Simple Steps To Healing: Ho'oponopono I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You

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Simple Steps to Healing: Ho'oponopono

I Love You, I'm Sorry, Please Forgive Me, Thank You

50 Best Weight Loss Affirmations for Perfect Body Shape

1. I love and approve myself.
2. I am at peace in my body, heart, and soul.
3. Every day, I am feeling healthier and stronger.
4. I am learning how to love my body.
5. Its safe for me to be myself.
6. Today, I focus on the good things that are unfolding in my life.
7. Trusting my body is becoming easier and easier.
8. Healing is happening in my body and in my mind.
9. I choose to breathe in relaxation and breathe out stress.
10. My health is improving and so is my life.
11. I am surrounded and protected in the healing white light.
12. Everything I eat heals me and nourishes me.
13. Making small changes are becoming easier for me.
14. Healing happens with each baby step I take.
15. I am choosing progress over perfection.
16. I am guided by my intuition. I know what to eat and how to live my life.
17. I naturally connect with other like-minded, positive people.
18. Letting go of the past is good for me. It is safe for me to let go.
19. I can feel that everything is beginning to change.
20. I am feeling healthy, focused and determined.
21. Lots of new and exciting things are opening up in my life.
22. I can heal my body. I am healing my body. My body is healing.
23. I can do this. I am doing this. Healing is happening right now.
24. I am guided by a higher power.
25. I am energetic and strong.
26. I see the best in everyone and them in me.
27. I believe in my ability to truly love myself for who I am.
28. I accept my body shape and acknowledge the beauty it holds.
29. I am the creator of my future and the driver of my mind.
30. I let go of unhelpful patterns of behavior around food.
31. I allow myself to make choices and decisions for my higher good.
32. I let go of any guilt I hold around food choices.
33. I accept my body for the shape I have been blessed with.
34. I let go of relationships that are no longer for my higher good.
35. I believe in myself and acknowledge my greatness.
36. I allow myself to feel good being me.
37. I accept myself for who I am.
38. I bring the qualities of love into my heart.
39. I have hope and certainty about the future.
40. I am grateful for the body I own and all it does for me.
41. I do a healthy amount of exercise regularly.
42. My body gets all the nutrients it needs.
43. My desire for fattening foods is dissolving.
44. I have a strong urge to eat only health-giving and nutritious foods.
45. I feel good about myself.
46. I am attaining and maintaining my ideal weight.
47. I am strong and healthy.
48. I am peaceful and calm.
49. My Mind, Body & Soul are gifts of the Universe to me.
50. My body is my temple that I love and takes care of every single day of my life.

1. I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you.

(Release whatever is to be forgiven, whether it concerns you or someone else…)
2. I love you. I love you. I love you.
(Send loving energy)
3. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
(Say thanks to your body, to you, and to all the blessings in your life…)
“I now take charge of my mind and my life. I am a powerful, dynamic
woman! Every part of my body functions perfectly! I love me”

Affirmations for Beautiful Skin – Set # 1

 I am blessed with beautiful healthy skin

 I have beautiful, youthful skin
 I have healthy and clear skin
 I have glowing and radiant skin
 My skin is clear and radiant
 My skin is healthy and gorgeous
 I take good care of my skin
 I eat healthy food that is good for my skin
 I treat my skin gently and properly
 My skin is beautiful

Affirmations for Beautiful Skin – Set # 2

 My skin feels supple and smooth

 My skin glows with youthful radiance
 My skin is smooth, soft and healthy
 People compliment me on my clear and healthy skin
 I regularly receive compliments for my youthful and clear skin
 My skin does not have any wrinkles at all
 I love and bless my skin
 Every day I send love to my skin
 My beautiful skin is blemish free
 People quickly notice my glowing skin

Affirmations for Beautiful Skin – Set # 3

 Friends compliment me on my beautiful skin

 My skin self heals scars and stretch marks
 My skin is naturally healthy and unblemished
 I have flawless and fair skin
 My skin is even, smooth and free of wrinkles
 I have flawless, unblemished, unwrinkled skin
 My skin is light, silky and beautiful
 My skin is as smooth as silk
 My skin is soft, youthful, rosy and gorgeous
 My skin is glowing and radiant

Affirmations for Beautiful Skin – Set # 4

 My skin is clean, perfect and smooth

 I have naturally healthy, beautiful and smooth skin
 I completely love my beautiful skin!
 I have very youthful skin
 Friends always appreciate my beautiful skin
 My skin gets clearer every day
 I love my skin and I appreciate how beautiful and healthy it is!
 My skin is smooth, soft and so youthful
 My skin is healthy and supple
 I eat healthy food to provide nutrition for my skin
 I take good care of my beautiful skin

Present Tense Affirmations

My hair is healthy

My hair is growing

My hair cells are healthy and strong

I always take perfect care of my scalp

My scalp is in peak health

My hair is beautiful

I think positively to send good energy to my head and scalp

I am in full control of my hair growth

My hair is strong and healthy

My hair is full, alive, and abundant

Future Tense Affirmations

I will grow my hair

My hair is beginning to return

I will nurture my hair cells

Each day my hair becomes healthier and healthier

I am transforming into someone with a perfectly healthy scalp

I will do everything possible to protect my beautiful hair

I will let go of stress to improve the health of my hair

My hair is growing longer and longer

My hair cells are starting to rejuvenate

I will take care of my scalp

Natural Affirmations

I have great hair

I have naturally healthy hair

I can regrow my hair easily

My hair is returning naturally

My scalp is in perfect health

Nutrition and blood are always flowing to my scalp

I have strong and healthy hair cells

Others admire my amazing hair

My hair is naturally strong and healthy

Taking great care of my hair is something I just naturally do

25 Money Affirmations to Attract Wealth and Abundance

1. I am a magnet for money. Prosperity is drawn to me.

2. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.
3. I move from poverty thinking to abundance thinking.
4. I am worthy of making more money.
5. I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
6. I embrace new avenues of income.
7. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life.
8. I release all negative energy over money.
9. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
10. I use money to better my life and the lives of others.
11. Wealth constantly flows into my life.
12. My actions create constant prosperity.
13. I am aligned with the energy of abundance.
14. I constantly attract opportunities that create more money.
15. My finances improve beyond my dreams.
16. Money provides comfort.
17. Money and spirituality can co-exist in harmony.
18. Money and love can be friends.
19. Money is my servant.
20. I am the master of my wealth.
21. I am able to handle large sums of money.
22. I am at peace with having a lot of money.
23. I can handle massive success with grace.
24. Money expands my life’s opportunities and experiences.
25. Money creates positive impact in my life.

1. I abandon old habits and choose new, positive ones.

2. I let go of impatience and trust in God’s plan.
3. I choose the contents of my life.
4. Obstacles are now falling away easily.
5. I no longer resist the lessons I’m learning.  
6. Other people do not control my emotions; I do.
7. I am filled with positive actions.
8. I release things that no longer serve me.
9. I welcome positivity into my life.
10. I am at peace with what is happening.
11. Today is a clean slate.
12. I am gentle with myself and others.
13. I release the need to replay situations in my mind.
14. Today, I welcome health and happiness.
15. I transform negative energy into love and light.
16. I forgive myself and release my worries to the Creator.  
17. You can’t be both awesome and negative. Choose one.
1. I expect only the best to happen and it does.

2. My body is healthy and my mind is peaceful and clear.

3. I allow myself to think and dream in unlimited ways.

4. I look more and more beautiful everyday.

5. My work is my play. I do what I love.

6. I wake up full of joy. I look forward to my day.

7. I appreciate all that I have.

8. I do whatever I please and it feels great.

9. I bring love and a positive attitude to everything that I do.

10. I create what I want effortlessly.

11. I change the world around me by changing myself.

12. I let go easily trusting that nothing leaves my life unless something better is

13. I am happy, healthy and whole.

14. I love my body just as I am.

15. I love my life, it is wonderful exciting and fun.

16. I wake up full of joy and I look forward to my day.

17. I have a balanced healthy life and I take care of myself.

18. I trust that I will always be ok.

19. I deserve to be happy.

20. I have all that I want and desire.

21. Life is amazing only good things happen to me.

You should use affirmations everyday in order to keep yourself in the vibrations of
always feeling good.

Even if you feel you are affirming something that hasn't occurred in your life yet;
when you affirm what you want before seeing the evidence of it, you are sending out
a powerful vibration into the universe of what you desire and you will receive it.













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