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Media Information Technology

Quarter 1 – Module : 1
Introduction to Media and
Information Literacy


Learning Objective/s
After going through this module, you are expected to:
* Describe how communication is influenced by media and information literacy, and
technology literacy.
* Identify the similarities and differences between and among media literacy, information
literacy, and technology literacy.

Introduction to Media and
1 Information Literacy

Lesson Proper
Communication- The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to
express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to
someone else.

 Types of Communication- NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION

(Ex. Signs, Symbols, Colors, Gestures, body language, facial expressions)
- VERBAL COMMUNICATION (ex. Oral and Written)

Literacy- The ability to identify, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using
printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a
continuum of learning, wherein individuals are able to achieve their goals, develop their
knowledge and potential, and participate fully in their community and wider society.

Media - physical objects used to communicate including mass media (radio, television,
computer, film, etc.) It also refers to any physical object used to communicate messages.

Media Literacy - The ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of
forms. It aims to empower citizens by providing them with the competence (knowledge
and skills) necessary to engage with traditional media and new technologies.

Information- A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study,
experience, instruction, signals or symbols.

Information Literacy - the ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate,
evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its various formats.

Technology Literacy - the ability of an individual, either working independently or with

others, to responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technology tools. Using these
tools an individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate

Media and Information Literacy- the essential skills and competencies that allow
individuals to engage with media and other information providers effectively, as well as
develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to socialize and become active
Analysis (Follow the rubric below and write your answer in your activity
1. In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information?
2. What activities/ habits do you practice which illustrate media and information
literacy? Give at least three examples.
3. How would you be informed of anything now? How would you share information and
communicate news and events?
Essay Rubric
Criteria Percentage
Organization Student presents information in logical, interesting 40 %
Subject Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) 60%
Knowledge by answering all questions with explanations and

Activity (Follow the rubric below and write your answer in your activity notebook).

Think of the past week, and record your usage and interaction with the media and
information providers (such as internet, social media, TV, radio, newspaper, etc.)Indicate
how many hours spent engaged with each one. List as many as you can. Answer the
question below and follow the rubric.

Weekly Interaction Log with Information and Information Providers

Media or Information Provider Number of Hours in a week

YouTube 5hrs

Facebook 7hrs

1. Which media provider did you spend the most time?

2. What roles does media play in your lives? (Leisure, learning, communication, etc.)
Essay Rubric
Criteria Percentage
Organization Student presents information in logical, interesting 40 %
Subject Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) 60%
Knowledge by answering all questions with explanations and
Direction: Choose and write the correct answer in the space provided below:
________1. It refers to tools used by the source to disseminate information to the
A. Literacy
B. Information
C. Media
D. Technology
________2. It is ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communication,
and compute using written or nonwritten materials associated with varying
A. Literacy
B. Technology
C. Media
D. Information
________3. It is ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media in a variety of
A. Information Literacy
B. Media Literacy
C. Technology Literacy
D. Social Media Literacy
________4. It is the ability to use technological tools responsibly, appropriately and
A. Media Literacy
B. Technology Literacy
C. Information Literacy
D. Social Media Literacy
_______5. It pertains to the means and resources being used for creating,
delivering, sharing, and processing information.
A. Information
B. Literacy
C. Media
D. Technology
Answer Key:

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. C


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