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Zara Mumtaz

Ba.llb(H)(sem I)(Regular)

Political science I



Feminism is a movement associated with the doctrine of advocating rights of women

equal to those of men .The movement aims to define, establish , and defend equal

political ,economic , and social rights for women across all spheres. Feminism promotes

gender equality and opposes the perpetuation of gender discrimination in economic,

political ,legal and social structures . In addition to it feminism also seeks to establish

equal opportunities for women in the fields of education and employment .It is essentially

normative and reforming or anarchistic movement.

The question which arises is that what was the reason for feminism? In earlier times,

women were deprived of basic rights such as the right to vote or right to ancestral

property .They were kept at bay from politics and higher education ,and their existence

was limited to doing household chores. Physical violence and emotional abuse by men

was customary . It was this gross injustice that prompted women to rise against the

oppression they faced, and collectively assert their rights. This is because gender is one of

the main factors that divides the society.

All feminists are of the view that understanding of gender is crucial to understanding of

society. All the social structures that are based in gender casts women as interior . It

creates a hierarchy with men at the top and women at the bottom which is commonly

known as patriarchal society . The word ‘Patriarchy’ simply means rule of the father .

Simply put ,this is a kind of society that advantages men and disadvantages women .

Therefore patriarchy society is unfair to women and need reforms.

Feminists differ in their views as to the sorts of change that are necessary for some legal

change sufficient -for example ,so that women are protected by anti discrimination

legislation .For other, change in social norms is needed , such that women are no longer

seen as destined for motherhood and domestic work ,for example.For still other feminists

, even deeper change is needed,because patriarchy is rooted deeply in our attitudes and

preferences. Nonetheless, all feminists share the goal of gender equality. They want

women and men to have an equal status , and to enjoy equal respect . For most feminist,

an important part of gender equality of opportunity and , for many , greater equality of

resources is also needed ‘feminine’ behaviour. 1

Feminist activists campaign for women's rights – such as in contract law ,property and

voting while also prompting bodily integrity , autonomy, and reproductive rights for

women. Feminists campaign have changed societies , particularly in the West , by

achieving women's suffrage , gender neutrality in English, equal pay for women ,

reproductive rights for women , and the right to enter into contracts and own property.

Feminists have worked to protect women and girls from domestic violence , sexual

1O.P.Gauba, An Introduction to Political Theory(National Publishing House,

Secunderabad,7th Edition)
harassment, and sexual assault. They have also advocated for work place rights ,including

maternity leave , and against forms of discriminination against women.Feminism is

mainly focussed on women's issues, but because feminism seeks gender equality , some

feminists are argue that men's liberation is a necessary part of feminism , and that man

are also harmed by sexism and gender roles.


First wave feminism:-

It refers to women's suffrage movements of late 19th and early 20th century. It’s

exponents argued that men and women were equal as regards their intellectual and

emotional capacities and needs; so the rights enjoyed by mens should be equally

extended to women . In their view , women's interests were not reducible to those of their

husband .

Second wave feminism :-

Refers to the resurgence of activists feminism in late 20th century, particularly in 1960s

and 1970s.its exponents attacked on male violence towards women , particularly sexual

violence . They rejected feminine norms such as sexual submissiveness and participation

in beauty practises. They advocated the liberation of women from the enforced

domesticity and insisted on establishing female solidarity and sisterhood.

Post feminism:-

It insists that women should see themselves as agents , and not as victims within the

existing social system. Focus on the incidence of violence against women would
undermine their real role . The exponents of post feminism argue that sexuality should be

considered a liberating force,; all consensual sex should be celebrated . In their view ,

there is no clash between sexual equality and participation in beauty practises and

gendered dress. Women should only focus on their material equality with men.

Feminism initially started as a movement to keep women equal rights as men from the

19th century to the 21st century the position of women in the society has undergone a

change. Women have progressed in every field and can be found in every sphere possible

at par with men.Though of condition of women in the 21st century is remarkably better

than the condition of women in the 19th century. Their still exist a class of women who

are still deprived of their basic rights.

Feminism in the 21st century has become more of a fashion statement.What started out

as a strong and supportive initiative for women has turned into a fancy time pass for most

women now . Especially since most of the times , feminist movement like slut walk , mee

too campaign are associated with over the top and overt expressions of sexualism it might

turn out be a perfect ticket to a restless girl's fifteen minutes of fame.

Where feminism will go from here is unclear, but the point it that feminism, by whatever

name, is alive and well both in academia and outside of it. Some older feminist field

discouraged by the younger generation's seeming ignorance of or disregard for the

struggles and achievements of the early movement. They see little progress and are

fearful that the new high - healed,, red-lipped college girls are letting us backslide. This ,

however, is not likely the case. There have always been feminisms in the movement , not

just one ideology, and there have always been tensions, points and counter-points. The

political ,social and intellectual feminist movements have always be chaotic , multi
balanced and disconcerting ; and let's hope they continue to be so; it’s a sign that they are

thriving and growing

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