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1. Complete the following sentences with Present Simple:

a) My sister ___________ (not/ play) tennis every day.
b) I ___________ (study) English at school from Monday to Friday.
c) Chimpanzees ___________ (not/ speak) any language.
d) She always ___________ (wear) skirts.
e) ___________ they ___________ (travel) by bus?
f) ___________ your mum ___________ (cook) dinner at night?
g) Jim and Joe ___________ (not/ go) to the theatre on Sundays.
h) I never ___________ (comb) my hair in the morning.

2. Complete the following sentences with Present Continuous:

a) What ___________ you ___________ (eat)?
b) Kat ________________ (open) the window because she’s hot.
c) My dog ________________ (not/ sleep) now.
d) The girls________________ (listen to) music now.
e) My brothers ________________ (not/ watch) TV now.
f) ___________ she ___________ (comb) her hair?
g) ___________ Mary ___________ (copy) from the blackboard?
h) We ________________ (practice) exercises in English.

3. Complete the following sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuous:

a) I ________________ (not/ study) French now.
b) We always ________________ (play) cards during break time.
c) Where __________ your granny ___________ (live)?
d) Peter ________________ (not/ take) the children to school in the morning.
e) What ________ your brother _________ (do) every morning?
f) You ________________ (talk) a lot!!!
g) What _________ John _________ (write) now?
h) What’s that noise? Peter ________________ (play) the guitar.
i) We ________________ (usually/ travel) to England in summer.
j) This kind of animal ________________ (eat) meat.
k) Look! She ________________ (speak) to a stranger.
l) I’m looking at that girl. She ________________ (wear) a beautiful skirt.
m) I ________________ (never/ drink) wine at night.
n) What languages _________ you ____________ (speak)?

4. Present Simple / Continuous

Susan is making a video about a typical day in her life. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple
or Continuous.
Hi, my name’s Susan Smith and this is my family. As you can see we ....................................... (have) it at this
time. Look, everyone .................................(smile) and happy. That is because I.............................(film) them - usually
we :.......................(not talk) to each other in the morning
This is where I ...........................(catch) the bus to school every day. It’s the number 13, and
it ..............................(arrive) now. These two girls are my friends. Tina and Becky. We all ........................... (go) to the
same school. Tina .................................. (wear) a skirt today, which is unusual. She hardly ever ..........................(wear)
I ............................ (sit) on the bus now. It usually .......................(arrive) at school at about a quarter to
nine. The bus driver ............................... (shout) at the children at the back of the bus at the moment.
He ...................................(tell) them to sit down. The kids on the bus usually ......................... (behave) very well.
I ................................... (not know) what’s wrong with them today.
This is my classroom. I always ..............................(sit) at this desk, next to my friend Becky. Our teacher
usually .......................(come) in at five pst nine. She won’t be very happy today because everyone ...............................
(make) a lot of noise. Oh, here she is! I ...............................(have to ) turn off the camera now. See you later!

5. a. Fill in the gaps with the correct tense: Present Simple or Present Continuous.
At school we always ______________ (prepare) a school play. The drama teacher ______________ (teach) the
words and melodies of the songs. We ______________(learn) the words by heart but at first it ______________
(be not) easy. First form students ______________ (not take) part in that show. They ______________ (have) a
play of their own. Now, 5th form ______________ (practice).
When the day of the show ______________ (get) near, we ______________ (rehearse) at the theatre. We
______________ (climb) on the stage and off the stage when the teacher ______________ (ask) us to. She
______________ (not smile) when we ______________ (be) absent.
At this moment, 6th form ______________ (sing) one of the songs. They generally ______________ (sing) in the
music room, but today it ______________ (be) very hot so they ______________ (rehearse) in the terrace.
b. Ask the correct questions about the text above.
1) _________________________________________________________________________
A school play
2) _________________________________________________________________________
The words and melodies of the songs.
3) _________________________________________________________________________
First form students.
4) __________________________________________________________________________
At the theatre.
5) __________________________________________________________________________
In the terrace.
6) __________________________________________________________________________
Because it is very hot today.

6. The Gerund
Use the verbs below, in their gerund form (ing), to complete the sentences. There might be more than one option.

operate go visit drink write travel clean look watch take have (X2) see live teach do smoke
play paint sleep eat (X2) drive make listen

1) We started ............................ for new house at the beginning of last month but we still haven't found one
2) There's no use ................................ to the theatre now. The play has already started.
3) I'm looking forward to .......................... to Cairo. I've never been there before.
4) I can't stand ............................ to heavy metal music. It's awful.
5) Gladiator is a film worth.......................... . It's so amazing, I really liked it.
6) John gave up ............................ last year. It's such an expensive habit.
7) Suzy can't help ........................... chocolate when she's nervous.
8) They put off ............................. London last year because it was too
9) I don't feel like............................. . I'm not tired.
10) They aren't use to........................... on the left side of the road because they are from Spain,
where they drive on the opposite side.
11) My doctor recommended ............................ more exercise.
12) We got used to ............................ at 10 o'clock at night. In England, they have dinner much
13) Peter finished ............................... the rooms in his house.
14) I always suggest ............................... the book before seeing the film.
15) We sometimes enjoy ............................... for walk before dinner.
16) Jennifer prefers ............................. her bed to .......................... the bathroom.
17) Charlie practices.......................... the piano three times a week.
18) They appreciated ............................ the Christmas party at Joe's house. It's such a nice place.
19) I often imagine ............................... in Paris and driving a very expensive car.
20) This school postponed............................. the exams until after Easter holidays.
21) The plastic surgeon discussed ................ .............. on his patient's nose.
22) My daughter hates ............................. orange juice in the morning. She prefers
coffee instead.
23) My husband often enjoys …………………… the news after dinner.
24) It's no use .......................... Sara how to bake a cake. She can't cook.
25) Harry dislikes ............................ food that isn't organic. He only shops at health food stores.

7. Reflexive pronouns
Choose the correct answers ( myself - yourself - himself - herself - itself - ourselves - yourselves – themselves)
1) Robert made this T-shirt ……
2) Lisa did the homework ……….
3) We took some bottles of cola at the party………
4) Emma, did you take the photo by………. ?
5) I wrote this poem . ……..
6) He cut …………………with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
7) The lion can defend ………………..
8) My mother often talks to ………….
9) Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help…………. .
10) Alice and Doris collected the stickers …………….
11) You can’t do this for me . I have to do it…………
12) Why doesn’t she do it………………….?
13) He saw…………………………… the mirror.
14) We can’t do this……………………….
15) She likes to think of………………………………….as a good person.

8. Indefinite pronouns

1. This bag is empty, there isn’t _______________ in it.

2. I’m lonely. I have ____________________ to talk to.

3. I lost my watch. I’ve looked for it _______________.

4. She said ______________, but I didn’t understand her.

5. Did you go _______________ interesting for your vacation?

6. I like the people here. ________________ is very friendly.

7. ’What are you doing here? ’ ’I’m waiting for _______________.’

8. It’s a secret. Don’t tell _________________.

9. We don’t go out very much, because there’s ____________________ to go.

10. ’How much does it cost to visit the museum?’ ’__________________. Why?’

11. They live __________________ in the south of France.

12. It’s a nice hotel. It’s comfortable and _________________ is clean.

9. Comparison of adjectives

1. My house is………………………(big) than yours.

2. John isn’t ……..…………………(tall) as Kevin.
3. Mary is …………………..…..(good) student in the class.
4. I invited all my classmates to my party. As the saying goes: the……………….(many), the……………….(merry).
5. Linda doesn’t feel ……………….……..(good) today.
6. Our school is ……………………….(far) away than his.
7. I’m calling to ask for some……………………………………(far) information on this package holiday.
8. Sandra did ………………………(bad) of all in the test.
9. Their car is………………..…….(cool) in the neighborhood.
10. Do you really think that Tina is…………..………..(clever) than Sandra?
11. He came to the party………………….…..(late) of all.
12. John’s………………………….(old) brother is a pilot.
13. Monica has……………….…….(little) toys than Erin.
14. Luke doesn’t have as…………….………..(much) free time as Bruce.
15. Poor thing! That’s……………….…….(sad) thing I’ve ever heard!

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