A 2-20-Ghz 10-W High-Efficiency Gan Power Amplifier Using Reactive Matching Technique

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A 2–20-GHz 10-W High-Efficiency GaN Power

Amplifier Using Reactive Matching Technique
Qian Lin , Hai-Feng Wu , Yu-Nan Hua, Yi-Jun Chen, Liu-Lin Hu, Lin-Sheng Liu, and Shan-Ji Chen

Abstract— In this article, we present the analysis, design, to compensate for this loss, it is generally necessary to add a
and implementation of a wideband 10-W monolithic microwave driver amplifier chip appropriately. As a result, the increased
integrated circuit power amplifier (PA), fabricated in a low-cost number of amplifier chips in the system leads to a higher
0.1-µm gallium nitride (GaN) on Si technology. The design is
focused on the realization of a low-loss and wideband impedance production cost. Meanwhile, in order to improve the interstage
transformation networks across 2–20 GHz using a reactive stability, it is necessary to add isolators to guarantee the
matching (RM) technique. The two-stage GaN PA achieves an multistage amplifier cascade work properly [7], [8], which
average output power of 40.1 dBm and a peak output power of also can make the system more complex and expensive.
41.6 dBm at 13 GHz, in the CW-mode operation, with a small- In conclusion, to simplify the system structure and to reduce
signal gain of S21 > 25.5 dB over the entire bandwidth. The
average power-added efficiency (PAE) is 21%, with a peak PAE the cost, the high-gain and high-power MMIC PA is extremely
of 29% at 6 GHz. The PA chip occupies an area of 2.9×2.6 mm2 . desired [9]–[11].
To the best of our knowledge, the PA presented in this work For the implementation of high-power MMIC PA, the gal-
demonstrates the highest broadband gain among the reported lium nitride (GaN) process is particularly suitable due to the
GaN-based RMPAs with a corresponding output power of characteristics of high power, wide-band capability, high per-
about 10 W.
formance, and high efficiency. Due to these benefits, various
Index Terms— Gallium nitride (GaN) monolithic microwave high-power GaN MMIC PAs have been proposed to cover the
integrated circuit (MMIC) power amplifier (PA), high-efficiency frequency range of 6–18 and 2–18 GHz [12]–[17]. In 2018,
amplifier, reactive matching (RM).
a 2–19-GHz 5-W GaN stacked distributed PA is proposed
within a small chip area [10]. In order to further enhance
the power and the gain, feedback stacked amplifier driven
I. I NTRODUCTION a stacked nonuniform distributed PA has been proposed at
IEEE IMS2019, with about 10-W Pout and 30-dB gain [18].
W ITH the growth in applications of the millimeter-wave
spectrum for terrestrial wireless communication, satel-
lite radio, automotive radar, electronic warfare, and instru-
However, these two chips have relatively poor thermal distri-
bution for the high-power transistors under the saturated con-
mentation systems, the demand for fully integrated broadband ditions [10]. Comparing with the distributed PA, the classical
high-power, high-efficiency power amplifiers (PAs) is grow- reactive matching (RM) PA can obtain quite a uniform thermal
ing [1]–[4]. To meet this demand, the III–V compound semi- distribution among the transistors, but the limitation of the
conductor monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) RMPA design is the fundamental bandwidth (BW) according
is the preferred choice for such PAs [5]. In order to obtain to the Bode–Fano theory [1]. To overcome this limitation,
the high-power level for the abovementioned systems, it is a a 2–18-GHz driver RMPA chip and a power RMPA chip have
common method to combine the output power (Pout ) of several been proposed at IEEE IMS2017 [9]. However, they have
individual MMIC PA chips [6]. However, this combination relatively low power gain. Therefore, it is still a great challenge
can cause an increased loss in the synthetic network. Thus, to realize the GaN RMPA at 2–18 GHz with low cost, high
gain, and high power.
Manuscript received December 17, 2019; revised March 7, 2020; accepted In this article, the design procedure for a 2–20-GHz GaN
April 4, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Natural RMPA with an average Pout of 10 W is described. A new
Science Foundation under Grant 61841110, in part by the Applied Basic
Research Plan of Qinghai under Grant 2017-ZJ-753, and in part by the Tianjin output-matching circuit is proposed in this PA to archive a
University–Qinghai University for Nationalities Joint Innovation Fund under low-loss and wideband impedance transformation using the
Grant 2020XJZ-0076. (Corresponding author: Hai-Feng Wu.) RM technique. Meanwhile, three-stacked-FET cells have been
Qian Lin and Shan-Ji Chen are with the College of Physics and Electronic
Information Engineer, Qinghai University for Nationalities, Xining 810007, adopted for the final and driver stages to maintain a high-power
China. and high-gain performance. Occupying a small chip area of
Hai-Feng Wu, Yu-Nan Hua, Yi-Jun Chen, and Liu-Lin Hu are 2.9 × 2.6 mm2 without extra off-chip matching components,
with the Chengdu Ganide Technology, Chengdu 610073, China (e-mail:
abgott@126.com). this RMPA delivers a high gain of more than 25.5 dB and high
Lin-Sheng Liu is with the College of Information Science and Technology, average power-added efficiency (PAE) greater than 21%. Fur-
Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610000, China. thermore, implemented in a 0.1-μm GaN on silicon (GaN/Si)
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. process, the production cost of this PA has been dramatically
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2020.2993579 reduced.
0018-9480 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Two-stage PA structure and its link budget analysis.

Fig. 2. Layout and schematic of 3 × 0.4 mm three-stacked-FET cell.

This article is organized as follows. Section II describes
the PA structure and its link budget analysis. In Section III,
the implemented stacked-FET has been analyzed, together The driving ratio of multistage wideband PA is about 1:2,
with the broadband design consideration and a proposed port which can ensure a good interstage matching and a broadband
impedance model (PIM). Section IV specifies the proposed performance, avoiding the complexity or the asymmetry in the
output RM network and explains the key points of design. ratio of 1:4 or 1:8.
In Sections V, the interstage and input matching networks
are presented in detail. Finally, the implementation results are III. T RANSISTOR -S TACKING PA D ESIGN
given in Section VI. A. Transistor-Stacking Technique
The transistor-stacking technique, as shown in Fig. 2, which
II. PA S TRUCTURE is based on a set of common-source or common-emitter
The initial goal of this work is to achieve an ultrawideband transistors both connected dc and RF in series, can be used to
PA with an average power of 40 dBm, a small-signal gain combine the output voltage swings and enhance the gain, Pout ,
of 25 dB, and a power gain of 18 dB. Thus, the series and the optimum load impedance, simultaneously. In addition,
stacking of multiple devices based on the GaN process is the gates of the stacked transistors are connected to the
adopted to maintain high power and high gain. Particularly, specific capacitances Cgk , which can control the gate voltage
at 18 GHz, the small-signal gain of the three-stacked-FET swing and adjust the optimum load impedance between the
is about 19 dB. Assuming a total loss of 12 dB for the interconnected transistors.
matching networks, two-stage amplification can achieve the Based on previous works [2]–[5], operating at frequencies
design goal with a margin. Thus, the PA structure and its link much lower than the maximum transition frequency ( f T ),
budget analysis are given in Fig. 1. Meanwhile, a three-stacked the optimum load impedance of each transistor is purely
GaN transistor reaches to the maximum efficiency point when resistive. However, the parasitic cannot be negligible, and the
saturated with 4–6-dB gain compression at 18 GHz. Therefore, optimum load impedances of stacked-FET are complex at high
considering the maximum gain compression of 8 dB when frequencies. As a result, the input admittance of the kth FET
deep saturated, the two-stage PA can still obtain a power gain stacked (as Yin2 and Yin3 in Fig. 2) is also decided by its load
of more than 18 dB. termination (Yld2 and Yld3 ), as calculated in [20]
As seen from Fig. 1, and later in this article, the maximum  
sCgsk +gmk Yldk − gmk /Ak
efficiency of the implemented three-stacked FET is about 50% Yink = G ink − j Bink = + · sCdsk
Ak Yldk + sCdsk
at 18 GHz. The estimated losses of the RM output network,
interstage network, and input network are about 3, 4, and
5 dB, respectively. The total efficiency of the PA is about where Cdsk , Cgsk , and gmk are the drain–source capacitance,
22%. Meanwhile, with an input power of 21 dBm, the final the gate–source capacitance, and the transconductance of the
Pout is about 42 dBm. Considering a margin of 1–2 dB, due kth transistor, respectively. To get the most power from the
to the inaccuracy of the transistor model and the deterioration (k-1)th FET stacked, Yink should be equal to Yoptk−1, which
in measurement, Pout is still larger than 40 dBm. is the optimum load admittance of the kth stacked-FET
In this design, the power density of the GaN transistor is determined by the load–pull simulation [20]. Cgk and
about 3.3–5.7 W/mm [19]. Therefore, in order to achieve a other parameters can be defined by the following coupled
Pout of 43 dBm before the output-matching network (as shown equations:
in Fig. 1), eight-channel 3×4×100 μm transistors are adopted
in the power-stage amplifier. Meanwhile, four-channel 3 × 4 × G ink = Re[Yoptk-1] (2)
60 μm transistors are chosen for the driver-stage amplifier. Bink = −Im[Yoptk-1]. (3)

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Fig. 3. Load–pull contours at 20 GHz and Cgk parameters analysis. (a) Cg2
extraction method from the load–pull simulation of a single FET. (b) Cg3 Fig. 4. Load–pull contours for Pout and PAE from 2 to 20 GHz and ideal
extraction method from the load–pull simulation of a two-stacked-FET. optimal load impedance.

L OAD –P ULL S IMULATION R ESULTS FOR THE O UTPUT T RANSISTORS constant for the whole frequency. Pout is greater than 34 dBm,
and PAE is greater than 50% at 2–20 GHz. Fig. 4 also gives
the load–pull contours for Pout and PAE at 2 and 20 GHz,
together with the ideal optimal load impedance.
As deduced from Table I, the gain of the two-stage amplifier
with the ideal impedance match at 2 GHz is about 12–16 dB
higher than that at 20 GHz. It is quite complex to apply
the classical negative feedback technology to improve this
gain flatness in the eight- or four-channel three-stacked FETs.
To solve this issue, the impedance mismatches at certain low
frequencies are deliberately implemented as a sacrifice to
reduce the gain. Furthermore, a passive equalization circuit is
adopted before the input matching circuit, which is helpful
to avoid the significant efficiency deterioration at the low
Limited by the capacitance Cdsk at high frequency, there
exists no Cgk that satisfies (2) and (3) simultaneously. Cgk
can be determined using a load–pull simulation on the C. Port Impedance Model
(k + 1)th-FET stacked to find the optimum load admittance The broadband matching network is used to transform
that provides the most power from the entire k-FET stacked. the load impedance to the optimum impedances. In general,
As shown in Fig. 3(a), when Cg2 is varying from 10 to 400 fF, to meet the demands, circuit parameters of the PA will be
Zld1 moves following the green line in the Smith chart. When adjusted and optimized through the harmonic-balance (HB)
Cg2 = 194 fF, Z ld1 = 24.8 + j ∗ 19.6 , and this impedance simulations. However, there are 36 power transistors in this
can obtain the highest PAE with a relatively high Pout for four-channel three-stacked-FET driving eight-channel three-
the transistor M1 at 20 GHz. Similarly, as shown in Fig. 3(b), stacked-FET amplifier, and it is extremely difficult to give
when Cg3 = 104 fF, Z ld2 = 34+ j ∗42 , and the highest PAE regarding computational speed and convergence stability in the
for the two-stacked-FET can be obtained by this impedance. parameters optimization using HB simulations. Thus, a passive
approximation method is developed, which can greatly shorten
B. Broadband Design Consideration the simulation time to find the circuit parameters. More
The load–pull simulation result of the three-stacked-FET detailed steps of this method are described as follows.
for the power stage of this PA is given in Table I. These sets 1) As shown in Fig. 5(a), a PIM with a load port (P1 )
of impedances are chosen to be approaching the maximum connected an ideal n-level LC network is built to model
PAE points while maintaining relatively high power. It is also the frequency response of the optimal load impedance
observed that the optimal load impedance of the device is not Z opt in Table I at 2–20 GHz.

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Fig. 6. Comparison of two types of RF chokes. (a) Schematic of one

microstrip line. (b) Schematic of dual-inductor. (c) IR (S21 ) and return loss
(S11 ), Z 0 = Z choke , are used for simulation.

a term to simulate the return loss and the IR. The simulation
results show that it needs about 2 min to do the HB simulation
at 2–20 GHz with a step of 1 GHz for this RMPA, while it
takes only a few seconds to do the equivalent S-parameter
simulation using the passive approximate method.


Fig. 5. Passive approximate method for this RMPA design. (a) PIM. There are four key points for the output-matching network
(b) Modeling results of the frequency response of the optimal load impedance
Z opt1 of the power stage at 2−20 GHz in Table I. (c) Modeling results of the design in the 2–20-GHz ultrawideband applications.
frequency response of the optimal load impedance Z opt2 of the driver stage 1) The output-matching network must convert the 50 
at 2−20 GHz. (d) Schematic of the impedance matching network using the
modeled PIM. to the optimal impedances required for output ports
of the stacked transistors at 2–20 GHz. Meanwhile,
the introduced IR must be minimized.
2) To guarantee that the frequency response characteristics 2) It is important to take the broadband characteristic
can fit the optimal load impedance for 2–20 GHz, PIM equalization into account for the output-matching net-
can be adjusted by software, as shown in Fig. 5(b) and work design. Due to the truth that power and efficiency
(c). at 20 GHz are usually the lowest, thus, the IR and
3) Based on the modeled PIMs, the impedance matching impedance matching at 20 GHz have to be guaranteed
network is constructed. Since the ideal n-level LC net- at the cost of sacrificing the low-frequency performance.
work in PIM is lossless, as shown in Fig. 5(d), if 1 ≈ 0, 3) The oscillation or phase inconsistency can be avoided
then 2 ≈ 0. Thus, the insertion loss (IR) and return loss by keeping the suitable broadband gain flatness.
from port P1 to port P2 can be employed to design the 4) It is wise to integrate the biasing network and the bypass
output network through S-parameter simulations. Mean- network into the chip with the consideration of the
while, certain appropriate adjustment and optimization current through-flow capability.
can be made if needed. In general, the RF grounding microstrip lines or spiral
With the increasing number of stacked transistors, the sim- inductors are used in the on-chip RF choke for the dc
ulation speed is slower and less convergent. As a result, supply. Especially, for the RMPA, it is common to use the
this passive approximate method is suitable for the complex grounding microstrip line [9], which not only can realize
amplifier. Unlike using the S-parameter data file (SnP), this the dc feed but also can achieve the impedance matching.
PIM is continuous at any frequency. As a result, the problem However, the traditional microstrip line is unsuitable in the
of nonconvergence at certain individual frequency points can 10-W 2–20-GHz RMPA. This is because the width W of the
be avoided. Moreover, it is inconvenient to use the SnP file as microstrip line needs to be expanded for high current-flow

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Fig. 7. Equivalent schematic of the output-matching network.

Fig. 8. Steps to transform the 50- load to Z L2opt at 2–20 GHz.

capacity. However, the parasitic capacitance Clin will increase

at the same time. Meanwhile, the length L of the microstrip
line should be long enough to meet the matching demand at
2 GHz. Thus, when W and L increase simultaneously, it will
cut down the resonant frequency, which leads to a resonance
in the 2–20-GHz frequency range. For example, in order to
satisfy the demand for high power and broadband, W and L
of the microstrip line are at least 60 and 2200 μm, respectively.
Using a set of bypass capacitances, as shown in Fig. 6(a), the
self-resonance frequency of the microstrip line is around 18
GHz, as shown in Fig. 6(c), which may greatly deteriorate
the IR. To solve this problem, a dual-inductor is adopted,
as shown in Fig. 6(b). The total width of the dual-inductor
is larger than 60 μm, and its equivalent inductance at 2 GHz
is large enough for the impedance matching. The resonant
frequency is higher than 22 GHz, which ensures low IRs at
2 and 20 GHz, simultaneously, as shown in Fig. 6(c). Here,
the terminal impedances are expressed as Z choke and Z choke ∗,
respectively, as shown in Fig. 7. Moreover, unlike the looser
microstrip line, this structure can greatly save the chip area.
Using this choke, the equivalent circuit topology of the
output-matching network is given in Fig. 7. The multistage
LC structure is utilized in the RMPA after the RF choke to
progressively increase the impedance level from Z ∗ L2,opt
toward 50 . Meanwhile, the gain flatness is improved based
on the LC structure, but the IR increases with the increasing
length of matching branches. Moreover, it will enhance the
complexity of the output network. Thus, in order to give
Fig. 9. Half layout of the output-matching network.
priority to the efficiency and reduce the output loss, a four-
stage LC is used, as shown in Fig. 7. Then, the component
values can be identified using the circuit optimization tools.
Based on the PIM, circuit optimization is easy and fast to be V. I NTERSTAGE AND I NPUT M ATCHING N ETWORK
accomplished. Thus, the predefined impedance matching goals A. Stabilization Consideration
can be satisfied. The equivalent circuit parameters are also
shown in Fig. 7. Meanwhile, the detailed steps for impedance The stability analysis is a critical step in this PA design. It is
transformation are shown in Fig. 8. worth mentioning that the most common method is to break
To verify the design, the output network is substituted the amplifier stages into two-port networks and compute the
into the PA schematic and then converted to the layout. The stability factor k for each stage [21]. If a potential problem is
output return loss and the IR are further optimized using the found, the stage must either be rendered unconditionally stable
S-parameter and HB simulation (if necessary). The half layout or the designer must show that the terminating impedances
of the output network is shown in Fig. 9. After comparing the will not allow the circuit to oscillate. Forcing the stage
electromagnetic (EM) simulation result with the schematic (as to be unconditionally stable normally involves introducing
shown in Fig. 10), the EM simulated IR is about 0.8 and 1 dB additional loss into the circuit, which usually sacrifices the
lower than that of the schematic at 2 and 20 GHz, respectively. performance.

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Fig. 13. Equivalent schematic of the interstage matching network.

Fig. 10. Output return loss and IR of the output-matching network.

B. Interstage Matching
The interstage matching network design for the 2–20-GHz
applications must consider the following points.
1) The impedance transformation from the output
impedance of the driver stage to the input impedance
can cover the ultrawideband of 2–20 GHz. Meanwhile,
the introduced IR must be minimized.
Fig. 11. Oscillation loops for the elementary modes in the case of a 2) Every two-stage PA is driven by the driver stage ampli-
multicombined PA stage. (a) Mode1. (b) Mode2. (c) Mode3. fier. Therefore, the driving capability must be strong
enough and keep the phases consistent.
3) The drain biasing design for the interstage network
is also important for the driver stage. The current
through-flow capability of the microstrip line must meet
the design requirements. Meanwhile, it is significant to
satisfy the broadband matching.
4) To guarantee that the interstage stability between the
Fig. 12. Four-port network: S-probe pair for stability criterion.
driver stage and the power stage is also of great
To meet the abovementioned interests, a matching structure
Especially, for this RMPA, the oscillation problem is with a two-stage high-pass filter is chosen, as shown in Fig. 13.
extremely complex. The possible oscillation response loop is It can be observed that a two-stage grounding inductor and LC
shown in Fig. 11. Mode 1 is the working situation without matching are employed here. The half layout of the interstage
any oscillation. Once the circuit starts to oscillate, each odd matching circuit is given in Fig. 14.
mode is associated with an equivalent signal loop (see Fig. 11). As shown in Table I, the driving power is much higher at
Mode 2 is associated with one inner loop, while the mode 20 GHz than that at 2 GHz. Thus, the IR has to be designed
3 is associated with an outer loop involving transistors in as a curve with a positive slope versus frequency. At this
pairs. Therefore, the classical method is extremely tedious. point, the efficiency at 20 GHz is particularly critical, and
However, using an approximate method based on multiple the optimal impedance point at the frequency of 20 GHz must
four-port S-probe pair is implemented in this design, as shown be considered as a high-weight factor in this design. At the
in Fig. 12. same time, the interstage circuit is a symmetrical and concise
Using the S-probe pair, which is compatible with the structure with a ratio of 4:8 and a consistent phase.
commercial microwave circuit simulations, the stability analy-
sis can be achieved. When the stability indices satisfy the C. Input Matching
conditions (4) and (5), the network is unconditional stable
There are also four significant aspects of the input matching
Stabindexi1 = real(Zil × Zi2 ) < 1 (4) design of this RMPA.
Stabindexi2 = real(Zi3 × Zi4 ) < 1 (5) 1) The IR should be minimized for the input impedance
matching from 2 to 20 GHz to 50 .
where i = 1, 2, . . . k (k = 36 for this design). Zij is the 2) The power division of equal power and equal phase is
reflection coefficients looking both directions at the input and crucial.
output planes of the i th transistor. These functions determine 3) Stability must be guaranteed unconditionally.
whether the conditions for oscillation are satisfied at any 4) The gain flatness has to be improved.
frequency. Thus, 36 S-probe pairs can be applied to analyze The equivalent schematic and layout of the input match-
and optimize the interstability for 36 transistors simultaneously ing circuit are shown in Figs. 15 and 16, respectively. For
in the S-parameter simulation of the RMPA. stabilization, a revised RCL network (as the resistance R4 ,

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Fig. 16. Layout of the equalizer and the input matching network.

Fig. 17. IR and return loss of the equalizer.

Fig. 14. Half layout of the interstage matching network.

In order to achieve the gain suppression at low frequency,
a broadband equalizer is implemented in Fig. 15. The input
terminal inductance L 5 is connected to the upper plate metal
MET2 of capacitor C8 . Meanwhile, the inductance L 6 is
connected to the lower metal plate MET1 of capacitor C8 ,
as shown in Fig. 16. This layout can greatly save the area of
the equalizer and make full use of the layout of the grounding
hole. The simulation result of the equalizer is shown in Fig. 17.
With a return loss better than −15 dB, the gain at 2 GHz
is suppressed about 2.5 dB, while the gain at 20 GHz only
deteriorates about 0.5 dB. To improve the total gain flatness
of the RMPA, the input and interstage matching network
Fig. 15. Equivalent schematic of the input matching network. are finally designed with a total IR about 17 dB at 2 GHz,
as shown in Fig. 18.

the capacitor C10 , and the microstrip line TL19 in Fig. 15) VI. I MPLEMENTATION R ESULTS
is placed at the input stage. Besides, it also improves the This GaN RMPA is implemented in a 0.1-μm GaN on
broadband input matching and lowers the intrinsic gain of Si process. Fig. 19 shows the photograph of the fabricated
the transistor at low frequency where the transistor is prone chip with an area of 2.9 × 2.6 mm2 . The die is mounted
to oscillation. Thus, it compensates for the gain roll-off and on the top of a copper heat sink in a test fixture for probe
broadens the BW. Another RCL network (as the resistances launchers. RF input and output pads of the PA are bonded
R5 and R6 , the bypass capacitor, and the microstrip line TL21 to 50 microstrip lines on the RF board using two 18-μm-
in Fig. 15) is placed in the dc bias path, which is a benefit for diameter gold wires, as shown in Fig. 20. The bond wires are
preventing thermal runaway by limiting the gate current. modeled as a combination of two series inductors (80 pH)

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Fig. 18. IR of the interstage and input matching networks.

Fig. 21. S-parameters of the RMPA.

Fig. 19. Die photograph of the GaN RMPA (2.9 × 2.6 mm2 ).

Fig. 22. Pout and PAE of the RMPA with the 21-dBm input power.

Fig. 20. Photograph of the test fixture for the GaN PA.

and a grounded capacitor (30 fF). Considering their impacts,

the bond wires should be used as short as possible. In order
to verify this design, this fabricated GaN PA is biased at the Fig. 23. Power gain of the RMPA with the 21-dBm input power.
VDS of 28 V and VGS of −1.2 V, resulting in 1.6 A of total
quiescent bias current.
The measured and simulated S-parameters are shown in 10.3 W from 2 to 20 GHz with a peak of 41.6 dBm (14.5 W) at
Fig. 21. It can be seen that more than 25.5-dB gain is achieved, 13 GHz. The power gain is about 18–20.5 dB for the frequency
with S11 better than -10 dB over the 2–20-GHz BW. Moreover, range of 2–20 GHz. The associated average PAE is about 21%
the measured and simulated Pout with corresponding PAE and with a peak of 29% at 6 GHz. Fig. 24 shows the measured
power gain are shown in Figs. 22 and 23. It can be observed Pout and PAE with input power at a number of frequencies.
that the BW is partially larger comparing with the simulation It is shown that the curves are well behaved, and there is no
results due to the improvement of S22 in measurement. The evidence of odd-mode or parametric oscillations during the
measurement results, nevertheless, indicate an average Pout of tests.

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Fig. 24. Measured Pout and PAE with input power at 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17,
and 20 GHz.
Fig. 25. IR image under Vds = 28 V and Ids = 1.6 A quiescent biasing

Noting that the infrared (IR) imaging can be used to

determine the maximum temperature (Tmax ) on the die under minimum PAE, S21(min) is the minimum of small-signal gain,
different operating conditions. Thus, in order to learn the tem- and the Size is the chip area. With the help of the FoM,
perature distribution for this PA, the die surface temperature the proposed RMPA exhibits quite a superior performance
is observed using the IR imaging technique. The scanned including small size, high gain, and wide BW in the GaN
temperature image is shown in Fig. 25 under the base plate MMIC PAs.
temperature of 25 ◦ C, without RF excitation conditions of
Vds = 28 V and Ids = 1.6 A. The highest hot spot is 145 ◦ C, VII. C ONCLUSION
and the thermal resistance of about θjc = 2.7 ◦ C/W is obtained. The analysis, design, and implementation of a wideband
As a result, this RMPA shows large operational temperature 10-W MMIC PA are presented in this article. Using the RM
margins from the maximum operations junction temperature technique, the low-loss and wideband impedance transforma-
of 225 ◦ C. tion networks across 2–20 GHz have been realized. Utilizing
In order to evaluate this RMPA, the performance compari- a low-cost 0.1-μm GaN on Si technology, the RMPA achieves
son with the latest GaN wideband PAs is presented in Table II. a small-signal gain of greater than 25.5 dB and average
A figure-of-merit (FoM) is defined by the equation below output power of 40.1 dBm over the 2–20-GHz band, with
Table II. While BW/ fc is the fractional BW, Pout−watt(min) an associated peak PAE of 29% at 13 GHz. The perfor-
is the minimum Pout in the form of Watt, PAE(min) is the mance of the RMPA validates the effectiveness of this design.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Newcastle. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 19:52:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Yi-Jun Chen received the B.E. and M.E. degrees Lin-Sheng Liu received the B.S. degree in elec-
in electronics from Sichuan University, Chengdu, tronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in circuits
China, in 2006 and 2009, respectively. and systems from the University of Electronic Sci-
Since 2006, he has been a Senior Engineer with ence and Technology of China, Chengdu, China,
Chengdu Ganide Technology, Chengdu. His research in 2005 and 2010, respectively.
interests include RFIC and SiP design. Since 2018, he has been a Professor with the
College of Information Science and Technology,
Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu. His
research interests include nonlinear device char-
acterizations/modeling, RFIC design, and wireless

Liu-Lin Hu received the B.S. degree in applied

physics from the Changchun University of Science
and Technology, Changchun, China, in 2004, and the
M.E. degree from the Harbin Institute of Technol-
ogy, Harbin, China, in 2006.
Since 2006, he has been a Senior Engineer with
Chengdu Ganide Technology, Chengdu, China. His
research interests include RFIC and MMIC design.
Shan-Ji Chen, photograph and biography not available at the time of

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Newcastle. Downloaded on May 31,2020 at 19:52:48 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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