Ethics Scenarios

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Ethics Scenarios- Class Discussion

Scenario 1: You discover that your immediate supervisor is taking bribes. You are
uncertain whether to report it. The conflict is between your loyalty to your boss and your
commitment to the greater good of the company.
-I would confront my supervisor and if nothing happens, I will alert whoever has
control over my boss.

Scenario 2: You work for a nonprofit organization that helps AIDS victims. You discover a
government error that results in significantly higher funding for your organization. Do you
keep the money, which you know will go to a good cause, or do you report the error?
-I would report the error, because the government would found out about the error
somehow and wonder where the money went.

Scenario 3: You are one of two personal trainers who work in a small town. You are
presently certified and your competition is not. Your competition misrepresents
himself/herself and claims to be certified. He/She has a very large client base and your
business is struggling. What do you do?
-I would turn in my competition, because they are running business illegally, plus it
may help out my business in the end.

Scenario 4: You work in a fitness facility with three employees. Your supervisor has been
stealing small amounts of used equipment over the past two years. Each year when the
inventory is taken, the losses are hidden in the report. Equipment is your responsibility. The
company owner notices the discrepancies in the inventory. What do you do?
-I would confront my supervisor to stop taking equipment, because in the end I would
be the one getting in trouble by the company for being in charge of equipment.

Scenario 5: Every morning for the past 6 months the same client comes to your office to
complain. You are the Fitness Center Director. Each day the complaint is something
different. The client is a very powerful member of the community. How do you handle the
situation? How do you limit the complaints?
-I would report to my supervisor before talking to the individual, because I would allow
my supervisor to know there is a reoccurring issue and that I am going to talk to the
client about his complaints and issues about the facility. Limit complaints by finding
exercises or equipment they enjoy the most.

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