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SWOT analysis of Facebook:

 In social media sectors, Facebook is one of the strongest brands in the world. It's a stable
and long-time sustainable brand in the social media industry.
 Facebook has a portfolio product or service for its user. They are always trying to adding
different products to benefit their user. Like Messenger, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc.
 Facebook has a huge amount of users. Forty percent of the world's population is involved
with Facebook in one way or another.
 Different types of people can be connected and easily communicated.
 Has a fruitful advertising business.

 The user's account may be hacked. Their information has no privacy.
 There is a fear of spreading rumors and fake news through Facebook.
 Facebook is dependent on its advertisement marketing. About 98.5% of its income
comes from the advertisement.

 Facebook can increase product or service diversity portfolio.
 Added different types of applications like surveys, podcasts, reviews, etc.
 Gaining the trust of existing users by improving security management.
 By introducing a new feature, Facebook can attract all kinds of people.

 Day by day increasing competitors
 Facebook is currently banned in many countries around the world. It may be banned in
more countries in the future.
 Increase more duplicate and false accounts
 Introduce a new digital tax. Recently, some developed countries introduce a new digital
tax. For this reason, A portion of facebooks profits will be spent on paying digital taxes.

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