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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management

ISSN: 2349-4336
Volume 6, Issue 3

Floodplain Inundation Modeling and Mapping for Geray

River: Nile Basin, Ethiopia
Eliyas Bezabeh1,*, Fitsum Tesfaye2
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
Department of Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering,
Coordinator for Centre of Excellence in Construction Quality and Technology, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Flood is one of the most dangerous naturally occurring catastrophic hazards now days
displacing and killing people and destroying properties. During high flow, the Geray River
flooded the vicinity of the area and causes loss of cultivated land and life. The objective of this
study describes the flood extent and depth in the Geray River for different flow conditions.
This research involves the integration of HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and GIS to develop a
regional model for floodplain determination and modeling analysis representation. The
hydrologic model is calibrated using of HEC-HMS for daily time series data for return
periods of 2, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years. One dimensional hydraulic model HEC-RAS with
HEC-GeoRAS interface in coordination with ArcGIS was applied for the analysis. The result
of the hydrologic model by HEC-HMS showed a flow value of 109.1, 214.9, 274.4, 318.4 and
362.7 m3/sec for return periods of 2, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years, respectively. Accordingly, the
flooded area generated, for the mentioned return periods are 0.87, 1.08, 1.16, 1.23 and
1.29 km2, respectively. The flood depth area showed most of the flooding area had water
depth less than 1.49 m.

Keywords: Floodplain, inundation, model; mapping, flood depth, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS

*Author for Correspondence E-mail:

INTRODUCTION In hydraulic flood modeling, availability of

Flooding is one of the worst natural data in the required spatial and temporal
catastrophes, in terms of economic losses and resolution is vital. Topographic data is one of
the number of deaths [1]. Flooding may occur such data used as input in hydraulic flood
as an overflow of water from water bodies modeling. Digital elevation model (DEM)
resulting in some of that water escaping its and/or its derivative triangular irregular
usual boundaries, or it may occur due to an network (TIN) is a major source of
accumulation of rainwater on saturated ground topographic data for representing floodplain
in an aerial flood [2]. Flood is a continuous and river topography [5].
natural and recurring event in floodplains of
monsoon rainfall areas like Ethiopia, where Problems associated with flood are diverse and
over 80% of annual precipitation falls in the extremely complicated. Floods inundation
four wet months [3]. An inundation map build-up the property, endanger lives and
displays the spatial extent of probable flooding prolonged high flood stages that delay
for different scenarios and can be present highway traffic and cause damage to bridge
either in quantitative or qualitative ways [4]. abutment and other structure [3]. During high
An integrated approach of Remote Sensing flow, the Geray River flooded the vicinity of
(RS), Geographic Information System (GIS) the area and causes loss of cultivated land and
and HEC-RAS has proved to be the most life. As its water carry heavy silt load and the
effective [3]. river has a steep gradient, the river has a

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

tendency to move sideways. The main Data Collection and Analysis

objective of this study is to analyze the To execute hydraulic analyses information
inundation area along the Geray River by such as topography, physical features, land use
integrating geomorphic, topographic and and land cover, channel characteristics,
hydrological data using GIS and HEC- environmental data, any existing or previously
GeoRAS/ HEC-RAS Model. flood studies of the stream, historical flood
data, basin characteristics, precipitation data,
MATERIALS AND METHODS geotechnical data, historical high-water marks,
Description of the Study Area existing structures.
Geray River is located in North-Western part
of Ethiopia, as one of tributary river to the The hydrological data were collected from the
Abay River. Geray River is exactly located in FDRE Minister of Water, Irrigation and
Jabi Tehnan Woreda which is one of the rivers Electricity; Meteorological data were also
in the Abay subbasin of Ethiopia at Aerial collected from National meteorological agency
location between 10°39' and 10° 49̍ N latitude of Ethiopia; the digital elevation model (DEM)
and 37° 10̍ E and 37°17' E longitude Figure 1. and land use were also downloaded from the

Fig. 1: Study Area Map.

(Source: Extracted from ASTER)

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

United States Geological Survey (USGS) and nearby which affect the catch of the gauge due
the Corn Land Cover Facility (CLCF), to change in the wind pattern or exposure [6].
To overcome the problem inconsistency a
Meteorological Data Availability and technique most widely applied called double
Processing mass curve is used. Double-Mass Curve
Generally, data for floodplain mapping should (DMC) analysis is a graphical method for
be appropriately adjusted for inconsistency, identifying or adjusting inconsistencies in a
corrected for errors, extended for insufficient, station record by comparing its time trend with
and filled for missing using different those of other stations nearby [7].
techniques. Daily rainfall and flow, maximum
and minimum temperature data of different To check homogeneity of selected stations in
record length for some stations were collected order to select the representative
from National Meteorological Agency (NMA) meteorological station for the analysis of areal
and Ministry of Water and Energy. precipitation on Geray River, checking
homogeneity of group stations is essential, the
Estimating Missing Precipitation Data homogeneity of the selected gauging stations
The normal ratio and quadrant method provide monthly rainfall records were carried out by
a weighted mean, with the former biasing the non-dimensioning using equation [8]:
weights on mean annual precipitation at each Pi =
× 100 (2)
gauge and the later having weights that depend ̅
on the distance between gauges where Where, Pi is the no dimensional Value of PPT
recorded data are available and the point ̅𝑖 is the over years averaged
for the month I, 𝑃
where the value is required. The method is monthly precipitation for the station I, 𝑃̅ is the
used when the normal annual precipitation of over years average yearly precipitation of the
the index stations differs by more than 10% of station.
the missing stations. This method assigns
weights of each surrounding stations [5]. This Estimating Flow Data
is the case for the stations near the study area. The daily discharge of the study area has no
Accordingly, the location and database in stream gauge therefore, the daily discharge
years of the selected stations for missing was determined using an area ratio method. In
perception data are shown in Table 1. The the absence of sufficient record length or for
general formula for computing missing completely ungagged areas, data extension and
precipitation by this method is: generation can be employed with the similarity
of the neighboring catchment [9]. To
ϕn a ϕi
Φn = ∑ri=1 [ ] (1) determine the overall discharge at the
r ϕni a
confluence of Geray River, streamflow data
Where, 𝜙𝑛 is the estimate of missing data for were transferred to the site of interest using
gauged station n, 𝜙𝑛𝑖 is measured rainfall area ratio methods and convolution equation.
values of surrounding station i, 𝜙𝑛𝑎. is normal The recommended guidelines for area ratio
annual rainfall of station n, 𝜙𝑛𝑖𝑎. is normal method to assess the available dependable
annual rainfall of surrounding stations i, 𝜙𝑖 is flow for the potential assessment purpose is,
the observed value at station i, and r is a n
number of surrounding stations. Qungauged = ( Agauged
) ∗ Qgauged (3)

Data Consistency and Homogeneity Where, 𝑄𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Discharge at the site
The trend of the rainfall records at a station of interest, 𝑄𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Discharge at the
may slightly change after some years due to a gauge site, 𝐴𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Drainage area at
change in the environment (or exposure) of a the site of Interest, 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Drainage
station either due to coming of a new building, area at the gauging site, n is the Varies
fence, planting of trees or cutting of forest between 0.6 and 1.2.

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

Table 1: List of Selected Gauging Stations used for this Study.

Station Name Latitude Longitude Elevation Database (Years)
Felege Birhan 38.07 10.75 2680 1979–2015 (22)
Debre work 38.13 10.73 2740 1970–2015 (27)
Mehal Meda 37.43 10.25 3040 1975–2015 (26)
Debre Markos 37.67 10.33 2515 1954–2015 (52)
Finote Selam 37.27 10.68 1900 1961–2015 (22)

If 𝐴𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is within 20% of the 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 data available for this paper, the Hargreaves
(0.8≤𝐴𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 /𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 ≤1.2) then n=1 to be method is selected. The detailed steps are
used. The estimated discharge at the site will shown below.
be within 10% of actual discharge [9]. ETo = 0.0023(Tmean + 17.8)(Tmax − Tmin )0.5 R a
Data Filling and Consistency
Before developing a streamflow for Geray Where, 𝑇𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛 is the mean of the daily
River using the Leza River, missing flow data temperature, daily maximum temperatures
records for the subbasin must be filled, and it’s (Tmax) and daily minimum temperatures (Tmin)
done by developing correlation (which is a rather than as the average of hourly
measure of the strength of association between temperature measurements.
two continuous variables) between the station Tmax +Tmin
Tmean = (5)
with missing data and any of the adjacent 2
stations with the same hydrological features Where, 𝑅𝑎 is the Daily extra-terrestrial (solar)
and common data periods. Consistency and radiation, it is the solar radiation received at
extension of flow data are analyzed by the top of the earth's atmosphere on a
regression technique. Data consistency for this horizontal surface. It is given by:
paper was done with SPSS software and
Microsoft excels for comparison of results. Ra = Gsc dr [ωs sin(φ) sin(δ)
+ cos(φ) cos(δ) sin (ωs )]
Evapotranspiration is a collective term that (6)
includes evaporation from the land surface and Where, 𝑅𝑎 is the Extra-terrestrial radiation
transpiration from vegetation cover. Generally, (MJ m-2 day-1), 𝐺𝑠𝑐 - Solar constant = 0.0820
it means that water removed from the MJ m-2 min-1, 𝑑𝑟 is the Inverse relative
watershed [10]. distance Earth-Sun and it is given by:

A relatively accurate estimation of dr = 1 + 0.0033Cos ( J) (7)
evapotranspiration is a quite essential element
in the floodplain mapping and modeling and Where, J is the number of the day in the year
the study of the impact of climate change. between 1 (1 January) and 365 or 366 (31
There are two common methods in calculating December) 𝜔𝑠 is the Sunset hour angle and it
evaporation. These are the Penman-Monteith is given by:
method [10], the Priestley-Taylor method and ωs = arccos[− tan(φ) tan (δ)] (8)
the Hargreaves method [11].
Where, 𝜑 is the Latitude of the station (rad), 𝛿
The data requirements for the application of is the Solar decimation (rad) and it is given by:
these three potential evapotranspiration 2π
δ = 0.409sin ( J − 1.39) (9)
methods are very different. The Penman- 365
Monteith method requires solar radiation, air
temperature, relative humidity, and wind Terrain Processing using Arc Hydro and
speed. The Priestley-Taylor method requires HEC-GeoHMS
solar radiation, air temperature, and relative HEC-GeoHMS Geospatial Data Processing
humidity [10]. The Hargreaves method HEC-GeoHMS is a set of ArcGIS tools
requires air temperature only. Because of the specifically designed to process geospatial

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

data and create input for the HEC-HMS. HEC- each. The first portion covers modeling on a
GeoHMS provides the connection for daily basis [12].
translating GIS spatial information into model
files for HEC-HMS [12]. The GIS capability is The rainfall has no full data on any station
for data formatting, processing, and coordinate used for missing data thus making the result
transformation. Currently, HEC-GeoHMS unreliable. Consequently, HEC-HMS outputs
operates on DEM to derive subbasin considering daily data using gage weight
delineation and to prepare a number of method and frequency storm method are used
hydrologic units. HEC-HMS supports these for further modeling approaches. Then the
hydrologic inputs as the starting point for model output is compared with frequency
hydrologic modeling [13]. In this paper, it is analysis results which are selected by software
intended to derive parameters like Curve called Easy Fit.
Number, Basin Lag, and Time of
concentration and Loss. Flood Frequency Analysis
Frequency analysis has been applied to
Terrain Processing Using Arc-Hydro estimate the quantiles for the annual maximum
The first step in doing any kind of hydrologic rainfall and flood data [5]. The objective of
modeling involves delineating streams and frequency analysis of hydrologic data is to
watersheds and getting some basic watershed relate the magnitude of extreme events to their
properties such as area, slope, flow length, and frequency of occurrence through the use of
stream network density [14]. Traditionally this probability distributions [15]. Evaluating flood
was done manually by using frequency and determining the design flood
topographic/contour maps. With the are the final goals for hydrological analysis
and the beginning of integrated flood control
availability of DEM and GIS tools, watershed
[16]. A design flood is used in comprehensive
properties can be extracted by using automated
flood management to assess the flood defense
procedures [14].
capacities of facilities and to protect human
lives and properties within a watershed [17].
The processing of DEM to delineate
watersheds is referred to as terrain pre-
Hydraulic Modeling with HEC-RAS
processing. There are several tools available Cross-section Geometry
online for terrain pre-processing. In this study, Boundary geometry for the analysis of flow in
Arc-Hydro was used to process a DEM to natural streams is specified in terms of ground
delineate watershed, subwaters heds, stream surface profiles (cross-sections) and the
network and some other watershed measured distances between them. Cross-
characteristics that collectively describe the sections should be perpendicular to the
drainage patterns of a basin. The results from anticipated flow lines and extend across the
terrain processing can be used to create input entire flood plain (these cross-sections may be
files for many hydrologic models using HEC- curved or bent). For this research paper, it is
GeoHMS [14]. made to extend to about a total of 8 km with 4
km at each stretch of the floodplain [18].
Hydrologic Modeling with HEC-HMS
HEC-HMS modeling may be taken Cross-sections are required at locations where
considering different time series values such changes occur in discharge, slope, shape or
as daily, hourly, annually and even in a roughness; at locations where levees begin or
minute. Accuracy of the model output is high end and at bridges or control structures such as
if it is in reverse order. Although most flood weirs. Each cross-section is identified by a
studies are undertaken considering hourly time reach and river station label. The cross-section
steps, there are cases where daily data are is described by entering the station and
taken. In this paper, both daily data by gage elevations (x-y data) from left to right, with
weight method and frequency storm method respect to looking in the downstream direction
are considered to compare the output result for [18].

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

The cross-section of the Geray River is geographic information system (GIS) onto a
extracted both from Google Earth (Figure 2) 3D globe [19].
and its counterpart digitized DEM/TIN. The
study area TIN is also made from Google In Google Earth, the degree of resolution of
Earth data and the DEM of the area. During the satellite images are based on the points of
the extraction, the Google Earth data are interest and popularity, but most land is
assumed to represent the channel geometry covered in at 15 m of resolution. For the rest
than the DEM. This is because of the fact that part of the Earth's surface, 3D images of
there may be water flowing during the terrain and buildings are available. Google
processing of the DEM. On the other hand, the Earth uses a digital elevation model (DEM)
resolution of the current DEM is less accurate data collected by NASA’s Shutter Radar
for the river channel. Topography Mission (SRTM) [19].

Although the DEM resolution is low for the Using Google Earth software geometric data
channel, it is the best representation for the of total 20 km of Geray River from upstream
floodplain. Integrating both data sources, to downstream was executed. The entire length
therefore, has greater accuracy than the of the study area is divided into cross-sections
individual source. at every 200 m interval. The distance of the
left bank and right bank of each successive
Extraction of river cross-section from freely cross-section are also measured using Google
available Google Earth software and validation Earth software. Total of 100 numbers of cross-
of river cross-section data in HEC-RAS was sections are generated having a minimum
done. width 73 m and a maximum width of 328 m
along the length of the river as shown in
Google Earth is a Geo-Browser that accesses Figure 3.
aerial and satellite imagery, other geographic
data over the internet and ocean bathymetry to Before digitizing the cross-section, the stream
represent the Earth as a three-dimensional layers must be made available. The layers are;
globe. It is also known as “Geographic stream centerline, flow path centerline, flow
Browser” because it maps the Earth by the path lines (left and right) and bank lines and
aerial photography, the superimposition of these layers overlay on the digitized HEC-
images obtained from satellite imagery, and RAS layer as shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 2: Geray River Cross-section taken from Google Earth.

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

Fig. 3: Geray River Cross-section in Google Earth.

Fig. 4: A Digitized Geray River Scheme with RAS Layers.

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

The above four features are extracted from the land surface, and then compare the elevations.
prepared TIN of the study area which is shown HEC-RAS represents the floodplain as a
in Figure 5. The TIN was generated from a computed water surface elevation at each cross-
field survey of the area and DEM. section [5]. During the data import step, these
Accordingly, the channel cross-section taken elevations were brought into ArcGIS, along
from Google Earth is made to represent the with the distance from the stream centerline to
river cross-section whereas the DEM to the the left and right floodplain boundaries. Hence,
floodplain. During digitizing, shapefiles of the the water surface elevation and width on each
river or contour can be used to follow. side of the centerline are known about the
floodplain at each cross-section.
Pre-processing by HEC-GeoRAS in ArcGIS is
the first step in the extraction processes. The RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
step is used in georeferencing and digitizing Data Consistency and Homogeneity Results
the stream layers for further use in HEC-RAS. After filling missing data of the precipitation
using Normal Ratio Method which gives
Floodplain Delineation weighted mean with biasing the weights on
Areas inundated by flooding occur wherever mean annual precipitation at each gauge, Data
the elevation of the floodwater exceeds that of consistency and homogeneity will be checked
the land. To delineate these areas, we will and the results are postulated as shown in
create surface models of the floodwater and Figures 6 and 7, respectively.

Fig. 5: An Underlying TIN and Associated Geray River.

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

Finoteselam Debre Markos Debre Work

Cumulative Annual Average Rainfall of Felege Birhan Mehal Meda
Each stations

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Cumulative Annual Average Rainfall of the Five stations

Fig. 6: DMC of Selected Metrological Stations.

Finoteselam Debreworke Felge Berhan

40 Mehal Meda Debre Markos

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Fig. 7: Homogeneity Test for Areal Rainfall Stations.

Here accumulated annual values at the station meteorological stations are Debre Work and
in question are plotted against those of nearby Felege Birhan and were used to fill missing
reliable station or group of stations. An abrupt data of Finote Selam Meteorological stations.
deviation in the slope of the Double-Mass
Curve plot suggests some change not related to Flow Data Estimation
climatic variables, and adjustment should be Geray River is not gauged at the confluence
made to the data on the basis of the ratio of the point. The site of water resource development
slopes of the two segments. in any of the uses can be at or ungagged site. If
gauged data with sufficient record length is
The homogeneity graph is plotted to compare available then such data are used. The
the stations with each other as shown in the neighboring catchment to Geray River is Leza
Figure 7 (similar stations for Geray River). The River. Therefore, by checking the similarity of
figure almost has the same pattern and bimodal. both catchments by their land cover, land use,
Therefore, from the selected stations' ones those soil type, and slope, the area ratio method was
were found to be homogenous with the selected executed as the Figure 8.

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 8: Catchment Similarity Checking between Geray and Leza using: (a) Landcover, (b) Land use,
(c) Slope (d) Soil Types.

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

To determine the overall discharge at the Table 1: Correlation between Geray and
confluence of Geray River, streamflow data
Other nearby Rivers using SPSS.
were transferred to the site of interest using
Leza Birr Gudela
area ratio methods and convolution equation. Leza Pearson Correlation 1 0.758** 0.645**
The recommended guidelines for area ratio Sig. (2-tailed) .000 0.000
method to assess the available dependable N 366 366 366
flow for the potential assessment purpose is, Birr Pearson Correlation 0.758** 1 .574**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 .000
Aungauged N 366 366 366
Qungauged = ( ) × Qgauged (10)
Agauged Gudela Pearson Correlation 0.645** 0.574** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
Where, 𝑄𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Discharge at the site N 366 366 366
of interest, 𝑄𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Discharge at the **Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
gauge site, 𝐴𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Drainage area at
the site of Interest, 𝐴𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 is the Drainage Regression equation developed between Leza
River as a response variable and Birr River as
area at the gauging site, n is the Varies the explanatory variable used to fill missing
between 0.6 and 1. flow data.
If Aungauged is within 20% of the Agaugged Y = 0.3095 + X0.01986 (13)
(0.8≤ 𝐴 ≤ 1.2) then n=1 to be used. Where, Y is the missed flow value at Leza
River gage, X is the flow value at Birr River
The estimated discharge at the site will be
within 10% of actual discharge [20].
Aungauged 118.4969 Terrain Processing using Arc-Hydro
= 123.5695 = 0.96 (11)
All the steps in the Arc-Hydro Terrain
𝐴𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒𝑑 Preprocessing menu were performed in
Therefore, of this site of interest is sequential order, from top to bottom in Figure 9.
0.96 in which n is 1 and the area ratio formula The procedure followed for terrain processing
for Geray River is: using Arc-Hydro is explained under using
30x30 DEM extracted for the respective
Qungauged = 0.96 × Qgauged (12) subbasins and river feature class of the study
area. For simplicity the main steps undertaken
by Arc-Hydro processing are DEM
Using the Area Ratio method, the above
reconditioning, Fill sinks, Flow direction,
formula was developed and used to develop Flow accumulation, Stream definition, Stream
flow data for Geray River based on catchment segmentation, Catchment grid delineation,
similarity with Leza River the result is shown Catchment polygon processing, Drainage line
under Figure 16. processing, Drainage point processing, the
longest flow path for the catchment and Slope
Data Filling for Missing Precipitation Data determination.
Before employing flow data for the ungauged
river of Geray, there need to be data filling of The terrain processing result for the subbasin
missing flow data of Leza River using is shown in Figure 9.
correlation and developing regression equation
for the river. The output from terrain processing in Arc-
Hydro is not only delineation and schematic
The correlation equations used for Leza for the catchment but also the extraction of
gauging station in terms of neighboring basin characteristics from physical properties
gauging station using one-year streamflow was of the catchment (Figure 10). Among the basin
done in Table 2, and Leza River with Birr characteristics, soil and land use are the major
River which shows good correlation is ones. According to the output of the model,
expressed. the following parameters are generated.

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

(e) (f)

(g) (h)
Fig. 9: Terrain Processing for Geray Subbasin using Arc-Hydro: (a) Raw DEM, (b) Fill Sink,
(c) Flow Direction, (d) Flow Accumulation, (e) Catchment Grid Delineation, (f) Catchment Polygon
Processing, (g) Batch Point Watershed Delineation at the Outlet of Geray River,
(h) HMS Legend and Schematic.

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

Fig. 10: Subbasins of the Geray Catchment.

Table 3: Catchment Characteristic Parameter ones. According to the output of the model the
Extracted. following parameters are generated.
Component Parameter Unit Value
Subbasin 1 CN 82.995 Model Calibration and Validation of HEC-
Ia mm 10.41 HMS Results
A Km2 41.470 A total of 20 years of historical data from 1990
Basin Slope m/m 10.17
to 2015 is used; calibration (1990–1999) and
validation (2001–2010) for the selected
Subbasin 2 CN 83.053
watersheds of the sub basins. Manual and
Ia Mm 10.366
automatic calibration was used for the
A Km2 14.759
optimization of observed and simulated flow
Basin Slope m/m 7.42 data using the initial parameter from
Subbasin 3 CN 82.978 watershed characteristics. Calibration was
Ia mm 10.42 done by taking initial parameters generated
A Km2 9.49 from HEC-GeoHMS and Arc-Hydro for the
Basin Slope m/m 5.31 catchment. With the initial parameters, the
calibration was then processed until the
The output from terrain processing in Arc- simulated value resembles the observed data
Hydro is not only delineation and schematic (Table 4).
for the catchment but also extraction of basin
characteristics from physical properties of the Flow hydrographs for the observed and
catchment shown in Table 3. Among the basin simulated flows at Geray gaging station are
characteristics soil and land use are the major presented in Figure 11.

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

Table 4: Optimized Parameters of HEC-HMS for Geray Catchment.

Component Parameter Unit Initial Optimized
Subbasin-1 SCS Curve Number-Curve Number 82.995 84.076
Subbasin-1 SCS Curve Number-Initial Abstraction mm 10.41 9.7978
Subbasin-1 SCS Unit Hydrograph-Lag Time min 153.69 153.69
Subbasin-2 SCS Curve Number-Curve Number 83.053 84.136
Subbasin-2 SCS Curve Number-Initial Abstraction mm 10.366 3.0714
Subbasin-2 SCS Unit Hydrograph-Lag Time min 118.01 118.01
Subbasin-3 SCS Curve Number-Curve Number 82.978 84.050
Subbasin-3 SCS Curve Number-Initial Abstraction mm 10.42 23.561
Subbasin-3 SCS Unit Hydrograph-Lag Time min 94.560 94.560
Reach-1 Muskingum – K Hrs 79.807 73.611
Reach-1 Muskingum – X 0.0025 0.0024

Fig. 11: Calibration of HEC-HMS Output.

For these particular paper efficiency output of the validation process has a value of
evaluation criteria, parameters must resemble ENS 0.547 and an R2 of 0.582. This result
each other. For the Geray catchment case, the implies the validation process is ok to move on
ENS has a value of 0.565 and R2=0.589 to the next process (Figure 13).
(Figure 12). Therefore, the values determined
from the calibration of the HEC-HMS model The Output of HEC-HMS by Frequency
are acceptable. Storm
The model has the capability to produce and
To validate the model, data of 10 years (2000– generate values for different flow conditions
2009) was used by applying the optimized (return periods). Given the input parameters
parameters in the calibration process. And the from HEC-HMS, the flow values are found

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

accordingly. From the result table, minimum Table 5: Determination of Peak Discharge
peak flow for the Geray River occurred for 2
Using HEC-HMS Frequency Method.
years return period for 24 hour storm duration
No. Return Periods Peak Flow (m3/sec)
and the maximum obtained with 100 years 1 2 109.1
frequency storm for the same duration. The 2 10 214.9
value being 109.1 and 362.7 m3/s for 2 years 3 25 274.4
and 100 years frequency, respectively. Peak 4 50 318.4
flow the rest of the return periods is in Table 5. 5 100 362.7

140 Series1 Linear (Series1)

y = 0.9916x + 4.7471
R² = 0.5888
Observed flow






0 20 40 60 80 100
Simulated flow
Fig. 12: Correlation between Observed vs. Simulated Flow.

Fig. 13: Validation of HEC-HMS Output.

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

Flood Frequency Analysis Results Table 6: Comparison of Flow Values

Finally, the HEC-HMS model result is (Frequency Analysis and the HEC-HMS).
compared with the frequency analysis results Distribution 2 10 25 50 100
considering different techniques. The methods Method
EV Type 1 116.56 177.29 207.39 229.95 252.35
applied in this paper are selected based on Log-Pearson 121.11 165.76 182.26 192.69 201.93
their Goodness of fit on EasyFit software. III
According to the software’s output in Table 6, Log-normal 164.13 169.31 193.56 210.67 227.17
Extreme value method was the number one Normal 171.42 175.94 195.43 207.77 218.75
goodness fit, Log-Pearson, Normal, and HEC-HMS 109.1 214.9 274.4 318.4 362.7
Lognormal following respectively.
With the bounding polygon created (figure
Therefore, using the formulas to determine the above), water surface TIN is created from the
magnitude of the hydrological event, output given profiles and underlying DTM/TIN. The
values of each different distribution method water surface TIN consequently gives rise to
were compared with the outcome of HEC- flood plain delineation. ArcGIS with an
HMS values for each return period. extension of HEC-GeoRAS then delineates
flood plain for different flow conditions. In
Flood Inundation on Geray Catchment this paper, five storm flows were considered
With the bounding polygon created (Figure 14), (2, 10, 25, 50 and 100 years). Each storm flow
water surface TIN is created from the given has different flood plain depth, extent, and
profiles and underlying DTM/TIN. The water area flood map for 2 and 100 years return
surface TIN consequently gives rise to period is shown in Figure 15 and the for 10, 25
floodplain delineation. and 50 years return period is in Figure 16.

Fig. 14: Water Surface TIN Generated from Bounding Polygon.

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

(a) (b)
Fig. 15: (a) Flood Map and Depth for 2 years Storm Flow for the Study Area, (b) Flood Map and
Depth for 100 years Storm Flow for the Study Area.

(a) (b)

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Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management
Volume 6, Issue 3
ISSN: 2349-4336

Fig. 16: (a) Flood Map and Depth for 10 years Storm Flow for the Study Area,
(b) Flood Map and Depth for 25 years Storm Flow for the Study Area,
(c) Flood Map and Depth for 50 years Storm Flow for the Study Area.

Flood map and depth for 10-, 25-and 50- makes the problem hard. There was not past
years storm flow flood forecasting of the area, Therefore, since
From the Figure 15 of the inundation result for the river accomplices to irrigation scheme at
2 and 100 years storm event, it can be seen that the downstream, this paper can be useful to
the depth of flood inundated for 2 years storm avoid upcoming damage due to such effect.
event ranges from 0 to 5.08 m with maximum
inundated area is 0.87 km2, for 10 years storm The main source of flooding in Jabi Tehnan
event flood depth ranges from 0 to 5.44 m with flood plain is a result of flash flood from
maximum inundated area is 1.08 km2, for 25 rainfall on the upper catchment of the Geray
years storm event flood depth ranges from 0 to River catchment from Finote Selam to the
5.7 m with maximum inundated area is lower reach of the Setein Woreda floodplain. It
1.16 km2, for 50 years of storm event the flood is formed as a result of intensive showers, and
depth ranges from 0 to 5.87 m with maximum steep slope of the areas’ topography.
inundated area is 1.23 km2and finally for 100
years of return period of storm flow the flood This study presents a systematic approach in
depth ranges 0 to 6 m with maximum area the preparation of flood mapping with the
inundated is 1.29 km2. Most flooding extents application of steady flow models and ArcGIS.
are severing with 100 years and 50 years of The major tools/models used in this method are
storm events. This is due to the amount of one-dimensional numerical model HEC-RAS
flood flow. and ArcGIS for spatial data processing and
HEC-GeoRAS for interfacing between HEC-
Flooding around Jabi Tehnan Woreda causes
considerable damage to life and property. The automated floodplain mapping and
Large coverage of the area with cultivated land analysis using these tools provide more

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Floodplain Inundation Modeling & Mapping for Geray River Bezabeh and Tesfaye

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