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Hello Everyone,

Greetings to all of us, Om swastiastu

Namo buddhaya, Greetings of Virtue

The honorable, Mr. MUHAMMAD RAMADITYA,

my classmate that I’m proud of, and all Indonesian people.

Thank you God for Your grace that today we can still survive in this pandemic era.
at this point I'm going to talk about covid-19 which makes it difficult for
businesses to survive

The corona virus pandemic has made the situation in various countries in the world
unfavorable, including in Indonesia. The outbreak of the corona virus is quite
alarming not only for public health but also for the nation's economy. Almost all
fields are affected by the Corona virus, one of which is business sector.

Many business people have been affected by the outbreak of this corona virus. Not
only decreased turnover, some companies were even forced to lay off some of their
employees. Some businesses even have to go out of business because they are no
longer able to meet the production costs. In a difficult situation like this, anyone is
now required to have high creative power in order to survive.

In this case, business actors are required to think creatively so that the business
they are running can survive. At least they have to develop a short-term strategic
plan starting from three months until the end of 2020.

Here are 7 ways to keep a business afloat in the midst of the Corona virus
pandemic that I have summarized :
1. Ensure Customer Safety

In the midst of the Corona pandemic, safety is the main thing that must always be
considered. The first step to safeguarding a business in this difficult situation is to
ensure customer safety from clean and safe outlet standards.

You can start applying temperature checks to customers who will enter to prepare
hand sanitizers and antiseptics. Also make sure there is a hand washing area that is
clean and functioning properly.

2. Create an Attractive Sales Program

The second step that you must take so that your business can survive in the midst
of the Corona pandemic is to create an attractive sales program such as the
"Marketing In Crisis" program.

Apart from being attractive, this program can also increase sales and cash flow.
Although on a profit basis, it tends to be thin with certain time restrictions.

3. Issue a Special Delivery Program

Convey marketing programs that are sympathetic to the disaster of the Covid-19
outbreak. For example, by issuing a special delivery program that makes it easier
for customers who work, go to school and worship at home to be served well.

In addition, also convey the 'Marketing In Crisis' program activities through digital
means such as websites, social media, digital media, chat applications, posters and
banners at each outlet with interesting content.
4. Providing Covid-19 Prevention Education to Employees

The next step that needs to be taken is still related to how to maintain business in
the midst of the Corona pandemic is to provide Covid-19 prevention education to
all employees to keep them clean and careful. In addition to conveying the dangers
of Covid-19, you must also convey steps to save businesses from facing the crisis
caused by the disaster.

Even so, you still have to convey it wisely and make sure it doesn't cause anxiety
for employees. If the situation does not allow, do the option to work from home.
Use technology tools to provide job reports, online meetings and other reports.

5. Always Monitor Business Transactions

Business actors or businesses are never separated from banking transaction

activities, to avoid the risk of being exposed to Covid-19 in public spaces, then you
should avoid visiting banking branch offices directly and prefer online

6. Monitor Stock Conditions

The increasingly aggressive spread of the Corona Virus makes you need to think
twice about visiting the business warehouse directly. An alternative step that needs
to be done is to check the status of the inventory periodically over a long distance.
Thanks to current technological advances, an increasing number of online
procurement platforms are available to take advantage of in a pandemic situation
like this. If companies were previously accustomed to procuring stock items for
their business directly from vendors or suppliers, this time online procurement was
not only flexible and time-saving but also proven to reduce transportation, shipping
and other invisible costs.

7. Contact Business Partners for Prevention Periodically

For those of you who have a company that provides products and services to
customers, please contact your respective business partners. For example, business
partners in the logistics sector to ensure that they have implemented the
recommended safety protocols in their daily operations. This is done to ensure the
product is safe and free from virus infection.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

That is all speech that I can deliver. Ideally what I have said is gainful for us. I
am so sorry if I had a mistake. Thank you for your nice attention.

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