Badly Slowly Well Carefully Quickly Easily: Unit Test 13, 14 A © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019

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1. Complete the adverbs with the correct letters. There is one space for each
letter in the word. The first and last letters are already there.

1. badly
2. slowly
3. well
4. carefully
5. quickly
6. easily

2. Read the descriptions of some jobs. What is the word for each one? Choose
from the words in the list.

1. ‘I will take you around the city and tell you about interesting places.’ tour guide
2. ‘I work in a hospital, and help sick people.’ nurse
3. ‘I love my job because I love cooking.’ chef
4. ‘After I finish my work, the place is tidy, and not dirty.’ cleaner
5. ‘People come to me when their car is broken.’ mechanic
6. ‘I’ve got my own company and I work in an office.’ businesswoman

3. Choose the correct options in italics to complete the sentences.

1. explained
2. discussed
3. persuaded
4. repeated
5. shout
6. chatting

4. Choose the correct adjective in italics to complete the sentences.

1. surprised
2. exciting
3. interested
4. tired
5. boring
6. worried

Unit Test 13, 14 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and UCLES


5. Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences.

1. for
2. for
3. since
4. since
5. since
6. for
7. for
8. since

6. Complete the sentences with may (not) or might (not) and the verbs in

1. Eddie might/may not play (play) football tomorrow because he’s hurt his leg.
2. Why don’t you try the salad? It’s very good and you might/may like (like) it.
3. I didn’t answer all the questions on the exam but I think I might/may pass (pass).
4. Be careful when you play rugby. You might hurt (hurt) yourself.
5. It’s not very cold today, so I might/may not wear (wear) a coat.
6. They might/may not go (go) surfing tomorrow, because it won’t be windy.
7. I’ll call Wendy because she might/may know (know) how to help.
8. I think I might/may become (become) a vet, because I like animals.

7. Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences.

1. was found
2. were sent
3. was called
4. was built
5. is made
6. is delivered

8. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Have you called your brother yet?

2. I think I’ve already read this book.
3. Paul has just sent me a text.
4. Elizabeth hasn’t finished her homework yet.
5. I’m not hungry because I’ve just had lunch.
6. The teacher has already explained this to us.

Unit Test 13, 14 A PHOTOCOPIABLE © Cambridge University Press and UCLES


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