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of CSE Matrusri Engineering College


Sl.No. Topic Page no.
1. Department Vision and Mission 3
2. Course Description 3
3. Course Overview 3
4. Course Pre-requisites 4
5. Marks Distribution 4
6. POs and PSOs 4
7. Course outcomes (COs) 5
8. CO mapping with POs and PSOs 5
9. Syllabus, Textbooks and Reference Books 5
10. Gaps in syllabus 6
11. Course plan/Lesson Plan 6
12. Lecture Notes 10
Unit-I 11
Unit-II 38
Unit-III 69
Unit-IV 95
Unit-V 119
13. Unit wise Question Bank 135
a. Short answer questions
b. Long answer questions
14. Previous University Question papers 139
15. Internal Question Papers with Key 148
16. Unit wise Assignment Questions 147
17. Content Beyond Syllabus 152
18. Methodology used to identify Weak and bright
 Support extended to weak students 154
 Efforts to engage bright students 154

1 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

I, the undersigned, have completed the course allotted to me as shown below,
Sl.No. Semester Name of the Subject Course ID Total Units
1 VII Information Security PC 703 CS V

Date: 19.8.2020 Prepared by

Academic Year: 2020-21 1. Mrs M.Priyanka.

Verifying authority:
1. Head of the Department: …………………………………..


2 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College


Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059.
(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Osmania University)



The Computer Science and Engineering Department aims to produce competent professionals with strong
analytical skills, technical skills, research aptitude and ethical values.


 To provide hands-on-experience and problem-solving skills by imparting quality education.

 To conduct skill-development programmes in emerging technologies to serve the needs of industry, society
and scientific community.
 To promote comprehensive education and professional development for effective teaching-learning
 To impart project management skills with an attitude for life-long learning with ethical values.


Information Security
Course Title
PC 703 CS
Course Code

Programme Bachelor of Engineering

Semester VII

Course Type Core

Regulation NIL

Theory Practical

Course Structure Lectures Tutorials Credits Laboratory Credits

3 1 3 NA NA

Course Faculty
Mrs Priyanka Madhiraju

Information security plays an important role in protecting the assets of an organization.
This course is to provide students with an overview of information security principles and practices, including
security models, risk management, access controls, intrusion detection and prevention, cryptography,

3 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

software vulnerabilities, and ethical issues. Subsequent courses expand on this foundational material in much
greater depth.This course can be used as pre requisite for information storage and management and this course
will be use full in providing security in Mainstream Cloud and Mobile Adoption and storing the data


Level Course Code Semester Prerequisites Credits

UG PC 502 CS V Data Communications 3

UG PC 604 CS VI Computer Networks 3

& Programming


Subject Total Marks
Examination Examination
Information Security 30 70 100


The students will be able to:

Engineering knowledge: Apply and integrate the knowledge of computing to computer
science and engineering problems.
PO2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate and analyze complex engineering problems using
computer science and engineering knowledge.
PO3 Design/Development of solutions: Design and develop components or processes to
engineering problems as per specification with environmental consideration
PO4 Conduct investigations of complex problems Interpret and integrate information to provide
solutions to real world problems.
PO5 Modern tool usage: Select and apply modern engineering and information technology tools
for complex engineering problems
The engineer and society: Assess and responsible for societal, health, safety, legal and cultural
issues in professional practice.
PO7 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of computing solutions in the context
of societal, environmental and economical development.
PO8 Ethics Commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9 Individual and team work: Function as an individual, as a member or leader in multidisciplinary
PO10 Communication: Acquire effective written and oral communication skills on technical and
general aspects.
Project management and finance: Apply engineering and management principles to manage
projects in multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Identify the need of self-learning and life-long learning in the broad context
of technological evolution.

4 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College


The students will be able to:

PSO1 Familiar with open-ended programming environments to develop software applications.

Apply the knowledge of Computer System Design, Principles of Algorithms and
PSO2 Computer Communications to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.


The course should enable the students to:

CO1 Define the components of an information system and identify the major types of threats

CO2 Identify legal, ethical and professional issues in information security.

Describe standards and practices of information security, and Explain firewall
Define and describe intrusion detection/prevention systems and outline different
cryptographic algorithms.
Outline various aspects of information security and explain information security
management models.


(3 = High; 2 = Medium; 1 = Low )
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2

3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 - - 1 2 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 - - 1 1 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - - 1 2 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - - 1 2 1 2

3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 - - 1 2 1 2

UNIT I- No.of Hrs

5 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

Introduction: History, critical characteristics of information, NSTISSC security model,

Components of an information system, Securing the components, balancing security and 9
access, The SDLC, The security SDLC
Need for Security: Business needs, Threats, Attacks-secure software development

Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues: Law and ethics in information security, relevant
U.S laws-international laws and legal bodies, Ethics and information security 11

Risk Management: Overview, Risk Identification, risk assessment, Risk Control

strategies, selecting a risk control strategy, Quantitative versus qualitative risk control
practices, Risk management discussion points, recommended risk control practices

Planning for Security: Security policy, Standards and practices, Security blue print,
Security education, Continuity strategies.
Security Technology: Firewalls and VPNs: Physical design, firewalls, protecting remote

Security Technology: Intrusion detection, Access control and other security tools:
Intrusion detection and prevention systems, Scanning and analysis tools, Access control
devices. 14
Cryptography: Foundations of cryptology, cipher methods, cryptographic Algorithms,
Cryptographic tools, Protocols for secure communications, Attacks on cryptosystems
Implementing Information Security: information security project management,
technical topics of implementation, Non- technical aspects of implementation, Security
certification and accreditation 11

Security and Personnel: Positioning and staffing security function, Employment

policies and practices, internal control strategies.

Information security Maintenance: Security management models. The maintenance

model, Digital forensics.

1. Michael E. Whitman and Hebert J Mattord, Principles of Information Security, 4th edition Ed.
Cengage Learning 2011
2. Thomas R Peltier, Justing Peltier, John Blackley, Information Security. Fundamentals, Auerbacj
Publications 2010

1 Detmar W Straub, Seymor Goodman, Richard L Baskerville, Information Security. Policy proceses
and practices PHI 2008
2. Marks Merkow and Jim Breithaupt, Information Security. Principle and Practices, Pearson
Education, 2007


Proposed Relevance With Relevance With

S No Description
Actions POs PSOs

6 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

1 There are new education tools Seminar PSO1, PSO2

cropping up outside of the PO1, PO2,
traditional classroom, PO3,PO4, PO5,
designed by ethical hackers PO9,PO12,
for the growing cybersecurity
talent pool.
2 Internet of Everything (IoE), Seminar PO1, PO2, PO3, PSO1, PSO2
which represents an PO4, PO5,
unprecedented opportunity to PO9,PO12,
connect people, processes,
data, and things (Figure 1).
While IoE will create new
operating models that drive
both efficiency and value, it
also become the world’s most
challenging cybersecurity


Lecture OHP/ No. Relevant
Topics to be covered Book/Reference
No. e- of Hrs COs
1. Introduction: BB 1 CO1 T1
2. History, critical characteristics of PPT 1 CO1 T1
3. NSTISSC security model, PPT 1 CO1 T1
Components of an information
4. Securing the components, PPT 1 CO1 T1

5. Balancing security and access, The PPT 1 CO1 T1

6. The security SDLC BB 1 CO1 T1

7. Need for Security: Business needs, BB 1 CO1 T1

8. Threats, Attacks BB 1 CO1 T1

9. Secure software development PPT 1 CO1 T1

10. Legal, Ethical and Professional PPT 2 CO2 T1

Issues: Law and ethics in
information security,
11. Relevant U.S laws PPT 1 CO2 T1

12. International laws and legal bodies PPT 1 CO2 T1

7 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

Lecture OHP/ No. Relevant
Topics to be covered Book/Reference
No. e- of Hrs COs
13. Ethics and information security BB 1 CO2 T1

14. Risk Management: Overview, BB 1 CO2 T1

15. Risk Identification, risk assessment, BB 1 CO2 T1

16. Risk Control strategies, selecting a BB 1 CO2 T1

risk control strategy,
17. Quantitative versus qualitative risk BB 1 CO2 T1
control practices,
18. Risk management discussion points, PPT 1 CO2 T1

19. Recommended risk control practices PPT 1 CO2 T1

20. Planning for Security: Security PPT 1 CO3 T1

21. Standards and practices PPT 1 CO3 T1

22. Security blue print, Security PPT 2 CO3 T1

23. Continuity strategies PPT 1 CO3 T1

24. Security Technology: Firewalls and PPT 1 CO3 T1

25. Physical design, firewalls PPT 2 CO3 T1

26. Protecting remote connections. PPT 1 CO3 T1

27. Security Technology: Intrusion BB 1 CO4 T1

28. Access control and other security BB 1 CO4 T1
29. Intrusion detection and prevention BB 1 CO4 T1
30. Scanning and analysis tools, BB 1 CO4 T1

31. Access control devices. BB 1 CO4 T1

32. Cryptography: Foundations of BB 1 CO4 T1

33. cipher methods, BB 2 CO4 T1

34. cryptographic Algorithms, BB 2 CO4 T1

35. Cryptographic tools, PPT 2 CO4 T1

8 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

Lecture OHP/ No. Relevant
Topics to be covered Book/Reference
No. e- of Hrs COs
36. Protocols for secure BB 1 CO4 T1
37. Attacks on cryptosystems BB 1 CO4 T1

38. Implementing Information BB 1 CO5 T1

Security: information security
project management,
39. Technical topics of implementation, BB 1 CO5 T1

40. Non- technical aspects of BB 1 CO5 T1

41. Security certification and PPT 1 CO5 T1
42. Security and Personnel: PPT 1 CO5 T1
Positioning and staffing security
43. Employment policies and practices, BB 1 CO5 T1

44. Internal control strategies. BB 1 CO5 T1

45. Information security BB 1 CO5 T1

46. Security management models. PPT 1 CO5 T1

47. The maintenance model, PPT 1 CO5 T1

48. Digital forensics PPT 1 CO5 T1

9 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College


10 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

 Julius Caesar-Caesar Cipher c50 B.C., which was created in order to prevent his secret
messages from being, read should a message fall into the wrong hands.

 The end of the 20th century and early years of the 21st century saw rapid advancements in
telecommunications, computing hardware and software, and data encryption.


Information technology is the vehicle that stores and transports information—a company’s
most valuable resource—from one business unit to another. But what happens if the vehicle breaks
down, even for a little while? As businesses have become more fluid, the concept of computer
security has been replaced by the concept of information security.

Because this new concept covers a broader range of issues, from the protection of data to
the protection of human resources, information security is no longer the sole responsibility of a
discrete group of people in the company; rather, it is the responsibility of every employee, and
especially managers.

Organizations must realize that information security funding and planning decisions
involve more than just technical managers: Rather, the process should involve three distinct groups
of decision makers, or communities of interest:

 Information security managers and professionals

 Information technology managers and professionals

 Nontechnical business managers and professionals

These communities of interest fulfill the following roles:
 The information security community protects the organization’s information assets from
the many threats they face.

 The information technology community supports the business objectives of the

organization by supplying and supporting information technology appropriate to the
business’ needs.

 The nontechnical general business community articulates and communicates

organizational policy and objectives and allocates resources to the other groups.


Understanding the technical aspects of information security requires that you know the
definitions of certain information technology terms and concepts. In general, security is defined as

11 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

“the quality or state of being secure—to be free from danger.”

Security is often achieved by means of several strategies usually undertaken

simultaneously or used in combination with one another.

Specialized areas of security

 Physical security, which encompasses strategies to protect people, physical assets, and the
workplace from various threats including fire, unauthorized access, or natural disasters

 Personal security, which overlaps with physical security in the protection of the people
within the organization

 Operations security, which focuses on securing the organization’s ability to carry out its
operational activities without interruption or compromise

 Communications security, which encompasses the protection of an organization’s

communications media, technology, and content, and its ability to use these tools to achieve
the organization’s objectives

 Network security, which addresses the protection of an organization’s data networking

devices, connections, and contents, and the ability to use that network to accomplish the
organization’s data communication functions

 Information security includes the broad areas of information security management,

computer and data security, and network security.

Where it has been used?

 Governments, military, financial institutions, hospitals, and private businesses.

 Protecting confidential information is a business requirement.

1.2.1 Information Security components:

 Confidentiality

 Integrity

 Availability(CIA)

CIA Triangle

The C.I.A. triangle - confidentiality, integrity, and availability - has expanded into a more
comprehensive list of critical characteristics of information. At the heart of the study of information
security is the concept of policy. Policy, awareness, training, education, and technology are vital
concepts for the protection of information and for keeping information systems from danger.

12 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College


 Confidentiality

 Integrity

 Availability

 Privacy
 Identification
 Authentication
 Authorization
 Accountability
 Accuracy

1.3.1 Confidentiality

Confidentiality of information ensures that only those with sufficient privileges may access
certain information. When unauthorized individuals or systems can access information,
confidentiality is breached. To protect the confidentiality of information, a number of measures
are used:

 Information classification
 Secure document storage

13 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

 Application of general security policies

 Education of information custodians and end users

Example, a credit card transaction on the Internet.
 The system attempts to enforce confidentiality by encrypting the card number
during transmission, by limiting the places where it might appear (in data bases, log
files, backups, printed receipts, and so on), and by restricting access to the places
where it is stored.
 Giving out confidential information over the telephone is a breach of confidentiality
if the caller is not authorized to have the information, it could result in a breach of

Integrity is the quality or state of being whole, complete, and uncorrupted. The integrity of
information is threatened when it is exposed to corruption, damage, destruction, or other disruption
of its authentic state. Corruption can occur while information is being compiled, stored, or

 Integrity means that data cannot be modified without authorization.

 Eg: Integrity is violated when an employee deletes important data files, when a computer
virus infects a computer, when an employee is able to modify his own salary in a payroll
database, when an unauthorized user vandalizes a website, when someone is able to cast a
very large number of votes in an online poll, and so on.

1.3.2 Availability

Availability is the characteristic of information that enables user access to information

without interference or obstruction and in a required format. A user in this definition may be either
a person or another computer system. Availability does not imply that the information is accessible
to any user; rather, it means availability to authorized users.

 For any information system to serve its purpose, the information must be available when it
is needed.
 Eg: High availability systems aim to remain available at all times, preventing service
disruptions due to power outages, hardware failures, and system upgrades.


The information that is collected, used, and stored by an organization is to be used only for
the purposes stated to the data owner at the time it was collected. This definition of privacy does
focus on freedom from observation (the meaning usually associated with the word), but rather
means that information will be used only in ways known to the person providing it.


An information system possesses the characteristic of identification when it is able to

recognize individual users. Identification and authentication are essential to establishing the level

14 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

of access or authorization that an individual is granted.


Authentication occurs when a control provides proof that a user possesses the identity that
he or she claims.

 In computing, e-Business and information security it is necessary to ensure that the data,
transactions, communications or documents(electronic or physical) are genuine(i.e. they
have not been forged or fabricated)


After the identity of a user is authenticated, a process called authorization provides

assurance that the user (whether a person or a computer) has been specifically and explicitly
authorized by the proper authority to access, update, or delete the contents of an information asset.


The characteristic of accountability exists when a control provides assurance that every
activity undertaken can be attributed to a named person or automated process. For example, audit
logs that track user activity on an information system provide accountability.
1.3.3 Accuracy

Information should have accuracy. Information has accuracy when it is free from mistakes
or errors and it has the value that the end users expects. If information contains a value different
from the user’s expectations, due to the intentional or unintentional modification of its content, it
is no longer accurate.

Information has value when it serves a particular purpose. This means that if information
is available, but not in a format meaningful to the end user, it is not useful. Thus, the value of
information depends on its utility.


The possession of Information security is the quality or state of having ownership or control
of some object or item.


‘National Security Telecommunications & Information systems security committee’


It is now called the National Training Standard for Information security professionals.

15 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

The NSTISSC Security Model provides a more detailed perspective on security.

While the NSTISSC model covers the three dimensions of information security, it omits
discussion of detailed guidelines and policies that direct the implementation of controls.

Another weakness of using this model with too limited an approach is to view it from a single

 The 3 dimensions of each axis become a 3x3x3 cube with 27 cells representing areas
that must be addressed to secure today’s Information systems.
 To ensure system security, each of the 27 cells must be properly addressed during the
security process.
 For example, the intersection between technology, Integrity & storage areas requires a
control or safeguard that addresses the need to use technology to protect the Integrity
of information while in storage.


 Software
 Hardware
 Data
 People
 Procedures
 Networks

1.5.1 Software

 The software components of IS comprises applications, operating systems, and assorted

command utilities.

16 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

 Software programs are the vessels that carry the lifeblood of information through an
organization. These are often created under the demanding constraints of project
management, which limit time, cost, and manpower.

1.5.2 Hardware

 Hardware is the physical technology that houses and executes the software, stores and
carries the data, and provides interfaces for the entry and removal of information from the

 Physical security policies deal with hardware as a physical asset and with the protection of
these physical assets from harm or theft. Applying the traditional tools of physical
security, such as locks and keys, restricts access to and interaction with the hardware
components of an information system.
 Securing the physical location of computers and the computers themselves is important
because a breach of physical security can result in a loss of information. Unfortunately,
most information systems are built on hardware platforms that cannot guarantee any level
of information security if unrestricted access to the hardware is possible.

1.5.3 Data

 Data stored, processed, and transmitted through a computer system must be protected.
 Data is often the most valuable asset possessed by an organization and is the main target
of intentional attacks.
 The raw, unorganized, discrete(separate, isolated) potentially-useful facts and figures that
are later processed(manipulated) to produce information.

1.5.4 People

There are many roles for people in information systems. Common ones include

 Systems Analyst
 Programmer
 Technician
 Engineer
 Network Manager
 MIS ( Manager of Information Systems )
 Data entry operator

1.5.5 Procedures

A procedure is a series of documented actions taken to achieve something. A procedure is

more than a single simple task. A procedure can be quite complex and involved, such as performing
a backup, shutting down a system, patching software.

1.5.6 Networks

 When information systems are connected to each other to form Local Area Network

17 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

(LANs), and these LANs are connected to other networks such as the Internet, new
security challenges rapidly emerge Steps to provide network security are essential, as is
the implementation of alarm and intrusion systems to make system owners aware of
ongoing compromises.


Protecting the components from potential misuse and abuse by unauthorized users.

 Subject of an attack
Computer is used as an active tool to conduct the attack.
 Object of an attack
Computer itself is the entity being attacked

Two types of attacks:

1. Direct attack
2. Indirect attack


Stolen Information
Hacker request SYSTEM

Hacker using a computer Remote system that

as the subject of attack is the object of an attack

Figure 1.6.1 Attack

1. Direct attack
When a Hacker uses his personal computer to break into a system.[Originate
from the threat itself]

2. Indirect attack
When a system is compromised and used to attack other system.
[Originate from a system or resource that itself has been attacked, and is malfunctioning or
working under the control of a threat].
A computer can, therefore, be both the subject and object of an attack when ,for
example, it is first the object of an attack and then compromised and used to attack other

18 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

systems, at which point it becomes the subject of an attack.


 Has to provide the security and is also feasible to access the information for its
 Information Security cannot be an absolute: it is a process, not a goal.
 Should balance protection and availability.

Approaches to Information Security Implementation

 Bottom- up- approach.

 Top-down-approach
 Has higher probability of success.
 Project is initiated by upper level managers who issue policy & procedures &
 Dictate the goals & expected outcomes of the project.
 Determine who is suitable for each of the required action.


SDLC Waterfall Methodology
SDLC-is a methodology for the design and implementation of an information system in an
 A methodology is a formal approach to solving a problem based on a structured sequence
of procedures.
 SDLC consists of 6 phases.


Logical design

Physical design

19 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College


Repeat Maintenance and


Figure 1.8.1 Systems Development Life Cycle

1.8.1 Investigation

 It is the most important phase and it begins with an examination of the event or plan that
initiates the process.
 During this phase, the objectives, constraints, and scope of the project are specified.
 At the conclusion of this phase, a feasibility analysis is performed, which assesses the
economic, technical and behavioral feasibilities of the process and ensures that
implementation is worth the organization’s time and effort.

1.8.2 Analysis

 It begins with the information gained during the investigation phase.

 It consists of assessments (quality) of the organization, the status of current systems, and
the capability to support the proposed systems.
 Analysts begin by determining what the new system is expected to do, and how it will
interact with existing systems.
 This phase ends with the documentation of the findings and an update of the feasibility

1.8.3 Logical Design

 In this phase, the information gained from the analysis phase is used to begin creating a
systems solution for a business problem.
 Based on the business need, applications are selected that are capable of providing needed
 Based on the applications needed, data support and structures capable of providing the
needed inputs are then chosen.
 In this phase, analysts generate a number of alternative solutions, each with
corresponding strengths and weaknesses, and costs and benefits.
 At the end of this phase, another feasibility analysis is performed.

1.8.4 Physical design

20 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

 In this phase, specific technologies are selected to support the solutions developed in the
logical design.
 The selected components are evaluated based on a make-or-buy decision.
 Final design integrate various components and technologies.

1.8.5 Implementation

 In this phase, any needed software is created.

 Components are ordered, received and tested.
 Afterwards, users are trained and supporting documentation created.
 Once all the components are tested individually, they are installed and tested as a
 Again a feasibility analysis is prepared, and the sponsors are then presented with the
system for a performance review and acceptance test.

1.8.6 Maintenance and change

 It is the longest and most expensive phase of the process.

 It consists of the tasks necessary to support and modify the system for the remainder of
its useful life cycle.
 Periodically, the system is tested for compliance, with business needs.
 Upgrades, updates, and patches are managed.
 As the needs of the organization change, the systems that support the organization must
also change.
 When a current system can no longer support the organization, the project is terminated
and a new project is implemented.


The same phases used in the traditional SDLC can be adapted to support the
implementation of an information security project.

1.9.1 Sec SDLC phases

 This phase begins with a directive from upper management, dictating the process,
outcomes, and goals of the project, as well as its budget and other constraints.
 Frequently, this phase begins with an enterprise information security policy, which
outlines the implementation of a security program within the organization.
 Teams of responsible managers, employees, and contractors are organized.
 Problems are analyzed.
 Scope of the project, as well as specific goals and objectives, and any additional
constraints not covered in the program policy, are defined.
 Finally, an organizational feasibility analysis is performed to determine whether the
organization has the resources and commitment necessary to conduct a successful
security analysis and design.

21 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College


 In this phase, the documents from the investigation phase are studied.
 The developed team conducts a preliminary analysis of existing security policies or
programs, along with that of documented current threats and associated controls.
 The risk management task also begins in this phase.

Risk management is the process of identifying, assessing, and evaluating the levels of risk
facing the organization, specifically the threats to the organization’s security and to the information
stored and processed by the organization.

Logical design

 This phase creates and develops the blueprints for information security, and examines
and implements key policies.
 The team plans the incident response actions.
 Plans business response to disaster.
 Determines feasibility of continuing and outsourcing the project.

Physical design

 In this phase, the information security technology needed to support the blueprint
outlined in the logical design is evaluated.
 Alternative solutions are generated.
 Designs for physical security measures to support the proposed technological solutions
are created.
 At the end of this phase, a feasibility study should determine the readiness of the
organization for the proposed project.
 At this phase, all parties involved have a chance to approve the project before
implementation begins.


 Similar to traditional SDLC

 The security solutions are acquired ( made or bought ), tested, implemented, and tested
 Personnel issues are evaluated and specific training and education programs are
 Finally, the entire tested package is presented to upper management for final approval.

Maintenance and change

 Constant monitoring, testing, modification, updating, and repairing to meet changing

threats have been done in this phase.

1.9.2 Security Professionals and the organization

Senior management

22 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE Matrusri Engineering College

Chief information Officer (CIO) is the responsible for

 Assessment
 Management
 And implementation of information security in the organization

Information Security Project Team

 Champion
- Promotes the project
- Ensures its support, both financially & administratively.
 Team Leader
- Understands project management
- Personnel management
- And information Security technical requirements.
 Security policy developers
- individuals who understand the organizational culture,
- existing policies
- Requirements for developing & implementing successful policies.
 Risk assessment specialists
- Individuals who understand financial risk assessment techniques.
- The value of organizational assets,
- and the security methods to be used.
 Security Professionals
- Dedicated
- Trained, and well educated specialists in all aspects of information security from both a
technical and non technical stand point.
 System Administrators
- Administrating the systems that house the information used by the organization.
 End users
Data Owner
- Responsible for the security and use of a particular set of information.
- Determine the level of data classification
- Work with subordinate managers to oversee the day-to-day administration of the data.
Data Custodians

- Responsible for the storage, maintenance, and protection of the information.

- Overseeing data storage and backups
- Implementing the specific procedures and policies.
Data Users (End users)
- Work with the information to perform their daily jobs supporting the mission of the
- Everyone in the organization is responsible for the security of data, so data users are
included here as individuals with an information security role.

1.9.3 Key Terms in Information Security Terminology

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 Asset
-An asset is the organizational resource that is being protected.
-An Asset can be logical ,such as
 Website, information or data
- Asset can be physical, such as
 person , computer system

 Attack
- An attack is an intentional or unintentional attempt to cause damage to or otherwise
compromise the information and /or the systems that support it. If someone casually reads
sensitive information not intended for his use, this is considered a passive attack. If a
hacker attempts to break into an information system, the attack is considered active.

 Risk
- Risk is the probability that something can happen. In information security, it could be the
probability of a threat to a system.

 Security Blueprint
- It is the plan for the implementation of new security measures in the organization.
Sometimes called a frame work, the blueprint presents an organized approach to the
security planning process.

 Security Model
- A security model is a collection of specific security rules that represents the
implementation of a security policy.

 Threats
- A threat is a category of objects, persons, or other entities that pose a potential danger to
an asset. Threats are always present. Some threats manifest themselves in accidental
occurrences, while others are purposeful. For example, all hackers represent potential
danger or threat to an unprotected information system. Severe storms are also a threat to
buildings and their contents.

 Threat agent
- A threat agent is the specific instance or component of a threat. For example, you can
think of all hackers in the world as a collective threat, and Kevin Mitnick, who was
convicted for hacking into phone systems, as a specific threat agent. Likewise, a specific
lightning strike, hailstorm, or tornado is a threat agent that is part of the threat of severe

 Vulnerability
- Weaknesses or faults in a system or protection mechanism that expose information to
attack or damage are known as vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities that have been examined,
documented, and published are referred to as well-known vulnerabilities.

 Exposure
- The exposure of an information system is a single instance when the system is open to

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damage. Vulnerabilities can cause an exposure to potential damage or attack from a

threat. Total exposure is the degree to which an organization’s assets are at risk of attack
from a threat.


The purpose of information security management is to ensure business continuity and

reduce business damage by preventing and minimizing the impact of security incidents. The Audit
Commission Update report (1998) shows that fraud or cases of IT abuse often occur due to the
absence of basic controls, with one half of all detected frauds found by accident. An Information
Security Management System (ISMS) enables information to be shared, whilst ensuring the
protection of information and computing assets.

At the most practical level, securing the information on your computer means:
 Ensuring that your information remains confidential and only those who should access
that information, can.
 Knowing that no one has been able to change your information, so you can depend on its
accuracy (information integrity).
 Making sure that your information is available when you need it (by making back-up
copies and, if appropriate, storing the back-up copies off-site).


Information security performs four important functions for an organization:

1. Protects the organization’s ability to function

2. Enables the safe operation of applications implemented on the organization’s IT systems.
3. Protects the data the organization collects and uses.
4. Safeguards the technology assets in use at the organization.

1. Protecting the functionality of an organization

 Decision makers in organizations must set policy and operate their organizations in
compliance with the complex, shifting legislation that controls the use of

2. Enabling the safe operation of applications

 Organizations are under immense pressure to acquire and operate integrated,
efficient, and capable applications
 The modern organization needs to create an environment that safeguards
applications using the organization’s IT systems, particularly those applications
that serve as important elements of the infrastructure of the organization.

3. Protecting data that organizations collect & use

 Protecting data in motion

 Protecting data at rest
 Both are critical aspects of information security.

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 The value of data motivates attackers to seal, sabotage, or corrupt it.

 It is essential for the protection of integrity and value of the organization’s data

4. Safeguarding Technology assets in organizations

 Must add secure infrastructure services based on the size and scope of the
 Organizational growth could lead to the need for public key infrastructure,
PKI, an integrated system of software, encryption methodologies.


To protect an organization’s information, you must

1. Know yourself
(i.e) be familiar wit the information to be protected, and the systems that store,
transport and process it.

2. Know the threats you face

To make sound decisions about information security, management must be
informed about the various threats facing the organization, its application, data and information

A threat is an object, person, or other entity, that represents a constant danger to an asset.
1.12.1 Threats to Information Security

Categories of threat Examples

Acts of human error or failure Accidents, employee mistakes
Compromises to intellectual property -- Piracy, copyright infringement

Deliberate acts of espionage or trespass -- Unauthorized access and/or/data collection

Deliberate acts of information extortion -- Blackmail or information disclosure

Deliberate acts of sabotage or vandalism -- Destruction of systems or information

Deliberate acts of theft -- Illegal confiscation of equipment or


Deliberate software attacks -- Viruses, worms, macros, denial-of-service

Forces of nature -- Fire, flood, earthquake, lightning

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Deviations in quality of service -- ISP, power ,or WAN service providers

Technical hardware failures or errors -- Equipment failure

Technical software failures or errors -- Bugs, code problems, unknown loopholes

Technological obsolescence -- Antiquated or outdated technologies

1.12.2 Threats

1. Acts of Human Error or Failure:

 Acts performed without intent or malicious purpose by an authorized user.

 because of in experience ,improper training,
 Making of incorrect assumptions.

One of the greatest threats to an organization’s information security is the organization’s own

 Entry of erroneous data

 accidental deletion or modification of data
 storage of data in unprotected areas.
 Failure to protect information can be prevented with
- Training

- Ongoing awareness activities

-Verification by a second party
- Many military applications have robust, dual- approval controls built in .

2. Compromises to Intellectual Property

 Intellectual Property is defined as the ownership of ideas and control over the tangible
or virtual representation of those ideas.
 Intellectual property includes trade secrets, copyrights, trademarks, and patents.
 Once intellectual property has been defined and properly identified, breaches to IP
constitute a threat to the security of this information.
 Organization purchases or leases the IP of other organizations.
 Most Common IP breach is the unlawful use or duplication of software based intellectual
property more commonly known as software Piracy.
 Software Piracy affects the world economy.
 U.S provides approximately 80% of world’s software.

In addition to the laws surrounding software piracy, two watch dog organizations
investigate allegations of software abuse.

1. Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA)

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(i.e)Software Publishers Association

2. Business Software Alliance (BSA)

 Another effort to combat (take action against) piracy is the online registration

3.Deliberate Acts of Espionage or Trespass

 Electronic and human activities that can breach the confidentiality of information.
 When an unauthorized individual’s gain access to the information an organization is
trying to protect is categorized as act of espionage or trespass.
 Attackers can use many different methods to access the information stored in an
information system.

1. Competitive Intelligence[use web browser to get information from market

2. Industrial espionage(spying)
3. Shoulder Surfing(ATM)


 Can lead to unauthorized real or virtual actions that enable information gatherers to enter
premises or systems they have not been authorized to enter.
 Sound principles of authentication & authorization can help organizations protect
valuable information and systems.
 Hackers-> “People who use and create computer software to gain access to information
 There are generally two skill levels among hackers.
 Expert Hackers-> Masters of several programming languages, networking protocols,
and operating systems .
 Unskilled Hackers

4. Deliberate Acts of information Extortion (obtain by force or threat)

 Possibility of an attacker or trusted insider stealing information from a computer system

and demanding compensation for its return or for an agreement not to disclose the

5. Deliberate Acts of sabotage or Vandalism

 Destroy an asset or
 Damage the image of organization
 Cyber terrorism-Cyber terrorists hack systems to conduct terrorist activities through
network or internet pathways.

6. Deliberate Acts of Theft

 Illegal taking of another’s property-- is a constant problem.

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 Within an organization, property can be physical, electronic, or intellectual.

 Physical theft can be controlled by installation of alarm systems.
 Trained security professionals.
 Electronic theft control is under research.

7. Deliberate Software Attacks

 Because of malicious code or malicious software or sometimes malware.

 These software components are designed to damage, destroy or deny service to the target
 More common instances are
 Virus, Worms, Trojan horses, Logic bombs, Backdoors.
 “The British Internet Service Provider Cloudnine” be the first business “hacked out of

7.1 Virus

 Segments of code that performs malicious actions.

 Virus transmission is at the opening of Email attachment files.
 Macro virus-> Embedded in automatically executing macrocode common in word
processors, spreadsheets and database applications.
 Boot Virus-> infects the key operating files located in the computer’s boot sector.

7.2 Worms

 A worm is a malicious program that replicates itself constantly, without requiring another
program to provide a safe environment for replication.
 Worms can continue replicating themselves until they completely fill available resources,
such as memory, hard drive space, and network bandwidth.
 Eg: MS-Blaster, MyDoom, Netsky, are multifaceted attack worms.
 Once the worm has infected a computer , it can redistribute itself to all e-mail addresses
found on the infected system.
 Furthermore, a worm can deposit copies of itself onto all Web servers that the infected
systems can reach, so that users who subsequently visit those sites become infected.

7.3 Trojan Horses

 Are software programs that hide their true nature and reveal their designed behavior only
when activated.
Trojan horse releases its
Trojan horse Trojan horse is
payload, monitors
arrives via E- activated when
computer activity,
mail or software the software or
installs back door, or
such as free attachment is
transmits information to
games executed.

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Figure 7.2.2 Trojan horse Attack

7.4 Back Door or Trap Door

 A Virus or Worm has a payload that installs a backdoor or trapdoor component in a

system, which allows the attacker to access the system at will with special privileges.

Eg: Back Orifice


 A Polymorphic threat is one that changes its apparent shape over time, making it
undetectable by techniques that look for preconfigured signatures.
 These viruses and Worms actually evolve, changing their size, and appearance to elude
detection by antivirus software programs.

7.5 Virus & Worm Hoaxes

Types of Trojans
 Data Sending Trojans
 Proxy Trojans
 FTP Trojans
 Security software disabler Trojans
 Denial of service attack Trojans(DOS)

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 A program or piece of code that be loaded on to your computer, without your
knowledge and run against your wishes.
 A program or algorithm that replicates itself over a computer network and usually
performs malicious actions.
Trojan Horse

 A destructive program that masquerade on beginning application, unlike viruses,

Trojan horse do not replicate themselves.

Blended threat

 Blended threats combine the characteristics of virus, worm, Trojan horses &
malicious code with server and Internet Vulnerabilities.

Antivirus Program

 A Utility that searches a hard disk for viruses and removes any that found.

7.8 Forces of Nature

 Fire: Structural fire that damages the building. Also encompasses smoke damage
from a fire or water damage from sprinkles systems.
 Flood: Can sometimes be mitigated with flood insurance and/or business
interruption Insurance.
 Earthquake: Can sometimes be mitigated with specific causality insurance
and/or business interruption insurance, but is usually a separate policy.
 Lightning: An Abrupt, discontinuous natural electric discharge in the
 Landslide/Mudslide: The downward sliding of a mass of earth & rocks directly
damaging all parts of the information systems.
 Tornado/Severe Windstorm
 Huricane/typhoon
 Tsunami
 Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)
 Dust Contamination

Since it is not possible to avoid force of nature threats, organizations must implement
controls to limit damage.

 They must also prepare contingency plans for continued operations, such as disaster
recovery plans, business continuity plans, and incident response plans, to limit losses in the
face of these threats.
7.9 Deviations in Quality of Service

 A product or service is not delivered to the organization as expected.

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 The Organization’s information system depends on the successful operation of many

interdependent support systems.
 It includes power grids, telecom networks, parts suppliers, service vendors, and even the
janitorial staff & garbage haulers.
 This degradation of service is a form of availability disruption.
Internet Service Issues
 Internet service Provider(ISP) failures can considerably undermine the availability of
 The web hosting services are usually arranged with an agreement providing minimum
service levels known as a Service level Agreement (SLA).
 When a Service Provider fails to meet SLA, the provider may accrue fines to cover losses
incurred by the client, but these payments seldom cover the losses generated by the outage.
Communications & Other Service Provider Issues

 Other utility services can affect the organizations are telephone, water, waste water, trash
pickup, cable television, natural or propane gas, and custodial services.
 The loss of these services can impair the ability of an organization to function.
 For an example, if the waste water system fails, an organization might be prevented from
allowing employees into the building.
 This would stop normal business operations.

Power Irregularities

 Fluctuations due to power excesses.

 Power shortages &
 Power losses

This can pose problems for organizations that provide inadequately conditioned
power for their information systems equipment.

 When voltage levels spike (experience a momentary increase),or surge ( experience

prolonged increase ), the extra voltage can severely damage or destroy equipment.
 The more expensive uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can protect against spikes and

7.10 Technical Hardware Failures or Errors

 Resulting in unreliable service or lack of availability

 Some errors are terminal, in that they result in unrecoverable loss of equipment.
 Some errors are intermittent, in that they resulting in faults that are not easily repeated.
7.11 Technical software failures or errors

 This category involves threats that come from purchasing software with unknown, hidden
 Large quantities of computer code are written, debugged, published, and sold before all
their bugs are detected and resolved.
 These failures range from bugs to untested failure conditions.

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7.12 Technological obsolescence

 Outdated infrastructure can lead to unreliable and untrustworthy systems.

 Management must recognize that when technology becomes outdated, there is a risk of
loss of data integrity from attacks.


 An attack is an act of or action that takes advantage of a vulnerability to compromise a

controlled system.
 It is accomplished by a threat agent that damages or steals an organization’s information
or physical asset.
 Vulnerability is an identified weakness in a controlled system, where controls are not
present or are no longer effective.
 Attacks exist when a specific act or action comes into play and may cause a potential loss.

1.13.1 Malicious code

 The malicious code attack includes the execution of viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and
active Web scripts with the intent to destroy or steal information.
 The state –of-the-art malicious code attack is the polymorphic or multivector, worm.
 These attack programs use up to six known attack vectors to exploit a variety of
vulnerabilities in commonly found information system devices.

1.13.2 Attack Replication Vectors

1. IP scan & attack

2. Web browsing
3. Virus
4. Unprotected shares
5. Mass mail
6. Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP)
1. IP scan & attack
 The infected system scans a random or local range of IP addresses and targets any of several
vulnerabilities known to hackers.

2. Web browsing
 If the infected system has write access to any Web pages, it makes all Web content files
(.html,.asp,.cgi & others) infectious, so that users who browse to those pages become

3. Virus
 Each infected machine infects certain common executable or script files on all computers
to which it can write with virus code that can cause infection.

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4. Unprotected shares
 Using vulnerabilities in file systems and the way many organizations configure them, the
infected machine copies the viral component to all locations it can reach.

5. Mass Mail
 By sending E-mail infections to addresses found in the address book, the infected machine
infects many users, whose mail -reading programs also automatically run the program &
infect other systems.

6. Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)

 By using the widely known and common passwords that were employed in early versions
of this protocol, the attacking program can gain control of the device. Most vendors have
closed these vulnerabilities with software upgrades.

1.13.3 Examples
 A more devious approach to attacking the computer systems is the transmission of a virus
hoax with a real virus attached.
 Even though these users are trying to avoid infection, they end up sending the attack on
to their co-workers.


 Using a known or previously unknown and newly discovered access mechanism, an

attacker can gain access to a system or network resource through a back door.
 Sometimes these entries are left behind by system designers or maintenance staff, and
thus referred to as trap doors.
 A trap door is hard to detect, because very often the programmer who puts it in place
also makes the access exempt from the usual audit logging features of the system.

Password Crack

 Attempting to reverse calculate a password is often called cracking.

 A password can be hashed using the same algorithm and compared to the hashed
results, If they are same, the password has been cracked.
 The (SAM) Security Account Manager file contains the hashed representation of the
user’s password.

Brute Force

 The application of computing & network resources to try every possible combination of
options of a password is called a Brute force attack.
 This is often an attempt to repeatedly guess passwords to commonly used accounts, it is
sometimes called a password attack.


 It is a technique used to gain unauthorized access to computers, where in the intruder

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sends messages to a computer that has an IP address that indicates that the messages are
coming from a trusted host.

Data: Payload IP source: IP destination:

Original IP packet

From hacker’s system

Data: Payload IP source: IP destination:

Spoofed (modified)
IP packet

Hacker modifies Spoofed packet

source address sent to target
to spoof firewall

Firewall allows packet in, mistaking it for legitimate traffic

Figure IP spoofing

 This is another form of the brute force attack noted above for guessing passwords.
 The dictionary attack narrows the field by selecting specific accounts to attack and
uses a list of commonly used passwords instead of random combinations.

Denial –of- Services(DOS) & Distributed Denial –of- Service(DDOS)

 The attacker sends a large number of connection or information requests to a target.

 This may result in the system crashing, or simply becoming unable to perform ordinary
 DDOS is an attack in which a coordinated stream of requests is launched dagainst a
target from many locations at the same.

Man-in-the –Middle

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 Otherwise called as TCP hijacking attack.

 An attacker monitors packets from the network, modifies them, and inserts them back
into the network.
 This type of attack uses IP spoofing.
 It allows the attacker to change, delete, reroute, add, forge or divert data.
 TCP hijacking session, the spoofing involves the interception of an encryption key

 Spam is unsolicited commercial E-mail.

 It has been used to make malicious code attacks more effective.
 Spam is considered as a trivial nuisance rather than an attack.
 It is the waste of both computer and human resources it causes by the flow of unwanted
Mail Bombing

 Another form of E-mail attack that is also a DOS called a mail bomb.
 Attacker routes large quantities of e-mail to the target.
 The target of the attack receives unmanageably large volumes of unsolicited e-mail.
 By sending large e-mails, attackers can take advantage of poorly configured e-mail
systems on the Internet and trick them into sending many e-mails to an address chosen
by the attacker.
 The target e-mail address is buried under thousands or even millions of unwanted e-


 A sniffer is a program or device that can monitor data traveling over a network.
 Unauthorized sniffers can be extremely dangerous to a network’s security, because they
are virtually impossible to detect and can be inserted almost anywhere.
 Sniffer often works on TCP/IP networks, where they are sometimes called “packet

Social Engineering

 It is the process of using social skills to convince people to reveal access credentials or
other valuable information to the attacker.
 An attacker gets more information by calling others in the company and asserting his/her
authority by mentioning chief’s name.

Buffer Overflow

 A buffer overflow is an application error that occurs when more data is sent to a buffer
than it can handle.
 Attacker can make the target system execute instructions.

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Timing Attack

 Works by exploring the contents of a web browser’s cache.

 These attacks allow a Web designer to create a malicious form of cookie, that is stored on
the client’s system.
 The cookie could allow the designer to collect information on how to access password-
protected sites.

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2.1.1 Law and Ethics in Information Security
Laws are rules that mandate or prohibit certain behavior in society; they are drawn from
ethics, which define socially acceptable behaviors. The key difference between laws and
ethics is that laws carry the sanctions of a governing authority and ethics do not. Ethics in
turn are based on Cultural mores. Types of Law
Civil law
Criminal law
Tort law
Private law
Public law
2.1.2 Relevant U.S. Laws – General
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986
National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996
USA Patriot Act of 2001
Telecommunications Deregulation and Competition Act of 1996
Communications Decency Act (CDA)
Computer Security Act of 1987
The issue of privacy has become one of the hottest topics in information
The ability to collect information on an individual, combine facts from separate sources,
and merge it with other information has resulted in databases of information that were
previously impossible to set up
The aggregation of data from multiple sources permits unethical organizations to build
databases of facts with frightening capabilities
Privacy of Customer Information
Privacy of Customer Information Section of Common Carrier Regulations
Federal Privacy Act of 1974
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986
The Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act Of 1996 (HIPAA) also known as
the Kennedy-Kassebaum Act
The Financial Services Modernization Act or Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999
Table Key U.S Laws of Interest to Information Security Professionals


Telecommunications 1934 Regulates interstate
Communications and
Act of 1934,updated foreign
by Telecommunications.
Deregulation &
Competition Act

38 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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Computer Fraud & Threats to 1986

Abuse Act computers Defines and formalizes laws
to counter threats from
computer related acts and
Computer Federal Agency 1987
Security Information Security Requires all federal
Act of 1987 computer systems that
contain classified
information to have surety
plans in place, and requires
periodic security training
for all individuals who
operate, design, or manage
such systems.
Economic Trade secrets. 1996
Espionage Act of Designed to prevent abuse
1996 of information gained by an
individual working in one
company and employed by
Electronic Cryptography 1986
Communications Also referred to as the
Privacy Act of 1986 Federal Wiretapping Act;
regulates interception and
disclosure of electronic

Federal Privacy Act Privacy 1974 Governs federal agency use

of 1974 of personal information.
Gramm-Leach- Banking 1999
Bliley Act of 1999 Focuses on facilitating
affiliation among banks,
insurance and securities
firms; it has significant
impact on the privacy of
personal information used
by these industries.
Health care privacy 1996
Health Insurance Regulates collection,
Portability and storage, and transmission of
Accountability Act sensitive personal health
care information.

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National Criminal intent 1996

Information Categorized crimes based
Infrastructure on defendant’s authority to
protection Act access computer and
of criminal intent.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Financial Reporting 2002
of 2002 Affects how public
organizations and
accounting firms deal with
corporate governance,
financial disclosure, and the
practice of public
Security and Use and sale of 1999
Freedom through software that uses or Clarifies use of encryption
Encryption Act of enables encryption. for people in the United
1999 states and permits all
persons in the U.S. to buy or
sell any encryption product
and states that the
government cannot require
the use of any kind of key
escrow system for
encryption products.
Terrorism 2001
U.S.A. Patriot Act Defines stiffer penalties for
of 2001 prosecution of terrorist

Export and Espionage Laws

Economic Espionage Act ( EEA) of 1996
Security and Freedom Through Encryption Act of 1997 ( SAFE )

US Copyright Law
Intellectual property is recognized as a protected asset in the US
US copyright law extends this right to the published word, including electronic formats
Fair use of copyrighted materials includes
- the use to support news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and a number of other
related permissions
- the purpose of the use has to be for educational or library purposes, not for
profit, and should not be excessive
Freedom of Information Act of 1966 (FOIA)
The Freedom of Information Act provides any person with the right to request access to
federal agency records or information, not determined to be of national security

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- US Government agencies are required to disclose any requested information on

receipt of a written request
There are exceptions for information that is protected from disclosure, and the Act does
not apply to state or local government agencies or to private businesses or individuals,
although many states have their own version of the FOIA
State & Local Regulations
In addition to the national and international restrictions placed on an organization in the
use of computer technology, each state or locality may have a number of laws and
regulations that impact operations
It is the responsibility of the information security professional to understand state laws and
regulations and insure the organization’s security policies and procedures comply with those laws
and regulations
2.1.3 International Laws and Legal Bodies
Recently the Council of Europe drafted the European Council Cyber-Crime
Convention, designed
- to create an international task force to oversee a range of security functions
associated with Internet activities,
- to standardize technology laws across international borders
It also attempts to improve the effectiveness of international investigations into breaches
of technology law
This convention is well received by advocates of intellectual property rights with its
emphasis on copyright infringement prosecution

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is the US version of an international effort
to reduce the impact of copyright, trademark, and privacy infringement
The European Union Directive 95/46/EC increases protection of individuals with regard to
the processing of personal data and limits the free movement of such data
The United Kingdom has already implemented a version of this directive called the
Database Right
United Nations Charter
To some degree the United Nations Charter provides provisions for information security
during Information Warfare
Information Warfare (IW) involves the use of information technology to conduct offensive
operations as part of an organized and lawful military operation by a sovereign state
IW is a relatively new application of warfare, although the military has been conducting
electronic warfare and counter-warfare operations for decades, jamming, intercepting, and
spoofing enemy communications
Policy Versus Law
Most organizations develop and formalize a body of expectations called policy Policies
function in an organization like laws
For a policy to become enforceable, it must be:
- Distributed to all individuals who are expected to comply with it
- Readily available for employee reference
- Easily understood with multi-language translations and translations for
visually impaired, or literacy-impaired employees

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- Acknowledged by the employee, usually by means of a signed consent form

Only when all conditions are met, does the organization have a reasonable
expectation of effective policy
2.1.4 Ethical Concepts in Information Security
Cultural Differences in Ethical Concepts
Differences in cultures cause problems in determining what is ethical and what is not
Studies of ethical sensitivity to computer use reveal different nationalities have different
Difficulties arise when one nationality’s ethical behavior contradicts that of another
national group
Ethics and Education
Employees must be trained and kept aware of a number of topics related to information
security, not the least of which is the expected behaviors of an ethical employee
This is especially important in areas of information security, as many employees may not
have the formal technical training to understand that their behavior is unethical or even
Proper ethical and legal training is vital to creating an informed, well prepared, and lowrisk
system user
Deterrence to Unethical and Illegal Behavior
Deterrence - preventing an illegal or unethical activity
Laws, policies, and technical controls are all examples of deterrents Laws
and policies only deter if three conditions are present:
- Fear of penalty
- Probability of being caught
Probability of penalty being administered


2.2.1 Definition:
The formal process of identifying and controlling the risks facing an organization is called
risk management. It is the probability of an undesired event causing damage to an asset.
There are three steps
1. Risk Identification- It is the process of examining and documenting the
security posture of an organization’s information technology and the risk it faces
2. Risk Assessment- It is the documentation of the results of risk identification.
3. Risk Control - It is the process of applying controls to reduce the risks to
an organization’s data and information systems.
To keep up with the competition, organizations must design and create safe environments
in which business process and procedures can function.
These environments must maintain Confidentiality & Privacy and assure the integrity of
organizational data-objectives that are met through the application of the principles of risk

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2.2.2 Components of Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk Identification Risk Control

Risk Assessment Selecting Strategy

is the documented result

of the risk identification
process Justifying Controls
Inventorying Assets

Classifying Assets

Identifying Threats &

Figure Components of Risk Management

2.2.3 An Overview of Risk Management

Over 2 ,400 years ago by Chinese General Sun Tzu said
“1.If you know the enemy & know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
2. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
3. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle”
Know Yourself
Identify, Examine & Understand the information systems.
To protect assets, you must understand what they are? How they add value to the
organization, and to which vulnerabilities they are susceptible.
The policies, Education and training programs, and technologies that protect information
must be carefully maintained and administered to ensure that they are still effective.
Know the Enemy
Identifying, Examining & Understanding the threats facing the organization.
The Roles of the Communities of Interest
It is the responsibility of each community of interest to manage the risks that organization
Information Security
Understand the threats and attacks that introduce risk into the organization. Take
a leadership role in addressing risk.
Management & Users

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Management must ensure that sufficient resource are allocated to the information security
& Information technology groups to meet the security needs of the organization. Users
work with the systems and the data and are therefore well positioned to understand the
value of the information assets.
Information Technology
Must build secure systems and operate them safely.
Three communities of interest are also responsible for the following
Evaluating the risk controls.
Determining which control options are cost effective.
Acquiring or installing the needed controls.
Overseeing that the controls remain effective.
2.2.4 Important Risk Factors of information Security are
1. Understand the threats and attacks that introduce risk into the organization.
2. Taking asset inventory.
3. Verify the threats and vulnerabilities that have been identified as dangerous to the
asset inventory, as well as the current controls and mitigation strategies.
4. Review the cost effectiveness of various risk control measures.


IT professionals to know their organization’s information assets through identifying,
classifying and prioritizing them.
Assets are the targets of various threats and threat agents, and the goal is to protect the
assets from the threats.
Once the organizational assets have been identified, a threat identification process is
The circumstances and settings of each information asset are examined to identify
When vulnerabilities are found, controls are identified and assessed as to their capability
to limit possible losses in the eventuality of attack.
The process of Risk Identification begins with the identification of the organization’s
information assets and an assessment of their value. The
Components of this process are shown in figure

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Figure 2.3.1 Components of Risk Identification

2.3.1 Asset Identification & Valuation Includes all the elements of an organization’s system,
such as people, procedures, data and information, software, hardware, and networking
elements. Then, you classify and categorize the assets, adding details. Components of Information System Table Categorization of IT Components

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People include employees and nonemployees. There are two categories of employees:
those who hold trusted roles and have correspondingly greater authority and accountability,
and other staff who have assignments without special privileges. Nonemployees include
contractors and consultants, members of other organizations with which the organization
has a trust relationship, and strangers.
Procedures fall into two categories: IT and business standard procedures, and IT and
business sensitive procedures. The business sensitive procedures are those that may assist
a threat agent in crafting an attack against the organization or that have some other content
or feature that may introduce risk to the organization.
Data Components have been expanded to account for the management of information in
all stages: Transmission, Processing, and Storage.
Software Components can be assigned to one of three categories: Applications, Operating
Systems, or security components. Software Components that provide security controls may

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span the range of operating systems and applications categories, but are differentiated by
the fact that they are the part of the information security control environment and must be
protected more thoroughly than other system components.
Hardware is assigned to one of two categories: the usual systems devices and their
peripherals, and the devices that are part of information security control systems. The latter
must be protected more thoroughly than the former. People, Procedures,& Data Asset Identification
People : Position name/number/ID: Supervisor; Security clearance level; special
skills. Procedures : Description/intended purpose/relationship to software /
hardware and networking elements; storage location for update; storage location for
reference. Data : Classification; owner; Creator; Manager; Size of data
structure; data structure used; online/offline/location/backup procedures employed. Hardware, Software, and Network Asset Identification
Depends on the needs of the organization and its risk management efforts.
Name: Should adopt naming standards that do not convey information to potential system
IP address: Useful for network devices & Servers. Many organizations use the dynamic
host control protocol (DHCP) within TCP/IP that reassigns IP numbers to devices as
needed, making the use of IP numbers as part of the asset identification process
problematic. IP address use in inventory is usually limited to those devices that use static
IP addresses.
Media Access Control (MAC) address: Electronic serial numbers or hardware addresses.
All network interface hardware devices have a unique number. The MAC address number
is used by the network operating system as a means to identify a specific network device.
It is used by the client’s network software to recognize traffic that it must process.
Element Type: Document the function of each Element by listing its type. For hardware,
a list of possible element types, such as servers, desktops, networking devices or test
One server might be listed as
- Device class= S (Server)
- Device OS= W2K ( Windows 2000)
- Device Capacity = AS ( Advanced Server )
Serial Number: For hardware devices, the serial number can uniquely identify a specific
Manufacturer Name: Record the manufacturer of the device or software component. This
can be useful when responding to incidents that involve these devices or when certain
manufacturers announce specific vulnerabilities.
Manufacturer’s Model No or Part No: Record the model or part number of the element.
This record of exactly what the element is can be very useful in later analysis of
vulnerabilities, because some vulnerability instances only apply to specific models of
certain devices and software components.
Software Version, Update revision, or FCO number: Document the specific software
or firmware revision number and, for hardware devices, the current field change order
(FCO) number. An FCO is an authorization issued by an organization for the repair,
modification, or update of a piece of equipment. Documenting the revision number and
FCO is particularly important for networking devices that function mainly through the
software running on them. For example, firewall devices often have three versions: an

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operating system (OS) version, a software version, and a basic input/output system ( BIOS)
firmware version.
Physical location: Note where this element is located physically (Hardware)
Logical Location: Note where this element can be found on the organization’s network.
The logical location is most useful for networking devices and indicates the logical network
where the device is connected.
Controlling Entity: Identify which organizational unit controls the element. Automated Risk Management Tools
Automated tools identify the system elements that make up the hardware, software, &
network components.
Many organizations use automated asset inventory systems.
The inventory listing is usually available in a data base.
Once stored, the inventory listing must be kept current, often by means of a tool that
periodically refreshes the data.
2.3.2 Information Asset Classification
In addition to the categories, it is advisable to add another dimension to represent the
sensitivity & Security priority of the data and the devices that store, transmit & process the
Eg: Kinds of classifications are confidential data, internal data and public data.
2.3.3 Information Asset Valuation
As each asset is assigned to its category, posing a number of questions assists in developing
the weighting criteria to be used for information asset valuation or impact evaluation.
Before beginning the inventory process, the organization should determine which criteria
can best be used to establish the value of the information assets. Among the criteria to be
considered are:
- Which information Asset is the most critical to the success of the
- Which information asset generates the most revenue?
- Which information asset generates the most probability?
- Which Information asset would be the expensive to replace?

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Figure Sample Inventory Worksheet

2.2.5 Data Classification
1. Confidential
2. Internal
3. External
Confidential: Access to information with this classification is strictly on a need-to-know
basis or as required by the terms of a contract.
Internal: Used for all internal information that does not meet the criteria for the
confidential category and is to be viewed only by authorized contractors, and other third
External: All information that has been approved by management for public release.
The military uses five level classifications
1. Unclassified data
2. Sensitive But Unclassified data (SBU)
3. Confidential data
4. Secret data
5. Top Secret data
1. Unclassified data: Information that can generally be distributed to the public
without any threat to U.S. National interests.

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2. Sensitive But Unclassified data (SBU) : Any information of which the loss,
misuse, or unauthorized access to, or modification of might adversely affect U.S. national
interests, the conduct of Department of Defense(DoD) programs, or the privacy of DoD
3. Confidential data: Any information or material the unauthorized disclosure of
which reasonably could be expected to cause damage to the national security.
4. Secret: Any information or material the unauthorized disclosure of which
reasonably could be cause serious damage to the national security.
5. Top Secret Data: Any information or material the unauthorized disclosure of
which reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national

Organization may have

1. Research data
2. Personnel data
3. Customer data
4. General Internal Communications
Some organization may use
1. Public data
2. For office use only
3. Sensitive data
4. Classified data
Public: Information for general public dissemination, such as an advertisement or
public release.
For Official Use Only: Information that is not particularly sensitive, but not for
public release, such as internal communications.
Sensitive: Information important to the business that could embarrass the company
or cause loss of market share if revealed.
Classified: Information of the utmost secrecy to the organization, disclosure of
which could severely impact the well-being of the organization.
Security Clearances
The other side of the data classification scheme is the personnel security clearance
Each user of data must be assigned a single authorization level that indicates the level of
classification he or she is authorized to view.
- Eg: Data entry clerk, development Programmer, Information Security
Analyst, or even CIO.
- Most organizations have a set of roles and the accompanying security
clearances associated with each role.
- Overriding an employee’s security clearance is the fundamental principle
of “need-to-know”.
Management of classified data
Includes its storage, distribution, portability, and destruction.
Military uses color coordinated cover sheets to protect classified information from the
casual observer.
Each classified document should contain the appropriate designation at the top and bottom
of each page.

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A clean desk policy requires that employees secure all information in appropriate storage
containers at the end of each day.
- When Information are no longer valuable, proper care should be taken to destroy
them by means of shredding, burning or transferring to a service offering
authorized document destruction.
Dumpster diving to retrieve information that could embarrass a company or compromise
information security.
2.3.5 Threat Identification
After identifying the information assets, the analysis phase moves on to an examination of
the threats facing the organization.
Identify and Prioritize Threats and Threat Agents
Figure Threats to Information Security
This examination is known as a threat assessment. You can address each threat with a few

basic questions, as follows:

Which threats present a danger to an organization’s assets in the given environment? Which
threats represent the most danger to the organization’s information?
How much would it cost to recover from a successful attack?
Which of the threats would require the greatest expenditure to prevent?
Table Weighted Ranks of Threats to Information Security

Threat Mean Weight

Standard Weighted
Deviation Rank

2.3.6 Vulnerability Identification:

Create a list of Vulnerabilities for each information asset.

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Deliberate software attacks 3.99 1.03 546 2178.3

Forces of Nature 2.80 1.09 218 610.9

Acts of human error or failure 2.25 1.11 350 1101.0

Deliberate acts of theft 3.07 1.30 226 694.5

Technological obsolescence 2.71 1.11 158 427.9

Technical software failures or 2.26 1.13 358 1129.9


Compromises to 2.72 1.21 181 494.8

intellectual property
Groups of people work iteratively in a series of sessions give best result.
At the end of Identification process, you have a list of assets and their vulnerabilities.
Table Vulnerability Assessment of a Hypothetical DMZ Router

Threat Possible Vulnerabilities

Deliberate software attacks Internet protocol is vulnerable to denial

of service.

Acts of human error or failure Employees may cause outage

if configuration errors are made.

Technical software failures or errors Vendor-supplied routing software could

fail and cause an outage.

Technical hardware failures or errors Hardware can fail and cause an outage.

Power system failures are always

Deviations in Quality of service

Deliberate acts of sabotage or Internet protocol is vulnerable to denial

vandalism of service.

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Deliberate acts of theft This information asset has little intrinsic

value, but other assets protected by this
device could be attacked if it is

Technological obsolescence If this asset is not reviewed and

periodically updated, it may fall too far
behind its vendor support model to be
kept in service.

Forces of nature
All information assets in the
organization are subject to forces of
nature, unless suitable controls are

Compromises to intellectual property This information asset has little intrinsic

value, but other assets protected by this
device could be attacked if it is

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Assigns a risk rating or score to each Information asset.
It is useful in gauging the relative risk to each Vulnerable asset.
2.4.1 Valuation of Information assets
Assign weighted scores for the value to the organization of each Information asset.
National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) gives some standards.
To be effective, the values must be assigned by asking he following questions.
Which threats present a danger to an organization’s assets in the given environment?
Which threats represent the most danger to the organization’s Information?
How much would it cost to recover from a successful attack?
Which of the threats would require the greatest expenditure to prevent?
2.4.2 Likelihood
It is the probability of specific vulnerability within an organization will be successfully attacked.
NIST gives some standards.
0.1 = Low 1.0 = High
Eg: Number of network attacks can be forecast based on how many network address the organization
has assigned.
2.4.3 Risk Determination
Risk = [ ( Likelihood of vulnerability occurrence ) X (Value of information Asset )] __ ( % of risk mitigated
by current controls) + uncertainty of current knowledge of the Vulnerability
For the purpose of relative risk assessment, risk equals:
Likelihood of vulnerability occurrence TIMES value (or impact)
MINUS percentage risk already controlled
PLUS an element of uncertainty
Eg: Information Asset A has a value score of 50 & has one vulnerability: Vulnerability 1 has a likelihood of
1.0 with no current controls, estimate that assumptions and data are 90% accurate.
Risk = [(1.0) x 50] – 0 % + 10%
= (50 x 1.0) – ((50 x 1.0)x 0.0) + ( (50 x 1.0) x 0.1)
= 50 – 0 + 5
= 55
2.4.4 Identify Possible Controls ( For Residual Risk)
Residual risk is the risk that remains to the information asset even after the existing control has been
Three general categories of controls
1. Policies
2. Programs
3. Technologies
1. Policies
General Security Policy
Program Security Policy
Issue Specific Policy
Systems Specific Policy
2. Programs Education

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3. Security Technologies
Technical Implementation Policies
Access Controls
Specially addresses admission of a user into a trusted area of the organization.
Eg: Computer rooms, Power Rooms.
Combination of policies , Programs, & Technologies
Types of Access controls
Mandatory Access Controls (MACs)
- Give users and data owners limited control over access to information resources.
Nondiscretionary Controls
- Managed by a central authority in the organization; can be based on individual’s role (role-
based controls) or a specified set of assigned tasks (task-based controls)
Discretionary Access Controls ( DAC)
- Implemented at discretion or option of the data user
Lattice-based Access Control
- Variation of MAC - users are assigned matrix of authorizations for particular areas of
2.4.5 Documenting the Results of Risk Assessment
By the end of the Risk Assessment process, you probably have a collection of long lists of information
assets with data about each of them.
The goal of this process is to identify the information assets that have specific vulnerabilities and list
them, ranked according to those most needing protection. You should also have collected some
information about the controls that are already in place. The final summarized document is the ranked
vulnerability risk worksheet, a sample of which is shown in the following table.
Table Ranked vulnerability risk worksheet

Asset Vulnerability Risk Rating Factor

Asset Impact Vulnerability
or Relative Likelihood

55 0.2 11
Customer Service Request E-mail disruption
via e-mail(inbound) due to hardware

100 0.1 10
Customer order via SSL - Lost orders due to
(inbound) Web server
hardware failure

100 0.1 10
Customer order via SSL - Lost orders due to
(inbound) Web server or ISP
service failure

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55 0.1 5.5
Customer Service Request E-mail disruption
via e-mail(inbound) due to SMTP mail
relay attack

55 0.1 5.5
Customer Service Request E-mail disruption
via e-mail(inbound) due to ISP service

100 0.025 2.5

Customer order via SSL - Lost orders due to
(inbound) Web server denialof-
service attack

100 0.01 1
Customer order via SSL Lost orders due to
(inbound)SSL-Secure Web server software
Sockets Layer Failure


Four basic strategies to control each of the risks that result from these vulnerabilities.
1. Apply safeguards that eliminate the remaining uncontrolled risks for the vulnerability [
Avoidance ]
2. Transfer the risk to other areas (or) to outside entities[transference]
3. Reduce the impact should the vulnerability be exploited[Mitigation]
4. Understand the consequences and accept the risk without control
or mitigation[Acceptance]
2.5.1 Avoidance
It is the risk control strategy that attempts to prevent the exploitation of the vulnerability, and is
accomplished by means of
1. Countering threats
2. Removing Vulnerabilities in assets
3. Limiting access to assets 4. Adding protective safeguards.
Three common methods of risk avoidance are
1. Application of policy
2. Application of Training & Education
3. Application of Technology
2.5.2 Transference
Transference is the control approach that attempts to shift the risk to other assets, other processes, or
other organizations.
It may be accomplished through rethinking how services are offered, revising deployment models,
outsourcing to other organizations, purchasing Insurance, Implementing Service contracts with
Top 10 Information Security mistakes made by individuals.
1. Passwords on Post-it-Notes
2. Leaving unattended computers on.

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3. Opening e-mail attachments from strangers.

4. Poor Password etiquette
5. Laptops on the loose (unsecured laptops that are easily stolen)
6. Blabber mouths ( People who talk about passwords)
7. Plug & Play[Technology that enables hardware devices to be installed and configured
without the protection provided by people who perform installations] 8. Unreported Security
9. Always behind the times.
10. Not watching for dangers inside the organization
2.5.3 Mitigation
It is the control approach that attempts to reduce the impact caused by the exploitation of vulnerability
through planning & preparation.
Mitigation begins with the early detection that an attack is in progress and the ability of the
organization to respond quickly, efficiently and effectively. Includes 3 types of plans.
1. Incident response plan (IRP) -Actions to take while incident is in progress
2. Disaster recovery plan (DRP) - Most common mitigation procedure.
3. Business continuity plan (BCP) - Continuation of business activities if catastrophic event
1. Incident Response Plan (IRP)
This IRP Plan provides answers to questions such as
1. What do I do now?
2. What should the administrator do first?
3. Whom should they contact?
4. What should they document?
2.The IRP Supplies answers.
For example, a system’s administrator may notice that someone is copying information from the
server without authorization, signaling violation of policy by a potential hacker or an unauthorized
The IRP also enables the organization to take coordinated action that is either predefined and specific
or ad hoc and reactive.
3.Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)
Can include strategies to limit losses before and during the disaster.
Include all preparations for the recovery process, strategies to limit losses during the disaster, and
detailed steps to follow when the smoke clears, the dust settles, or the floodwater recede.
DRP focuses more on preparations completed before and actions taken after the incident, whereas the
IRP focuses on intelligence gathering, information analysis, coordinated decision making, and urgent,
concrete actions.
4.Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
BCP is the most strategic and long term of the three plans.
It encompasses the continuation of business activities if a catastrophic event occurs, such as the loss
of an entire database, building or operations center.
The BCP includes planning the steps necessary to ensure the continuation of the organization when
the scope or scale of a disaster exceeds the ability of the DRP to restore operations.
Many companies offer this service as a contingency against disastrous events such as fires. Floods,
earthquakes, and most natural disasters.
2.5.4 Acceptance

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It is the choice to do nothing to protect a vulnerability and do accept the outcome of its exploitation.
This strategy occurs when the organization has:
- Determined the level of risk.
- Assessed the probability of attack.
- Estimated the potential damage that could occur from attacks.
- Performed a thorough cost benefit analysis.
- Evaluated controls using each appropriate type of feasibility.
- Decided that the particular function, service, information, or asset did not justify the cost
of protection.
2.5.5 Selecting a Risk Control Strategy
Level of threat and value of asset play major role in selection of strategy Rules of thumb
on strategy selection can be applied:
- When vulnerability (flaw or weakness) exists: Implement security controls to reduce the
likelihood of a vulnerability being exercised.
- When vulnerability can be exploited: Apply layered protections, architectural designs, and
administrative controls to minimize the risk.
- When the attacker’s cost is less than his potential gain: Apply protections to increase the
attacker’s cost.

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- When potential loss is substantial: Apply design principles, architectural designs, and
technical and non-technical protections to limit the extent of the attack, thereby reducing
the potential for loss.

2.5.6 Evaluation, Assessment & Maintenance of Risk Controls

Once a control strategy has been implemented, it should be monitored, & measured on an ongoing
basis to determine the effectiveness of the security controls and the accuracy of the estimate of the
Residual risk

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There is no exit from this cycle; it is a process that continues for as long as the organization continues
to function.

Figure Risk Control Cycle

Categories of Controls
Controlling risk through avoidance, Mitigation or Transference may be accomplished by
implementing controls or safeguards.
Four ways to categorize controls have been identified.
Control function
Preventive or detective
Architectural layer
One or more layers of technical architecture
Strategy layer
Avoidance, mitigation …
Information security principle
Control Function
Safeguards designed to defend systems are either preventive or detective.

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Preventive controls stop attempts to exploit a vulnerability by implementing a security principle, such
as authentication, or Confidentiality.
Preventive controls use a technical procedure, such as encryption, or some combination of technical
means and enforcement methods.
Detective controls – warn organizations of violations of security principles, organizational
policies, or attempts to exploit vulnerabilities.
Detective controls use techniques such as audit trails, intrusion detection and configuration
Architectural Layer
Controls apply to one or more layers of an organization’s technical architecture. The following entities
are commonly regarded as distinct layers in an organization’s
Information architecture.
1. Organizational policy.
2. External Networks.
3. Extranets ( or demilitarized zones )
4. Intranets ( WANs and LANs )
5. Network devices that interface network zones.(Switches, Routers, firewalls and hubs)
6. Systems [ Mainframe, Server, desktop]
7. Applications.
Strategy Layer
Controls are sometimes classified by the risk control strategy they operate within:
1. Avoidance
2. Mitigation
3. transference
Characteristics of Secure Information
1. Confidentiality
2. Integrity
3. Availability
4. Authentication 5. Authorization
6. Accountability
7. Privacy
Confidentiality: The control assures the confidentiality of data when it is stored, processed, or transmitted.
An example of this type of control is the use of Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL ) encryption technology to secure
Web content as it moves from Web server to browser.
Integrity: The control assures that the information asset properly, completely, and correctly receives,
processes, stores, and retrieves data in a consistent and correct manner .Ex: Use of parity or cyclical
redundancy checks in data transmission protocols.
Availability: The control assures ongoing access to critical information assets. Ex: Deployment of a network
operations center using a sophisticated network monitoring toolset.
Authentication: The control assures that the entity (person or computer) accessing information assets is in
fact the stated entity. Ex: The use of cryptographic certificates to establish SSL connections, or the use of
cryptographic hardware tokens such as SecurID cards as a second authentication of identity.
Authorization: The control assures that a user has been specifically and explicitly authorized to access,
update, or delete the contents of an information asset. Ex: Use of access control lists and authorization groups
in the Windows networking environment. Another example is the use of a database authorization scheme to
verify the designated users for each function.

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Accountability: The control assures that every activity undertaken can be attributed to a specific named
person or automated process. Ex: Use of audit logs to track when each user logged in and logged out of each
Privacy: The control assures that the procedures to access, update, or remove personally identifiable
information comply with the applicable laws and policies for that kind of information.
2.5.7 Feasibility Studies
Before deciding on the strategy (Avoidance, transference, mitigation, or acceptance), for a specific
vulnerability, all the economic and non-economic consequences of the vulnerability facing the
information asset must be explored.
Cost Avoidance- It is the process of avoiding the financial impact of an incident by implementing a
control. Includes
1. Cost Benefit analysis
2. Organizational feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility
4. Technical Feasibility
5. Political feasibility.
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)
Organizations are urged to begin the cost benefit analysis by evaluating the worth of the information
assets to be protected and the loss in value if those information assets were compromised by the
exploitation of a specific vulnerability.
The formal process to document this decision making process is called a Cost Benefit analysis or an
economic feasibility study.
Cost Benefit Analysis or an Economic Feasibility study
Some of the items that affect the cost of a control or safeguard include:
1. Cost of development or acquisition [purchase cost] of hardware, software and services.
2. Training Fees(cost to train personnel)
3. Cost of Implementation[Cost to install, Configure, and test hardware, software and services]
4. service Costs[Vendor fees for maintenance and upgrades]
5. Cost of maintenance[Labor expense to verify and continually test, maintain and update]
Benefit is the value that an organization realizes by using controls to prevent losses associated with a
specific vulnerability.
Amount of benefit = Value of the Information asset and Value at risk.
Asset Valuation is the process of assigning financial value or worth to each information asset.
Some of the components of asset valuation include:
1. Value retained from the cost of creating the information asset.
2. Value retained from past maintenance of the information asset.
3. Value implied by the cost of replacing the information.
4. Value from providing the information.
5. Value incurred from the cost of protecting the information.
6. Value to owners.
7. Value of intellectual property.
8. Value to adversaries.
9. Loss of Productivity while the information assets are unavoidable.
10. Loss of revenue while information assets are unavailable.
The organization must be able to place a dollar value on each collection of information and the
information assets it owns. This value is based on the answers to these questions:

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- How much did it cost to create or acquire this information?

- How much would it cost to recreate or recover this information?
- How much does it cost to maintain this information?
- How much is this information worth to the organization?
- How much is this information worth to the competition?
A Single loss expectancy (SLE) is the calculation of the value associated with the most likely loss
from an attack. It is a calculation based on the value of the asset and the exposure factor (EF), which
is the expected percentage of loss that would occur from a particular attack, as follows:
Single Loss Expectancy (SLE) = Asset value x Exposure factor [ EF ]
EF Expected percentage of loss that would occur from a particular attack.
The probability of threat occurring is usually a loosely derived table indicating the probability of an
attack from each threat type within a given time frame (for example, once every 10 years). This value
is commonly referred to as the annualized rate of occurrence (ARO)
The expected value of a loss can be stated in the following equation:
Annualized loss Expectancy (ALE) which is calculated from the ARO and SLE.
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)Formula
CBA is whether or not the control alternative being evaluated is worth the associated cost incurred to
control the specific vulnerability.
The CBA is most easily calculated using the ALE from earlier assessments before the implementation
of the proposed control, which is known as ALE (prior).
Subtract the revised ALE, estimated based on control being in place, known as ALE (post). Complete
the calculation by subtracting the annualized cost of the safeguard ( ACS ).
CBA = ALE (Prior) - ALE (Post) - ACS
ALE prior is the Annualized Loss Expectancy of the risk before the implementation of the control.
ALE post is the ALE examined after the control has been in place for a period of time. ACS is the
Annual Cost of the Safeguard.
2.5.8 Bench Marking
An alternative approach to risk management
Process of seeking out and studying the practices used in other organizations that produce results
you would like to duplicate in your organization. One of two measures typically used to compare
Metrics-based measures
Process-based measures
Good for potential legal protection.
Metrics-based measures are comparisons based on numerical standards, such as:
1. Numbers of successful attacks.
2. Staff-hours spent on systems protection.
3. Dollars spent on protection.
4. Numbers of Security Personnel.
5. Estimated value in dollars of the information lost in successful attacks.
6. Loss in productivity hours associated with successful attacks.
The difference between an organization’s measures and those of others is often referred to as a
performance gap. The other measures commonly used in benchmarking are process-based measures.

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Process-based measures are generally less focused on numbers and more strategic than metrics-
Due Care/Due Diligence
When organizations adopt levels of security for a legal defense, they may need to show that they have
done what any prudent organization would do in similar circumstances this is referred to as a standard
of due care
Due diligence is the demonstration that the organization is diligent in ensuring that the implemented
standards continue to provide the required level of protection
Failure to support a standard of due care or due diligence can open an organization to legal liability
Best Business Practices
Security efforts that provide a superior level of protection of information are referred to as best
business practices
Best security practices (BSPs) are security efforts that are among the best in the industry When
considering best practices for adoption in your organization, consider the following:
– Does your organization resemble the identified target?
– Are the resources you can expend similar?
– Are you in a similar threat environment?
Microsoft’s Ten Immutable Laws of Security
1. If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your computer, it’s not your computer anymore
2. If a bad guy can alter the operating system on your computer, it’s not your computer anymore
3. If a bad guy has unrestricted physical access to your computer, it’s not your computer anymore
4. If you allow a bad guy to upload programs to your web site, it’s not your web site anymore
5. Weak passwords trump strong security
6. A machine is only as secure as the administrator is trustworthy
7. Encrypted data is only as secure as the decryption key
8. An out of date virus scanner is only marginally better than no virus scanner at all
9. Absolute anonymity isn't practical, in real life or on the web
10. Technology is not a panacea
The biggest problem with benchmarking in information security is that organizations don’t talk to
each other.
Another problem with benchmarking is that no two organizations are identical A third
problem is that best practices are a moving target.
One last issue to consider is that simply knowing what was going on a few years ago, as in
benchmarking, doesn’t necessarily tell us what.
Baselining is the analysis of measures against established standards,
In information security, baselining is comparing security activities and events against the
organization’s future performance.
When baselining it is useful to have a guide to the overall process
Feasibility Studies and the Cost Benefit analysis
Before deciding on the strategy for a specific vulnerability all information about the economic and
non-economic consequences of the vulnerability facing the information asset must be explored.
Fundamentally we are asking “What are the actual and perceived advantages of implementing a
control contrasted with the actual and perceived disadvantages of implementing the control?”
Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)

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The most common approach for a project of information Security controls and safeguards is the
economic feasibility of implementation.
Begins by evaluating the worth of information assets are compromised.
It is only common sense that an organization should not spend more to protect an asset than it is
The formal process to document this is called a cost benefit analysis or an economic feasibility study.
CBA: Cost Factors
Some of the items that the cost of a control or safeguard include:
Cost of Development or Acquisition
Training Fees
Cost of implementation.
Service Costs
Cost of Maintenance
CBA: Benefits
Benefit is the value that the organization recognizes by using controls to prevent losses associated
with a specific vulnerability.
This is usually determined by valuing the information asset or assets exposed by the vulnerability and
then determining how much of that value is at risk.
CBA: Asset Valuation
Asset Valuation is the process of assigning financial value or worth to each information asset.
The valuation of assets involves estimation of real and perceived costs associated with the design,
development, installation, maintenance, protection, recovery, and defense against market loss and
These estimates are calculated for each set of information bearing systems or information assets.
There are many components to asset valuation.
CBA: Loss Estimates
Once the worth of various assets is estimated examine the potential loss that could occur from the
exploitation of vulnerability or a threat occurrence.
This process results in the estimate of potential loss per risk. The questions
that must be asked here include:
What damage could occur, and what financial impact would it have?
What would it cost to recover from the attack, in addition to the costs above? What is the
single loss expectancy for each risk?
Organizational Feasibility
Organizational Feasibility examines how well the proposed information security alternatives will
contribute to the efficiency, effectiveness, and overall operation of an organization.
Above and beyond the impact on the bottom line, the organization must determine how the proposed
alternatives contribute to the business objectives of the organization.
Operational feasibility
Addresses user acceptance and support, management acceptance and support, and the overall
requirements of the organization’s stake holders.
Sometimes known as behavioral feasibility, because it measures the behavior of users. One of the
fundamental principles of systems development is obtaining user buy in on a project and one of the
most common methods for obtaining user acceptance and support is through user involvement
obtained through three simple steps:
- Communicate

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- Educate
- Involve
Technical Feasibility
The project team must also consider the technical feasibilities associated with the design,
implementation, and management of controls.
Examines whether or not the organization has or can acquire the technology necessary to implement
and support the control alternatives.
Political feasibility
For some organizations, the most significant feasibility evaluated may be political
Within Organizations, political feasibility defines what can and cannot occur based on the consensus
and relationships between the communities of interest.
The limits placed on an organization’s actions or a behavior by the information security
controls must fit within the realm of the possible before they can be effectively implemented, and that
realm includes the availability of staff resources.
Risk Management Discussion Points
Not every organization has the collective will to manage each vulnerability through the application
of controls
Depending on the willingness to assume risk, each organization must define its risk appetite
Risk appetite defines the quantity and nature of risk that organizations are willing to accept as
they evaluate the tradeoffs between perfect security and unlimited accessibility
Residual Risk
When we have controlled any given vulnerability as much as we can, there is often risk that has not
been completely removed or has not been completely shifted or planned for this remainder is called
residual risk.
To express it another way, “Residual risk is a combined function of
1. A threat less the effect of some threat –reducing safeguards.
2. Vulnerability less the effect of some vulnerability- reducing safeguards.
3. an asset less the effect of some asset value-reducing safeguards “

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Documenting Results
At minimum, each information asset-vulnerability pair should have a documented control strategy
that clearly identifies any residual risk remaining after the proposed strategy has been executed.
Some organizations document the outcome of the control strategy for each information asset-
vulnerability pair as an action plan
This action plan includes concrete tasks, each with accountability assigned to an organizational unit
or to an individual
Recommended Practices in Controlling Risk
We must convince budget authorities to spend up to the value of the asset to protect a particular asset
from an identified threat
Each and every control or safeguard implemented will impact more than one threat-asset pair
Qualitative Measures
The spectrum of steps described above was performed with real numbers or best guess estimates of
real numbers-this is known as a quantitative assessment.
However, an organization could determine that it couldn’t put specific numbers on these values.
Fortunately, it is possible to repeat these steps using estimates based on a qualitative assessment.
Instead of using specific numbers, ranges or levels of values can be developed simplifying the process
Delphi Technique
One technique for accurately estimating scales and values is the Delphi Technique.
The Delphi Technique, named for the Oracle at Delphi, is a process whereby a group of individuals
rate or rank a set of information
The individual responses are compiled and then returned to the individuals for another iteration
This process continues until the group is satisfied with the result.

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Unit III

Planning for Security:

To secure its network environment, organization must establish a functional and well-
designed information security program. Information security program begins with creation or
review of organization’s information security policies, standards, and practices. Selection or
creation of information security architecture and development and use of detailed information
security blueprint will create plan for future success. Without policy, blueprints, and planning,
organization’s security needs will not be met. The creation of an information security program
begins with an information security blueprint, and before we can discuss the creation and
development of a blueprint, it is important to look at management’s responsibility in shaping
policy. It is prudent for information security professionals to know the information security
polices and how these policies contribute to the overall objectives of the organization.
Information Security Policy, Standards and Practices

Management from all communities of interest must consider policies as the basis for all
information security planning, design, and deployment.
In general, policies direct how issues should be addressed and technologies used, not cover
the specifics on the proper operation of equipment or software.
Quality security programs begin and end with policy.

As information security is primarily a management rather than technical problem, policy

guides personnel to function in a manner that will add to the security of its information assets.
Security policies are the least expensive control to execute, but the most difficult to
Shaping policy is difficult because it must:

1) Never conflict with laws.

2) Stand up in court, if challenged.

3) Be properly administered, including thorough dissemination, and documentation from

personnel showing they have read the policies.
For a policy to be considered effective and legally enforceable:

1. Dissemination (distribution): organization must be able to demonstrate that relevant

policy has been made readily available for review by all employees.
2. Review (reading): organization must be able to demonstrate that it disseminated
document in intelligible form, including versions for illiterate, non-English reading, and
reading-impaired employees.
3. Comprehension (understanding): organization must be able to demonstrate that
employees understand requirements and content of policy
4. Compliance (agreement): organization must be able to demonstrate that employees
agree to comply with policy through act or affirmation OR ELSE
5. Uniform enforcement: organization must be able to demonstrate policy has been
uniformly enforced

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Types of Law

Civil law comprises a wide variety of laws that govern a nation or state and deal with the
relationships and conflicts between organizational entities and people.
Criminal law addresses activities and conduct harmful to society, and is actively
enforced by the state.
Law can also be categorized as private or public. Private law encompasses family law,
commercial law, and labour law, and regulates the relationship between individuals and
organizations. Public law regulates the structure and administration of government agencies
and their relationships with citizens, employees, and other governments. Public law includes
criminal, administrative, and constitutional law.

1. Policy is set of guidelines or instructions an organization’s senior management

implements to regulate activities of members of organization who make decisions,
take actions, and perform other duties
2. Policies are organizational laws

3. Standards, on the other hand, are more detailed statements of what must be done to
comply with policy
4. Practices, procedures, and guidelines effectively explain how to comply with policy
A policy is
A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to
influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters
Policies are organizational laws

Policies must contain information on what is right, and what is not; what the penalties are for
violating policy, and what the appeal process is
Standards, on the other hand, are more detailed statements of what must be done to
comply with policy
Practices, procedures and guidelines effectively explain how to comply with policy

For a policy to be effective it must be properly disseminated, read, understood and agreed to
by all members of the organization.

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Figure 3 -1 Policies, Standards, & Practices

Security Program Policy

A security program policy (SPP) is also known as a general security policy, IT security
policy, or information security policy. This policy sets the strategic direction, scope, and tone
for all security efforts within the organization. The SPP is an executive-level document,
usually drafted by or with, the CIO of the organization and is usually 2 to 10 pages long.
When the SPP has been developed, the CISO begins forming the security team and initiates
the SecSDLC process.
Management must define three types of security policy, according to the National Institute of
Standards and Technology’s Special Publication 800-14 (a publication that is discussed in
much greater detail later in this chapter):
1. Enterprise information security policies
2. Issue-specific security policies
3. Systems-specific security policies

Enterprise Information Security Policy (EISP)

An enterprise information security policy (EISP) is also known as a general security
policy, organizational security policy, IT security policy, or information security policy.
The EISP is based on and directly supports the mission, vision, and direction of the
organization and sets the strategic direction, scope, and tone for all security efforts.
The EISP is an executive level document, usually drafted by or in cooperation with the chief
information officer of the organization.
This policy is usually two to ten pages long and shapes the philosophy of security in the IT
The EISP usually needs to be modified only when there is a change in the strategic direction of
the organization.
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the EISP typically

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addresses compliance in the following two areas:

1. General compliance to ensure meeting the requirements to establish a program and the
responsibilities assigned therein to various organizational components
2. The use of specified penalties and disciplinary action

EISP Elements Although the specifics of EISPs vary from organization to organization, most
EISP documents should include the following elements:
1. An overview of the corporate philosophy on security
2. Information on the structure of the information security organization and individuals
who fulfil the information security role
3. Fully articulated responsibilities for security that are shared by all members of the
organization (employees, contractors, consultants, partners, and visitors)
4. Fully articulated responsibilities for security that are unique to each role within the
Issue-Specific Security Policy (ISSP)

In general, the issue-specific security policy, or ISSP

(1) addresses specific areas of technology as listed below
(2) requires frequent updates, and
(3) contains a statement on the organization’s position on a specific issue.

An ISSP may cover the following topics, among others:

 E-mail
 Use of the Internet
 Specific minimum configurations of computers to defend against worms and viruses
 Prohibitions against hacking or testing organization security controls
 Home use of company-owned computer equipment
 Use of personal equipment on company networks
 Use of telecommunications technologies (fax and phone)
 Use of photocopy equipment
There are a number of approaches to creating and managing ISSPs within an organization.
Three of the most common are:
Independent ISSP documents, each tailored to a specific issue
The independent ISSP document typically has a scattershot effect. Each department
responsible for a particular application of technology creates a policy governing its use,
management, and control.

A single comprehensive ISSP document covering all issues

The single comprehensive ISSP is centrally managed and controlled. With formal procedures
for the management of ISSPs in place, the comprehensive policy approach establishes
guidelines for overall coverage of necessary issues and clearly identifies processes for the
dissemination, enforcement, and review of these guidelines.

A modular ISSP document that unifies policy creation and administration, while maintaining
each specific issue’s requirements

The optimal balance between the independent and comprehensive ISSP is the modular ISSP.
It is also centrally managed and controlled but is tailored to the individual technology issues.

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Systems-Specific Policy (SysSP):

SysSPs frequently codified as standards and procedures used when configuring or

maintaining systems. While issue-specific policies are formalized as written documents,
distributed to users, and agreed to in writing, SysSPs are frequently codified as standards and
procedures used when configuring or maintaining systems.
Systems-specific policies fall into two groups:

Managerial Guidance SysSPs - created by management to guide implementation and

configuration of technology as well as to regulate behavior of people in the organization
Technical Specifications SysSPs –technical policy or set of configurations to implement
managerial policy
Technical SysSPs are further divided into:

Access control lists (ACLs) consist of access control lists, matrices, and capability tables
governing rights and privileges of a particular user to a particular system
Configuration rule policies comprise specific configuration codes entered into security
systems to guide execution of the system
Policy Management

Policies are living documents that must be managed and nurtured, and are constantly
changing and growing. These documents must be properly disseminated and managed.
Special considerations should be made for organizations undergoing mergers, takeovers and
In order to remain viable, these policies must have:
 an individual responsible for reviews,
 a schedule of reviews,
 a method for making recommendations for reviews, and
 an indication of policy and revision date.
Frameworks and Industry Standards
 With general idea of vulnerabilities in IT systems, security team develops security
blueprint, which is used to implement security program
 Security blueprint is basis for design, selection, implementation of all security
program elements including policy implementation, ongoing policy management, risk
management programs, education and training programs, technological controls, and
maintenance of security program
 Security framework is outline of overall information security strategy and roadmap
for planned changes to the organization’s information security environment
 Number of published information security frameworks, including ones from
government sources
 Because each information security environment is unique, security team may need to
modify or adapt pieces from several frameworks
Benchmarking and Best Practices
 Benchmarking and best practices are reliable methods used by some organizations
to assess security practices
 Possible to gain information by benchmarking and using best practices and thus
work backwards to effective design
 Federal Agency Security Practices Site ( designed to provide best
practices for public agencies and is adapted easily to private organizations

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Baselining and Best Business Practices

 Baselining and best practices are solid methods for collecting security practices,
but can have the drawback of providing less detail for the design and
implementation of all the practices needed by an organization, than would a
complete methodology.
 However, it is possible to gain information by baselining and using best practices,
to piece together the desired outcome of the security process, and thus work
backwards to an effective design.
 The Federal Agency Security Practices Site ( is designed to provide
best practices for public agencies, but can be adapted easily to private institutions.
 The documents found in this site include specific examples of key policies and
planning documents, implementation strategies for key technologies, and outlines
of hiring documents for key security personnel.

Figure 3-4 Spheres of Security

Figure 6-16, showing the sphere of security, is the foundation of the security framework.
Generally speaking, the sphere of security represents the fact that information is under attack
from a variety of sources. The sphere of use, at the left of the figure, illustrates the ways in
which people can directly access information: for example, people read hard copies of
documents; they also access information through systems, such as the electronic storage of
information. Information, as the most important asset to security, is illustrated at the core of
the sphere. Information is always at risk from attacks through the people and computer
systems that have direct access to the information. Networks and the Internet represent
indirect threats, as exemplified by the fact that a person attempting to access information from
the Internet must first go through the local networks and then access systems that contain the
information. The sphere of protection, at the right of the figure, illustrates that between each
layer of the sphere of use there must exist a layer of protection to prevent access to the inner
layer from the outer layer. Each shaded band is a layer of protection and control. For example,
the layer labeled “policy education and training” is located between people and the
information. Controls are also implemented between systems and the information, between
networks and the computer systems, and between the Internet and internal networks. This
reinforces the concept of defense in depth. As illustrated in the sphere of protection portion of

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Figure 6-16, a variety of controls can be used to protect the information. The list in the figure
is not intended to be comprehensive but illustrates individual safeguards that protect the
various systems that are located closer to the center of the sphere. However, as people can
directly access each ring as well as the information at the core of the model, people require
unique approaches to security.
In fact, the resource of people must become a layer of security, a human firewall that protects
the information from unauthorized access and use. The members of the organization must
become a safeguard, which is effectively trained, implemented, and maintained, or else they,
too, become a threat to the information.

Design of Security Architecture

 Defense in depth
– One of the foundations of security architectures is requirement to implement
security in layers
– Requires that the organization establish sufficient security controls and
safeguards so an intruder faces multiple layers of controls
 Security perimeter
– Point at which an organization’s security protection ends and the outside world
– Unfortunately, perimeter does not apply to internal attacks from employee
threats or on-site physical threats
Security Education, Training, and Awareness
 As soon as policies exist, policies to implement security education, training, and
awareness (SETA) should follow
 SETA is a control measure designed to reduce accidental security breaches
 Supplement general education and training programs to educate staff on information
 Security education and training builds on general knowledge that employees must
possess to do their jobs, familiarizing them with the way to do their jobs securely
SETA Elements
 SETA program consists of three elements:
– Security education
– Security training
– Security awareness
 Organization may not be capable or willing to undertake all elements but may
outsource them
The purpose of SETA is to enhance security by:
 Improving awareness of the need to protect system resources
 Developing skills and knowledge so computer users can perform their jobs more
 Building in-depth knowledge, as needed, to design, implement, or operate security
programs for organizations and systems.
Security Education
 Everyone in an organization needs to be trained and aware of information security, but
not every member of the organization needs a formal degree or certificate in
information security
 When formal education for appropriate individuals in security is needed, an employee
can identify curriculum available from local institutions of higher learning or

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continuing education
 A number of universities have formal coursework in information security
– (See, for example,
Security Training
 Involves providing members of the organization with detailed information and hands-
on instruction designed to prepare them to perform their duties securely
 Management of information security can develop customized in-house training or
outsource the training program
Security Awareness
 One of the least frequently implemented but most beneficial programs is the security
awareness program
 Designed to keep information security at forefront of users’ minds
 Need not be complicated or expensive
 If program is not actively implemented, employees begin to ‘tune out,’ and the risk of
employee accidents and failures increases
Continuity Strategies
 Plans for events of this type are referred to in a number of ways:
– Business continuity plans (BCPs)
– Disaster recovery plans (DRPs)
– Incident response plans (IRPs)
– Contingency plans
 Large organizations may have many types of plans and small organizations may have
one simple plan, but most have inadequate planning

Figure 3-9 Contingency Planning Timeline

Contingency Planning Team

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Before any planning can begin, a team has to plan the effort and prepare the resulting
documents Champion - A high-level manager to support, promote, and endorse the findings
of the project
Project Manager - Leads the project and makes sure a sound project planning process is used,
a complete and useful project plan is developed, and project resources are prudently managed
Team Members - Should be the managers or their representatives from the various
communities of interest like Business, IT, and Information Security

Figure 3-10 Major Steps in Contingency Planning

Business Impact Analysis
Begin with business impact analysis (BIA)

If the attack succeeds, what do we do then?

CP team conducts BIA in the following stages:

– Threat attack identification

– Business unit analysis
– Attack success scenarios
– Potential damage assessment
– Subordinate plan classification
Threat Attack Identification and Prioritization
 Update threat list with latest developments and add the attack profile
 Attack profile is the detailed description of activities during an attack
 Must be developed for every serious threat the organization faces
 Used to determine the extent of damage that could result to business unit if attack
were successful

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Table 3-7 Attack Profile

Business Unit Analysis
 Second major task within the BIA is analysis and prioritization of business functions
within the organization
 Identify functional areas of the organization and prioritize them as to which are most
 Focus on prioritized list of various functions that the organization performs
Attack Success Scenario Development
 Next, create series of scenarios depicting the impact a successful attack from each
threat could have on each prioritized functional area with:

– Details on method of attack

– Indicators of attack

– Broad consequences
 Attack success scenario details are added to attack profile, including best, worst, and
most likely outcomes
Potential Damage Assessment
 From previously developed attack success scenarios, BIA planning team must
estimate cost of best, worst, and most likely cases
 Costs include actions of response team
 This final result is referred to as an attack scenario end case
Incident Response Planning
 Incident response planning covers identification of, classification of, and response to
an incident
 Incident is attack against an information asset that poses clear threat to the
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information resources
 Attacks are only classified as incidents if they have the following characteristics:
– Are directed against information assets

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–Have a realistic chance of success

–Could threaten the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information
 IR is more reactive than proactive, with exception of planning and preparation of IR
Incident Planning
 Predefined responses enable organization to react quickly and effectively to detected
 This assumes the organization has an IR team and can detect the incident
 IR team consists of those individuals needed to handle systems as incident takes place
 IR consists of the following four phases:
– Planning

– Detection

– Reaction

– Recovery
Incident or Disaster
 When does an incident become a disaster?
– The organization is unable to mitigate the impact of an incident during the
– The level of damage or destruction is so severe that the organization is unable
to quickly recover
 Difference may be subtle
 Up to the organization to decide which incidents are to be classified as disasters and
thus receive the appropriate level of response
Disaster Recovery Planning
 Disaster recovery planning (DRP) is planning the preparation for and recovery from a
 Contingency planning team must decide which actions constitute disasters and which
constitute incidents
 When situations are classified as disasters, plans change as to how to respond; take
action to secure the system’s most valuable assets to preserve value for the longer
term even at the risk of more disruption in the immediate term
 DRP strives to reestablish operations at the ‘primary’ site
DRP Steps
 There must be a clear establishment of priorities
 There must be a clear delegation of roles and responsibilities
 Someone must initiate the alert roster and notify key personnel
 Someone must be tasked with the documentation of the disaster
 If and only if it is possible, some attempts must be made to mitigate the impact of the
disaster on the operations of the organization
Crisis Management
 Crisis management occurs during and after a disaster and focuses on the people
involved and addressing the viability of the business
 Crisis management team responsible for managing event from enterprise perspective
– Supporting personnel and families during crisis

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– Determining impact on business operations and, if necessary, making disaster

– Keeping public informed

– Communicating with major customers, suppliers, partners, regulatory

agencies, industry organizations, media, other interested parties
Business Continuity Planning
 Business continuity planning outlines reestablishment of critical business operations
during a disaster that impacts operations
 If disaster has rendered the business unusable for continued operations, there must be
a plan to allow the business to continue to function
 BCP is somewhat simpler than an IRP or DRP
 Consists primarily of selecting continuity strategy and integrating off-site data storage
and recovery functions into this strategy


A firewall in an information security program is similar to a building’s firewall in that it

prevents specific types of information from moving between the outside world, known as the
un-trusted network (for example, the Internet), and the inside world, known as the trusted
The firewall may be a separate computer system, a software service running on an
existing router or server, or a separate network containing a number of supporting
devices. Firewalls can be categorized by processing mode, development
Firewalls processing-modes

Firewalls fall into five major processing-mode categories:

1. Packet-filtering firewalls
2. Application gateways
3. Circuit gateways
4. MAC layer firewalls and
5. Hybrids

Packet filtering firewalls examine header information of data packets most often based
on combination of:
a. Internet Protocol (IP) source and destination address

b. Direction (inbound or outbound)

c. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

source and destination port requests
Simple firewall models enforce rules designed to prohibit packets with certain
addresses or partial addresses
Three subsets of packet filtering firewalls:

– Static filtering: requires that filtering rules governing how the firewall decides
which packets are allowed and which are denied are developed and installed
– Dynamic filtering: allows firewall to react to emergent event and update or

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create rules to deal with event

– Stateful inspection: firewalls that keep track of each network connection
between internal and external systems using a state table

Figure 6-2 IP Packet Structure

Figure 6-3 TCP Packet Structure

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Figure 6-4 UDP Datagram Structure

Table 6-1 Sample Firewall Rule and Format

• Application gateways

– Frequently installed on a dedicated computer; also known as a proxy server

– Since proxy server is often placed in unsecured area of the network (e.g.,
DMZ), it is exposed to higher levels of risk from less trusted networks
– Additional filtering routers can be implemented behind the proxy server,
further protecting internal systems
• Circuit gateway firewall

– Operates at transport layer

Like filtering firewalls, do not usually look at data traffic flowing between two
networks, but prevent direct connections between one network and another
– Accomplished by creating tunnels connecting specific processes or systems on
each side of the firewall, and allow only authorized traffic in the tunnels
• MAC layer firewalls

– Designed to operate at the media access control layer of OSI network model

– Able to consider specific host computer’s identity in its filtering decisions

– MAC addresses of specific host computers are linked to access control list
(ACL) entries that identify specific types of packets that can be sent to each
host; all other traffic is blocked

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Figure 6-6 Firewall Types and the OSI Model

• Hybrid firewalls

– Combine elements of other types of firewalls; i.e., elements of packet filtering

and proxy services, or of packet filtering and circuit gateways
– Alternately, may consist of two separate firewall devices; each a separate
firewall system, but connected to work in tandem
• First generation: static packet filtering firewalls

• Second generation: application-level firewalls or proxy servers

• Third generation: stateful inspection firewalls

• Fourth generation: dynamic packet filtering firewalls; allow only packets with
particular source, destination, and port addresses to enter
• Fifth generation: kernel proxies; specialized form working under kernel of Windows

Table 6-2 State Table Entries

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Different Types of Firewall Appliances:

• Most firewalls are appliances: stand-alone, self-contained systems

• Commercial-grade firewall system
• Small office/home office (SOHO) firewall appliances
• Residential-grade firewall software

Figure 6-7 SOHO Firewall Devices

Software vs. Hardware: the SOHO Firewall Debate

• Which firewall type should the residential user implement?

• Where would you rather defend against a hacker?
• With the software option, hacker is inside your computer
• With the hardware device, even if hacker manages to crash firewall system, computer
and information are still safely behind the now disabled connection
Firewall Architectures

• Firewall devices can be configured in a number of network connection architectures

• Best configuration depends on three factors:
– Objectives of the network
– Organization’s ability to develop and implement architectures
– Budget available for function

• Four common architectural implementations of firewalls: packet filtering routers,

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screened host firewalls, dual-homed firewalls, screened subnet firewalls

• Packet filtering routers
– Most organizations with Internet connection have a router serving as interface
to Internet
– Many of these routers can be configured to reject packets that organization
does not allow into network
– Drawbacks include a lack of auditing and strong authentication

Figure 6-5 Packet-Filtering Router

• Screened host firewalls

– Combines packet filtering router with separate, dedicated firewall such as an

application proxy server
– Allows router to prescreen packets to minimize traffic/load on internal proxy

– Separate host is often referred to as bastion host

• Can be rich target for external attacks and should be very thoroughly
• Also known as a sacrificial host

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Figure 6-12 Screened Host Firewall

• Dual-homed host firewalls

– Bastion host contains two network interface cards (NICs): one connected to
external network, one connected to internal network
– Implementation of this architecture often makes use of network address
translation (NAT), creating another barrier to intrusion from external attackers

Table 6-4 Reserved Nonroutable Address Ranges

Figure 6-13 Dual-Homed Host Firewall

• Screened subnet firewall is the dominant architecture used today

• Commonly consists of two or more internal bastion hosts behind packet filtering
router, with each host protecting trusted network:
– Connections from outside (untrusted network) routed through external filtering
– Connections from outside (untrusted network) are routed into and out of
routing firewall to separate network segment known as DMZ
– Connections into trusted internal network allowed only from DMZ bastion
host servers
• Screened subnet performs two functions:

Protects DMZ systems and information from outside threats

Protects the internal networks by limiting how external connections can gain
access to internal systems
• Another facet of DMZs: extranets

• SOCKS servers

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– SOCKS is the protocol for handling TCP traffic via a proxy server
– A proprietary circuit-level proxy server that places special SOCKS client-side
agents on each workstation
– A SOCKS system can require support and management resources beyond
those of traditional firewalls

Figure 6-14 Screened Subnet (DMZ)

Selecting the Right Firewall

• When selecting firewall, consider a number of factors:

– What firewall offers right balance between protection and cost for needs of
– Which features are included in base price and which are not?
– Ease of setup and configuration? How accessible are staff technicians who can
configure the firewall?
– Can firewall adapt to organization’s growing network?

• Second most important issue is cost

Configuring and Managing Firewalls

• Each firewall device must have own set of configuration rules regulating its actions
• Firewall policy configuration is usually complex and difficult
• Configuring firewall policies is both an art and a science
• When security rules conflict with the performance of business, security often loses
• Best practices for firewalls

• All traffic from trusted network is allowed out

• Firewall device never directly accessed from public network
• Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) data allowed to pass through firewall
• Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) data denied
• Telnet access to internal servers should be blocked

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• When Web services offered outside firewall, HTTP traffic should be denied
from reaching internal networks
• Firewall rules
• Operate by examining data packets and performing comparison with
predetermined logical rules
• Logic based on set of guidelines most commonly referred to as firewall rules,
rule base, or firewall logic
• Most firewalls use packet heade r information to determine whether
specific packet should be allowed or denied

Figure 6-15 Example Network Configuration

Table 6-5 Select Well-Known Port Numbers

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Table 6-16 External Filtering Firewall Inbound Interface Rule Set

Note that the rule allowing responses to internal communications comes first (appearing in
Table 6-16 as Rule #1), followed by the four rules prohibiting direct communications to or
from the firewall (Rules #2 through 5 in Table 6-16). After this comes the rule stating that all
outgoing internal communications are allowed, followed by the rules governing access to the
SMTP server and denial of Ping, Telnet access, and access to the HTTP server. If heavy traffic
to the HTTP server is expected, move the HTTP server rule closer to the top (for example, into
the position of Rule #2), which would expedite rule processing for external communications.
The final rule in Table 6-16 denies any other types of communications.

Table 6-17 External Filtering Firewall Outbound Interface Rule Set

Note the similarities and differences in the two rule sets. The internal filtering router/firewall
rule set, shown in Table 6-17, has to both protect against traffic and allow traffic from the
internal network ( Most of the rules in Table 6-17 are similar to those in Table 6-
16: allowing responses to internal communications (Rule #1); denying communications
to/from the firewall itself (Rules #2 through 5); and allowing all outbound internal traffic (Rule
#6). Note that there is no permissible traffic from the DMZ systems, except as in Rule #1. Why
isn’t there a comparable rule for the subnet? Because this is an unrouteable
network, external communications are handled by the NAT server, which maps internal
( addresses to external ( addresses. This prevents a hacker from
compromising one of the internal boxes and accessing the internal network with it. The
exception is the proxy server (Rule #7 in Table 6-17), which should be very carefully
configured. If the organization does not need the proxy server, as in cases where all externally

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accessible services are provided from machines in the DMZ, then Rule #7 is not needed. Note
that there are no Ping and Telnet rules in Table 6-17. This is because the external firewall
filters these external requests out. The last rule, Rule #8, provides cleanup.
Content Filters

• Software filter—not a firewall—that allows administrators to restrict content access

from within network
• Essentially a set of scripts or programs restricting user access to certain networking
protocols/Internet locations
• Primary focus to restrict internal access to external material

• Most common content filters restrict users from accessing non-business Web sites or
deny incoming span
Protecting Remote Connections

• Installing Internetwork connections requires leased lines or other data channels; these
connections are usually secured under requirements of formal service agreement
• When individuals seek to connect to organization’s network, more flexible option
must be provided
• Options such as virtual private networks (VPNs) have become more popular due to
spread of Internet
Remote Access

• Unsecured, dial-up connection points represent a substantial exposure to attack

• Attacker can use device called a war dialer to locate connection points
• War dialer: automatic phone-dialing program that dials every number in a configured
range and records number if modem picks up
• Some technologies (RADIUS systems; TACACS; CHAP password systems) have
improved authentication process
• Dial-Up

• It is a widely held view that these unsecured, dial-up connection points represent a
substantial exposure to attack.
• An attacker who suspects that an organization has dial-up lines can use a device called
a war dialer to locate the connection points.
• A war dialer is an automatic phone-dialing program that dials every number in a
configured range and checks to see if a person, answering machine, or modem picks
• Some technologies, such as RADIUS systems, TACACS, and CHAP password
systems, have improved the authentication process.
• RADIUS, TACACS, and Diameter

• Systems that authenticate user credentials for those trying to access an

organization’s network via dial-up
• Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS): centralizes
management of user authentication system in a central RADIUS server
• Diameter: emerging alternative derived from RADIUS

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• Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS): validates

user’s credentials at centralized server (like RADIUS); based on client/server

Figure 6-16 RADIUS Configuration

• Securing authentication with Kerberos

– Provides secure third-party authentication

– Uses symmetric key encryption to validate individual user to various network
– Keeps database containing private keys of clients/servers
– Consists of three interacting services:
• Authentication server (AS)
• Key Distribution Center (KDC)
• Kerberos ticket granting service (TGS)

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Figure 6-17 Kerberos Login

Figure 6-18 Kerberos Request for Services

• Sesame

– Secure European System for Applications in a Multivendor Environment

(SESAME) is similar to Kerberos
• User is first authenticated to authentication server and receives token

Token then presented to privilege attribute server as proof of identity to
gain privilege attribute certificate
• Uses public key encryption; adds additional and more sophisticated
access control features; more scalable encryption systems; improved
manageability; auditing features; delegation of responsibility for
allowing access
Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)

• Private and secure network connection between systems; uses data communication
capability of unsecured and public network

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• Securely extends organization’s internal network connections to remote locations

beyond trusted network
• Three VPN technologies defined:
– Trusted VPN
– Secure VPN
– Hybrid VPN (combines trusted and secure)

• VPN must accomplish:

– Encapsulation of incoming and outgoing data
– Encryption of incoming and outgoing data
– Authentication of remote computer and (perhaps) remote user as well

• Transport mode

– Data within IP packet is encrypted, but header information is not

– Allows user to establish secure link directly with remote host, encrypting only
data contents of packet
– Two popular uses:
• End-to-end transport of encrypted data
• Remote access worker connects to office network over Internet by
connecting to a VPN server on the perimeter

Figure 6-19 Transport Mode VPN

• Tunnel mode

– Organization establishes two perimeter tunnel servers

– These servers act as encryption points, encrypting all traffic that will traverse
unsecured network
– Primary benefit to this model is that an intercepted packet reveals nothing
about true destination system
– Example of tunnel mode VPN: Microsoft’s Internet Security and Acceleration
(ISA) Server

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Figure 6-20 Tunnel Mode VPN

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Unit IV



• An intrusion occurs when an attacker attempts to gain entry into or disrupt the normal
operations of an information system, almost always with the intent to do harm. Even
when such attacks are self-propagating, as in the case of viruses and distributed
denial-of-service attacks
• Intrusion prevention consists of activities that deter an intrusion.
Three activities to summarize
• Intrusion detection: consists of procedures and systems that identify system
• Intrusion reaction: encompasses the actions an organization takes when an intrusion is
detected. These actions seek to limit the loss from an intrusion and return operations
to a normal state as rapidly as possible.
• Intrusion correction: activities finalize the restoration of operations to a normal state
and seek to identify the source and method of the intrusion in order to ensure that the
same type of attack cannot occur again—thus reinitiating intrusion prevention.
How it works??

• An IDS works like a burglar alarm in that it detects a violation (some system activity
analogous to an opened or broken window) and activates an alarm. This alarm can be
audible and/or visual (producing noise and lights, respectively), or it can be silent (an
e-mail message or pager alert).

• Alert or alarm: An indication that a system has just been attacked or is under attack.
IDPS alerts and alarms take the form of audible signals, e-mail messages, pager
notifications, or pop-up windows.
• Evasion: The process by which attackers change the format and/or timing of their
activities to avoid being detected by the IDPS.
• False attack stimulus: An event that triggers an alarm when no actual attack is in
progress. Scenarios that test the configuration of IDPSs may use false attack stimuli to
determine if the IDPSs can distinguish between these stimuli and real attacks.
• False negative: The failure of an IDPS to react to an actual attack event. This is the
most grievous failure, since the purpose of an IDPS is to detect and respond to
• False positive: An alert or alarm that occurs in the absence of an actual attack. A false
positive can sometimes be produced when an IDPS mistakes normal system activity
for an attack. False positives tend to make users insensitive to alarms and thus reduce
their reactivity to actual intrusion events.
• True attack stimulus: An event that triggers alarms and causes an IDPS to react as if a
real attack is in progress. The event may be an actual attack, in which an attacker is at
work on a system compromise attempt, or it may be a drill, in which security
personnel are using hacker tools to conduct tests of a network segment.
• Tuning: The process of adjusting an IDPS to maximize its efficiency in detecting true
positives, while minimizing both false positives and false negatives.
• Confidence value: The measure of an IDPS’s ability to correctly detect and identify
certain types of attacks. The confidence value an organization places in the IDPS is

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based on experience and past performance measurements. For example, if a system

deemed 90 percent capable of accurately reporting a denial-of-service attack sends a
denial-of-service alert, there is a high probability that an actual attack is occurring.
• Alarm filtering: The process of classifying IDPS alerts so that they can be more
effectively managed. For example, the administrator may set the IDPS to discard
alarms produced by false attack stimuli or normal network operations.
• Alarm clustering and compaction: A process of grouping almost identical alarms that
happen at close to the same time into a single higher-level alarm. This consolidation
reduces the number of alarms generated, thereby reducing administrative overhead,
and also identifies a relationship among multiple alarms.
Why to use an IDPS

• According to the NIST documentation on industry best practices, there are several
compelling reasons to acquire and use an IDPS:
1. To prevent problem behaviours by increasing the perceived risk of discovery and
punishment for those who would attack or otherwise abuse the system
2. To detect attacks and other security violations that are not prevented by other security
3. To detect and deal with the preambles to attacks (commonly experienced as network
probes and other “doorknob rattling” activities)
4. To document the existing threat to an organization
5. To act as quality control for security design and administration, especially in large and
complex enterprises
6. To provide useful information about intrusions that do take place, allowing improved
diagnosis, recovery, and correction of causative factors

According to the NIST 800-94 guide, IPS technologies are differentiated from IDS technologies
by one characteristic:
1. IPS technologies can respond to a detected threat by attempting to prevent it from
succeeding. They use several response techniques, which can be divided into the
following groups:
2. The IPS stops the attack itself. Examples of how this could be done are as follows:
3. Terminate the network connection or user session that is being used for the attack
4. Block access to the target (or possibly other likely targets) from the offending user
account, IP address, or other attacker attribute
5. Block all access to the targeted host, service, application, or other resource.
 The IPS changes the security environment. The IPS could change the
configuration of other security controls to disrupt an attack. Common
examples are reconfiguring a network device (e.g., firewall, router, switch) to
block access from the attacker or to the target and altering a host-based
firewall on a target to block incoming attacks. Some IPSs can even cause
patches to be applied to a host if the IPS detects that the host has
 The IPS changes the attack’s content. Some IPS technologies can remove or
replace malicious portions of an attack to make it benign.
 A simple example is an IPS removing an infected file attachment from an e-
mail and then permitting the cleaned e-mail to reach its recipient.
 A more complex example is an IPS that acts as a proxy and normalizes
incoming requests, which means that the proxy repackages the payloads of the
requests, discarding header information. This might cause certain attacks to be

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discarded as part of the normalization process.

Types of IDPS

• IDPSs operate as network- or host-based systems.

• A network-based IDPS is focused on protecting network information assets.
• Two specialized subtypes of network-based IDPS are the wireless IDPS and the
network behavior analysis (NBA) IDPS.
• The wireless IDPS focuses on wireless networks, as the name indicates, while the
NBA IDPS examines traffic flow on a network in an attempt to recognize abnormal
patterns like DDoS, malware, and policy violations.
• A host-based IDPS protects the server or host’s information assets

Network Based IDPS

• A network-based IDPS (NIDPS) resides on a computer or appliance connected to a

segment of an organization’s network and monitors network traffic on that network
segment, looking for indications of ongoing or successful attacks
• When the NIDPS identifies activity that it is programmed to recognize as an attack, it
responds by sending notifications to administrators.
• When examining incoming packets, an NIDPS looks for patterns within network
traffic such as large collections of related items of a certain type—which could
indicate that a denial-of-service attack is underway—
• or the exchange of a series of related packets in a certain pattern—which could
indicate that a port scan is in progress.
Where is it installed?

• The NIDPS can be deployed to monitor a specific grouping of host computers on a

specific network segment, or it may be installed to monitor all traffic between the
systems that make up an entire network.
• When placed next to a hub, switch, or other key networking device, the NIDPS may
use that device’s monitoring port.
• The monitoring port also known as a switched port analysis (SPAN) port or mirror

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port, is a specially configured connection on a network device that is capable of

viewing all of the traffic that moves through the entire device.
• To determine whether an attack has occurred or is underway, NIDPSs compare
measured activity to known signatures in their knowledge base.
• This is accomplished by means of a special implementation of the TCP/IP stack that
reassembles the packets and applies protocol stack verification, application protocol
verification, or other verification and comparison techniques.

Protocol Stack Verification

• In the process of protocol stack verification, the NIDPSs look for invalid data packets
—that is, packets that are malformed under the rules of the TCP/IP protocol. A data packet is
verified when its configuration matches one that is defined by the various Internet protocols.
• Many types of intrusions, especially DoS and DDoS attacks, rely on the creation of
improperly formed packets to take advantage of weaknesses in the protocol stack in
certain operating systems or applications.

Application Protocol verification

• In application protocol verification, the higher-order protocols (HTTP, FTP, and

Telnet) are examined for unexpected packet behaviour or improper use.
• While the protocol stack verification looks for violations in the protocol packet
structure, the application protocol verification looks for violations in the protocol
packet’s use.
• One example of this kind of attack is DNS cache poisoning, in which valid packets
exploit poorly configured DNS servers to inject false information to corrupt the servers’
answers to routine DNS queries from other systems on the network.
The advantages of NIDPSs

1. Good network design and placement of NIDPS devices can enable an organization to
use a few devices to monitor a large network.
2. NIDPSs are usually passive devices and can be deployed into existing networks with
little or no disruption to normal network operations.
3. NIDPSs are not usually susceptible to direct attack and, in fact, may not be detectable
by attackers.
The disadvantages of NIDPSs

1. A NIDPS can become overwhelmed by network volume and fail to recognize attacks
it might otherwise have detected
2. NIDPSs require access to all traffic to be monitored

3. NIDPSs cannot analyze encrypted packets, making some of the network traffic
invisible to the process.
4. NIDPSs cannot reliably ascertain if an attack was successful or not. This requires the
network administrator to be engaged in an ongoing effort to evaluate the results of the
logs of suspicious network activity.
5. Some forms of attack are not easily discerned by NIDPSs, specifically those
involving fragmented packets. In fact, some NIDPSs are particularly vulnerable to
malformed packets and may become unstable and stop functioning

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Wireless NIDPS

• A wireless IDPS monitors and analyzes wireless network traffic, looking for potential
problems with the wireless protocols (Layers 2 and 3 of the OSI model).
• Wireless IDPS capability can be built into a device that provides a wireless access
• Sensor locations for wireless networks can be located at the access points, on
specialized sensor components, or incorporated into selected mobile stations.
• Centralized management stations collect information from these sensors, much as
other network-based IDPSs do, and aggregate information into a comprehensive
assessment of wireless network intrusions.
• Some issues associated with the implementation of wireless IDPSs include:
1. Physical security: Unlike wired network sensors, which can be physically secured,
many wireless sensors are located in public areas like conference rooms, assembly
areas, and hallways in order to obtain the widest possible network range.
2. Sensor range: A wireless device’s range can be affected by atmospheric conditions,
building construction, and the quality of both the wireless network card and access
3. Sensor range: A wireless device’s range can be affected by atmospheric conditions,
building construction, and the quality of both the wireless network card and access
4. Wired network connections: Wireless network components work independently of the
wired network when sending and receiving between stations and access points.
5. Cost: The more sensors deployed, the more expensive the configuration.

The wireless IDPS can also detect:

• Unauthorized WLANs and WLAN devices

• Poorly secured WLAN devices
• Unusual usage patterns
• The use of wireless network scanners
• Denial of service (DoS) attacks and conditions
• Impersonation and man-in-the-middle attacks

Network Behavior Analysis System

• NBA systems examine network traffic in order to identify problems related to the
flow of traffic.
• They use a version of the anomaly detection method described later in this section to
identify excessive packet flows such as might occur in the case of equipment
malfunction, DoS attacks, virus and worm attacks, and some forms of network policy
• The types of events most commonly detected by NBA sensors include the following:
• DoS attacks (including DDoS attacks)
• Scanning
• Worms
• Unexpected application services (e.g., tunneled protocols, back doors, use of
forbidden application protocols)
• Policy violations

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• NBA sensors offer various intrusion prevention capabilities, including the following
(grouped by sensor type
• Passive only

Ending the current TCP session. A passive NBA sensor can attempt to end an existing
TCP session by sending TCP reset packets to both endpoints
• Inline only

Performing inline firewalling. Most inline NBA sensors offer firewall capabilities that can be
used to drop or reject suspicious network activity.
• Both passive and inline

Reconfiguring other network security devices. Many NBA sensors can instruct network
security devices such as firewalls and routers to reconfigure themselves to block certain
types of activity or route it elsewhere, such as a quarantine virtual local area network
Running a third-party program or script. Some NBA sensors can run an administrator-
specified script or program when certain malicious activity is detected.
Host-Based IDPS

•While a network-based IDPS resides on a network segment and monitors activities

across that segment, a host-based IDPS (HIDPS) resides on a particular computer or
server, known as the host, and monitors activity only on that system.
• HIDPSs are also known as system integrity verifiers because they benchmark and
monitor the status of key system files and detect when an intruder creates, modifies,
or deletes monitored files.
• An HIDPS has an advantage over an NIDPS in that it can access encrypted
information traveling over the network and use it to make decisions about potential or
actual attacks.
The advantages of HIDPSs include:

1. An HIDPS can detect local events on host systems and also detect attacks that may
elude a network-based IDPS.
2. An HIDPS functions on the host system, where encrypted traffic will have been
decrypted and is available for processing.
3. The use of switched network protocols does not affect an HIDPS.

4. An HIDPS can detect inconsistencies in how applications and systems programs were
used by examining the records stored in audit logs. This can enable it to detect some
types of attacks, including Trojan horse programs

The disadvantages of HIDPSs include:

1. HIDPSs pose more management issues because they are configured and managed on
each monitored host. Operating an HIDPS requires more management effort to install,
configure, and operate than does a comparably sized NIDPS solution.
2. An HIDPS is vulnerable both to direct attacks and to attacks against the host
operating system. Either circumstance can result in the compromise and/or loss of
HIDPS functionality.
3. An HIDPS is not optimized to detect multihost scanning, nor is it able to detect the
scanning of non-host network devices, such as routers or switches. Unless complex

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correlation analysis is provided, the HIDPS will not be aware of attacks that span
multiple devices in the network.
4. An HIDPS is susceptible to some denial-of-service attacks.

5. An HIDPS can use large amounts of disk space to retain the host OS audit logs; to
function properly, it may be necessary to add disk capacity to the system.
IDPS Detection Methods

• IDPSs use a variety of detection methods to monitor and evaluate network traffic.
• Three methods dominate:
• the signature-based approach,
• the statistical-anomaly approach, and
• the stateful packet inspection approach.
• Signature-Based IDPS A signature-based IDPS (sometimes called a knowledge-based
IDPS or a misuse-detection IDPS) examines network traffic in search of patterns that
match known signatures—that is, preconfigured, predetermined attack patterns
• Signaturebased IDPS technology is widely used because many attacks have clear and
distinct signatures, for example:
(1) footprinting and fingerprinting activities use ICMP, DNS querying, and e-mail routing
(2) exploits use a specific attack sequence designed to take advantage of a vulnerability to
gain access to a system
(3) DoS and DDoS attacks, during which the attacker tries to prevent the normal usage of a
system, overload the system with requests so that the system’s ability to process them
efficiently is compromised or disrupted
• A potential problem with the signature-based approach is that new attack strategies
must continually be added into the IDPS’s database of signatures; otherwise, attacks
that use new strategies will not be recognized and might succeed.
• Another weakness of the signaturebased method is that a slow, methodical attack
might escape detection if the relevant IDPS attack signature has a shorter time frame.
• The only way a signature-based IDPS can resolve this vulnerability is to collect and
analyze data over longer periods of time
Statistical Anomaly-Based IDPS

• The statistical anomaly-based IDPS (stat IDPS) or behavior-based IDPS collects

statistical summaries by observing traffic that is known to be normal.
• This normal period of evaluation establishes a performance baseline.
• Once the baseline is established, the stat IDPS periodically samples network activity
and, using statistical methods, compares the sampled network activity to this baseline.
• When the measured activity is outside the baseline parameters—exceeding what is
called the clipping level—the IDPS sends an alert to the administrator.
The baseline data can include variables such as host memory or CPU usage, network packet
types, and packet quantities
• The advantage of the statistical anomaly-based approach is that the IDPS can detect
new types of attacks, since it looks for abnormal activity of any type.
• Unfortunately, these systems require much more overhead and processing capacity
than signature-based IDPSs, because they must constantly compare patterns of
activity against the baseline.
• Another drawback is that these systems may not detect minor changes to system
variables and may generate many false positives.
• Because of its complexity and impact on the overhead computing load of the host

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computer as well as the number of false positives it can generate, this type of IDPS is
less commonly used than the signature-based type
Stateful Protocol Analysis IDPS

• stateful inspection firewalls track each network connection between internal and
external systems using a state table to record which station sent which packet and
when, essentially pairing communicating parties.
• An IDPS extension of this concept is stateful protocol analysis.
• “Stateful protocol analysis (SPA) is a process of comparing predetermined profiles of
generally accepted definitions of benign activity for each protocol state against
observed events to identify deviations. Stateful protocol analysis relies on vendor-
developed universal profiles that specify how particular protocols should and should not be
• Essentially, the IDPS knows how a protocol, such as FTP, is supposed to work, and
therefore can detect anomalous behavior.
• This process is sometimes called deep packet inspection because SPA closely
examines packets at the application layer for information that indicates a possible
• Stateful protocol analysis can also examine authentication sessions for suspicious
activity as well as for attacks that incorporate “unexpected sequences of commands,
such as issuing the same command repeatedly or issuing a command without first
issuing a command upon which it is dependent, as well as ‘reasonableness’ for
commands such as minimum and maximum lengths for arguments.”
• Unfortunately, the analytical complexity of session-based assessments is the principal
drawback to this type of IDPS method, which also requires heavy processing
overhead to track multiple simultaneous connections.
• Additionally, unless a protocol violates its fundamental behavior, this IDPS method
may completely fail to detect an intrusion.
• One final issue is that the IDPS may in fact interfere with the normal operations of the
protocol it’s examining, especially with client- and server-differentiated operations.
Log File Monitors

•A log file monitor (LFM) IDPS is similar to a NIDPS.

•Using LFM, the system reviews the log files generated by servers, network devices,
and even other IDPSs, looking for patterns and signatures that may indicate that an
attack or intrusion is in process or has already occurred.
• While an individual host IDPS can only examine the activity in one system, the LFM
is able to look at multiple log files from a number of different systems.
• The patterns that signify an attack can be subtle and difficult to distinguish when one
system is examined in isolation, but they may be more identifiable when the events
recorded for the entire network and each of the systems in it can be viewed as a
Scanning and Analysis Tools

 To maintain secure networks, information security professionals must be prepared to
identify system vulnerabilities, whether by hiring system assessment experts or by
conducting self-assessments using scanning and penetration tools
 Network security vulnerability is defect in product, process, or procedure that, if
exploited, may result in violation of security policy, which in turn might lead to loss of
revenue, loss of information, or loss of value to the organization

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Common Vulnerabilities

Common vulnerabilities fall into two broad classes:

 Defects in software or firmware
 Weaknesses in processes and procedures
Defects in Software or Firmware
 Buffer overruns (or buffer overflows) arise when quantity of input data exceeds size
of available data area (buffer)
 Injection attacks can occur when programmer does not properly validate user input
and allows an attacker to include input that, when passed to a database, can give rise
to SQL injection vulnerabilities
 Network traffic is vulnerable to eavesdropping because a network medium is
essentially an open channel
Vendor Announcements

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Weaknesses in Processes and Procedures

 Just as hazardous as software vulnerabilities
 More difficult to detect and fix because they typically involve the human element
 Often arise when policy is violated or processes and procedures that implement policy
are inadequate or fail
 To ensure security policy is implemented, organizations should hold regular security
awareness training and regularly review policies and their implementation
Scanning and Analysis Tools
 To truly assess risk within computing environment, technical controls must be
deployed using strategy of defense in depth
 Scanners and analysis tools can find vulnerabilities in systems, holes in security
components, and unsecured aspects of the network

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 Scanners, sniffers, and other such vulnerability analysis tools are invaluable because
they enable administrators to see what attackers see
 Scanning tools are typically used as part of an attack protocol
 Attack protocol is a series of steps or processes used by attacker, in logical sequence,
to launch attack against target system or network
 This may begin with a collection of publicly available information about a potential
target, a process known as footprinting
 Attacker uses public Internet data sources to perform searches to identify network
addresses of the organization
 Most important information for footprinting purposes is IP address range
 Another piece of useful information is name, phone number, and e-mail address of the
technical contact
 This research is augmented by browsing the organization’s Web pages since Web
pages usually contain information about internal systems, individuals developing Web
pages, and other tidbits, which can be used for social engineering attacks
 To assist in footprint intelligence collection process, an enhanced Web scanner can be
used that, among other things, can scan entire Web sites for valuable pieces of
information, such as server names and e-mail addresses

 Next phase of attack protocol is data-gathering process called fingerprinting, a

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systematic survey of all of the target organization’s Internet addresses that is

conducted to identify network services offered by hosts in that range
 Fingerprinting reveals useful information about internal structure and operational
nature of the target system or network
Port Scanners
 Port scanning utilities (port scanners) are tools used by both attackers and defenders
to identify computers that are active on a network, as well as ports and services active
on those computers, functions and roles the machines are fulfilling, and other useful
 The more specific the scanner is, the better and more useful the information it
provides is, but a generic, broad-based scanner can help locate and identify rogue
nodes on the network
 Port is a network channel or connection point in a data communications system
 Within TCP/IP, TCP and UDP port numbers differentiate multiple communication
channels used to connect to network services being offered on same device
 In all, there are 65,536 port numbers in use for TCP and another 65,536 port numbers
for UDP
 Ports greater than 1023 typically referred to as ephemeral ports and may be randomly
allocated to server and client processes
Firewall Analysis Tools
 Understanding exactly where organization’s firewall is located and what existing rule
sets do are very important steps for any security administrator
 Several tools that automate remote discovery of firewall rules and assist administrator
(or attacker) in analyzing rules to determine exactly what they allow and what they
 Administrators wary of using same tools attackers use should remember:
 Regardless of the nature of the tool used to validate or analyze firewall’s
configuration, it is the intent of the user that dictates how information gathered
will be used
 To defend a computer or network, it is necessary to understand ways it can be
attacked; thus, a tool that can help close up an open or poorly configured
firewall helps network defender minimize risk from attack
Operating System Detection Tools
 Identifying target computer’s operating system is very valuable to attacker
 Once the operating system is known, it is easy to determine all vulnerabilities to
which it might be susceptible
Vulnerability Scanners
 Passive vulnerability scanner listens in on the network and identifies vulnerable
versions of both server and client software
 Active vulnerability scanners scan networks for highly detailed information by
initiating network traffic in order to identify security holes
– These scanners identify exposed usernames and groups, show open network
shares, and expose configuration problems and other vulnerabilities in servers

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Vulnerability Validation
 Often, an organization requires proof that system is actually vulnerable to certain
 May require such proof to avoid having system administrators attempt to repair
systems that are not broken or because they have not yet built satisfactory relationship
with vulnerability assessment team
 Class of scanners exists that exploit remote machine and allow vulnerability analyst
(penetration tester) to create accounts, modify Web pages, or view data

Packet Sniffers
 Network tool that collects copies of packets from network and analyzes them

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 Sometimes called a network protocol analyzer

 Can provide network administrator with valuable information for diagnosing and
resolving networking issues
 In the wrong hands, sniffer can be used to eavesdrop on network traffic

Wireless Security Tools

 Wireless connection, while convenient, has many potential security holes
 Security professional must assess risk of wireless networks
 Wireless security toolkit should include ability to sniff wireless traffic, scan wireless
hosts, and assess level of privacy or confidentiality afforded on wireless network


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Penetration Testing
 Penetration test involves using all techniques and tools available to attacker in order
to attempt to compromise or penetrate an organization’s defenses
 Penetration testing can be performed by internal group (so called “red teams”) or
outsourced to external organization
 A variable of the penetration test, whether performed internally or outsourced, is
amount of information provided to the red team
 Three categories of testing:
 Black box: red team is given no information whatsoever about the
organization and approaches the organization as external attacker
 Gray box: red team is given some general information about the organization
such as general structure, network address ranges, software and versions
 White box: red team has full information on the organization and its structure
Cryptography Cipher
 Plaintext can be encrypted through bit stream or block cipher method
 Bit stream: each plaintext bit transformed into cipher bit one bit at a time
 Block cipher: message divided into blocks (e.g., sets of 8- or 16-bit blocks) and each
is transformed into encrypted block of cipher bits using algorithm and key
 Cryptosystems typically made up of algorithms, data handling techniques, and
 Substitution cipher: substitute one value for another
 Monoalphabetic substitution: uses only one alphabet
 Polyalphabetic substitution: more advanced; uses two or more alphabets
 Vigenère cipher: advanced cipher type that uses simple polyalphabetic code; made up
of 26 distinct cipher alphabets

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Deciphering using the Vigenere Square

 Using the VS, decipher the following message:

Hint: Use the most basic approach presented in the text. Q:

Is the VS cipher monoalphabetic or polyalphabetic? Q: VS
is an example of a cipher.
 Transposition Cipher
Create cyphertext for the message “Accountants”, using a transposition cipher based a four
letter displacement.
 Transposition cipher: rearranges values within a block to create ciphertext

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 Exclusive OR (XOR): function of Boolean algebra; two bits are compared

 If two bits are identical, result is binary 0
 If two bits not identical, result is binary 1

Perform an XOR cipher on the following bits.

Message 01100001 01100010 01100011
Cypher Key 01111111 01111111 01111111

01100001 = a

01100010 = b

01100011 = c

Message 01100001 01100010 01100011

Key 01111111 01111111 01111111
Cypher text 00011110 00011101 00011100

Hash Functions
 Mathematical algorithms that generate message summary/digest to confirm message
identity and confirm no content has changed
 Hash algorithms: publicly known functions that create hash value
 Use of keys not required; message authentication code (MAC), however, may be
attached to a message
 Used in password verification systems to confirm identity of user

Cryptographic Algorithms
 Often grouped into two broad categories, symmetric and asymmetric; today’s popular
cryptosystems use hybrid combination of symmetric and asymmetric algorithms
 Symmetric and asymmetric algorithms distinguished by types of keys used for
encryption and decryption operations
 Symmetric encryption: uses same “secret key” to encipher and decipher message
 Encryption methods can be extremely efficient, requiring minimal processing
 Both sender and receiver must possess encryption key
 If either copy of key is compromised, an intermediate can decrypt and read

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 Data Encryption Standard (DES): one of most popular symmetric encryption

 64-bit block size; 56-bit key
 Adopted by NIST in 1976 as federal standard for encrypting non-classified
 Triple DES (3DES): created to provide security far beyond DES
 Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): developed to replace both DES and 3DES
Encryption Key Size
 When using ciphers, size of cryptovariable or key is very important
 Strength of many encryption applications and cryptosystems measured by key size
 For cryptosystems, security of encrypted data is not dependent on keeping encrypting
algorithm secret
 Cryptosystem security depends on keeping some or all of elements of
cryptovariable(s) or key(s) secret

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Cryptographic Tools
 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): integrated system of software, encryption
methodologies, protocols, legal agreements, and third-party services enabling users to
communicate securely
 PKI systems based on public-key cryptosystems; include digital certificates and
certificate authorities (CAs)
 PKI protects information assets in several ways:
 Authentication
 Integrity
 Privacy
 Authorization
 Nonrepudiation
Digital Signatures
 Encrypted messages that can be mathematically proven to be authentic
 Created in response to rising need to verify information transferred using electronic
 Asymmetric encryption processes used to create digital signatures
Digital Certificates
 Electronic document containing key value and identifying information about entity
that controls key
 Digital signature attached to certificate’s container file to certify file is from entity it
claims to be from

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Hybrid Cryptography Systems

 Except with digital certificates, pure asymmetric key encryption not widely used
 Asymmetric encryption more often used with symmetric key encryption, creating
hybrid system
 Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange method: most common hybrid system; provided
foundation for subsequent developments in public-key encryption

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 Process of hiding information; in use for a long time
 Most popular modern version hides information within files appearing to contain
digital pictures or other images
 Some applications hide messages in .bmp, .wav, .mp3, and .au files, as well as in
unused space on CDs and DVDs
Protocols for Secure Communications
 Securing Internet Communication with S-HTTP and SSL
 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol: uses public key encryption to secure
channel over public Internet
 Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (S-HTTP): extended version of Hypertext
Transfer Protocol; provides for encryption of individual messages between
client and server across Internet
 S-HTTP is the application of SSL over HTTP; allows encryption of
information passing between computers through protected and secure virtual
 Securing e-mail with S/MIME, PEM, and PGP
 Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME): builds on
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) encoding format by adding
encryption and authentication
 Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM): proposed as standard to function with public-
key cryptosystems; uses 3DES symmetric key encryption
 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP): uses IDEA Cipher for message encoding

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 Securing Web transactions with SET, SSL, and S-HTTP

 Secure Electronic Transactions (SET): developed by MasterCard and VISA in
1997 to provide protection from electronic payment fraud
 Uses DES to encrypt credit card information transfers
 Provides security for both Internet-based credit card transactions and credit
card swipe systems in retail stores
 Securing Wireless Networks with WEP and WPA
 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): early attempt to provide security with the
8002.11 network protocol
 Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): created to resolve issues with WEP
 Next Generation Wireless Protocols: Robust Secure Networks (RSN), AES –
Counter Mode Encapsulation, AES – Offset Codebook Encapsulation
 Bluetooth: de facto industry standard for short range wireless communications
between devices; can be exploited by anyone within approximately 30 foot
range, unless suitable security controls are implemented
 Securing TCP/IP with IPSec
 Internet Protocol Security (IPSec): open source protocol to secure
communications across any IP-based network
 IPSec designed to protect data integrity, user confidentiality, and authenticity
at IP packet level
 IPSec combines several different cryptosystems: Diffie-Hellman; public key
cryptography; bulk encryption algorithms; digital certificates
 In IPSec, IP layer security obtained by use of application header (AH) protocol
or encapsulating security payload (ESP) protocol

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 Securing TCP/IP with PGP

 Pretty Good Privacy (PGP): hybrid cryptosystem designed in 1991 by Phil
 Combined best available cryptographic algorithms to become open source de
facto standard for encryption and authentication of e-mail and file storage
 Freeware and low-cost commercial PGP versions are available for many
 PGP security solution provides six services: authentication by digital
signatures; message encryption; compression; e-mail compatibility;
segmentation; key management

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Attacks on Cryptosystems
 Attempts to gain unauthorized access to secure communications have typically used
brute force attacks (ciphertext attacks)
 Attacker may alternatively conduct known-plaintext attack or selected-plaintext attach
Man-in-the-Middle Attack
 Designed to intercept transmission of public key or insert known key structure in
place of requested public key
 From victim’s perspective, encrypted communication appears to be occurring
normally, but in fact attacker receives each encrypted message, decodes, encrypts, and
sends to originally intended recipient
 Establishment of public keys with digital signatures can prevent traditional man-in-
the-middle attack
Correlation Attacks
 Collection of brute-force methods that attempt to deduce statistical relationships
between structure of unknown key and ciphertext
 Differential and linear cryptanalysis have been used to mount successful attacks
 Only defense is selection of strong cryptosystems, thorough key management, and
strict adherence to best practices of cryptography in frequency of changing keys
Timing Attacks
 Attacker eavesdrops during victim’s session; uses statistical analysis of user’s typing
patterns and inter-keystroke timings to discern sensitive session information
 Can be used to gain information about encryption key and possibly cryptosystem in
 Once encryption successfully broken, attacker may launch a replay attack (an attempt
to resubmit recording of deciphered authentication to gain entry into secure source)
Defending Against Attacks
 No matter how sophisticated encryption and cryptosystems have become, if key is
discovered, message can be determined
 Key management is not so much management of technology but rather management
of people

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Unit - V

Implementing Information Security

• SecSDLC implementation phase accomplished through changing configuration and
operation of organization’s information systems
• Implementation includes changes to procedures, people, hardware, software, and data

• Organization translates blueprint for information security into a concrete project plan

Project Management for Information Security

• Once organization’s vision and objectives are understood, process for creating project
plan can be defined
• Major steps in executing project plan are:
– Planning the project
– Supervising tasks and action steps
– Wrapping up

•Each organization must determine its own project management methodology for IT and
information security projects
Developing the Project Plan

• Creation of project plan can be done using work breakdown structure (WBS)
• Major project tasks in WBS are work to be accomplished; individuals assigned; start and
end dates; amount of effort required; estimated capital and noncapital expenses; and
identification of dependencies between/among tasks
• Each major WBS task further divided into smaller tasks or specific action steps

Project Planning Considerations

•As project plan is developed, adding detail is not always straightforward

•Special considerations include financial; priority; time and schedule; staff;
procurement; organizational feasibility; and training
Financial Considerations

• No matter what information security needs exist, amount of effort that can be
expended depends on funds available
• Cost-benefit analysis must be verified prior to development of project plan
• Both public and private organizations have budgetary constraints, though of a
different nature
• To justify an amount budgeted for a security project at either public or for-profit
organizations, may be useful to benchmark expenses of similar organizations
Priority Considerations

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• In general, most important information security controls should be scheduled first

• Implementation of controls is guided by prioritization of threats and value of
threatened information assets

Procurement Considerations

• IT and information security planners must consider acquisition of goods and services
• Many constraints on selection process for equipment and services in most
organizations, specifically in selection of service vendors or products from
• These constraints may eliminate a technology from realm of possibilities

Organizational Feasibility Considerations

•Policies require time to develop; new technologies require time to be installed,

configured, and tested
• Employees need training on new policies and technology, and how new information
security program affects their working lives
• Changes should be transparent to system users, unless the new technology intended to
change procedures (e.g., requiring additional authentication or verification)
Training and Indoctrination Considerations

• Size of organization and normal conduct of business may preclude a single large
training program on new security procedures/technologies
• Thus, organization should conduct phased-in or pilot approach to implementation

Scope Considerations

•Project scope: concerns boundaries of time and effort-hours needed to deliver planned
features and quality level of project deliverables
• In the case of information security, project plans should not attempt to implement
entire security system at one time
The Need for Project Management

• Project management requires unique set of skills and thorough understanding of a

broad body of specialized knowledge
• Most information security projects require trained project manager (a CISO) or skilled IT
manager versed in project management techniques

Supervising Implementation

• Some organizations may designate champion from general management community of

interest to supervise implementation of information security project plan
• An alternative is to designate senior IT manager or CIO to lead implementation
• Optimal solution is to designate a suitable person from information security
community of interest
• Up to each organization to find most suitable leadership for a successful project

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Executing the Plan

• Negative feedback ensures project progress is measured periodically

• Measured results compared against expected results
• When significant deviation occurs, corrective action taken

• Often, project manager can adjust one of three parameters for task being corrected:
effort and money allocated; scheduling impact; quality or quantity of deliverable
• Negative feedback loop

Project Wrap-up

•Project wrap-up usually handled as procedural task and assigned to mid-level IT or

information security manager
• Collect documentation, finalize status reports, and deliver final report and
presentation at wrap-up meeting
• Goal of wrap-up to resolve any pending issues, critique overall project effort, and
draw conclusions about how to improve process
Technical Topics of Implementation

• Some parts of implementation process are technical in nature, dealing with application of
• Others are not, dealing instead with human interface to technical systems

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Conversion Strategies

• As components of new security system are planned, provisions must be made for
changeover from previous method of performing task to new method
• Four basic approaches

– Direct changeover
– Phased implementation
– Pilot implementation
– Parallel operations

The Bull’s-Eye Model for Information Security Project Planning

• Proven method for prioritizing program of complex change

• Issues addressed from general to specific; focus is on systematic solutions and not
individual problems
• Relies on process of evaluating project plans in progression through four layers:
policies; networks; systems; applications
• The Buul’s-eye Model

To Outsource or Not

• Just as some organizations outsource IT operations, organizations can outsource part or

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all of information security programs

•Due to complex nature of outsourcing, advisable to hire best outsourcing specialists and
retain best attorneys possible to negotiate and verify legal and technical intricacies
Technology Governance and Change Control

•Technology governance: complex process an organization uses to manage impact and

costs from technology implementation, innovation, and obsolescence
• By managing the process of change, organization can improve communication; enhance
coordination; reduce unintended consequences; improve quality of service; and ensure
groups are complying with policies
Nontechnical Aspects of Implementation

•Other parts of implementation process are not technical in nature, dealing with the
human interface to technical systems
• Include creating a culture of change management as well as considerations for
organizations facing change
The Culture of Change Management

• Prospect of change can cause employees to build up resistance to change

• The stress of change can increase the probability of mistakes or create vulnerabilities
• Resistance to change can be lowered by building resilience for change
• Lewin change model: unfreezing; moving; refreezing

Considerations for Organizational Change

• Steps can be taken to make organization more amenable to change:

– Reducing resistance to change from beginning of planning process

– Develop culture that supports change

Reducing Resistance to Change from the Start

• The more ingrained the previous methods and behaviors, the more difficult the change
• Best to improve interaction between affected members of organization and project
planners in early project phases
• Three-step process for project managers: communicate, educate, and involve

Developing a Culture that Supports Change

• Ideal organization fosters resilience to change

• Resilience: organization has come to expect change as a necessary part of
organizational culture, and embracing change is more productive than fighting it
• To develop such a culture, organization must successfully accomplish many projects that
require change
Security and Personnel

 Maintaining a secure environment requires that the InfoSec department be carefully

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structured and staffed with appropriately credentialed personnel

 Proper procedures must be integrated into all human resources activities, including
hiring, training, promotion, and termination practices
Staffing the Security Function
 Selecting an effective mix of information security personnel requires that you
consider a number of criteria
 Some of these criteria are within the control of the organization, and others are not
 Real economy is seldom in a state of equilibrium
 In order to improve the InfoSec staffing discipline :
 The general management community of interest should learn more about the
requirements and qualifications for both information security positions and
relevant IT positions
 Upper management should learn more about information security budgetary and
personnel needs
 The IT and general management communities of interest must grant the
information security function (and CISO) an appropriate level of influence and
 In order to improve the InfoSec staffing discipline (continued):
 Develop an information security organizational staffing plan
 E.g. NIST Information Technology Security Staffing Plan
Information Technology Security Staffing Plan
 The staffing plan can include :
– Security staff functions

•Describe the key areas of influence, functions in each area, required

time to be spent in each area and the amount of staff required to
perform the function in each area
• E.g. areas of influence: audit, physical security, disaster recovery &
contingency planning, procurement, training, personnel, risk
management, telecommunications, helpdesk
 The staffing plan can include (continued) :
– Roles and responsibilities of the security community

• Outline the position and security responsibilities of the individuals who

make up the decision-making segment
• Outline the basic staff roles and responsibilities
• Define the authority and reporting relationships

– Staffing budget

• Security budget allocation for various functions

Qualifications and Requirements
 When hiring information security professionals at all levels, organizations frequently
look for individuals who have the following abilities:
– Understand how organizations are structured and operated
– Recognize that InfoSec is a management task that cannot be handled with

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technology alone

Work well with people in general and communicate effectively using both
strong written and verbal communication skills
– Acknowledge the role of policy in guiding security efforts
– Understand the essential role of information security education and training,
which helps make users part of the solution, rather than part of the problem
 When hiring information security professionals at all levels, organizations frequently
look for individuals who have the following abilities (continued):
– Perceive the threats facing an organization, understand how these threats can
become transformed into attacks, and safeguard the organization from
information security attacks
– Understand how technical controls can be applied to solve specific
information security problems
– Demonstrate familiarity with the mainstream information technologies

Information Security Positions

 Information security positions can be classified into one of three areas: those that
define, those that build, and those that administer
– Definers provide the policies, guidelines, and standards
• The people who do the consulting and the risk assessment, and develop the
product and technical architectures
• Senior people with a broad knowledge, but not a lot of depth
– Builders are the real techies, who create and install security solutions
– The people who operate and administer the security tools, the security
monitoring function, and the people who continuously improve the processes
• This is where all the day-to-day, hard work is done

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Security Technician Qualifications and Position Requirements

 Security technicians are technically qualified individuals who ensure that the security
technology is properly implemented
 The role of security technician is the typical information security entry-level position,
albeit a technical one
 Security technicians often tend to be specialized
 Organizations typically prefer expert, certified, proficient technicians
 Job requirements usually include some level of experience
Security Manager Qualifications and Position Requirements
 Security Manager is accountable for day to day operations of information security
 These individuals require an understanding of the technology administered
 Several types of information security managers exist, and the people who fill these
roles tend to be much more specialized
 It is not uncommon for a security manager to have a CISSP
 These individuals must have experience in traditional business activities
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Qualifications and Position Requirements
 The CISO is considered the top information security officer in the organization
 This individual is the spokesperson for the security team and is responsible for the
overall information security program
 The most common qualification for the CISO is the Certified Information Systems
Security Professional (CISSP)
 A graduate degree in criminal justice, business, technology, or another related field is
usually required as well
Information Security Professional Credentials
 Many organizations rely to some extent on recognizable professional certifications to

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ascertain the level of proficiency possessed by any given candidate

 Many of the certification programs are relatively new, and consequently their precise
value is not fully understood by most hiring organizations
 The certifying bodies work diligently to educate their constituent communities on the
value and qualifications of their certificate recipients
 Employers struggle to match certifications to position requirements, while potential
information security workers try to determine which certification programs will help them in the
job market
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
 The CISSP is considered the most prestigious certification for security managers and
 The CISSP certification recognizes mastery of an internationally recognized common
body of knowledge (CBK) in information security, covering ten domains of information
security knowledge:
– Access control systems and methodology
– Applications and systems development
– Business continuity planning
– Cryptography
– Law, investigation, and ethics
 The CISSP certification recognizes mastery of an internationally recognized common
body of knowledge (CBK) in information security, covering ten domains of information
security knowledge (continued):
– Operations security
– Physical security
– Security architecture and models
– Security management practices
– Telecommunications, network, and Internet security
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Concentrations
 A number of concentrations are available for CISSP’s to demonstrate advanced
knowledge beyond CISSP CBK:
– Information Systems Security Architecture Professional (ISSAP)
– Information Systems Security Engineering Professional (ISSEP)
– Information Systems Security Management Professional Enterprise Security
Management Practices (ISSMP)
Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)
 The SSCP certification is more applicable to the security manager than the technician, as
the bulk of its questions focus on the operational nature of information security
 The SSCP focuses “on practices, roles, and responsibilities as defined by experts from
major IS industries” and covers seven domains:
– Access controls
– Administration
– Audit and monitoring
– Risk, response, and recovery
– Cryptography
– Data communications
– Malicious code/malware

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Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

 The Information Systems Audit and Control Association and Foundation (ISACA)
touts the CISA as being appropriate for auditing, networking, and security
 The exam covers the following areas of information systems auditing:
– The IS audit process
– Management, planning, and organization of IS
– Technical infrastructure and operational practices
– Protection of information assets
– Disaster recovery and business continuity
– Business application system development, acquisition, implementation, and
– Business process evaluation and risk management
Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
 The CISM certification is geared towards experienced information security managers
 The CISM can assure executive management that a candidate is apposite for security
management and consulting
 The CISM exam is offered annually
 The exam covers:
– Information security governance
– Risk management
– Information security program management
– Information security management
– Response management
Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
 The System Administration, Networking and Security Organization (SANS) has
developed a series of technical security certifications known as the GIAC
 The GIAC family of certifications can be pursued independently or combined to earn
a comprehensive certification called GIAC Security Engineer (GSE), at a silver, gold or platinum
Security Certified Program (SCP)
 The SCP offers three tracks: the Security Certified Network Specialist (SCNS), the
Security Certified Network Professional (SCNP), and the Security Certified Network
Architect (SCNA)
 All are designed for the security technician and emphasize technical knowledge; the
latter also includes authentication principles
 The SCNS is the introductory certification and covers Tactical Perimeter Defense
 The SCNP track is the second level of certification and covers Strategic Infrastructure
Security (SIS)
 The SCNA program is the advanced certification and covers Enterprise Security
Solution (ESS) and Advanced Security Implementation (ASI)
 The CompTIA Security+ certification tests for security knowledge mastery of an

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 The exam covers five domains:

– 1.0 General security concepts
– 2.0 Communication security
– 3.0 Infrastructure security
– 4.0 Basics of cryptography
5.1 Operational/Organizational security

Certified Computer Examiner (CCE)

 The CCE certification is a computer forensics certification provided by the
International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners
 This certification has concentrations/endorsements corresponding to various operating
 A CCE who earns three or more of these endorsements qualifies as Master Certified
Computer Examiner (MCE)

Certified Information Forensics Investigator (CIFI)

 The International Information Security Forensics Association is developing the

Certified Information Systems Forensics Investigator certification
 This program will evaluate expertise in the tasks and responsibilities of a security
administrator or security manager
 The body of knowledge includes:
– Countermeasures
– Auditing
– Incident response teams
– Law enforcement and investigation
– Traceback Tools
and techniques
Certification Costs
 Certifications cost money, and the preferred certifications can be expensive
 Given the nature of the knowledge needed to pass the examinations, most experienced
professionals find it difficult to do well without at least some review
 Certifications are designed to recognize experts in their respective fields, and the cost
of certification deters those who might otherwise take the exam just to see if they can pass
 Most examinations require between two and three years of work experience, and they
are often structured to reward candidates who have significant hands-on experience
Preparing for Security Certification

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Employment Policies and Practices

 The general management community of interest should integrate solid information
security concepts across all of the organization’s employment policies and practices
 Security concepts should be associated with hiring, firing or releasing, and
management of human resources
 From an information security perspective, the hiring of employees is laden with
potential security pitfalls
 Information security considerations need to be made a part of the hiring process
 Integrating information security into the hiring process requires that security
considerations are applied to:
 Job Descriptions
 When advertising open positions, omit the elements of the job
description that describe access privileges
 Interviews
 It is advisable to limit the information provided to the candidates on
the access rights of the position
 When an interview includes a site visit, the tour should avoid secure and
restricted sites
 Integrating information security into the hiring process requires that security
considerations are applied to (continued):

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 Security Checks
 A background check should be conducted before the organization
extends an offer to any candidate
 Background checks differ in their levels of detain and depth
Common Background Checks
 Some of the common security background checks include
– Identity checks
– Education and credential checks
– Previous employment verification
– Reference checks
– Worker’s compensation history
– Motor vehicle records
– Drug history
– Medical history
– Credit history
– Civil court history
– Criminal court history
 Integrating information security into the hiring process requires that security
considerations are applied to (continued):
– Contracts and Employment
 Monitoring and nondisclosure agreements must be made a part of the
employment contracts
 Apply “employment contingent upon agreement” where required
– New Hire Orientation
 New employees should receive, as part of their orientation, an
extensive information security briefing

Personnel Security Practices

 The ever present threat associated with personnel is the insider threat
 Insider threats can be either intentional or unintentional
 Unintentional compromise of information from an insider can be due to lack of policy
awareness or failure to adhere to the organizational policies
 Intentional compromise of information from an insider is the bigger of the two threats
 Unintentional information compromise can be handled by incorporating:
 On-the-Job Security Training
 Organizations should conduct periodic security awareness and training
activities to keep security at the forefront of the employees’ minds and
minimize employee mistakes
 Security as Part of Performance Evaluation
 Employees pay close attention to job performance evaluations
 Including information security tasks in them will motivate employees to
take more care when performing these tasks
 Intentional information compromise can be handled by:
 Separation of duties
 Two-person control

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 Job rotation
 Task rotation
 Mandatory vacation
 Principle of least privilege

 Intentional information compromise can be handled by (continued) :

– Some additional measures that can be taken may be:

• Forming an internal security group

• Clearly emphasizing on the consequences of being detected of fraud
– Detection of security compromise is important, this can be achieved by:
• Periodic review of logs
• Using honey tokens

Security Considerations for Non-employees

 Many individuals who are not employees often have access to sensitive organizational
 Relationships with individuals in this category should be carefully managed to
prevent threats to information assets from materializing
Temporary Workers
 Because temporary workers are not employed by the organization for which they’re
working, they may not be subject to the contractual obligations or general policies that
govern other employees
 Unless specified in its contract with the organization, the temp agency may not be
liable for losses caused by its workers
 From a security standpoint, access to information for these individuals should be

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limited to what is necessary to perform their duties

 It should be made sure that these individuals follow good security practices
Contract Employees
 While professional contractors may require access to virtually all areas of the
organization to do their jobs, service contractors usually need access only to specific
 In a secure facility
– All service contractors are escorted from room to room, and into and out of the
– Someone must verify that services are actually requested or scheduled
– Advance notice for scheduling, rescheduling or cancellation of maintenance
visits must be given
 Consultants have their own security requirements and contractual obligations
 Special requirements, such as information or facility access requirements, being
integrated into the contract before they are given free access to the facility
 In particular, security and technology consultants must be prescreened, escorted, and
subjected to nondisclosure agreements to protect the organization from intentional or
accidental breaches of confidentiality
 Always remember to apply the principle of least privilege when working with
Business Partners
 Businesses sometimes engage in strategic alliances with other organizations to
exchange information, integrate systems, or enjoy some other mutual advantage
 A prior business agreement must specify the levels of exposure that both
organizations are willing to tolerate
 Nondisclosure agreements are an important part of any such collaborative
Termination Issues
 When an employee leaves an organization, the following tasks must be performed:
– The former employee’s access to the organization’s systems must be disabled
– The former employee must return all removable media
– The former employee’s hard drives must be secured
– File cabinet locks must be changed
– Office door locks must be changed
– The former employee’s keycard access must be revoked
– The former employee’s personal effects must be removed from the premises
– The former employee should be escorted from the premises, once keys,
keycards, and other business property have been turned over
 In addition to performing these tasks, many organizations conduct an exit interview
 Some organizations adopt the policy of immediate severance
 Two methods for handling employee out processing, depending on the employee’s
reasons for leaving, are:
– Hostile departures
– Friendly departures

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Hostile Departure
 Security cuts off all logical and keycard access, before the employee is terminated
 The employee reports for work, and is escorted into the supervisor’s office to receive the
bad news
 The individual is then escorted from the workplace and informed that his or her
personal property will be forwarded, or is escorted to his or her office, cubicle, or
personal area to collect personal effects under supervision
 Once personal property has been gathered, the employee is asked to surrender all
remaining company property, and is then escorted from the building
Friendly Departure
 The employee may have tendered notice well in advance of the actual departure date
 Employee accounts are usually allowed to continue, with a new expiration date
 The employee can come and go at will and usually collects any belongings and leaves
without escort
 The employee is asked to drop off all organizational property before departing.

Termination Issues
 In either circumstance, the offices and information used by departing employees must be
inventoried, their files stored or destroyed, and all property returned to organizational
 It is possible that departing employees have collected and taken home information or
assets that could be valuable in their future jobs
 Only by scrutinizing system logs during the transition period can the organization
determine whether a breach of policy or a loss of information has occurred

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Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. Differentiate between threat and attack. L2 CO1

2. What did you understand from Multi-Layered Security System? L2 CO1

3. What is data confidentially? L1 CO1

4. What are three main goals of Information Security? L1 CO1

5. How would you categorize data ownership and explain their L3 CO1
6. What is 3-D NSTISSC model of security? L1 CO1

7. What do you understand by balancing Security and Access? L2 CO1

8. What can you say about the components of Information L1 CO1


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. Explain the theme of SSDLC. (What approach would you use to L3 CO1
implement Information Security system in an organization?
2. Describe critical characteristics of information. How are they L3 CO1
used in the study of computer
3. Discuss in detail about the important characteristics of L2 CO1
information from Information Security point of view.
4. Will you state in your words about different types of attacks on L2 CO1
Information System.
5. Can you list and describe all possible threats to Information L1 CO1
Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. How does due diligence differ from due care? Explain the L4 CO2

135 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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Important of them?

2. What are the three general causes of unethical and illegal L1 CO2
behavior. What could be done to deter those behaviors?
3. How is an organizational policy different from Law? L1 CO2

4. Difference between laws and ethics L1 CO2

5. Write and explain risk estimation formula? L1 CO2

6. What is Benchmarking? How it is useful in risk management? L3 CO2

7. Can you recall Base lining? L1 CO2

8. Explain Quantitative and Qualitative risk control practices? L1 CO2

9. What do you mean by Clean Desk Policy in Information L1 CO2


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. Explain in details about relevant US laws regarding computer L1 CO2
2. List and explain different risks control strategies. L1 CO2

3. Give a brief overview of all the activities involved in risks L2 CO2

4. Can you identify and explain major steps in Risk Identification L1 CO2
5. How would you organize the risk assessment phase of risk L1 CO2
management and explain?
6. Explain CBA and What is the use of CBA? (Suppose, if you are L4 CO2
asked to choose a risk control strategy for an asset in an
organization, explain the procedure you follow in selecting a


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. How does packet filtering firewall work. L1 CO3

2. Define a firewall and its characteristics. L1 CO3

3. Discuss the concept of defence in depth. L1 CO3

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4. Discuss about the role of proxy server. L1 CO3

5. How does signature-based IDPS is differ from behavior-based L2 CO3


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. Explain in detail about design of security architecture L1 CO3

2. Explain about different types of fire wall. L1 CO3

3. Discuss the following aspects of contingency planning L1 CO3

A) Incident Response B) Disaster Recovery C) Business
4. Explain in details about security policies required for L2 CO3
implementing information security.
5. What is a VPN ? Explain about VPN’s used in providing L1 CO3


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
6. What is foot printing? L1 CO4

7. How can we generate secrecy and authentication in public key L2 CO4

8. What is finger printing? L1 CO4

9. What is hash function? L1 CO4

10. What is message digest? L1 CO4

11. What is message authentication code? (MAC) L1 CO4

12. Is AES more secure to attack than DES. Justify your answer. L2 CO4

13. What are the requirements of a digital signature? L1 CO4


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. Explain in detail about cipher methods. L1 CO4

137 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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2. With a suitable diagram? Explain the working of symmetric and L3 CO4

asymmetric encryption methods
3. Discuss about security protocols relate in secure L3 CO4
4. Write about RSA algorithm. L1 CO4

5. What are the different types of IDPS that you can used in the L1 CO4
design of IS system? Discuss in depth.
6. What is the effective bio-metric authorization technology? Why L1 CO4
it is to be most effective in view of security professionals.
7. Describe in detail about attacks on cryptosystems L1 CO4

8. Write short notes on Scanning and Analysis tools used in L2 CO4

providing security


Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. What is digital forensic and when is it used in a business setting. L2 CO5

2. What are the three primary aspects of IS risk management? L2 CO5

Why is each important.
3. What functions does the security technician perform and what L2 CO5
are the key qualification and requirements for the position.

Blooms Course
Taxonomy Outcome
1. Explain in details about Information Security Project L2 CO5
2. Discuss about Technical and Non-Technical aspects of L2 CO5
information security management.
3. What functions does the security technician perform and what L3 CO5
are the key qualification and requirements for the position.
4. Discuss about Employment policies and practices followed by L2 CO5
an organization.
5. Discuss the steps in configuration management L1 CO5

138 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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(Attach image of 05 old University Question Papers)

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140 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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1. Describe the critical characteristics of information. How are they used in the study of
computer security? [CO1][L1] -1M

2. Explain the various types of law? What is the primary example of public
law?[CO2][L2]- 1M
3. Explain the Mc Cumber cube and illustrate its role in information security?[CO1][L2]- 1M

4. Differentiate between threats and attacks. Explain about each of them.[CO1][L2]- 1M

5. What is Risk Management? Explain the different components of risk identification.

[CO2][L1] -1M


1. Define scanning. What are the various types for scanning and analysis tools [CO3][L2]

2. What is IDPS? Explain different types of IDPS in detail? [CO4][L1]-1M

3. With a neat diagram summarize the Bull’s Eye model.[CO5] [L2]-1M

4. What is honey pot and honey net? Explain its role. [CO4][L2]-1M

5. Explain about different firewalls and firewall architectures.[CO3][L2]-1M

147 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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Information Security Scheme and Key for Internal-I

Academic Year: 2018-19 SEM I

1. What are the critical characteristics of information security?

List: list out the characteristics of information security -2M
2. Compare policies and laws?
Define: Define policies and laws – 0.5 M
Comparison: Compare policies and laws – 1.5M
3. Explain the Mc Cumber cube and illustrate its role in information security?
Explanation: - 2M
4. Differentiate between threats and attacks. Explain about each of them.
Comparison: Compare threats and attacks – 2M
Explanation: Explain each of them – 5M
5. What is Risk Management? Explain the different components of risk identification.
Definition: define risk management – 2M
Components: explain all the components – 5M
6. List and describe six continuity strategies adopted when planning for business
Description: List and define strategies – 7M

Information Security Scheme and Key for Internal-II

Academic Year: 2018-19 SEM II

1. Outline the concept of Defense in Depth and Security Perimeter.

Definition: Define and explain each of them – 2M

2. What are Foot Printing and Finger Printing?

Definition: define both the terms with neat description – 2M

3. With a neat diagram summarize the Bull’s Eye model.Diagram: depict bull’s eye – 1M

Summary: write in short about the model and its applications – 1M

4. Explain about asymmetric & symmetric algorithms with examples.

Explanation: Explain about each algorithm in detail – 7M

5. Explain about different firewalls and firewall architectures.

Explanation : List and describe about firewalls and architectures -7M

6. List out the steps in Configuration Management.

Definition: Define configuration management – 1M

Steps: list out the steps in Configuration Management – 6M

148 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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Information security Scheme for Internal-I

Academic Year: 2017-18 SEM I

1. Definition of Information Security: It is the mechanism to protect the confidentiality,

integrity and availability of information assets, whether in storage, processing, or
transmission. It is achieved via the application of policy, education, training and awareness,
and technology. - 1Mark
Component of Information security: information system (IS) is much more than computer
hardware; it is the entire set of software, hardware, data, people, procedures, and networks
that make possible the use of information resources in the organization. These six critical
components enable information to be input, processed, output, and stored. Each of these IS
components has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as its own characteristics and
uses. Each component of the information system also has its own security requirements.

Explanation: 1Mark

2. List the general causes of unethical an illegal behavior:

1. Ignorance
2. Accident
3. Intent -1Mark
To Deter the above:

1. Fear of Penalty
2. Probability of being Caught
3. Probability of peanlty being administered -1Mark

3. Definition for Benchmarking, Best practices, Baselining, Qualitative risk practices.

Differences among them. 1Mark

4. Attack definition -1Mark

Listing of 7 different attacks that compromise information system. -2Mark
Description of each attack and it effect on information security. -4Marks

5. Risk management definition. -1Marks

List of descriptions of different risk management steps. -2Marks
Risk Control strategies are: Defend, Transfer, Mitigate,Accept, Terminate.
Explanation. -4Marks

6. For specifying the theme of Information Security policy. -2 Marks

Listing of policies: EISP, ISSP, SysSP and explanation regarding the components of each
policy. -5Marks

149 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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Information Security Scheme for Internal-II

Academic Year: 2017-18 SEM I

1. Definition of firewall. -1 Marks

For the diagram of firewall architecture. -1 Mark

2. Listing of Security considerations of non-employees. -1 Mark

-1 Mark

3. Definition of 1. Intrusion
2. Intrusion reaction
3. Intrusion prevention 2 Marks
4. Intrusion correction
5. Intrusion detection

4. Description of contingency plan. 2 Marks

Process/Steps to identify any incident in an organization. 2 Marks
Listing of steps to bring an organization into normal state. 3 Marks

5. Definition of cryptography: 2Marks

Listing of categories of Cryptographic algorithms. 1 Marks
Short notes on different algorithms. 4 Marks

6. Steps taken to implement a new information security program. 3Marks

Listing of non-technical and technical aspects of security implementation. 4Marks.

Information Security Scheme Internal-1

Academic Year 2016-17- Sem1
1. Need of Information security and its definitions. -1 M
Listing of the components of Information System. -1 M

2. Definition of Ethics. -1 M
List and explanation of the ten commandments of Computer ethics. -1M

3. Definition of Benchmark. -1 M
Need of benchmark and how benchmarks are created for any information security system.
-1 M

4. Definition of Attack. -1 M
Listing of any 7 attacks on an information system. -2 M
Explanation of each attack and its impact on information system. -4 M

5. Risk management definition. -1 M

Listing and brief description of all the risk control strategies. -4 M
Risk control strategy selection procedure. -2 M

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6. Definition of Information Security policy and its need. -2 M

Listing of various policies required for any organization. -2 M
Components of each policy and their description. -3 M

Information Security Scheme Internal-1

Academic Year 2016-17- Sem1

1. Definition of VPN and its use. -1 M

Listing and brief description of its implementation. -1 M

2. Specifying the process of identifying disastrous event. -1 M

Steps to recover from a disastrous event to a normal state. -1 M

3. Definition of Firewall. -1 M
Description regarding the working procedure of Packet Filtering firewall -1 M

4. Definition of Intrusion. -1 M
Listing of various Intrusion detection and prevention techniques. -2 M
Comparison of its pros and cons regarding Information security. -5 M

5. Listing of necessary steps required. -3 M

Explanation of each step and its impact in providing security to information assets
of any organization -4 M

6. Definition of Cryptography. -1 M
Listing of different types of cryptographic mechanisms. -1 M
Explanation of different cryptographic algoritms. -6 M

151 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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Sl.No. TOPIC Mode of Relevance with POs and

Teaching PSOs
1. Cyber Security and its Threats PPT PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5,
PO9,PO12, PSO1, PSO2
2. Latest trends in networking and PPT PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5,
security PO9,PO12, PSO1, PSO2
3. Internet Security issues PPT PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5,
PO9,PO12, PSO1, PSO2

TOPIC Description:
1. Cyber Security and its Threats: A cyber or cybersecurity threat is a malicious act that seeks to
damage data, steal data, or disrupt digital life in general. Cyber attacks include threats like
computer viruses, data breaches, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. There are ten common
types of cyber threats:
1. Malware. Software that performs a malicious task on a target device or network, e.g.
corrupting data or taking over a system.
2. Phishing. An email-borne attack that involves tricking the email recipient into
disclosing confidential information or downloading malware by clicking on a
hyperlink in the message.
3. Spear Phishing. A more sophisticated form of phishing where the attacker learns
about the victim and impersonates someone he or she knows and trusts.
4. “Man in the Middle” (MitM) attack. Where an attacker establishes a position between
the sender and recipient of electronic messages and intercepts them, perhaps changing
them in transit. The sender and recipient believe they are communicating directly
with one another. A MitM attack might be used in the military to confuse an enemy.
5. Trojans. Named after the Trojan Horse of ancient Greek history, the Trojan is a type
of malware that enters a target system looking like one thing, e.g. a standard piece of
software, but then lets out the malicious code once inside the host system.
6. Ransomware. An attack that involves encrypting data on the target system and
demanding a ransom in exchange for letting the user have access to the data again.
These attacks range from low-level nuisances to serious incidents like the locking
down of the entire city of Atlanta’s municipal government data in 2018.
7. Denial of Service attack or Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS). Where an
attacker takes over many (perhaps thousands) of devices and uses them to invoke the
functions of a target system, e.g. a website, causing it to crash from an overload of
8. Attacks on IoT Devices. IoT devices like industrial sensors are vulnerable to multiple
types of cyber threats. These include hackers taking over the device to make it part of
a DDoS attack and unauthorized access to data being collected by the device. Given
their numbers, geographic distribution and frequently out-of-date operating systems,
IoT devices are a prime target for malicious actors.
9. Data Breaches. A data breach is a theft of data by a malicious actor. Motives for data
breaches include crime (i.e. identity theft), a desire to embarrass an institution (e.g.
Edward Snowden or the DNC hack) and espionage.
10. Malware on Mobile Apps. Mobile devices are vulnerable to malware attacks just like
other computing hardware. Attackers may embed malware in app downloads, mobile
websites or phishing emails and text messages. Once compromised, a mobile device
can give the malicious actor access to personal information, location data, financial
accounts and more.

152 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE MECS

2. Latest trends in networking and security:

1. Trend #1: more use of data models to improve cyber security
2. Trend #2: increased number of vulnerabilities
3. Trend #3: required security assessments
4. Trend #4: expanded cyber warfare attacks
5. Trend #5: migration to the cloud
6. Trend #6: integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning,

3. Internet Security issues: Top 5 Most Common Security Issues and How to Fix Them
1. Code Injection. Hackers are sometimes able to exploit vulnerabilities in
applications to insert malicious code. ...
2. Data Breach. The cost of data breaches is well documented. ...
3. Malware Infection. ...
4. Distributed Denial of Service Attack. ...
5. Malicious Insiders.

153 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

Dept. of CSE MECS




As a part of supporting weak students tutorial and remedial classes will be conducted.


Students are encouraged to exhibit their talents by giving seminars in current trends on
the subject and encouraging them to attend various workshops related to information


154 Information Security (PC 703 CS)

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