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Sri Venkateswara Vajrakavacha Stotram

(The Diamond armour of Venkatesa)

Translated by

Narayanam Parabrahma,
sarvakaarana kaaranam
Prapadye Venkatesakhyaam,
Tadeva kavacham mama 1

I bow and salute that Venkatesa,

Who is lord Narayana himself,
Who is the divine Lord of all,
And who is the cause of all causes,
And chant his armour for myself.

Sahasra Seersha Purusho

Pranesha Prananilayaha
Pranan rakshatu mey Harihi 2

Let my head be protected by,

Lord Venkatesa with thousand aspects,
Who is the lord of all souls,
And place where the soul merges.

Aakasaraat sutaanaatha
Aatmanam me sadavatu
Deva Devottamopayaad
deham mey Venkateswaraha 3

Let the Consort of the daughter of the sky,

May protect my soul always,
Let the body got from the lord of Lords,
Be protected by Lord Venkateswara.

Sarvatra sarvakaryeshu
Palayenmam sada karma
saphalyam naha prayacchatu 4

Let the soul like consort of Alamelu Manga.

Take care of all my works always ,
And lead me to good results of all of them.

Ya Etad vajrakavacha
mabhedyam Venkatesituhu
Sayam Prataha patennityam
mrutyum tarati nirbhyaha 5

This diamond armour of Venkatesa,

which can never be broken,
If read daily in the evening and morn,
Would help one to cross death without fear.
.. shrI akkalakoTasvAmI kavacha stotram ..
॥ €F a?кlкoV-vAmF кvc -to/m^ ॥

: ।
a-y €F -vAmF кvc -to/m\/-y ।
}t Eq, । an£p^ C\d, ।
-vAmF smT 
dvtA ।
шkrrAя шE?t, ।
bAA=pA кFlкm^ ।
mm sкlABF£prA=(yT \ pAW
 EvEnyog, ।
। aT кryAs, ।
: hrA\ ag¤A<yA\ nm, ॥
: hrF\ tя nF<yA\ nm, ॥
: hr\ m@ymA<yA\ nm, ॥
: hr
{\ anAEmкA<yA\ nm, ॥
: hrO\ кEnE¤кA<yA\ nm, ॥
: hr, кrtlкrp¤A<yA\ nm, ॥
॥ aT qXgyAs, ॥
: hrA\ hdyAy nm, ॥
: hrF\ Eшrs  -vAhA ॥
: hr\ EшхAy{ vqV^ ॥
: hr
{\ кvcAy h\ ॥
: hrO\ n //yAy vOqV^ ॥
: hr, a-/Ay PV^ ॥
॥ aT @yAnm^ ॥
BmAn\d\ shяsхd\ 
кvl\ b}hmmEt m^ ।
EvvAtFt\ Evmlhdy\ vdv
 dAt vdym^ ॥ 1॥
шAt\ dAt\ srlmns\ sv sAmLy !pm^ । \
svA tFt\ hymrmcl\ -vAEmn\ t\ nmAEm ॥ 2॥
: шFq \ m
 pAt -vAmF {
v ।
BAl\ n
/ c sd^gz, ॥ 1॥
кW\ mхc pAt m
dEшк, ॥ 2॥
-кDO m
 pAt -vAmF {
v ।
bAh pAt t sd^gz, ॥ 3॥

кrO m
 pAt -vAmF c ।
aglyc  dEшк, ॥ 4॥
prjAprAкArvAsF {
v ।
hdy\ pAt m sdA ॥ 5॥
ur, -Tlc -vAmF { v ।
кEV\ m@y\ Eh sd^gz, ॥ 6॥
nAEB\ я¿ c -vAmF {
v ।
ghy\ pAt c 
dEшк, ॥ 7॥
U! яAn smT c ।
pAdO -vAmF c pAt m
 ॥ 8॥

dh\ mnc prjAc ।
prjAprE-Tt, sdA ॥ 9॥
dшEd" s pAt mA\ ।
-vAmFsmT sd^gz, ॥ 10॥
u(pAtAE/EvDAEnn(y\ ।
n£An^ кv t sd^gz, ॥ 11॥
s\кVAnAED&yADF\c ।
n[yt dEшк, sdA ॥ 12॥
nAnApFXA\c bADA\c яrAmrZyAtnA, ।
prAEtкSyAEdEv]nA\c n[yt sd^gz, sdA ॥ 13॥
vtAlb}hmrA"sAn^ ।
шAEкEnXAEкyAdF\c n[yt -vAmFsmT , ॥ 14॥
mhApApA\c GorA\c b}hmh(yAEddD rAn^ ।
smlApAtкAEnn(y\ n[yt sd^gz-tTA ॥ 15॥
-vAmF smT t
 яc r"t mAc sv dA ।
B(vA t(кvc\ m
 c aB dy\ t(Bv
 (sdA ॥ 16॥
v…кvcEmd\ { v c y, pW dE?tmAnnr, ।
tF(vA c s\кVAGorAn^ sv t, sхmA=nyAt^ ॥ 17॥
prEtEdn\ pW
 d^yo B?to BAvpErtEcttt, ।
s\sArsAgr\ tF(vA BE?t\ mE?tc EvdEt ॥ 18॥
sADкo yo yEdQC Qc gzB?to Eh vt t  ।
prsnno tE-mEh B(vA c кpAlB vEt шFG }t, ॥ 19॥
-vAmFsmT prsAdc кvc\ яAny  d^ bD, ॥
sEQC yAy B?tAy dAt&y\ n c кEh Ect^ ॥ 20॥
aEtEd&y\ кvc\ €
¤\ dtt\ m
 -vAEmnA_DnA ।
ah\ ddAEm Eш yAy prкAшAy EpryAy c ॥ 21॥

id\ кvc\ t-m { {v шB\ кroEt sv dA ।
 qA\ m\gl\ ByAt^ Ed&y\ кvcm
 v c ॥ 22॥
sEdQCA\ prкVFк(vA smApn\ кroMyhm^ ।
nttvA -vAmFsmT \ c nmAEm €FDr\ gzm^ ॥ 23॥
prкAш-y EnEmttn prкAEшtEmd\ -tv, ।
tEh t(prEt cAшF\c ddAEm c pn, pn, ॥ 24॥
a?кlкoVvAsF c -vAmFsmT sd^gz, ।
ByAt^ sv mA\gSy\ sv
 qAEmEt prAT y
 ॥ 25॥
॥ iEt sv
}tEvrEct\ -vAmFsmT v…кvc\ smA=tm^ ॥

Composed by Prithviraj Bhalerao

Encoded by Anand Kulkarni

Please send corrections to

Last updated October 3, 2010

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