How Are The Mid-Sized Life Sciences Organizations Using Oracle Clinical Trial Technology To Optimize Studies?

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How Are The Mid-Sized Life Sciences Organizations Using Oracle Clinical Trial

Technology To Optimize Studies?

Source – Life Sciences Review

Optimizing clinical trials’ efficiency is crucial for research institutions to deliver

the needed therapies faster.

FREMONT, CA: To attain the goal of research institutions seeking to deliver the
needed therapies faster goal, full-service clinical research organization (CRO),
Peachtree BioResearch Solutions has chosen Oracle Health Sciences cloud
services to optimize its clinical startup management activities.

Peachtree BioResearch Solutions offers global development services for

increasing to mid-sized biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and medical device
companies. The company will utilize the Oracle Health Sciences Select Cloud
Service, Activate Cloud Service, and Siebel Clinical Trial Management System to
instantly plan, manage, set-up, monitor, and analyze the clinical trials for its
mid-sized customers.
Peachtree is placing the Activate Express configuration, mainly designed to
accelerate and streamline the implementation process for the mid-sized
biotech companies and regional CROs in order to optimize site selection and
activation activities, utilizing the most advanced and proven startup workflow
engine available.

The president, CEO, and co-founder of Peachtree, Kristy Nichols, states that
streamlining communication and offering transparency into startup activities
with their stakeholders is critical to the process optimization efforts and the
delivery speed of therapies to patients in need. Oracle Health Sciences
solutions improve their clinical business intelligence and management
capabilities, enabling them to make timely interventions and course
corrections and uncover insights into the ripe processes for future
enhancements, eventually leading to timeline reductions and better
operational performance.

Study startup that consists of activities associated with the site identification,
feasibility assessment, selection, activation, and monitoring is a notorious
bottleneck in the clinical trials. Several factors can impact the study startup,
comprising the contract and budget negotiations, regulatory changes,
compliance, Institutional Review Board approvals, clinical staff turnover, and so
on. All of these contribute to substantial trial delays and cost overages.

Oracle’s Select Cloud Service and Activate Cloud Service solutions will allow
Peachtree to optimize the various study startup steps with workflow
automation and real-time insights into the study status, making it easier to
ensure quality team performance allows the discovery of meaningful patterns
in study data.

Beyond simple aggregation of site information, Select Cloud Service provides a

data-driven approach to identify sites and target populations ideally suited to
studies. Activate Cloud Service streamlines the startup process of study-
specific workflows and enhances real-time oversight for clinical operations
management by tracking milestones on the critical path and providing
transparent, user-friendly document management capabilities that support
regulatory compliance. These insights guide organizations in their optimization
efforts and provide a stark contrast to the manual, time-consuming methods
still predominantly used across the industry.

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