Mlandrusprojectpart 3

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Project Part 3: Select Strategies and Resources

Select Strategies

For this instructional unit, I will use a variety of learning strategies. First, I will use guided

instruction as a means to deliver content knowledge to the students about the various oceanic

features. The students will following along with the notes as they complete their fill-in-the-blank

notes. This approach will reach different learning styles because auditory students are able to

hear the content, kinesthetic students are able to write the content, and visual students are able to

write and see the content. Whole group instruction is appropriate because of COVID-19

regulations what limit the class sizes. Therefore, the class sizes are small enough to adequately

teach all nine to twelve students. Following guided instruction, the students will work

independently on a sorting activity. In this activity, students have to drag and sort the definition,

image, and key term together. To further assess student understanding, the teacher will assign the

students with the task of creating a ThingLink presentation on oceanic features.

Select Resources

This unit requires the use of an I-Pad and internet access to the following Google extensions:

Google Slides, Google Presentation, and Google Docs. The students will also need to access

Thing Link, Quizlet Live, and Ed Puzzle. The following rubric guideline provided in the

ASSURE model allows me to assess my selections:

 Alignment with standards, outcomes, and objectives. The interactive technology provides
the necessary tools for my students to meet the learning objectives.
 Accurate and current information. The interactive technology is accurate and current.
 Age-appropriate language. The interactive technology is appropriate for fifth grade
 Interest level and engagement. The interactive technology provide features that enable
the students to interact with the content in a variety of ways and create a piece of
published work (ThingLink).
 Technical quality. The applications are compatible to student I-Pads.
 Ease of use. The applications require initial training and periodic review of functions for
students to easily use the features.
 Bias free. The interactive technology are bias free.
 User guide and directions. The help features on ThingLink are moderately helpful.
Students most frequently ask each other, the teacher, or the technology assistant for help
with technical difficulties.
Select Materials

This unit includes a teacher-produced student sorting activity on Google Presentations that

allows students to categorize the content by description, terminology, and image. Additionally,

this lesson includes the instructions to an ThingLink assessment activity that correlate with the

content learned during gameplay.

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