soothing.

Proper Floor Tiles: Any exposed floor marble or tile broken in your house or office could be cause of a broken relationship among
family member or partner or customers. Put a carpet to cover the broken marble/tile or replace it for immediate results.

Empower Entrance: A tree or an electric/ telephone pole facing your main door or windows could cause the poor health of family
members. Place a convex mirror/Outside Pakua on the outer wall facing that tree for protection from Shar Chi.

Is your wife facing cervical problems, pain in leg and backache?: This can be due to her back facing at the entrance gate of the
kitchen. Install a convex mirror in front of her so that she can see through the mirror what is going on behind her backside.
Frequent turning around is avoided.


Page 21
People do the Vaastu corrections and expect good results to follow from the next day. This may not always happen. Remember
it takes time for the effect to manifest. You must be patient for the wearing out of the bad effects also. In cases where the
difficulties are purely financial and in industries and other business related matters one can expect almost immediate
improvement after effecting corrections. Wherever the pranic shield is affected resulting in health problems, behavioural
problems of youngsters, marriages on the rocks etc, the improvement is slow. But as stated earlier the stop of further
deterioration is enough indication of a corrected Vaastu field. The field of Vaastu is like Universe itself.

There can be no end to further exploration and addition to this knowledge. Experiment yourself and get convinced. After you
are convinced encourage your relatives and friends to build according to Vaastu. It is our hope that this science gets the
acceptance it deserves and is universally adopted. Thus every home can be a happy home and this in turn can help to lead our
lives with less tension, more harmony, peace, love and understanding between various communities, so that hatred, ill will,
jealously will be a thing of the past. GOOD EFFECTS : Naturally you would like to know what benefits you can expect if the
building is according to Vaastu. This information is given below. If the rules of Vaastu are strictly adopted you can expect the
following results. Please note for the effect to follow starting from the North East sector all the other sectors should be
according to Vaastu. Not withstanding some minor defect here & there if the structure meets the majority of the requirements
most of the benefits mentioned here under are available to the inmates.

Northeast-Sector fully open – lower level than plinth-water body or fountain or swimming pool in the sector- or low level lawn in
the entire sector. Effects: Healthy progeny- calm minded people – never over react- every thing in their life seems to go
smoothly- no accidents or premature deaths- no deadly diseases either-inmates healthy and cheerful- forgiving and

East offset as per Vaastu- North East as in para (1) – with a gently increasing gradient from North to South. Effects: Obedient
male children- highly intelligent- do well in studies- never worry their parents- affectionate- caring- healthy-achievers in every

3North open as per Vaastu- North East & East as above- gently increasing gradient from East to West- no rock gardens- heavy
weights- level of North West & South East same. Effects: Ever growing financial prosperity.

Kitchen in Southeast- with conditions as per para 1 to 3 above met. Effects: Happy healthy females – always cheerful- take
pleasure in running the family- contented- forgiving – compassionate- never quarrel or dislike others- make their husband feel
that they have the best wife in the world.

Room in South- for the female child- conditions 1 to 4 above met- Effects: Healthy and happy female children- affectionate- deep
attachment to parents which does not wane even after marriage- excellent academic achievers- artistic- timely marriage with out
any problem.

South off set small & high with a gently increasing slope from East to West. Effects: always free from trouble- no financial
problem in their lives- longevity of both males & females.

West off set small & high all conditions as per paras 1 to 6 met. Effects: male children settle down in excellent career- timely
happy marriage- healthy boys who do well in sports and other out door activities prefer to stay with parents- increasing

Master bed room in southwest- all conditions of para 1 to 7 met Effects: healthy couple- rarely fall sick- assured longevity-
energetic and love work.


Page 22
Happiness, peace and prosperity in life can be achieved through Astrology and Vastu. In Vishvakarma Prakash, it is mentioned
that Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha (All the four Purushartha) can be achieved through the knowledge of Vastu Science.

As per the original literature of Sanskrit, Vastu is the place where Men and Deities stay.

It consists of:

Five Elevements-Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sky

 Five Senses-Eyes, Nose, Ear, Tongue, Skin

Five body organs-Hands, Legs, Mouth, Urinary System, Anus.

Five Enemies, Sex, Anger, Pride, Greed, Affection

Five organs of Astronomy (Panchang) Date, Day, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan.

By balancing the natural energies, happiness, peace, prosperity, increase in money, expansion in business, prestige and honour
can be achieved by Vastu. Due to imbalance in five elements of nature, woes, dishonour, worries, monetary feebleness are

In Vastu, invisible energies are being taken into use in the construction of buildings. These invisible energies are called Natural
Auras. Aura is found In every living animal-tree, leaves etc., A magnetic field remains in all four sides of a living person all the
time. It is called Bio-Electro-Magnetic Field. In humans, there are twenty types of Bio-Electro-Magnetic Energy Grids out of
which, four types are most important to be used fully.

To understand the scientific facts hidden in the vashtushastra the importance of

Motion of Earth

Bio-Magnetic energy coming from the poles

Seven colour Indra Dhanushya VIBGYOR coming from the rays of Sun

The principle of influencing the energy.

Gravitational force- Electric waves, Air currents, Water currents, Influence of the environment etc.

have to be considered. The rules of the Vashtushastra are based on the importance of the directions etc.

As we know that Earth is moving from West towards East. North pole of the earth is lilted 23.5 degree on one side. As a result of
which, the direction of upper portion of the Earth is North-East (Ishan) and the direction of lower portion of the Earth is South-
East (Nerutya) When we construct the four walls on any piece of land, then that piece starts working like Earth. In any building
built on the Earth, the positive energy comes from North-East. Therefore Vastu tries to allow continuous flow of positive energy
and to stop flow of negative energy. Hence by keeping more spacious place, water etc in North-East the positive (good) energies
can be created more, and by closing the South-West, and by keeping more load on this direction, the negative (bad) energies
coming in the house can be stopped. Hence to raise more and more positive energies, the height of walls of the North-East
should be kept smaller and it should be kept higher towards the South-West, South and West directions so that the negative
energies can be reduced to a minimum.

As per ancient Vedic knowledge, there are three hidden powers 1. Satwa, 2. Rajas 3. Tamas.

 Satwa (Positive) :It is positive power, that gives stability and intelligence

Rajas: It is the motivational power between the Satwa and Tamas, which creates activity, change and motion.

Tamas Power: Tamas power destroys all the ideals and connects with the negative energies.


Page 23
When a five feet long iron angle weighing 6kg pierced through the chest of 23 year old Supratim Dutta of Delhi, no one would
have thought of his survival. He however, survived, which was seen as a miracle. it was indeed a miracle. But how many people
like Supratim could survive after getting so severely injured? Even very minor injuries/accidents sometimes result in death of a
person. Supratim's luck was undoubtedly backing like a powerful force that made his usrvival possible. What all this mean is that
luck reigns supreme when it comes to struggle between life and death.

Even doctors say at this stage, pray to god, now only the almighty might be the saviour. However, life and death is a big issue.
Let us discuss lesser difficulties faced by the people in their day to day life. Imagine any possible disease or other problem is
detected in advance. Yes, it may be possible. And, astrology plays an important role for this. Vaastu Shashtra, a very important
branch of astrology, if followed properly might make us smile in various ways. By following the guidelines of Vaastu Shashtra in
construction of a house or selection of land plot for the construction work one can acquire health, wealth, prosperity, mental
peace and rapid growth for the family members. On the other hand, an error in construction or selection of the land plot might
cause damage to the occupants in terms of health, wealth, prosperity, mental peace and the growth rate. Different directions
have certain favours and disfavours for the occupants of a house.

An error in construction towards east and the south-west direction of the house results in deficiency in age of the occupant.
Besides, it might also cause oral, teeth, kidney, limbs, external sexual parts, paralysis and heart related diseases. Apart from this,
an error in construction of a house or existence of a well or crack towards west enhances the possibility of sexual disease.
Similarly, an error in northern part creates health problem related to heart and other organs around the chest. Southern part
error of a construction indicates diseases related to left part of the chest, lungs and chest. Error in east direction of a house
indicates problems related to eyes and paralysis. An error in Ishan kona of house may cause chronic problem related to eyes,
while Agneya badly affects the knees and the left eye. Vayavya error adversely affects knee and elbow and Nairitya the ankles of
both legs. Vaastu Shashtra is a practical science and by following the guidelines of this ancient art in construction of a house or
selection of land plot one can not only keep away the diseases but also can detect any possibility of it in advance. There are
several such instances in the day to day life in which occupant of a house has been benefited in terms of good health, wealth,
prosperity and mental peace.


Page 24
Vaastu Shastra is an ancient science and an important part of our heritage. It is a science, which outlines the methods of
construction of houses and other structures in a proper way.

In ancient time, this science was used in construction of palaces, houses and other buildings. It was used not only in the big
cities, but in rural areas also. The development, extension and prosperity of a city depends on its planning and designing. In the
same manner, the houses, industries which are constructed in the city have a great effect on its resident's prosperity and

As a result of increase in the population day by day, the availability of the land is decreasing and limited land is available for
construction of houses and industries. Also the cost of land available is very high and an ordinary man can’t afford to buy it. So,
he is not in a position to select the land as per Vaastu-Shastra’s rules. He constructs the house neglecting the Vaastu rules and
suffers mentally and financially.

As per Vaastu Shastra, the plot which occupies the South-West Corner of 90° is the best and can be purchased. The Plot which is
higher towards South-West and lower towards North-East is also good.

The water sources must be always in the North-East direction. The kitchen must be in South-East. The bedroom should be in the
South-West and the study-room and worship room should be in North-East. The drawing-room and guest room should be in
North-West direction.

In an Industry or factory the machinery should be in the South-West corner. The electrical equipments should be in South-East
and the owner’s room and the safe room should be built in North. The visiting room should be built in North-West.


Page 25

The door is important because it reveals something about the conditions you experience while living in your home. If you wish to
find out what your door presages, you need only to combine your birth star with the compass direction of your door.
Remember, the compass direction is the direction you face when you stand in the doorway with your back to the inside of your
home, facing out.

Use the table of door and birth star combinations below and find your fortune as indicated by the number where the horizontal
Door column and the vertical Star column meet. For example, if your door looks to the east, and your birth star number is 6, you
would read paragraph 21 in the fortunes that follow.

Although the prognostications are not engraved in stone, they do have relevant meanings. Read them only in their most positive
and constructive sense. If you are cautioned or warned of difficulty for example, remember that you are always given the
opportunity to find ways of overcoming possible hardship. And remember what Confucious said “The way out is through the
door. Strange how so few people use this method.”

You will notice that in this system 5 Star is not listed among the stars in the table. Males born under 5 Star should use 2 Star,
females born under 5 Star should use 8 Star. For example, a male born under 5 Star whose door faces south should read
paragraph 34, a female born under 5 Star whose door looks south should read paragraph 39.

To find your birth star gents should subtract the sum of their birth year from 11 and ladies should add 4 in this sum.

For example :- birth star of gents born on 05.06.1940 will be 11-(1+9+4+0)=11-5=6 whereas birthstar of ladies born on this date will
be 4+5=9.


IMAGE: Walking at the edge of an icy precipice at midnight without a light.

You will be confronted by all that you fear. Be on guard against serious entanglements, which will surely lead to emotional upset
and loss of money. Confusion can occur and cloud your mind. Heedlessness to good counsel will needlessly expose you to
danger. Take care and avoid bad moves. Develop vigilance. Wait until the dawn, wait until you clearly see the way. Then act. By
following your desire you will develop wisdom. If you are a writer, you will be fortunate here.

IMAGE: an incongruous gathering of people where conflicts arise.

Interference hinders progress. Scheming and quarreling lead to separations and losses. Issues about giving and receiving
emotional and material support need to be sorted out. Remain true to your highest ideals. Be on guard against trickery. New
ventures will run into complications. If you are circumspect avoid confiding in the wrong people, you will become successful. Be
aware of what you want and what you are attracting.

IMAGE: a remote cabin in the woods.

If you experience difficulties and setbacks, be patient, favorable changes will come about in due time. Your home favors leisure
more than professional ambition. Financial prospects may not be the best, but you will have what you need to make ends meet.
Be on guard against envy. Gossip will lead to trouble and disrepute. Contentment is your greatest wealth.


Page 26
IMAGE: a traveler retreating from a hazardous pass in the mountains.

You are blessed with divine protection. If you cultivate a humanitarian attitude and are willing to be of service to others, you will
enjoy unobstructed growth, prosperity, and a good reputation. If, on the other hand, you are selfishly ambitious, you will come
to a dangerous impasse. If you are running into more and more complications in your life, retreat and examine your motives.

IMAGE: water being poured from a golden vessel.

Good fortune will flow to you as if from heaven. Success will come no matter what you do. It will be especially auspicious if you
provide a needed service. You will benefit by creating opportunities for others. Seek the cooperation of friends.

 IMAGE: a fresh stream of water flowing down from a lake into a valley.

Your fortunes will flourish. It is wise to follow your desires conservatively. Be careful when making changes. It will be to your
advantage to define and maintain your boundaries. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

 IMAGE: a waterfall cascading from the face of a towering rocky mountain into a rich green forest.

Difficulties eventually give way to good fortune. There is much hope for you here. Be patient. If you hold out against untoward
circumstances, you will come to enjoy great and lasting prosperity. Seek out ways to bring the diverging elements in your life
into harmony. If you let others help you, your aims for prosperity and success will be realized.

 IMAGE: a field, rich with corn, under the afternoon sun.

Timely efforts bring rich rewards. Early stages of new ventures will be difficult, but after the midpoint, fortunes will flourish.
Proceed calmly and carefully. Rely on experts for help and advice. You will overcome the challenges you face by focused
attention and hard work. When your efforts are at maximum intensity, you will break through and your creative ideas will bear
fruit. Great happiness will come to you and those you love.

 IMAGE: a spring concealed in a mountain.

A lonely place. If you are peaceful and content with simplicity and quietly develop your talents, your life will come to flourish. Be
adaptable and patient. Obstinacy and impatience will only lead to failure. Your creative ideas and efforts will bear rich fruit in
time. The goodness of your intentions will insure lasting success.

 IMAGE: Inherited wealth.

Good fortune and abundance will come to you if you cultivate a cooperative attitude. Be mindful of the relatedness of all life.
The spirit of ancestors comes through to you very strongly here. They offer you the blessings of long life, prosperity, and many

 IMAGE: a field lying fallow.

You will experience difficult beginnings. Forcing your way will only lead to misfortune. If you call up your best powers of insight,
however, you will find what you need to succeed. Don’t overlook the possibility that the difficulties you experience are actually
caused by the way you view the world. If you discover your hidden talents and untapped resources, good fortune will follow.
With the help of good people, you will become prosperous and even famous, and in the long run you will be able to share your
good fortune with many others.

 IMAGE: a wanderer lost in steep mountains and dense fog.

If, in the face of difficulties, you give in to desperate struggling, you will only get lost. Rash actions will be the cause of much
regret. Be aware of your mistakes and avoid becoming intolerant. Be courageous and let go off harmful thoughts. You will
attract powerful friends and powerful enemies. Good fortune will be attained if you cultivate the patience to wait out difficult
periods and if you are very discriminating and conscientious in your actions.

 IMAGE: suspended animation.

If you fall into the aimlessness this place suggests, there will be little or no progress in your career and your relationships will
tend to stagnate. If on the other hand, you want to make progress, you will have to overcome inertia. Concentrate and
persevere at your work. As activities increase, so will your responsibilities. Luck comes with discipline.

 IMAGE: a mirror-like pond in wooded mountains.


Page 27
Cultivate balanced social relations and an easy manner and you will receive the help you need to become prosperous. Business
and artistic activities will succeed if you enter them in partnership. If you are alone, you will find a companion. Marriage is
favored. If, on the other hand, you decided to go it alone, your friendships will tend to come undone, progress will be slow, and
money will be scarce. In the end, however, your fortunes will take a turn for the better.

 IMAGE: a gold mine in a mountain.

Being tranquil, like the mountain, you will be able to attain wealth, health, and happiness. Tranquility is the result of exercising
inner stillness. Staying calm and centered, skillfully handling all that comes to you, will insure steady growth and progress. Like
the earth that produces gold, your strong and constant efforts will result in lasting abundance for you and your loved ones.

IMAGE: the descending order of the generations- the grandmother, the mother and the daughter, the grandfather, the father
and the son.

Step by step you will attain all of your objectives. Be at peace with your lot. Cultivate your talents land do whatever needs to be
done. Live simply and avoid being ostentatious, you will rise surely and steadily. You will become prosperous, life will go more
and more smoothly, and all that you truly desire will be realized.

IMAGE: a sparkling river flowing in a luxuriant wood.

Great good fortune and happiness await you in this place. If you are looking for a mate, you will be very lucky. If you are
contemplating marriage; the outlook is excellent. If you follow the golden rule, you will come to occupy a central place and be an
inspiration to others. Your creative efforts will meet with success and money will flow to you. The more selfless you become, the
happier you will be.

IMAGE: the woods blossoming in the springtime.

You will enjoy abundant growth and prosperity if you rely more on the help of those in higher positions than on your own
efforts. Be careful not to boast, however, it betrays weakness and causes you trouble. Good fortune will come through new or
renewed ventures and through ventures that start out small but have the potential of becoming large. You may receive a

IMAGE: thunder and wind.

Everything will flourish. Help will come to you from those in high places and from unexpected sources. Be clear about your goals
and wait for the right time to act. Whatever you truly want, you will attain. Prosperity, good health, and happiness will be yours.
By all means strive for improvements in life, but don’t force it. Be on guard against trouble that comes up suddenly. If it does,
stay calm and detached, it will pass.

 IMAGE: a sunset in the late autumn.

Strive to bring long-range plans and projects to completion. Put your roots down and grow. The grass is not greener on the
other side. If you are doubtful and inconsistent, you will risk financial misfortune and marital troubles. If you persevere in
bringing things to their natural fulfillment, you will enjoy great good fortune. If you hope to marry, the outlook is highly
favorable. Be willing, however to make necessary sacrifices.

IMAGE: a falling star.

In times of trouble, don’t overuse power. Be on guard against unforeseen dangers. Don’t take anything at face value.
Appearances may be deceiving. Working out plans and making decisions under such elusive conditions spells trouble. Why shoot
at a target that simply isn’t there? Better wait and cultivate your powers of observation. Everything changes. If you are patient,
you will eventually be able to make unobstructed progress and attain your goals.

 IMAGE: wood being chopped and thrown into a fire.

First you will experience difficulties, but then success will come. In difficult times, ambitious plans will be impossible to achieve
and you may suffer discredit. You may experience difficulties in marriage as well. Be on guard against infidelity in love. Avoid
mistrust and restlessness. You will get nowhere using the wrong methods. Wait for the right moment to take positive action,
you will have a breakthrough. Opportunities for prosperity and happiness in love will then abound.

 IMAGE: a lotus-eater.


Page 28
How can you expect to live by daydreaming, which brings only mediocre financial prospects? You will be fortunate if you
cultivate humility. Be flexible, temperate in judgment, and willing to be of service to others. Useful opportunities will then come
to you. If you take advantage of them, you will prosper.

 IMAGE: a thunderstorm.

Take advantage of expert help. Heedless and aggressive pursuit of your aims may result in collapse. You are in danger of wasting
much time, energy, and money. Cultivate self-restraint and powers of discrimination. Be flexible. The cause of your difficulties
lies within yourself. By blaming others, you miss the opportunity for positive change. If you get expert help, you will be able to
rise to a high place and become prosperous.

IMAGE: a ship in danger of running a ground.

Don’t take your luck for granted. Conditions are changeable. It will be to your advantage to be adaptable. Keep a sharp lookout
and be prepared to deal intelligently with obstacles. Know when to retreat and when to advance. You will arrive at your
destination sooner by making allowances for delay than by forcing your way. If you work for the benefit of others, you will
attract good fortune. Play your cards right and you will enjoy increasing prosperity, good health, and a good reputation.

 IMAGE: a rich green valley.

You will enjoy abundant growth and prosperity if you work hard to attain knowledge. Cultivate loyalty. Good fortune will come
to you through new ventures and through ventures that start out small but have the potential to grow large. To realize your full
potential, broaden your outlook, be faithful to your family and community, and promote the universal good.

 IMAGE: a dragon appearing in a whirlwind.

Everything flourishes. Help will come to you from unusual sources. You may gain through adverse circumstances, especially if
you seek out opportunities to serve others. Whatever you truly want, you will attain. Be energetic and keep high ideals. You will
advance to a high position, become prosperous, and enjoy good health and love. Be on guard against insincerity, however, for it
will bring misfortune.

IMAGE: the wind rustling through the trees.

It is unwise to be distrustful. Avoid becoming suspicious and meddlesome. Your affairs will flourish if you guard against
tendencies to be indecisive and impractical. Help will come to you from people in high places. Protect yourself against useless
hardships and concentrate on your personal development. Whatever you truly want, you will be able to attain. Anxious
questioning is a waste of time.

 IMAGE: a bodhisattva, a practitioner of selfless compassion.

Many obstacles will come your way. You will be challenged again and again to search yourself and to tap your deepest resources
and latent talents. Don’t give in to tendencies to isolate yourself and become despondent. Follow your intuition. Help comes
unexpectedly. Trust your innate sense of right and wrong. You will come to no harm. As you conquer your obstructions, you will
become able to be of real help to others.

IMAGE: a castle falling to ruin.

Humility and selfless devotion are auspicious. If you take responsibility for the trust others place in you, you will advance in life.
On the other hand, insincerity and irresponsibility will cause you to undermine your career and personal relationships. Aggressive
pursuit of selfish aims in troubled times will only compound trouble. Cultivate right conduct and honesty. Everything changes in
time. If you exercise patience, your fortunes will improve.

 IMAGE: a mountain covered with trees that are all in flames.

Inconsideration and reckless action lead to rifts. You will meet with professional opposition as well as troubles at home. Be on
guard against tendencies to be indifferent towards loved ones. Keep faith during trying times and learn from your mistakes. Be
vigilant. Timely action will result in good fortune. Take advantage of unexpected opportunities. You may receive help from
someone in a high place. The door to whatever path you wish to take will open.

 IMAGE: a woman tending a fire.


Page 29
For you, life at home is more pleasant than the ups and downs of life out in the world in pursuit of fame and fortune. Be
receptive and attentive. You will be very fortunate if you enjoy helping others. If you work creatively at home, you will prosper.
Home is especially conducive to love, good health, and a happy family life.

 IMAGE: a pioneer.

Complications rooted in past mistakes may force you to start anew. Don’t overestimate your knowledge and skills. There is much
to learn. Follow the example of others who have more expertise than you, and the way to prosperity, happiness, and good
health will open. Be patient when under pressure. Hold to that which nourishes your spirit.

 IMAGE; the sun setting over a scorched desert.

Venturing forth under adverse conditions will bring you nothing but loss. It is better to wait for conditions to change. Take
advantage of periods of waiting by broadening your mental horizons. Carefully examine the inner causes of your difficulties and
guard against blaming others. In due time you will be able to take creative action. The way will open and you will prosper.

 IMAGE: the myriad life forms that are embodied in the earth.

Abundant opportunities for progress and prosperity come to your door. You are blessed by heaven with unobstructed creativity.
You have luck and are able to turn negative conditions into positive ones, not only for yourself, but for others as well. Helping
others draws down the blessings of heaven. If you follow the golden rule, you will be highly respected.

 IMAGE: a brilliant star.

What you believe in your heart will come true. Cultivate positive faith, concentrate your efforts, and you will succeed in realizing
every one of your aims. Abundant opportunities lie before you. Good health, professional success, and a good reputation comes
to your door. With patience and intelligent planning you will be able to build a fortune that will provide comfort and security not
only to you and your loved ones, but to future generations as well.

 IMAGE: an initiation ceremony, a transmission of light.

It will be a challenge to be receptive and humble. If you hold an egoistic attitude and insist upon being the leader, not only will
you miss the point but you will be depleted. Be open in order to receive creative inspiration. Let yourself join forces with others.
Be cooperative and flexible. You will be respected for your talents.

 IMAGE: a recluse.

When roads are closed, it is better to return to old conditions and wait. Be on guard against the lure of unrealistic schemes. Take
advantage of periods of inactivity by gaining more knowledge. The greater your knowledge, the greater your chances for
ultimate success. You will be helped by your superiors. If you are alone, you will meet someone in whom you will be able to place
your trust. Good fortune will come through a companion.

 IMAGE: a sunset over the mountains.

The past looks better than the future in some important respects. The future seems to have limited prospects. You may be
neglecting an important aspect of your life. Cultivate insight and examine your needs. It is useless to dwell on the past and blame
others for your troubles. Observe decorum and generosity of spirit or you will suffer losses. Cultivate seriousness of purpose.
You will be successful in occupations that involve research and investigation.

 IMAGE: water rising the boiling point.

Advance, don’t retreat. Strive to know your true aim and seize your opportunities as they show up. Be on guard against
becoming distracted, and don’t be afraid to take corrective measures when necessary. Conditions may change swiftly. You will
need to be alert and ready to make quick and expedient decisions. Keep your goal clearly before you and you will have surprising

41 IMAGE: a spearhead.

Persevere in going forward. To avoid danger is worse in the long run than exposure. If you lack courage and leadership skills, you
will suffer losses. You will be confronted by much uncertainty, doubt, and frustration. If you turn tail and run away, however, you
will meet with disaster. You have no choice but to press forward and cultivate new skills as you go along. Be resolute.

 IMAGE: a gold mine deep in a valley.


Page 30
You will be more fortunate by following than leading. Be responsive to others and you will live a full and satisfying life. Stay calm
and centered, skillfully manage your affairs, and steady progress and growth is assured. Like the earth that produces gold, your
strong and constant efforts will result in lasting abundance for you and those whom you love.

 IMAGE: a farmer laboring under adverse conditions in springtime.

Do not succumb to doubts or let early failures discourage you. Strive patiently to overcome obstacles. Weakness will be followed
by strength. If you are adaptable and hard working, you will attract the help of people in high places. Creative projects will
ultimately bear rich fruit.

 IMAGE: breaking ground and striking gold.

Hardships are followed by gains. Be adaptable. Persevere and you will overcome obstacles. If you display courage and positive
determination, you will attract the support of superiors and will eventually attain a high position. You will strike gold through
creative activities.

 IMAGE: a mirror.

To go forward is to go back. If you find conditions in the world unsatisfactory, recognize the deficiency in yourself. Return to the
peace and security of your home and cultivate your talents. If you persevere, you will ultimately become successful. You will
receive needed help from friendly people. Creative freelance work is most favorable. Later years will be easy.

 IMAGE: people playing tug of war.

Creating is confused with destroying. Guard against acting at cross-purposes with yourself. Don’t waste your time minding other
people’s business. Be aware of what you are creating. If you are discerning, you will discover many interesting opportunities for
your own advancement and prosperity, and for creating peaceful conditions at home.

47. IMAGE: blessings coming down from honored ancestors.

You will attract good fortune by adopting a modest attitude. Cultivate friendly relations with neighbors. Be mindful of the
relatedness of all life. The spirits of ancestors come through very powerfully for you here. They offer you their blessings of long
life, prosperity, and many descendants. Everything points toward success.

 IMAGE: rearing a child.

You need patience. Success depends on biding your time and acting at the right moment. Be kind to yourself. Rest and cultivate
good health. You will be prosperous and fortunate in your marriage and raising your children.

 IMAGE: a mirage.

Examine possible discrepancies between what you imagine and what actually exists. Gains may be ephemeral. Be circumspect.
What appear to be opportunities may actually lead to reversals. Take advantage of inactive periods by attaining new knowledge.
Be very discriminating, persevere in what you know to be right, and you will be successful.

 IMAGE: a ruby flashing in the sunlight.

Fame comes with successful works. Let your intuition guide your decisions about possible courses of action. Specialize in your
field of endeavor and prosperity and renown will be yours. Take advantage of the help of juniors or people under you, but show
care and consideration for them. Your good fortune will be long-lasting.

IMAGE: navigating a ship by the stars.

You will be successful by following your true aim or potential. If you’re not aware of your true course in life, spend time
exploring various routes until you discover it. Once found, devote your full attention to its fulfillment. Seeking new knowledge
will always be of great benefit to you.

Your success depends on self-cultivation. Know what you need. Be cautious and discriminating. Don’t waste time with the wrong

 IMAGE: an underground lake


Page 31
What you seek will be out of reach unless obstacles are removed. There will be very few to help you and you will have trouble
finding companionship. Your growth will be limited unless you tap your own resources. Seek to discover your inner strengths
and talents. Once you achieve self-knowledge, think and act independently, and use your talents for the benefit of others, you
will be prosperous, well-known, and fortunate in love.

 IMAGE: the chopping down of a forest.

Curbing evil brings rich rewards. The beginning may be lucky, but incompetence and extreme actions will threaten ruin. Follow
the middle way. Strengthen your spirit and sense of purpose, and analyze your situation before deciding on the best course of
action. Be careful about whom you employ. Preserve early gains, be moderate, and rely on expert advice.

 IMAGE: an island in a garden pond.

Worldly pleasures will be yours. What you desire, you will get. Take advantage of your opportunities. You will be helped by
someone in a high place as well as by your peers. Your fortunes will flourish. Beware of vanity, however.

 IMAGE: a mountain lake reflecting the heavens.

Whose ideas are you following? Slavishly following the rules of others is unfortunate. If you cultivate independence, you will
attain your creative possibilities are endless. Tireless effort will bring about great productivity, wealth, good fortune in love, and
a healthy and happy family.

IMAGE: gold being refined by fire.

Though hardships have to be endured, they are followed by flourishing fortunes. Work hard to clearly define your aims. Develop
managerial skills in both professional and personal affairs. Change brings promotion, resulting in a secure position. Before you
set out to reform others, however, work to refine yourself.

 IMAGE: the sun shining at midnight.

If you are timorous and self-centered, you will be used by others and will have to work hard for small gains. Abandon selfishness
and expand your life. You will discover where you are genuinely useful if you cultivate inner light and follow your intuition. Be
gentle and promote peace and harmony. Success will come through cooperation. Accept divine guidance.

 IMAGE: the gulf between heaven and earth.

Do not attempt to achieve something beyond your abilities or qualifications. Work at improving your skills if you don’t want to
be held black. Serious lessons in life may have to be learnt in order to overcome misfortunes. Follow your heart. Once you
develop the skills you need and are able to fully release your creative energies, you will become very successful. A great
opportunity may come from a lowly source.

 IMAGE: buried treasure.

What you seek will be out of your reach unless obstacles are removed. Discover your inner strengths and talents or your growth
will be limited, you will have trouble finding companionship, and there will be few to help you. Your sincerity will be challenged.
Be circumspect to avoid troubles. If you cultivate your inner virtue, do what is just, and are willing to help others, good fortune
will follow.

 IMAGE: a trespasser.

Be careful to keep disintegrative conditions from entering your life. Be on guard against saboteurs and do not entertain relations
with destructive people. Be patient in the face of restrictions. You will invite great losses if you violate the boundaries of others.
It is better to wait for positive signs. Help will come from high minded persons. You will be fortunate if you bear a child.

 IMAGE: a pot of gold.

Your fortunes will flourish. Beware of becoming overly ambitious, however, or you will fall. Nothing and no one is entirely
independent. Be humble and considerate of others and you will avoid pitfalls. Many opportunities for success will come your
way. You will be helped by someone in a high place.

 IMAGE: a cloudless autumn sky.


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Patiently bring things through to completion and you will reap a good harvest. Be gentle, relentless striving will meet with
misfortune. Temper your ambition and strive to grow inwardly. Though success is yours, you must be humble. Be vigilant. Wait
for the right time to advance.

 IMAGE: paradise.

You will attain whatever you wish for. The greater your effort, the greater your gain. Be firm of purpose. Cooperate with those
above and below you. Success and prosperity will come to you through creative work, especially, through writing. Spiritual work
will progress unobstructedly.

IMAGE: a fox.

Be careful that you aren’t secretly on the defensive while seeking to join forces with others. Mistrusting others will cause them
to mistrust you. Your insincerity will alienate others. Seek to balance your heart and mind. Blind passion will result in
entanglement and losses. Clarify your aims. Vacillating and worrying accomplish nothing. Stay centered and you will become
secure and prosperous.

In this way we can understand that the impact of fengshui varies from person to person residing in the same house.


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The entire Vastu is “Ohm”. The Pranava Mantram that controls three worlds by which human beings, animals and plants exist
with Water, Fire, Air, Earth and Space. All these are well known except space. There is the outer space and inner space. Both are
existing in all things on Earth.

The inner space is Atman existing in you and it vibrates with its own experience. The space is creation of our own birth. This
vibration is rhythmatic and can be measured in your heart, pressure pulse etc. The outer space is illustrating and transforms the
universe into objects. Oxygen, air and water are its constant vibration.

This vibration is known as Kalam, Time, which means it is accurate in formation. That is the Sun, Moon. This entire vibration of
rotation giving time is mathematical measurement and accurately predicted. The absolute time is Kalabrahmam. The living of
man is also timed though there is no absolute findings inspite of scientific advancement. Now comes the sound 'Talam'. The
sound is also rhythematic just as in music. The waves emit sounds constantly and the wind, rivers etc. without harming Nature
normally. The music and dance are rhythematic to Kalam, Nada Brahman and sound.

Lord Nataraja’s Universal dance and his pose itself is rhythemetic and controls the whole space.

The shilpi by the sound created sculptures of Gods with his inner feeling of the vibrating forms and architecturally created the
same to mathematical measurement. That is the music tuned into sound of the Chisel and converted into forms. That is the
absolute space by manifestation of sound and human energy is converted into material form by the shilpis, which are installed in
Temples and worshipped in various forms.

In early years Mayan was the Architect Engineer and Shilpi who created the entire Architecture for houses, palaces, towns, etc. It
is believed Mayan races are still existing in Mexico and you still see many Architecture buildings are still existing and even the
pyramids it is said is creation of Mayan. Mayan is existing in all the Architecture and also gave it in various forms for others to
follow. There are many scriptures.

The earlier theory is during the fight of Asuras, Devas, Brahma Iswara, the sweat fell on Earth and this combined sweat in space
created so much of energy that the entire Earth would have been crushed. Brahma granted boon to this form and made as form
with Eight directions. And those who follow and live can have peace and prosperity. I am now showing the Vastu Purusha
Mandala - as earlier said “Ohm” is the energy. .

In China known as Fungstichi they believe that Dragon exists and Air, Fire, Earth, Water, Light is taken in practice. Mirrors, plants,
living fishes in water colour etc. is used in abroad besides various itemslike to eradicate negative energy. Laughing Buddhs,
Chime, Horse shoe, flute etc.

The Eight cardinal directions and the effect of the deities as earlier existing. South -Lord Yama South East. Agni South West
-Nairritya Demons - asura East-Indran, North-Kuberan, North-Easun, North West-Vayu, West Varunan. Mayan has divided our
entire caste into living directions of people as per their daily work (I am giving my personal interpretations).

South - Brahmin

West - Sudra

East - Rulers

North - Businessman


South Direction is for Brahmins and Now Brahmin means one who does not own houses nor worries about food and lives only
for welfare of others and community. (This fits in our Swami’s Madathipathis). In church Father, Jain Munis, Muslim Priests,
Buddha Priests and, part time Brahmins who know vedas and who come for rituals. These people have no worry about death
and they cannot have sleep as they have to attend to birth and death and hear daily people's problems.


Sudras does not mean those who are discarded by birth as low caste but taken as workers by Mayan. That is those who receive
money for the work. This includes Managing Director, all Government Servants etc. These are the only people who can sleep
well as every day they work for the money they are paid for their work.


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North belongs to traders, businessmen who are interested in money. As their relationship is only making money they also cannot
sleep as they have to constantly plan and think of Debtors.


East belongs to rulers. We can take President, Prime Minister, Chief Minister, MLA’s, Councillors, King, etc. These people are
decision makers and they have all power. They also cannot sleep as they have to attend to people and also constantly think of
maintaining their levels.

Our Vedas have said look at Brahmin’s face.

Mathru Devo Bhava (Worship Mother/Father) Pithru Devo Bhavas (Worship Ancestors)

Acharya Devo Bhava (Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu) (Worship Acharya)

Athithi Devo Bhava (Entertain Guest)

Sudro Ajayata (Live with them)

I am giving the cardinal effect of the directions and the character of people living in such directions. In East, the sun is moving
from East to West.

In practicing meditation and Bhajans in the morning, one gets peace.


The entire ruling effects belong to rulers. The rulers get energy from Sun’s rays and do Puja. The people having houses in this
direction will be rich, knowledgeable, interested in social work but will have tendency for gambling which can be compensated
by their Puja daily in East.


Fire, the people living in this direction will be autocratic and will attract all people. As per our Shastra no house should be in this
corner as the lady will not stay with them and they may not have issues and nervous problems will be there.


This belongs to Lord Yama. This is one of the best as they will maintain good health. They will complete any work they
undertake. They will change their policy often and will never submit to others and will have many enemies. They will have no
worry about their life.


They will be stubborn in their work. They will be able to lead others and work hard. They will not have confidence in themselves.


Vayu is very powerful and other people will depend on these people. They will love .their ladies. They will have no fear of
obstacles. Their married life will be peaceful.


They will be doing business and would be interested in music, dance and art. Ladies will have control over these people. Their
health will not be perfect.


These people will be God fearing. They will do Puja. They will have fame and will be interested in research. They will get money
but will not give it to others.


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Salient Features of Vastu-Sastra (Edifice Science)

"If there is a downward slope towards the East, it gives prosperity. If there is a downward slope towards the North, it provides
wealth. If this slope is towards the West, the loss of wealth, knowledge, death and destruction takes place. A slope towards the
South, it leads to death”.

Jyotisha or Astrology consists of three main divisions- Ganita, Phalita and Samhita. Ganita is the mathematical part, Phalita is the
predictive part and Samhita is the division under which comes Vastu, weather forecasting and such other natural phenomena.
Vastu is, therefore an integral part of Jyothisha. In fact Utapal’s commentary on Brihat Samhita refers to Vastu Vidya as an anga
or limb of Jyotisha and that Vastu falls in the category of Samhita teaching.

In Amarkosa, Vastu is defined as a dwelling. Vastu Sashtra is the science of dwelling or architecture.

HISTORY OF VASTU SASTRA : Rishis (Seers,ea=nz"Vkj%) with their dedicated work, developed the Edifice Science for
safeguarding the biochemical reactions taking place in the human body.

Vastu dates back to the Pre- Ramayan and the Mahabharata periods. The Epics contain description of cities with multistoreyed
buildings with spacious balconies & porticos. It is said the site-plan of Ayodhya city was similar to the plan found in the great
architectural text Manasara.

In the Mahabharata mention is made of a number of houses that were built for the kings who were invited to Indraprashta for
the Rajsuya Yajna of King Yudhisthira. Sage Vyas says that these houses were as high as the peaks of Kailasa Mountains, perhaps
meaning that they stood tall and majestic. These houses were free from obstructions, had compounds with high walls and their
doors were of uniform height and inlaid with numerous metal ornaments.

References are also found in Budhist literature, of building constructed on the basis of Vastu. The Jatakas contain references to
individual buildings. Lord Buddha is said to have delivered discourses on architecture and even told his disciples that supervising
the construction of a building was one of the duties of the order.

A treatise known as Chullavagga with a commentary of Buddhaghosha is said to contain much material on the science of

Many Puranas such as Skanda, Agni, Matsya, Garuda, Narada, Vayu, Brahamanda and Ling deal with Vastu fairly extensively.


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For instance, the Matsya-purana refers to eighteen sages (Rishees) proficient in Vastu. Bhrigu, Atri, Vasistha, Vishwakarma,
Maya, Narada, Nagnajitha, Vishalaksha, Purandhara, Brahma, Kumara, Nindisa, Shaunka, Garga, Vasudeva, Anirudha, Sukra and
Brihaspati are the eighteen celebrated authors referred to as Vastu Sastropadesakas or instructors in the science of vastu.

The Brihat Samhita exquisitely deals with residential and temple architecture.

It is improper to argue that for any house there should be greater open spaces in East, North and North- East.

According to Vastu Vidya 4.32.33- divide the site into four equal parts. The North-East is of Manusha, the South-East is a Yamya-
Khanda, the South-West is of Daiva-Khanda and North - West is a Asura-Khanda. The house has to be constructed only in the
Manushya and Daiva-Khandas. A house can be constructed in the North-East. If there is greater open space, the owner faces
troubles. Similarly, there should not be greater open space in North-West.

For the house constructed in the North-East-Manusha-Khanda, the road should be in the East or in the North respectively. For
Daiva Khand, the house should be in the South-West, the road would be in the South or the West. Our ancients constructed
houses on these lines. Those who have left less open spaces in the East, North and North-East, have become wealthy

The various Agamas also give much useful information on architecture. Notable among them are Kamikagama, Karnagama,
Suprabhedagama, Vaikhansagama and Aamsumadbhedagama.

Certain works on Tantra such as Kiran Tantra and Hayaseersha Tantra also said to contain much information on architecture.

Other treatises like Kautilya’s Arthasastra and Sukra Niti are said to dwell on structural aspects of architecture.

Some of more important works on the science of dwelling are Mayamata, Manasara and Samarangana Sutradhara. Manasara is a
comprehensive treatise on architecture and iconography. According to Dr. P.K. Acharya, the Editor of Manasara, this book is
considered to be the source of all presentations of architecture in Purana and Agama as well as in more specialized texts such as
Brihat Samhita and Mayamata. In fact, this treatise itself is identified as a vastu sastra, the first Vastu being the earth.

The Manasara represents the universality of vastu tradition and contains also the iconography of Jain and Buddhist images. The
work is universally accepted all over India. Mayamata occupies a very important place amongst the various treatises on Vastu. It
is said to have originated from South India. Mayamata is the best known among the ancient treatises dealing with architecture
and iconography. Samarangana Sutradhara also deals with architecture in detail. It even speaks of mechanical devices called

Our ancients have provided us with wonderful knowledge about planning and construction and we need to discipline our senses
to make use of this knowledge for the betterment of mankind at large. According to Prof. B. Suryanarayan Rao “Vastu refers to
the form of construction of the house and the energies or forces called into existence by the arrangements made and the
materials used in the construction. The subtle chemical results, affected by the conjunction of various materials, though not seen
by the naked eyes, are still there and any evil tendencies produce danger, disease or death to the occupants.”


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Vastu can provide us all the vital information required to make our lives healthy and peaceful. It is unfortunate that the town
planners of today have absolutely no knowledge nor inclination to take the assistance of the science of Vastu.

The morning rays of the Sun are a known source of positive energies and probably our seers wanted these rays to flood the
house and benefit the inmates. It is also precisely for this reason that the bathroom where one takes one’s bath every morning is
also recommended in the East. Similarly, the placement of the shrine in the North-East where we offer our prayer in the morning
and the kitchen in the South-East where the traditional house-wife is most of the time busy, are also related to the fact that the
morning rays are as much required by the house-wife in the kitchen as by the master of the house in the shrine.

Another aspect of the specific achievement of the Hindu thought is reflected in the position one is supposed to sleep. It is
normally recommended for people to sleep with their heads to the South. The human body is said to have the ability to acquire
the property of the magnetism because there is a large percentage of iron in the blood circulating all over our body. It is also
known that the earth is a huge magnet with its poles having attracting and repulsive powers as is evident by the pointing of a
compass needle. The feet for the most part of the day are in contact with this huge magnet. The South polarity is said to be
induced in the feet and consequently North polarity in the head. This arrangement of poles in human body is natural to it and
therefore conducive to health.

Brihat Samhita has much to say about gardens. Gardens or parks are recommended on the banks of rivers and lakes. Neem and
Ashok trees are recommended in one’s garden and rear houses. Offices, residences, hospitals, complexes, apartment blocks,
public buildings, layouts and towns become better places to live in if they have gardens in and around. The ancients gave much
importance to laying of gardens and maintaining them. Gardens enhance the Vastu strength of a building. They also give
happiness and delight both to the residents and the guests to the house.

Phalita Jyotisha: Coming to Phalita Jyotisha, the fourth house in a horoscope is generally looked into for property and

The lords of the second, fourth and twelfth in Kendras and Trikonas ensure smooth affairs pertaining to property and houses.
The fourth lord in lagna or in the seventh gives the native a house without any difficulty. On the other hand if the lord of the
fourth is in the eighth, afflicted or debilitated, it deprives the person of his land and houses. Property is also indicated if Venus is
posited in the fourth house. When Mars occupies the fourth the person will own a house but will not be happy on that account.
If Sun is in the fourth house, inheritance is indicated. If Ketu is in the fourth, the person is deprived of properties. It is to be
remembered that these results get modified by aspects and conjunctions of other planets.

Importance of Muhurta (Muhurta Shastra) : Muhurta is another important part of house building. It comes into play at four
stages of construction viz., digging of well, laying of foundation, placing of maindoor frame and finally the first entry into new
house or Grihapravesam.


Page 38
Trigram therapy is a subtle combination of all the nine basic concepts of Feng Shui and getting it right brings a great deal of
harmonious flows of auspicious chi currents that result in good fortune. By placing specific trigram in particular direction of your
room, house & office you can get the benefit of that aspiration and also a best cure for number missing in your date of birth.
Practical applications of trigram therapy in Feng Shui : When you understand, the missing number in your date of birth, the
attributes of the different corners of your home, office or factory, its symbolic element, the family member represented the
colors that energize that corner, as well as the luck aspiration symbolized. You can practice trigram therapy in Feng Shui by
installing the replica of respective trigram in the sector affected at your home, office and factory to enhance the luck of that
particular aspiration. THE EIGHT TRIGRAMS AND THEIR MEANINGS KAN : The middle son: Placed in the North. Kan is the Danger
trigram. The element is Water and the Season is Deep Winter. This trigram also signifies Hidden Wealth. Use replica of this
trigram for missing number ONE in your date of birth and for career promotion in North sector of your room, home and office.
KUN : The matriarch: Indicates the female maternal, the Mother.

The element is Big Earth, the energy is yin. The direction is South-West. Use replica of this trigram for missing number TWO in
your date of birth, and for the better relations and harmony among partners & family members in South-West sector of your
room, office &factory. CHEN: the eldest son: Is in the East, represent Wood and the Season of Spring. Indicates Growth. Use
replica of this trigram for the missing number THREE and for Good Health, Longevity and Confidence in Eastern wall of your
bedroom, home, shop, office & factory. SUN : the eldest daughter: Is in the SOUTH-EAST represents the element Wood, the
Mood is Gentle, and the Season is spring. Use replica of this trigram for missing number FOUR in your date of birth and for
wealth & prosperity. CHIEN : the patriarch: Also means Heaven, the creative, is yang, has Metal as the element, and represents
the male, the Father. The direction is North-West. Use replica of this trigram for missing number SIX in your date of birth and to
get foreign travel, new opportunities and helpful people in North-West sector of your room, home, shop, office & factory. TUI:
youngest daughter: Tui is placed west, and is of the Metal element. Tui means joyousness and represents the youngest girl in a

The season is autumn. Use replica of this trigram for missing number SEVEN in your date of birth and for mental rest, joy and
happiness in West sector of your room, home, shop, office & factory. KEN: the youngest son: Placed in the North-East. Also
stands for mountain and belongs to the Earth element. Use replica of this trigram for missing number EIGHT in your date of birth
and education, knowledge & good memory in North- East sector of your room, home, shop, office & factory. LI: the middle
daughter: Li is placed in South. Li stands for Fire, with upward moving Energy. The Season is summer. The trigram symbolizes
fame and recognition and intense brightness. Use replica of this trigram for missing number NINE and for name fame and
recognition in South sector of your room, home, shop, office & factory. (A) MISSING SECTORS & THEIR EFFECTS BY PA KUA
METHOD The effect of missing sectors depends on which sector is missing. There are two excellent methods of diagnosing the
effect on the family , business luck when there are missing sectors in a home or business premises . The first method relates to
the kind of luck affected while the second method describes which member of the family’s luck gets affected. The Pa Kua
Method : The Pa Kua method assigns one type of luck to each of the eight sectors of any home.

To determine the kind of luck affected, it is first necessary to determine which compass direction is represented by the missing
sector. Use a good compass to first determine the orientations of your home, and then superimpose a nine-sector grid onto your
house plan. You will see immediately which sector is missing. Then check business premises against the meanings shown in the
nine-sector grid illustrated below. (D) MISSING SECTORS & THEIR EFFECTS ON FAMILY MEMBERS Perhaps more important than
the type of luck affected is the effect which missing sectors have on the luck of each individual member of the family, based on
the Trigram method. The most dangerous missing corner is the corner represented by the direction North-West & number 6
which is the house of the trigram chien which represents the most senior male member of the family, usually the father or the
patriarch. If the North-West corner is missing (or if it houses, a store room filled with junk, or a cluttered garage or this corner is
closed.) the luck of the father could be seriously affected. If he is also the sole breadwinner, then such a situation affects the
whole family since his career and his business ventures will suffer from a lack of energy and motivation on his part. Here is the
full table of meanings.

NORTH CAREER, PLANNING KAN This is probably the most dangerous of all eight trigrams. It is made up of one unbroken, yang
bar embraced by two broken, yin bars. This is a trigram that looks weak and yielding outside but, in fact, can be very strong
inside. Kan symbolizes the cold of winter, the danger or opportunity of water, and the cunning of the middle son. It can
represent either illusions like the moon’s reflection in water or great success through a person’s ability to hide his or her
strength and appear weak the essence of cunning that is the sum and substance of this trigram. This trigram represents
situations of entanglement and a perpetual position of danger. Kan perfectly encapsulates the scenarios in ancient China when
court intrigues often resulted in great danger for the mandarins who vied for promotion. One false stem and death was the
result; hence this trigram represents career luck. To enjoy a smooth and successful climb up the career ladder it is vital to
activate this corner of your home and room, as well as your office. By guarding the Feng Shui of your North corner you will be
protecting yourself from getting hurt by intrigues, deceit, and trickery. Good Feng Shui will ensure that sincerity of purpose is


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rewarded so that the yang bar sandwiched between the yin bar will stay strong and not be overcome. THE DIRECTION: NORTH
The trigram that represents careers is Kan and, according to the Later Heaven Arrangement of trigrams, this is placed in the
North. This is therefore the corner of any home or room that represents career prospects and career luck. If this corner has good
Feng Shui, residents will have the good fortune to attain great heights in their careers. Understanding the nature of career luck
requires an examination of the North sector of the room or home and, in particular, the meaning of the trigram Kan. THE
ELEMENT: WATER Ruling element of the North is water, symbolized by anything liquid and also by water features, such as
aquariums, pools, lakes, and fountains. Water produced by metal, so metal is said to be good for it. • Water itself produces
wood, so wood is said to exhaust it. • Water is destroyed by earth, so earth is said to be harmful to it. • Water destroys fire, so it
is said to overcome fire From these attributes, we know that to strengthen the element of the North, we can use all objects that
symbolize both water and metal. Also, we should strenuously avoid anything belonging to the earth element. This means that
the North may be activated by any object, color, or painting that suggests water, metal or by replica of Kan trigram itself.

SOUTHWEST ROMANCE, HARMONY & INITIATIVE KUN The trigram is made up of three broken yin bars. Kun is the trigram that
symbolizes mother earth. Inherent to this trigram is the concept of the ideal matriarch, all that is receptive and ultimate yin
energy. Kun symbolizes the person who accepts all the responsibilities of the family, performing the crucial role of keeping the
family together, giving birth, raising children, and dispensing love and kindness, in spite of hard work. Like the earth, the
matriarch grows everything and receives everything back. The earth supports mountains, cradles the oceans, and is always
enduring. This is a powerful trigram. Some of the best representations of it is a mountain, without water double happiness
symbol & replica of Kun trigram and a painting / portrait of these hung in the Kun corner brings extraordinary romantic luck. THE
DIRECTION: SOUTH-WEST The trigram that represents love and relationships is the yin trigram Kun and according to the Later
Heaven Arrangement of trigrams, this is placed in the South-West. This is the sector of any home or room that represents
romance, love and marriage. If this sector has good Feng Shui, the marriage and love aspirations of the members of the
household will be positively energized. If this sector has bad Feng Shui, however, bad marriage luck will be fall the household,
leading to divorce, loneliness, unhappiness, and an almost total absence of marriage opportunities for the sons and daughters of
the family. Thus romance Feng Shui should always start with an examination of this sector of the room or home. THE ELEMENT:
EARTH The element of the South-West corner is earth, symbolized by crystals, stones, boulders, and all things from the ground.
Identifying the relevant element to activate is a vital part of the application. It suggests that placing, for instance, a boulder in
the South-West corner of the garden will activate excellent romance and marriage opportunities for all the unattached residents
of the house. • Earth is produced by fire, so fire is said to be good for it. • Earth itself produces metal, so metal is said to exhaust
it. • Earth is destroyed by wood, so wood is said to be harmful to it. • Earth destroys water, so it is said to overcome water.
From these attributes we know that to strengthen the element of the South-West we can use objects that symbolize both the
earth and the fire elements, but we should avoid the wood element. Keeping replica of Kun trigram in South-West of your home,
bedroom and office will enhance harmony among family member, couples and partners.

EAST LONGEVITY, CONFIDENCE & HEALTH CHEN This trigram represents the eldest son. It has two yin bars above a single
unbroken yang bar. Chen also signifies spring, which is a season of growth. In the language of the ancient Chinese text, the I
Ching, Chen stands for the “arousing”, characterized by great claps of thunder bursting in the spring sky, waking creatures form
hibernation, and causing the life-giving rains to fall. Chen is a happy trigram that also suggests laughter and happiness. It has
great strength and energy. It stands for growth and vigor which makes it representative of life itself. Activating the corner that
houses this attracts healthy growth energies. The direction is east and the element is big wood, suggestive of trees rather than
bushes, a deep green color rather than light green, and large wooden structures (furniture) rather than small wooden objects
(ornaments) replica of Chen trigram and green pyramids. THE DIRECTION: EAST Chen is the growth trigram that represents good
health. According to the Later Heaven Arrangement, it is place in the East. This is the sector of any home or room that
represents good health for the family. If this corner has good Feng Shui, family members, especially the breadwinner, will enjoy
excellent health and live to a ripe old age. If this corner has bad Feng Shui, illness will befall the family. THE ELEMENT: WOOD The
element of the East corner is wood, symbolized mainly by plants. Identifying the relevant element to activate is a vital part of the
application. It suggests that placing a healthy plant in the East will activate excellent health luck for residents of the home. •
Wood is produced by water, so water is said to be good for it. • Wood itself produces fire, so fire will exhaust it. • Wood is
destroyed by metal, so metal will be harmful to it. • Wood destroys earth, so earth is overcome by it. From these attributes we
know that to strengthen the element of the East, we can use all objects that symbolize both wood and water, but should
strenuously avoid anything belonging to the metal element. Delving deeper, we see that the East is represented by big wood.
This suggests that the intangible forces of the wood in this corner are strong, powerful, and not easily overcome. Big wood is
suggestive of very strong growth. Wood is the only one of the five elements that is alive and capable of reproducing itself. This
implies that the yang energies of its sector, although not immediately evident, are nevertheless strong. This is eloquently
suggested by the lines of the trigram where the unbroken yang line lays hidden under two yin lines. Using inanimate objects
made of wood can thus be equally effective as using plants & pyramids beside Chen trigram for energizing this corner of the
home / office. Keeping replica of Chen trigram in east of your home, bedroom and office will improve your confidence, health &

SOUTHEAST WEALTH & PROSPERITY SUN This trigram has two solid yang bars above a broken yin bar, which signifies the wind
that brings prosperity. The image conjured by this trigram is of the wind scattering seeds to all corners of the earth. The seeds


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then fall to the ground, penetrate the soil, and begin to germinate. Very soon a plant grows. It blooms and flowers, producing
more seeds, which are scattered again by the wind and the cycle of prosperity, is repeated over and over again. Thus wealth
creation symbolized. If you activate this trigram in your home, it is believed that all your financial projects will succeed. THE
DIRECTION: SOUTH-EAST The trigram that represents the prosperity aspiration is Sun and, according to the Later Heaven
Arrangement, it is placed in the South-East. This sector of the home or office represents wealth, and if this sector has good Feng
Shui, then the wealth aspirations of the household have been effectively energized. If this sector has bad Feng Shui, inauspicious
money luck will befall the household, leading to loss and failure in business. To activate wealth Feng Shui it is therefore vital to
ensure that any negative energy is removed or deflected from the South-East corner of your home or office. THE ELEMENT:
WOOD The element of the South-East location is wood, symbolized by plants and all things made of wood, and this is most
significant when practicing Feng Shui, since identifying the relevant and applicable element to activate is vital to the process. It
suggests that placing a plant green pyramid and replica of Sun trigram in the South-East, will be excellent wealth Feng Shui.
Moreover, from the cycles shown here, you will see further attributes of the wood element.

Wood is produced by water, so it will benefit from water.

Wood itself produces fire, so fire will exhaust it.

Wood is destroyed by metal, so metal will harm it.

Wood destroys earth, so it will overwhelm earth. From studying these attributes we learn that to energize the element of the
South-East we should use objects that symbolize wood elements, and avoid those belonging to the metal element. However, it
is important to remember that in Feng Shui balance is everything. Too much of any one element will overwhelm the others.
Elements used subtly will reinforce each other. Keeping picture of Sun trigram in South-East zone of your home, bedroom and
office will enhance wealth, luck. It also balances the energy if you are missing number four in your date of birth.

Chien, the one that symbolizes heaven. It signifies the ultimate yang energy and stands for intrinsic and spiritual strength. It
represents the leader, king, commander, and patriarch, the man of power who possesses a divine right to rule. Chien is a very
powerful trigram. It epitomizes the spirit of the creative, and the energy of never ending movement and relentless activity. It is
described in the I Ching as the root of a all other trigrams because all three bars are unbroken, solid, and yang. Chien personifies
a person of great power, who is also wise and compassionate. In Feng Shui, activating this trigram has many benefits; chief
among them is the luck of having someone wise to advise you and someone powerful to help you. During your auspicious
astrological period, it could even bring an influential mentor into your life that will support and promote you. The placement of
Chien on the Pa Kua its direction and location indicated the important elements to energize. In doing so, it is important to know
that Chien becomes even more auspicious when combined with the trigram Kun, the ultimate yin trigram. The pairing of the
ultimate yang with the ultimate yin is irresistibly auspicious. The element of Kun is big earth, which produces big metal, the
element of Chien.

THE DIRECTION: NORTH-WEST Based on the Later Heaven Arrangement of trigrams around the Pa Kua, the compass direction
that houses the trigram Chien is the North-West. Thus to activate the luck that brings influential friends, mentors, and advisers
into your life, it is necessary to energize the North-West. The first thing to investigate is whether there is a North-West corner of
your home. When homes are L or U shaped, certain corners are missing. If the missing corner happens to be the North-west
sector of the house, then Feng Shui suggests that the all important Chien luck missing. Keeping replica of Chien trigram in North-
West of your home, factory or office will give new opportunities, foreign travels & helpful people. It will also fill the energy of
missing number six. THE ELEMENT: METAL The element of Chien and, therefore, of the north-west is Big Metal. Anything that
typifies metal can be used to activate this corner. At the same time, because earth produces metal, anything that connotes
earth, especially big earth (the trigram Kun), is also appropriate. Remember, that fire destroys metal, and is therefore
constructed as being harmful to chien. So anything that signifies the fire should not be placed here.

 WEST CHILDREN, JOY, EDUCATION TUI This trigram, made up of one broken yin line above two unbroken yang lines, signifies
joyousness, laughter, and a time for rejoicing. The Tui trigram implies success and continuity of the family name. Seasonally, it
represents fall and its symbol is the lake. More than anything, Tui means gold, but not ordinary gold. The reference is
metaphorical, for gold here means virtuous offspring who bring fame, honor, and happiness to the family. Good children are
regarded as being as precious as gold. When the trigram Tui is activated, there is harmony in the family. Siblings enjoy good
relationships and children respect the elders of the family. Husbands and wives get along and the atmosphere in the home is one
of serenity. The positive side of this trigram also suggests that families will be enlarged through marriage or having children. THE
DIRECTION: WEST ENERGIZING WEST SECTOR FOR CHILDREN’S LUCK Activate your children’s luck starts with understanding the
Pa Kua. By itself, the Pa Kua of the Early Heaven Arrangement is believed to be a powerful protective tool. Merely hanging it
outside the home above the main door is deemed very effective in countering any negative energies that may be threatening the
home and its residents. However, the Pa Kua, with its aggregated circles of meaning, is also a Feng Shui reference tool. There is


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meaning in each of the trigrams placed at every edge of it. Trigrams are three-bar symbols. The bars may be solid yang or broken
yin bar and their relationship is what gives meaning to the trigrams, according to the I Ching, the Book of Changes.

The trigram that represents the next generation is Tui and, according to the Later Heaven Arrangement, this is placed in the
west. This is the corner of any home or room that represents the luck of the children, if this corner has good Feng Shui, the
children will enjoy excellent fortune, and they will do well in school, achieve good grades, win honors, and excel in all their
pursuits. If they enjoy good birth charts, the good Feng Shui will also assist them in attaining great heights in any endeavor.
However, if this corner has bad Feng Shui, bad luck will prevail and parents will find it difficult to help their children. The children
themselves will suffer from every kind of misfortune, from not doing well as school to constantly falling stick. They will find it
difficult and sometimes impossible to achieve their potential despite their best efforts. In order to maximize children’s luck, Feng
Shui requires careful examination of this sector of the room or home and in particular the meaning of the trigram Tui. Keeping
replica of Tui in west of your home, study room will support child health, education and creativity. It also fills the energy of
missing number seven. THE ELEMENT: METAL The ruling element of the west is metal, symbolized by all things made of metal,
particularly gold. This includes metal wind chime, home appliances, television, and clocks. Identifying the relevant element to
activate is a vital part of Feng Shui applications. For instance a wind chime in the west part of the living room will activate
excellent opportunities for the children of the family. From these attributes, we know that to strengthen the element of the
west, we can use any objects that symbolize either earth or metal elements, but we should avoid anything belonging to the fire

This means that the west may be activated by any object, color, or painting that suggests either earth or metal. Electrical
appliances that are made of metal and are placed in the west corner of a room would be harmonious. The display of wind chimes
and bells is also excellent, as are television sets and music system. It is also auspicious to display objects that belong to the earth
element, such as crystal, clay pots, and rocks.

NORTH-EAST MEMORY, EDUCATION, SUCCESS & KNOWLEDGE KEN The trigram that symbolizes knowledge and education is
Ken, which essentially stands for late winter or early spring. It suggests a time of preparation upon which future success
depends. Ken also suggests contemplation, meditation, and the development of the mind. When the energies within the home
or room are harmonious within the sectors that represent this trigram, excellent education luck can be activated. THE
DIRECTION: NORTH-EAST Based on the Later Heaven Arrangement of trigrams around the Pa Kua, the compass direction that
represents the trigram Ken is the North-east. Thus to activate education and study luck, it is necessary to energize the North-

The first thing to see is if there is a true North-East corner of the house. When houses are L-shaped or U-shaped, certain corners
appear to be missing and if this happens to be the North-East sector of the house, then Feng Shui suggests that the education
luck of the home is generally lacking. While this can be unfortunate, there is no real cause for alarm. Go to the bedroom of the
person whose education luck needs activating. This will usually be the bedroom of a child or young person who is still a student.
Other rooms used by the entire family can also be activated THE ELEMENT: EARTH The element of the North-East is earth. This is
derived from the trigram Ken, which means mountain. Thus the element referred to be small earth, and to activate this sector,
anything that symbolizes earth can be used. At the same time, we have seen from the cycles of the elements that fire produces
earth. Earth produces metal and this means that metal exhausts earth. Metal would, therefore, not be a good energizer for this
corner. It is inadvisable to place anything made of metal, including wind-chimes and bells, in the North-East corner. Finally,
anything that belongs to the wood element should not be placed here, since wood destroys earth.

This means that plants and flowers in the North-East will spoil your study luck. Keeping replica of Ken trigram in North-East of
study room & office will enhance education luck & knowledge and fills the energy in the missing number.

SOUTH FAME & REORGANIZATION LI This trigram is made up of one broken, yin bar embraced by two solid, and yang bar. It
appears strong on the outside, yet is yielding and weak on the inside. Li is the trigram that symbolizes the brightness of fire and
the dazzle of the sun. it stands for glory and the applause of the masses. It also suggests activity and heat. The symbolism of this
trigram is that of a great man who perpetuates the light by rising to prominence. His name and fame illuminate the four corners
of the universe, dazzling one and all with his exemplary behavior and his magnificent talents and achievements. At its ultimate, Li
also represents lightning from which we can gauge the intrinsic brilliance of what it stands for.

The color of Li is red, the bright and auspicious color that suggests celebrations and happy occasions. Li is the summer, and its
energies are more yang then yin. THE DIRECTION: SOUTH The trigram that represents fame, recognition, and reputation is Li
and, according to the Later Heaven Arrangement, this is placed in the South. Thus the southern corner of any home or room
represents recognition, reputation, and fame. THE ELEMENT: FIRE The ruling element of the South is fire, symbolized by bright
lights, the sun, the colour red, and anything else that suggests fire identifying the relevant element to activate is a vital part of
feng-shui application. It suggests that placing, a Red Pyramid & replica of Li trigram in the South will activate excellent
opportunities for becoming famous and widely respected. This particular type of luck is especially vital for politicians, models,
singers, actors, and everyone engaged in professions that require them to be well known and easily recognized.


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Fire is produced by wood, so wood is said to be good for it.

Fire itself produces earth, so earth is said to exhaust it.

Fire is destroyed by water, so water is said to be harmful to it.

Fire destroys metal, so it is said to overcome metal. From these attributes we know that to strengthen the element of the South
we can use objects that symbolize both the fire and the wood elements, but we should strenuously avoid anything belonging to
the water element. Keeping picture/replica of Li trigram in South of your home/bedroom or office will boost your name & fame
and fills the energy in the missing number Nine.

CHIEN & SHENG (the prosperity hexagram) CHIEN Two very important symbol extracted from the I Ching is the hexagram Sheng
& chien, as Sheng represents, the dragon’s cosmic breath. Chien is the trigram which signifies divine help form heaven. It is
extremely yang in characteristic, and is thus suitable for life and activity. And Chien doubled, which is portrayed by six solid
unbroken lines also signifies the same thing. According to the I-Ching, the book of changes, this hexagram indicates the
beginning of everything and implies harmony and peace. It also represents strength and power. Keeping replica of Chien
Hexagram in North-West will bring luck to start new projects and implementation with the help of influential people. SHENG The
hexagram SHENG meanwhile, is a combination of two different trigrams, the trigram SUN below, and the trigram KUN above.
The meaning of SHENG is ascending, promotion or expansion. It thus has very auspicious significance. It is made up of the
combination of earth (Kun) above and wood (Sun) below.

Thus the plant is firmly rooted in the earth, and it is growing higher and higher. The season indicated is late spring, a time of very
rapid growth. According to the I Ching’s the book of changes, this hexagram indicated that businesses will prosper like the
growing trees that blossom and then bear fruit. This hexagram is also auspicious for marriages and for attraction mentor luck.
Keep the replica in South-West of your home, factory or office for prosperity, harmony & wealth.


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In today’s stressful society we are looking at the ways to improve the quality of our lives. Stepping into the garden is a
wonderful way to relax and restore inner peace. A house with well planned flowering plants not only enhances the aesthetic
beauty of the place, but contributes considerably to our environment. Vaastu Shastra is an environmental science written about
some 7,000 - 10,000 years ago in India by men of great wisdom known as Rishis. They observed the workings of Nature and
recorded how different rays of the sun, the magnetic poles, the makeup of the land, soil, slope, structures and more affected all
living things.

It is the oldest recorded architectural treatise known to man and it is from this science that some of the world’s most enduring
structures have been created. A well-tended and designed garden using the principles of Vaastu Shastra, will benefit you and the
members of your family for years to come. By reconnecting with the intrinsic balance within nature using basic Vaastu principles,
you will experience better health, improved relationships, and enjoy an enhanced sense of well-being. Vaastu principles apply
not only to the concrete structure of the house and to intimate items, but also to the environment outside and the plants and
gardens surrounding your home. There is a deep bonding between man and nature.

Nature in the form of trees and plants, and water bodies like fountains, ponds and waterfalls can be incorporated in our
environment to remain connected to the natural world. A pleasing garden adds to the vital prana and positive vibration in your
environment. A subtle blend of design, shape, colour, appropriate plants, water bodies can enhance the positive vibrations in
and around a house. Office, homesteads, multistoried building, housing complex, hospital, library school and college building
and its surrounding places should be decorated with garden to make the place attractive with enchanting beauties and at the
same time it keeps the environment well. The garden should be made at the north-east side of the house. The garden should be
full of flower trees and decorated with different plants. Flower pots should not be kept on the wall of the building in the north,
east or north-east as it would result in blockage of light and air from these directions. Water source or tap in the garden should
be in the north-east direction. Levels of the south and west portions of the garden should be higher than the other portions. The
Center of the garden should neither be raised nor should have depression. Tulsi and other medicinal small trees should be
planted at the north-east side. The trees which have big leafs will have to be planted at the south-west side and the fruit tree will
have to be planted at the middle of these two.

  It is not good to plant a big tree in front of the main entrance of the house as it creates obstruction in front of the door. The
trees which produce white gum like rubber tree, chhatim, manasa, cactus, bonsai etc. are inauspicious. Again the trees with
thorns like cactus should also be avoided But the rose is exception. Plants of decorative flower tree can be placed on the
boundary wall. The houses by the side of big road should be planted with Neem and Ashok trees. Neem protects from pollution
and insects and the Ashok tree protects from sound pollution.  Each home has a boundary wall. Tree will have to be planted to
make the boundary wall strong according to ancient scriptures. Not only that, big size stones also be placed around the trees, as
advised.  Not only can your garden be a place of enjoyment and beauty, but by creating harmony in your garden through the way
of Vaastu, you can bring peace and happiness also into the lives of those you love. According to the science of Vaastu Shastra, all
five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and space) need to be in harmony. When a seed is planted, it requires that all five elements
be balanced for it to germinate, sprout, and become a strong, healthy plant.

The disproportion of any element-whether it is the quality of the earth (soil ph), the amount and quality of water, wind (air), sun
(fire), or the amount of space in which it is planted has the power to inhibit its growth. In this way a wise gardener sets up a
balanced environment for his plants to grow free from disease and stress. Briefly, each area of your garden is associated with
one of the five elements. The earth element is associated with the Southwest area, providing a sustaining and grounding force
for the garden. In the Northeast, the nourishing water element is at home enhancing growth. The fire element in the Southeast
supports healthy disease-free plants. The Northwest is related to the air element, encouraging cross-pollination for new growth
in the garden. The space element is associated with the Central area of your garden, enhancing the flow of beneficial influences
that nourishes the other elements. Here are five suggestions to bring the five elements into balance in your garden and make it a
heaven that is not only beautiful to look at and wonderful to spend time in, but will actually have an empowering affect on the
health and well-being of you and your family.

Build up the southwest area of your garden to produce the stabilizing force of the earth element. You can do this with a rock
garden, tall trees, and even a stone statue. This area is extremely helpful in collecting and holding the positive solar and
magnetic energies coming from the east and north. Since yellow is the color associated with the southwest, choose daffodils,
roses, or wisteria as color accents in this area.. The southwest is also a good place for a storage.

Represent the water element in the northeast by adding a fountain, pool, or pond so this beneficial energy will be reflected
throughout your garden. Use low plantings in the northeast that will not block the life-enhancing ultraviolet light coming from
this direction. Plant herbs, white pansies, or geraniums as color highlights in this direction.


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Add a barbeque or a fire place in the southeast area of your garden to enliven the fire element. The color red is related to this
direction so plant tulips, geraniums, roses, and dahlias in the southeast to enliven this element.

Wind chimes, a play area with a swing set, or a compost pile will balance the air element in the northwest. Blue is the color
connected to this area, so plant bluebells, forget-me-nots, and iris to enhance the influences coming from this direction.

Represent the space element by an open patio area in the center of your garden where you can sit and commune with nature.
Finally, keep your garden neat and tidy by pulling weeds and removing dead plants. Doing so, you will support the balance of the
five elements and attract the positive influences inherent in each of the five directions.

Here are a few simple vaastu suggestions for planting of various varieties of foliage for garden within the house limits:

A Tulsi(Basil) plant,is a very positive influence within the limits of a house.

Plants of Palm,Paraspeepal,Pakar,Sirish,Neem and Bilva,if planted in proper direction,that is the North or the West, bring favour.

Bilva,Madhuka and Peepal are very favourable on the West of the house limit.

Udumbara(Goolar)and Panas are favourable towards the South of the house limits.

Kanakchampa,in the North brings virtues and wealth.

A water pond in a Northeast, North or East direction, with Lotus,is very favourable.

The entertaining unit for the children is recommended towards the North-West of the garden.

No large plant should be planted exactly in the centre of a site.

There must not be any Palash, Kanchana, Sleshmataka, Arjun and Karanj plants within the house limits.If they are already
present, then balance them by planting Ashok,Nirgundi and Sudarshan plants in the appropriate directions.

Thorny succulent plants must not be grown within the house limits. Cacti are considered very dangerous and harmful for a
residential unit. They purport to bring tensions and create fractious relatioships.If you keep them,it is preferable to keep it
separately,and outside the house.

The Ber plant should not be cultivated within the house limits. It increases enemity. Plants of Bamboo, should never be grown
within the house limits.

Garden must not have any fountain in the centre. A swimming pool in the centre, towards the South, South-East or South-West
and even the North-West created undue events. It leads to loss of health & wealth of the residents. A swimming pool/fountain is
favourable in the Northeast, North, East or even in the West.

Huge, heavy statues or other exhibits are favourable towards the South-West, South or the West.

There is no harm if pet animals and birds nests are in the north-west corner.

Useful Tips

Big trees should be avoided in the space surrounding the building and inside the boundary wall. The roots of big trees can
damage the base of the wall compound and the building. The roots of big trees absorb the invisible power of the sunlight
quickly. The good effect of these powerful rays is not obtained by the building.

If there are trees around the building, they should not be tall or have thick leaves and not in the east or the north direction. The
auspicious sunrays are blocked by them. There is no objection to such trees in the West and the south direction. However, such
big trees should not be only in the west or in the south direction but in the both direction. The heavy weight of the trees spoil
the balance of the building.

Useful trees of 3 to 5 feet height can be in the east and the north directions. There should be no tree of any kind, big, small,
useful or otherwise in the north-east corner.

No plant brought from a temple, bank of a river, stolen from any place or given by a person whom you dislike, should be planted
in your plot. Saplings brought from a nursery should be planted.


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No creepers, however beautiful, with flowers should be raised on the compound wall of the building in the east or the north
direction. Creepers can be planted only in the garden. There is no harm to have a money plant in the house. However, it should
not be planted outside the house with the support of a tree etc.

Only around a temple, Banyan tree in the east, Audumbar (a type of banyan tree) on the south side and Peepal in the west can
be planted, observing all the rules regarding the planting of these trees. These tree should not be planted around a residence or
the place of business.

Any big or small, proper or improper, tree should not be planted in front of the main entrance of the building in any direction.
Banana, Papaya, Mango, Pineapple, Lemon Nilgiri, Ashoka or Jamun trees etc. should not be in the east or the north direction of
the building. Paucity of funds and children is experienced. Only in the south of the west there is no harm in having Ashoka,
Almond, Pineapple, Nilgiri, Coconut, Neem, Lemon trees etc.


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There are limited options available to city dwellers; and even a planned construction of a house or a work place is not perfect
because of the levels in and around the plot, shape of the plot, number of roads and direction of the roads adjoining the plot,
other surroundings as also the strict.

Yet it is true that immense benefits can accrue, provided the Vaastu guidelines are followed.

It is advisable to consult an enlightened Pyra Vaastu and Feng-Shui practitioner, but some useful tips and practical illustration of
principles of Vaastu/Feng Shui are given here, to add to your Health, Wealth and Happiness.

 First impressions are extremely important in Vaastu/ Feng-Shui. It is important that what you first see is beautiful & enlightening,
such as a painting, fountain or something visually elevating. When you first walk into your residence, your first experience will be
one of the strongest filters that your subconscious mind will receive. This first impression can affect the over all feeling and
indicate the energy level of any space. Make that first eye contact a powerful & beautiful impression for yourself.

In your office, you should always sit with a solid wall behind your back and as far from the gate as possible to have support from
boss, colleagues & friends. Having a gate, window or glass behind the seat of a person can lead to treachery against him. In such
a situation, one should put up a picture of high mountains without water in the south-west of the room for strength & stability.

 Blocking of the North-East (Ishan) portion of the house/industry restricts the inflow of the blessings of God. It leads to tension,
quarrel and insufficient growth of the inhabitants; especially children of the owner.

There should not be three or more doorways in a straight line. Having improper position of the entrance/obstruction in front of
the gate can reduce the prosperity to a great extent.

 Have the name & number plate of your house on main entrance to enable the opportunities to trace you easily. Like most parts
of Gujrat, Maharashtra & Andhra Pradesh, it is a good idea to give a NAME to the residential / commercial buildings also.

Do not complain all the time as this will create sha chi (Negative Energy). Always remember that millions of people cannot even
dream the facilities and comforts that you have easily got in life.

For better harmony & ever lasting personal relationship always prefer a double bed with single mattress; since the normally used
double mattresses creates a symbolic separation that could become real.

Never sit with your back facing main door. This can cause back-biting, deceit, betrayal in life. Unwanted guest may be given such

Never keep un-repaired device like watch, television, radio, telephone, mixer, spoiled ball pens, cassettes etc. in the house. This
will create negative energy resulting into stagnancy and disharmony in the house.

Check the doorbell sound of your house. If it sounds irritating, family members will be short tempered. If it sounds dull, energy
level of the house will be low. Hence, the door bell sound should be soft and pleasing.

 Want to remain healthy? Remove medicine from kitchen & shift to living room or in the Puja room.

Check if any marble or tile is broken in your house or office. This could result into broken relationship with family member or
partner or customers. Either put carpet to cover the broken marble/tiles or preferably replace it.

 Are you looking for a potential client? Place your address book or planner on North West corner of the desk. Installing 6 rod
yellow or golden metallic wind-chime in North-West area of the house or workplace can also help in bringing desired number of
overseas clients/ opportunities for import-export.

 Underground water body or source should be in the north, east or north-east of the plot. Having an underground water body in
the south-east/south position of the house can cause damage to the male child/wife of the owner. Besides huge financial losses,
an underground water tank in south-west can prove fatal to the head of the family or owner of the industry.

Want to improve the study of your children? Put Crystal on North East corner of the study table for excellent study of your
children. You can also keep education tower on his/her table for concentration in studies. Installing a 5 rod wooden wind-chime
in the eastern zone is also very helpful.

 Do you want to retain the money in the house? Put a 3 leg frog facing its back to the main door for better saving.


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Looking for better foreign contacts? Put Globe on North West corner to get better overseas opportunities and rotate it at least
three times in a day in clockwise direction.

Want to improve marriage prospects? Keep Rose Quartz precious stone along with a pair of Mandarian ducks in South West of
your bedroom to enhance marriage prospects. Keeping a picture of any flower, double happiness symbols and a picture /idols of
Lord Krishana & Radhaji also helps in getting a suitable life partner.

Is your wife facing, pain in leg and backache? This can be due to her back facing the entrance gate of the kitchen. Install a convex
mirror in front of her so that she can see what is going on in her backside through the mirror. Having water & fire in one Line or
opposite to one another, adds to difference of opinion amongst the family members. Rearranging the gadgets or putting a
minimum 2’ high partition of any material between fire/water will be very helpful. Facing east or west with the cooking is a must.
Looking towards south while cooking causes pain in the shoulders or even cervical pain, while North/North-East facing cooking
adds to expenditure manifold, besides disharmony in the family.

Want to improve the Sales? Stick three Chinese coins tied with red ribbon on sales file or invoice book or order book.

 Is there any tree facing your main door or window? This could result into poor health of family members. Place convex mirror,
pakua and/ or pyramids on the outer wall facing that tree.

Ensuring that water and fire are in the prescribed zones and are not in one line is an important tip for mental & physical health of
the members in the house.

Having a toilet/fire place in north-east corner of the house or industry can ruin it financially besides mental tension & quarrel
amongst people. Using Pre-Energized Pyramids, sea salt, Green creepers, blue bulb and yellow towels can largely help in
minimizing ill-effects.

Since the health of your home relates directly to you and your health, you should keep your home in the best possible condition.
Keep your mirrors clean, dust and dirt reduces the effectiveness of mirrors. Try to keep the paint work fresh, repair any leaking
taps, and replace any blown bulbs as quickly as possible. Keep your windows clean and replace any cracked or broken glass.

Water, particularly moving water, attracts positive energy and money. Consider placing a small ornamental fountain or aquarium
in your Wealth location (North direction) for wonderful results.

Contrary to normal belief, N, E & NE are not beneficial to all. There are four favourable and four unfavourable directions for each
one of us. Depending upon the astro-particulars each one of us can know his/her auspicious/inauspicious direction for
sitting/sleeping and achieve the desired results.


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Decision is Yours Knowledge does not lie in remembering the runs scored by Sachin Tendulkar or hit movies given by Amitabh
Bachhan but, it is in knowing the principles of our Universe. That is what Vaastu is all about. We will cover here only one aspect
of Vaastu i.e wearing of ornaments, in brief, in scientific and in Vedic terms.

Scientific Aspects: We will focus on the phenomena which go on all the time on a truly gigantic scale. Our atmosphere is a very
variable system. It Can be divided in to four layers i.e troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere and ionosphere. Refer Figure I .

When we describe its properties it must be understood that we state its average behaviour over large regions of space and over
long periods. When we give numerical magnitudes of various quantities we must be willing to give or take a factor of two or
three in either direction. As we ascend above the surface of the earth, the density decreases, the conductivity increases and the
temperature alternately decreases and then increases. The atmosphere extends up to one twentieth of the radius of the earth.

Earth is a good conductor. The atmosphere is a rather poor conductor and it becomes a good conductor at 50 KM i.e at the
boundary of the stratosphere. The conductivity is due to the ions. The ions are created by a steady stream of cosmic rays
constantly bombarding the earth from the outer space. These are very energetic charged particles which collide violently with
the molecules of the atmosphere. We thus have two spherical conducting surfaces i.e stratosphere and earth separated by 50
KM. This makes earth a giant spherical capacitor. The following facts have been experimentally confirmed :-

 The total charge on the entire surface of the earth is negative half million coulomb, due to it being a spherical capacitor.

 Each second, about + 1800 coulomb of positive charge is being pumped in to the earth as a whole due to cosmic radiations right
from the time the mother earth came in to being.

 The negative charge on earth could have been neutralized in 15 minutes by the positive charge pumped in to it by the cosmic
energy, therefore some thing else must he happening all the time to maintain charge on the earth. That some thing else is the
storms and lightning.

 On an average there are about 40,000 thunder storms per day world wide. Each storm lasts for about an hour. Each storm gives
rise to about 200 /lashes of lightning. Duration of each flash is about two micro second. Combining all these, we conclude that
there are 90 /lashes every second and each flash deposits negative 20 coulomb of charge on earth. Therefore, thunderstorms
pump negative 1800 coulomb of charge in to earth per second which neutralizes the positive 1800 coulomb of charge deposited
by the cosmic radiations.

Wearing of the ornaments at the locations of the Human Chakras (Mooladhar, Swadistan, Manipur, Anahat, Vishudhi, Agya and
Shasra Chakras ) kept a person vibrant also and the net electrical charge remained zero. Refer Fig 2. Now, with the power plant
generated electricity, there is an excess of negative charge in the area surrounding us. It gets conducted in to metal. And hence,
metallic objects are to be kept away from the body. By implication, it means, that wearing of ornaments is not beneficial to the
human beings today though it was so in the ancient times.


Page 49
Vedic Aspects: Every thing in this Universe changes according to Space, Time and Individual. In Space terms, what is applicable to
Ayodhya is not applicable to Delhi. Similarly, in the terms of time, same thing has different characteristics at different times. For
example, the Milk of AKHA proves poison if applied on a wound in the morning, and the same milk, if applied in the afternoon,
heals the wound. Taking, the argument further, no two individuals are identical; one may like flowing water while a tantrik
prefers cremation ground. If every thing changes as per Space, Time and Individual, Vaastu must also change. In the ancient
times. There were no toilets and temples in the houses. In the ancient times the roof of the houses were not flat. If we look at
India from top to bottom it can be divided in to four parts, namely, The Foot Hill of Himalayas, The Indo Gangetic Plains, The
Deccan Plateau and The Southern Penisula. In Pauri Garhwal, we recommend Kitchen in the SOUTH WEST, in Kerala, we suggest
Kitchen in the North East and in Delhi we insist Kitchen in the South East. So, Vastu changes with space.

Today, when times have changed, cultures have changed and life values have changed, we should not insist up on the ancient
text of Samrangan Sutadhar based upon Angula, Hasta, Muhurata etc. However, there are a lot of principles of the Vedic Vaastu
which are relevant even today. But who can decide up on what is applicable today and what is not? Naturally, an engineer or a
scientist who has knowledge of both the ancient text and the modem concepts.

Conclusion: Earth is negatively charged. In addition, 1800 coulombs of positive charge is pumped in to it every second by the
cosmic energy and same amount of negative charge is pumped in to it by the thunderstorms; they neutralize each other while
keeping a man vibrant. Power plant generated electricity has created excess negative charge making it mandatory to keep away
the conducting metals and bring closer the Insulators. The Vedic Vaastu also brings out that every thing changes with the Space,
Time and Individual.

Note : Complete details of the aforesaid statements can be furnished.

Author: Col Tejandra Pal Tyagi, Vir Chakra, has been awarded the highest laurel of the Institution of Engineers(lndia) at its
Scientific Session at Lucknow in 2004. His book has been accepted in 126 libraries.


Page 50
Prof. D.L. N. Murthy

Vastu shastra is essentially the art of correct settings where by one can place himself in such a manner so as to absorb the
maximum benefit from the panchabhutas, the five elements (space, air, fire, water and earth) as well as from the influence of
magnetic fields surrounding the earth.

The scientific use of the elements create perfectly balanced environment, which ensures enhanced health, wealth and
prosperity.The author of "Vastu shastra" of Maya Brahma, Viswakarma etc. revealed the peace in living. In those days Vastu
Shastra covered civil engineering, architectures, designs, sculptures, temples, Raja Prasadas and building technology of
Viswakarma, the greatest architect of Mahabharata times, designed and built Indraprastha (capital of pandavas) incorporating
all the update layout, wide roads, lakes, fountains, water facilities and connections of drainage system.

Similarly "Maya sabha" designed and built by the great architect "Maya" was majestic manifestation of the ultra imaginative
structure of beautiful fairy like royal palace. It was a marvellous, melodramatic comedy of illusions rendered into marble and
matter with all its sensational suspense. In short it was a dream land of frozen fantansy, which excelled the famous assembly hall
of wisdom in grandeur and glory.

The knowledge of house building technology has grown so vast into special fields of architecture, engineering and interior
decoration etc., while the importance of Vastu has gone into oblivion where as architecture is concerned. Vastu provides the
knowledge of the principles to be adopted in building of temples, houses, corporate offices, industrial sheds, factories etc., so as
to make the native happy, healthy and prosperous.

"Sukham dhanaani budhischa santhati sarvadaanrunam priyaanyeshaamcha samsiddhai sarvamsya subhalakshanam"

Yatra nindhita lakshmaathra thadheetherham Vighathakruth

Atha saravamupaadeyam yadbhave subhalakshanam

Desah pura nivasascha sabhaveesmaa sannanicha

yadhya dheedhrusa man yasacha thathashreyaskaram matham

vasstu shastaadhnuthe thasye nasya lakshananirnya

thasmaa lokasya krupayaa saathrametha-dhuriryathee"

In samaraangana sutra-dhara the author explains that properly designed and planned constructions (pleasing houses) will be an
abode of good health, wealth, intelligence, good children, peace, happiness and will redeem one from debt of obligations.
Negligence of rules of architecture will result in unnecessary travels, bad name in society, sorrows and disappointments. All
constructions (including villages, towns, cities, temples, Raja Prasadas (govt. buildings) shall be built according to vastu shastra.
Hence Vastu shilpa shastra is brought into light in favour of, to the satisfaction of and for the betterment and overall welfare of
the universe.

Hidden aspects of natural laws give birth to life and for better or for worse, the rules of nature command that life and therefore
a close adjustment to the natural background becomes a bare necessity. The location, direction and disposition of construction
have a direct impact on life. Hence vastu shilpa shastra, the ancient scripture, experienced by generations after generations,
contains the essence of vastu shilpa shastra knowledge.

For example the temple of Sri. Venkateswara at Tirupati is found adhering to the principles of vastu shilpa shastra i.e. the main
entrance is on the East, while the water tank is in the north-East and as such God is giving peace, prosperity and wealth to every
one having darshana and by worshipping will be rich and desires will be fulfilled. They will be comfortable in their lives.

The other example is of Bhagwan "Sri Sri Sri Satya Sai Baba" of Puttaparthi. his abode is made at such a place where water flows
in the North-Eastern direction and some hillocks are situated in the south-west. He is virtually considered to be a living God by
many of his followers throughout the world. His disciples created a university, superspeciality hospital, drinking water facility for
many villages in Ananthapur district aerodrome and sports grounds according to Vastu.

It is clear that an individual experiences both good and bad results in a house according to his destiny, depending upon the
planetary configuration in his horoscope. If unfavourable dasa is in operation, however best the house is constructed according
to the principles of vastu the native undergoes turmoil and turbulence in that period. For an individual's misery it could be said


Page 51
that there may be Graha Dosham or Griha dosham or both. An unfortunate person stays in a house built not in conformity with
the principles of vastu, while a fortunate individual lives in a house built as per vastu, with or without his knowledge.


Page 52
Before studying and researching on Vastu Shastra it is very important to know about our Planetary System where we are living
and all things around us. We live on Earth. Please see the Figure 1.1.

The above figure shows that Sun is at the Center and planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto
move around the Sun, at the moving time they also rotate around their axis. Our planet Earth is third from the Sun. We are living
on Northern Hemisphere of the Earth. Before entering the subject we must see what are the North Pole and South Pole, what
are Magnetic North Pole and Magnetic South Pole. The Earth is like a globe. In Vastu Shastra it is very important to know the
directions. What is True North: The Earth is rotating about an axis that cuts the globe at two points, we shall call these two
points as the True North Pole and True South Pole. The axis of rotation is tilted at an angle 66°.60' to the plane of the elliptic
path of the Earth around the Sun. When extended it should meet the surface of a fictitious Earth Globe, since the Polaris (Dhruv)
appears to be fixed in the Sky. A star revolves around it. The True North is well defined. Please see the Figure 1.2 & 1.3.

True North and South Poles are defined as the point where the axis cuts the Earth. Today this axis of rotation of the Earth is
pointed towards polaris, in 3000 BCE it pointed to Tuban, in 14000 CE it will point towards Vega, in 22800 CE it will be pointed
again towards Tuban. Please see the Figure 1.4

From this we can see that there is actually no such thing as the True North, it changes with time. For this reason we shall take
Astronomical North instead of True North. The question is that while measuring the directions in Vastu Shastra, should the
Astronomical North or True North be taken as reference? We know that the Astronomical North is not fixed but keeps changing


Page 53
from time to time. In map we use what is known as Grid North. The difference between Astronomical North and Grid North is
about half a degree but this changes slowly with time. For surveying purpose Grid North is used. How the Magnetic Field is
Created: The Earth consists of a solid inner hot core. This solid core is as hot as the surface of Sun and its size is about 80% of the
moon. It is completely surrounded by a fluid outer core consisting of melting iron. The speed of rotation is 0.2 % faster than
Earth. This friction creates the dynamo effect like Electric Motor and this effect generates Magnetic Fields. Scientists call this as
Hydro Magnetic Dynamo Effect. These invisible geomagnetic lines stretch from one pole and out into space, then come back to
the opposite pole. This lines appears like a wire frame. Please see the Figure 1.5, 1.6 & 1.7.

What is Magnetic North: Planet Earth produces Magnetic Field. We need first distinguish between Geographical North and
Magnetic North Pole. We need also distinguish between Geographical South Pole and the Magnetic South Pole. Magnetic North
Pole is near the Geographical South Pole, Magnetic South Pole is near the Geographical North Pole. Please see the Figure 1.3.
Whether I am on North Pole or South Pole it will not affect my compass. The Earth's magnetism is caused by the flow of
Electrons In its fluid metallic core, the fluid comes in perpetual motion that’s why the earth magnetism varies with time. The
move is quite gradual. Thus the Earth may be visualized as a huge magnet. Magnetic poles moving, the change in the location of
the Magnetic North is known as Secular Variation. It is important to note that, the location of Magnetic North Pole is affected
also by Astronomical Factors. This affects the magnetic compass reading. We measure our planet's magnetic field (North) by
means of magnetic needle. The source of this magnetic field is at the Magnetic South Pole produced by the planet Earth near the
Geographical North. All our studies are based on longitude rather that latitude. Planet Earth produces several poles, the most


Page 54
important being near the Geographical South Pole and North Pole. Before the magnetic needle came into use, the Sun and the
Pole Star were used to determine the directions. However the magnetic needle doesn’t measures the Sun's Pattern, it measures
Earth's Magnetic Force. The magnetic needle is further more not used in Vastu Shastra to measure apparent seasons or any
climatic features. Now the Magnetic North is near the Canada as shown in Figure 1.8.

Physical features like Sun’s or Topographical Structures can also be used to determine directions but in Vastu Shastra these do
not determine the House Chart, which is always determined by the magnetic orientation. If in Vastu Shastra we were to measure
True North we would not be measuring any source of Magnetic Energy. Also if we were to measure True North, rather than
Magnetic North, we would separate the magnetic field of our human bodies from the magnetic effects of Magnetic North. In
Vastu Shastra studies we do not bother about the Solar Storm, what is happening on the other planets, birth and death of the
stars. The most important energies of the Earth are 1) Gravity 2) Magnetism 3) Solar Energy. Gravity is directed towards the
center of the Earth. This property is the most important character of the Earth Planet. While taking directions and drawing it on a
plane, we have to consider the center of the house called as Centriod. Stand on this center of this house and we will observe all
directions around the house for studies.


Page 55
Dr. C.S.V.L.N. Sarma, Pithapuram Chapter AIFAS

In the Vastu sastra “The Aaya Prakarana” is one of the most important part. The word Aaya means income. While taking-up any
construction in the selected land “Aaya” should be followed to achieve good results so that the construction will remain
beneficial for a long time.

Vastu sastra is an integral part of the Sanhita of Jyothisha Sastra. It is classified for Temples (Alayas), Gruha, Silpa, Yantra etc. The
formula of Aaya and Vargas are to be followed for scientific and accurate construction. The importance and the need of these
Navavargas are clearly stated in the classical references such as Samarangana, Suthradhara, Mayamata, Aparajita Prucha,
Kalarnrutha, Viswakarna Prakasika, Vasthusara etc.,

In the Viswakarma Prakasika the nine vargas are clearly elaborated .


i.e., Ayam, Varam, Amsa, Dhana, Runa, Nakshatra, Tidhi, Yuti (Yoga), Ayuvu.

There are some differences of opinion in classifying these nine vargas; some classical texts state only 6 vargas i.e., Aaya, Dhana,
Vyaya, Tidhi, Vara, Nakshatra.

Manasara states in concerning the characteristics of village. Sloka : (Eva Mayadi sadamvarga kuryattatra vicakasaneh) which
defines vargas as 6 types. But in Samarangana Sutradhara the 49th sloka states

“Ayovyayasca yonityam tarasca bhavanamsakah grhanameti cintyani karanani grhasyasat”

The main elements or vargas for a house are six; Aaya (income), Vyaya (expenditure), Yoni (dhvaja etc.), Amsa of building (indra,
yama, rajasa) letters in the name of house (Dhruvadi grah namakshara). The life span is dealt separately.

Sloke :

There are eight different types of aayas namely Dhvaja, dhumro, simha, svana, vrushabha, khara, gaja and kaka yayasa). The
representation of these eight aayas in eight direction i.e., Dhwaja in East, Dhurnra in South-East, Simha in South, Svana in South-
West. Gaja in North and the Kaka in North-East directions.

These aayas are considered for the native according to the direction. Always the fifth Aaya is enemical to the native and should
be avoided. For example East is the native of dhwaja, so the fifth aaya which is opposite to it is enemical.


Page 56
The construction of house, temple etc., are to be made in all the four directions i.e., East, South, West & North, but not in the
corner directions.


Dhwaja Aaya : Monetary benefits

(ii) Dhumra Aaya : Sorrows

(iii) Simha Aaya : Luxuries

(iv) Svana Aaya : Great sins

(v) Vrushabha Aaya : Increase of wealth & gains

(vi) Gaja Aaya : Success

(vii) Kaka Aaya : Death

Among these aayas the dhwaja aaya will aspect the West from the East and right and left side. Rear side aspect is not
favourable. The Simha aaya will aspect the North from the South and right and left sides. Rear side is not favourable. The
Vrushabha aaya will aspect the East from the West and right & left sides. Rear side aspect is unfavourable. Gaja will aspect the
South from the North and right & left sides. Rear side aspect is unfavourable.

Regarding the main doors, for the Dhwaja aaya Western door, Vrushabha East door, Northern Door for Simha aaya, Southern
door for Gaja aya are favourable. East facing house which has Dhwaja aaya a western door, a house constructed on South which
has Simha aya also a western door are good. Likewise a house constructed on Southern side which has simhaaya a Northern
door, for a West facing house with vrushabha aaya Eastern door is favourable. For a North facing house with gaja aaya Southern
door is favourable.

The aayas are having its swarupas and lordships and cast also. Simha aaya is of lion, vrushabha aaya is of bull, gaja aaya is of an
elephant, dhumra aaya is cat, svana aaya is dog, khara aaya is of donkey and where as the kaka is of crow, considering the

Sloka :

“Sarveca vrsabha rudah purusakara mudgalah tadrupakasca hastabhyam padebhyam vihaganugah grivaya simha rupasca
prabalasca mohotkatam”

All these aayas have masculine features, bullock, like features, elevated neck, hands which resemble human hands, features like
bird-feet, lion neck, are favourably considered.

Sloka :


Page 57
East a Dhwajaya Eagle

South-East Ka Dhumraya Cat

South Cha Simhaaya Lion

South-West Ta Svanaya Dog

West Ta (tha) Vrushabhaaya Snake

North-West Pa Kharaaya Rat

North Ya Gajaaya Elephant

North-East Sa Kakaya Pig

Above all these vargas the fifth varga of a native varga is enemy varga, which should be always avoided. Swa varga i.e, own
varga is always favourable & preferable.

Sloka :

Digvarganamiyam Yonih Svavar gatmcamoripuh

Ripuvargam parityajya sesa vargah subhapradah

Varga Swavarga Enemical 5th varga


Page 58

A East West Other vargas


Ka South-East North-West “ “

Cha South North “ “

Ta South-West North-East “ “

Tha West East “ “ ;

Pa North-West South-East “ “

Ya North South “ “

Sa North-East South-West “ “

Sloka :

Svavarga Dhana labhancha Dvitiyam Tarivisakam

Tritiyam visamityahuh Chaturdhe Vyadhipidana

Panchamantu ripusthanam shastamtu kalaha pradam,

Saptamam Sarva saubhagyam astamam maranam dhruvam”


Page 59

Swavarga - Dhana labha-monetary benefits

Second varga - Less profits

Third varga - Auspicious

Fourth varga - Diseases

Fifth varga - Enemical

Sixth varga - Quarrelsome (other classical texts states wealth)

Seventh varga - All kinds of benefits

Eight varga - Death

In consideration of aaya castes

For Brahmins - Dawaja aaya with Western entrance

For Kshathriyas -Simha aaya with North entrance

For Vaisyas - Vrushabha aaya with Eastern entrance are good and favourable.

The Dhwaja aaya is also good & considered for Kshathriyas & Vaisyas. Simha aaya brings inadequate progeny. Simha, Vrishabha &
Gaja ayas are always preferable and the other aayas lead to bad results. Different castes indicate their professions. People should
follow the aaya of their profession.

The Result of Amsa : There are only three “Amsas” in the Aaya prakasana; (1) lndramsa, (2) Yamamsa and (3) Rajasamsa. The
lndramsa will present the status and happiness. The yamamsa will lead to death, sorrow, many diseases. The Rajasamsa will
improve the wealth gains and progeny.

Vara (weekdays) among the 7 days the week Sun & Mars of a house will result in threat from fire and the other days will be

Tithi (Lunar Day)

Sloka :

Among the tuthis the rikta tithi will cause poverty, new moon day (amavasya) will cause diseases of worms.

Yoga : As against 27 yogas the bad yogas will affect the owner by loss of wealth and gains. The vratipat yoga creates fear of
death. The vaidhruti yoga causes all sorts of losses.


Page 60
Ayuvu (Life Span) : When the life span of house based on the arithmetical calculations is more than 60, it gives auspicious results,
if it is less than 60 years then it is inauspicious.

Regarding the Dhana & Rina, the total no. of Dhana should be more than that of the number of Rina as per the prescribed
mathematical calculations and the pada should be taken in all the constructions.


As per the calculations the remainder gives the results as follows:

lndra - Good for women

Agni - Threat from fire

Yama - Inauspicious

Nirti - Fear from enemies

 Varuna - Increase cattle field

Vayu - Unsteadiness

Kubera - Increase of gains

Siva - Auspicious

Now let us know the method of calculations of Aayadi nava vargas : First of all the “Kshetripada” is required i.e., “Padam.” It
means the area (selected area for constructions) is got by multiplying the length & width of the same. The kshetripada is also
called as graha pinda. By multiplying and dividing the kshetripada i.e., area with the given numbers we get the nine vargas i.e.,
Aaya, Vara, Amsa, Dhana, Rina, Nakshatha” Tidhi, Yurti, Ayuvu etc.,

The classical texts of vastu sashtra, i.e., Viswakarma Prakasika, Kalamruta state the methods in different ways.


Padam (length x width) x 9 (nava) /8 (naga) = Aaya

Padam (length x width) x 9 (amka) /7 (adri)= Vara

Padam (length x width) x 6 (amga) / 9 (nava)= amsa

Padam (length x width) x 8 (gaja)/12 (surya) =Dravyam

Padam (length x width)x3 (vahni) /8(asta) = Runa (Debts)

Padam (length x width) x 8 (naga) / 27 (bha) = Nakshatra

Padam (length x width)x8(asta)/30 (Tidhi)= Tithi

Padam (length x width) x 7 (sagara) / 27 (Ruksha) = Yuti / yoga

Padam (length x width) x 8 (naga) / 120 (Khabham) = Ayu (life span)


Padam x 8 / 12 = Dhanam (Income)

Padam x 3 / 8 = Runam (Debts)

Padam x 9 / 7 = Vara (The week)

Padam x 6 / 30 = Tithi

Padam x 8 / 27 = Nakshatra


Page 61
Padam x 9 / 8 = Ayam

Padam x 9 / 120 = Ayu (Life span)

Padam x 6 / 8 = Amsa

Padam x 9 / 8 = Dikruti

In the Sarnrangana Sutradhara, the writer King Bhoja states.

For Aaya: If the Kshetripada (length & width of the selected area) is divided by 8 the remainder, 1. Dwaja, 2. Dhuma, 3. Simha, 4.
Svana, 5. Vrashabha, 6. Khara, 7. Gaja, 8. Kaka the remainder 0 = 8.

The Nakshatra : By multiplying the Kshetra pada by 8 and dividing by 27, we get Nakshatra. If the remainder number is 8, it
stands for vyaya. ie., expenditure. It this number of expenditure is less than the no. of income, it is known as yaksa, if more than
that it is known as rakshasa. If it is equal it is called as pisacha. Among these yaksha is considered for best, rakshasa is negative
and pisacha will give normal result.

Amsa Sadhana : Add the number of vyaya and gruha nama nakshtra and divide this total by 3, the remainder 1 is indramasa, 2 is
yamamsa and the 3 is rajasamsa. Indra & rajasamsa will give best results whereas the yamasa is inauspicious.

Rasi sadhana : Multiply the gruha nakshatra with 4 and divide by 12 the result is the rasi. When the rasi is 6, 5,2, 8, 12 against the
native's rasi it is inauspicious.

The Tarabala : Counting from the Janma Nakshtra of a person to the nakshatra of the house and dividing by nine, the remainder
4,6,9 are auspicious, 1,2, 8 are normal and the numbers 3, 5, 7 are evil.

Ayuvu (Longevity) : Multiplying the kshetra pada by 8 and dividing by 120, we get ayuvu of the house. 0 counts as 8 which is not

The other classical texts like Aparajita Prucha, Vastu Vidya, Manushyalaya Chandrika, Manusutra etc., give some variations. So it
is necessary to observe the Aaya and the navavargas before any constructions to achieve good results for prosperity, wealth,
growth etc.


Page 62
Pradip M. Rokadia, Ahmedabad

A freely suspended object is called pendulum. By dowsing method one can cast horoscope. This method is known as discarding
method. Prepare two separate charts as under :

Lagna Rashi of Ascedent : Place your pendulum on chart 1 for dowsing. Ask the question that” at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ
which element Rashi was facing towards sun at the time of sunrise", suppose the pendulum is moving towards the direction of
Vayu Rashi then the Lagna Rashi will be from Gemini, Libra; or Aquarius. In this way out of twelve Rashi nine Rashi are discarded.
The next step is to place the pendulum on chart -2 for dowsing. Ask the question that " at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ what was
the nature of Lagna Rashi" suppose the pendulum is moving towards the direction of dual Rashi then the Lagna Rashi will be
Gemini, In this way out of three Rashi two Rashi are discarded.

After finding the Lagna Rashi find out the position of each planets, as per above method i e. place your pendulum on chart 1 and
ask the question to the pendulum that at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ in which element Rashi does the moon resides. The
pendulum will move in a particular direction there by discarding nine Rashis. Place the pendulum on chart 2 and ask the question
that in which nature Rashi does the moon reside at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ. ‘The pendulum will move in a particular direction
there by discarding two Rashis. You will get correct location of moon in the horoscope. Similarly find out for other planets. In
this way you can cast horoscope for nine planets. Now place your pendulum on the first house of horoscope casted by you. Ask
the question to the pendulum that” at the time of birth of Mr. XYZ does the Rahu resides in this house” you will get the reply in
yes/no Place your pendulum on different house until you get “yes” reply.


Page 63
In this way you can calculate the location of “Rahu’” in the horoscope. Ketu will be at 180° from the placement of Rahu. This
method is helpful when the date of birth, time of birth, or place of birth of the ascendant is not known. It is also useful as a
guideline for verifying the correctness of existing horoscope. For correct and accurate reply proper experience in dowsing the
pendulum is required.

For knowing the strength of each planet prepare two charts. Draw a circle and divide the circle in thirty equal parts. Give a serial
number from 1 to 30 for each divided part. This is your degree chart. From this chart calculate the degree of each planet. Now
draw another circle and divide the circle in to sixty equal parts. Number each divided part in serial order from 1 to 60. This is your
Kala and Vikala chart. Find out the Kala and Vikala of each planet with the help of pendulum. In this way you can calculate
degree, Kala and Vikala of each planet. From this you can prepare other horoscopes.


Page 64
Prashant Manda, Ahmednagar

Vastu Shashtra is Vedic Science. Already we know about the 32 ruling deities around the house. Particularly they rule over main
door. We get the result of the door as per the character of deities. Many ancient books give the chart (9 x 9) grid about ruling
deities but while researching on Vastu, I find it very difficult or I can say that it is impossible to find the deities of Main Doors of
different shapes of Flats; Bungalows, Buildings etc.

I have discovered a new method. This is a radical method to find the main door deities for any type of irregular shape of Flats,
Bungalows, Buildings etc.

Please see the figure and table.

Prashant Manda, Ahmednagar

Vastu Shashtra is Vedic Science. Already we know about the 32 ruling deities around the house. Particularly they rule over main
door. We get the result of the door as per the character of deities. Many ancient books give the chart (9 x 9) grid about ruling
deities but while researching on Vastu, I find it very difficult or I can say that it is impossible to find the deities of Main Doors of
different shapes of Flats; Bungalows, Buildings etc.

I have discovered a new method. This is a radical method to find the main door deities for any type of irregular shape of Flats,
Bungalows, Buildings etc.

Please see the figure and table.

From Vastu Dwar Chakra you

can easily find the ruling door
deity. Sometimes two deities
rule one door and two deities of
one door they give combined
effect as per their characters.

If one deity is very auspicious

and another is in a specious then
the result is combination of two.

How to use this Vastu Dwar


First find the facing Main Door

direction, then calculate the
door degrees in which you can
see door deities.


Page 65
Sanjay Gupta, Delhi

With exams round the corner, these days the examination fever has gripped students and giving sleepless nights to both
students and parents. Every parent desires that his or her kid should excel in exam and it is every students dream to pass by
flying colours to put a strong foundation to start their career. Everybody the parents, the students, the teachers and the schools
are putting their best efforts in the last battle. Feng shui the wonderful art of divination offers some very tested and useful help
for studies to say good bye to examination fever. Following are some wonderful tips:


In Feng shui every person has four good directions out of the total eight directions. This is based upon the kua number of every
person and we all are very familiar with kua number. The child while sleeping should put his head in any of his four good
directions and while studying also he should try to face one of his favourable directions. Tapping of good direction while
sleeping and study do wonders for the child. It activates both health and study luck of the child and multiplies chances of success
immensely. The following table shows preferred directions for various kua numbers.

Note: Please consult a good Feng shui consultant before selecting the directions, which can take care of annual afflictions as per
advanced branches of Feng Shui.


Do not place the study desk with a window or a door behind the chair. The back should be solid wall. There should be open
space in front of desk. Ideally the desk should be placed in the Power Point of the room.

Look for poison arrows in the room i.e. sharp edges of cupboards, pillars, shelves etc. These sharp edges must not point at the
study place or sleeping area of the child.

The book shelves must be covered. Open shelves creates poison arrows and affects the concentration of the child.

There should not be any exposed beams above the study area.

North east is the direction of knowledge and wisdom, make sure that it is not affected by toilet, kitchen or store. As a remedy
put a six rod all metal wind chime here to exhaust the ill effects.

The study table should not be put in the bed room as the child is prompted to sleep when he sees bed. The location of the study
room should be away from kitchen as they may want snacks all the time.


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The atmosphere of the study room should be clean and uncluttered. There should not be distractions like television or electrical
gadgets in the room. The room should have adequate lighting.

The general area for study and various creative pursuits like writing etc. is the southeast sector of the house.

Avoid pictures and figurines of wild animals, wars and other fierce looking objects in the study room.

The study room should not have any Smell Sha. The room should have nice smell. It should be mopped by sea salt water at least
once a week to remove all negative energy from the room. Use some drops of essential oils like lavender etc. and see the
wonder in the energy level in the room.

The colour of the room should be matching according to the element of the sector such as yellow is preferred in Southwest and
northeast. The colour scheme should be balanced.

Keep all the material you need for your study close at hand and well organized.


Place a crystal globe in the North east of the study room or desk and turn the globe 3 times a day. It is an excellent enhancer for
those looking to continue education pursuit. It is believed to bring luck in study and examination.

Place a 7 or 9 level pagoda popularly known as education tower in the north east of the desk or room. In feng shui it is believed
that Pagoda brings great knowledge, fame and advancement in career to its owner.

Place Golden Carps crossing the dragon gate symbol on the study table. It can be put above the entrance gate of the study
room. In Feng shui it is the symbol of perseverance. Carps are swimming against the current to reach the dragon gate and
transforming into dragon. This symbol is constant reminder of the pursuit of excellence and high ambition. It is ultimate
enhancer for education.

Lastly, you should follow the system of nature in studying.

Try to bed before the hour of Rat i.e. 11PM if you want to be an “A” grade student right away and From February 4, 2009 till
February, 3, 2010 the North-WEST and South sector of the house is excellent for academics, but mind you should not sit with
your back towards South-West this Chinese year.


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Pt. Gopal Sharma, Delhi

Vstu is originated from the creator (Brahma) who taught this science to several sages, Rishies. Sages disseminated this
knowledge of Vastu shilpa sastra to their followers to benefit the larger interest of mankind and the universe. Vastu is derived
from the verb”VAS” means to dwell and also the place of residence. Viswakarma, Maya and many more are the sthapathis
(Architects Sculptors, Engineers, painters, Interior Designers etc, of devas and Asuras dealing with the science of Vastu. The
most important books like Manasara, Mayamatam Viswakarma, Vastu sastram, Vastu vidya, Silpa Vignana Sangraham
Silparatnam, Brihatsamhita etc and many more written in sanskrit are the classics of Vastu. In addition to the above ancient
works, the principle vastu shilpsastra are abundantly found in the various puranas like Agni purana, Brahmananda purana, Devi
Purana, Varaha Puranam, Vishnu Dharmottara Puranam etc.

According to Indian Shilpacharyas the term Shilp Shastra includes the three division of vastu, Construction of houses, Temples,
Palaces etc., otherwise known as architecture.

Temples, living places, Assembly Halls, Hotels, Guest Houses, Audience Rooms and a host of structures to meet the needs of
men of all grades are thus so adjusted in plan as to secure and give importance to Eastern frontage. The next step consists in the
determination of true East, for which elaborate rules are laid down even as the construction progresses from the base upwards
to the top. Conservation of angular momentum of the planet Earth due to its tremendous rotation from west to East and its axis
of rotation, interplanetary attractions and repulsion’s were considered while planning and designing of human and animal

The North-East corner which stands for Eesanya, corresponds with the ultra violet segment of the solar spectrum and goes by
several names as shiva, Nilakantha, Trinarayana etc., The names of several deities represent the various rays of sun, similarly the
South Eastern corner represents Agneya (or Agni) which corresponds to the infra red segment of the solar spectrum. The sun,
when appears in the horizon is accompanied by seven deities, which are nothing but seven rays (seven planets like Sun, Moon,
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn).

In Vastu Shastra, the following are taken into consideration; earth its shape etc., mountains their height etc., continents and
people and other characteristics. Construction in general to all kinds of people is given according to their status, calculation were
given for construction of rooms, nursery, toilets, outhouses, verandas, drawing rooms, staircase in such a way as to give
maximum comfort, freedom and privacy to make a house a real home. The pride of a house lasts for generation.

The houses under construction under mass scale by Governments or other units are not following the traditional Vastu rules and
they are built according to the convenience of the engineers and planners on the site, thus paying the way for suffering to the
occupants of such houses. Even the industrial units which are built under financial help by financial institutions, banks,
Government and other financiers etc., are also not following the prescribed Vastu rules, within the shortest period of their
occupation either the units are becoming sick, or the occupants are undergoing financial troubles and the higher percentage of
units are under either lock out or close stages or in litigation with the Bankers/Financiers or in court, thus undergoing heavy
losses for nothing of their fault. The generalized built corporate houses, industrial units again to be reconstructed so as to suit
the individual, occupying the place planning and redesigning according with Vastu Shilpa Shastra made before such places (like
houses, corporate offices, industrial units etc.) will give good results. They will definitely prosper in a long run to live in.

For selection of a site take care of the following:


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Open yards should be more towards North and East sides.

Levels towards East and North should be lesser than West and South.

No trees or steps should be there exactly in front of the main door.

A well, temple, pillar, dustbin or dilapidated house, hillock should not be there opposite to the house or to the main entrance.

House should always be constructed towards the South and West but not towards the East or North.

Sunrays should regularly fall in the house.

No bird should be allowed to live inside the house where we live in, it will cause loss of issues.

A house should not be in a triangular shape; the inmates will lose mental stability and wealth also.

Shadow of a hall should not fall on the house, which will lead to poverty.

Always prefer square or rectangular plot.

Gates should not be allowed for residential houses on Southwest.

Compound wall should be built first and then the inside construction.

The height of compound wall in North and East should be less than the height of the compound wall in the South and West.

Used out construction materials should not be taken for new constructions.

According to house plan the plot can be extended to northeast but should not be reduced by constructing the offsets.

Burial ground should be at least 1000 yards distant from the house where the person lives in.


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It is called Northwest plot if the plot is having roads on North and West side, the main entrance to be on western side. Vacant
space on South and west to be less when compared to east and North side.

More space in the northern side for an industry ensures continuous cash flow and on East side produces quality product.

Roads on all sides of the industrial plot ensure all round happiness.

If west and south side is high and North, East and North East is lower than the plot/flat/house/industry is more favorable.

One will loose everything and will be very poor for ever if East and North are high and West and South are lower.

If East is high and West is lower, North and South are equal, the persons living in

Will have bad effect on children.

If Northeast corner is cut than the resident may be childless and poor.

If North is in height, and south is lower level, and east and west are equal, the person will loose entire property in a business,
lastly the living house also.

If a plot is extended towards Northeast, the inmates will be very wealthy and enjoy in riches.

If four sides are equal i.e., East-West-North-South prosperity is there.

If southeast increased on East side, loss of money.

If southeast increased on South side, chronic diseases.

If Southwest increased on South side, characters less and fears of death.

If Southwest increased on West side prolonged diseases and fear of death.

If Northwest increased on west side fear, of government or political problems (enmity).

If Northwest increased on North side, loss of children or childrenlessness, and quarrels in the family.

North side or East side, specially North-East should not be closed with weight or construction like car shed, servant quarters or
rental houses, as the owner will have lingering disease, loss of children and other serious troubles will definitely happen. If well is
in South-East zone fire accident may take place.


Page 70

Here we are elaborating a unique and simple formula which would help you to understand and effectively apply the basic rules
of Vastu Shastra. This formula is so devised that it brings under its fold every kind of industrial, commercial and residential

1.North and East = L L (Lesser and Lighter)

Since both north and east directions are extremely important, every effort should be made to make their maximum use; as more
open space in north or east gives name, fame and prosperity. Both these sides are kept lower and lighter ensuring that there is
no obstruction or hurdle in the way of the north’s magnetic field and the sun rays coming form the east. This also means that the
compound walls in the north and the east area would be lower and lighter. Also the land level in these areas would be lower.

2.South and West = H H (Higher and Heavier)

Since leaving more open space in South/West side in the house can affect the male members badly; whereas in industry it leads
to financial loss and quarrel amongst partners/executives; we would always like to minimize open space on these directions;
making these sides heavier and higher. The weight will give maximum resistance to the positive energy on these sides. Hence,
we should have higher and thicker compound walls, higher land levels, heavier furniture and so on.

3.North East = Lst Lst ( Lowest and Lightest)

This is the highest positive side and needs to be maximized. That is exactly why this side is kept lowest and lightest. No
obstruction or hurdle of even a small stature should be placed here.

4.South-West = Hst Hst (Highest and Heaviest)

This side itself is named after a Demon. This is something which we would like to keep under control and hence this is the
highest and the heaviest area. This side would have the highest trees, the highest part of the compound wall, heaviest of
machinery, furniture and so on.

5.North-West : TT (Temporary and Transitory)

This is a side which is always indicative of movement. You should place here everything that is transitory and temporary in
nature. For instance, in a house this is an ideal place for the living room/drawing room or guestroom as in this direction the guest
do not stay for long period. In an industry the finished goods and room for visiting officials of various Govt. Departments are to
be kept there as the owner would not like either to stay for a long time.

6.South-East: FF ( Fire and Flame)


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This side is called agneya which means fire. Hence everything related to fire and flame comes here. For instance in the house,
kitchen is the place where you have fire and hence, is to be placed here. In an industry this is where the furnace, generator,
transformer, boiler etc. should be located for best results.

7.Brahma Sthan: OEE (Open, Even and Empty)

The Brahma Sthan is the central area of any place. This space is to be kept open to the sky, the land level should be even i.e.
there should not be any level difference here and this area should be empty. There should be no weight placed on the Brahma
Sthan. In case of a totally constructed factory the Brahma Sthan can be painted white for demarcation so that any weight is not
placed on it even by mistake. In case of a large factory, the Brahma Sthan, can be earmarked with beautiful grass and suitably
protected by a fencing


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