Elisa Lucía Acosta Vásquez 1: Just Platform. Reading Activity Activity 1. Read The Information Bellow

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Teacher’s name: Delmy Ruth Flores de Mendizábal Subject: AÑO 2020

English Guide English Module
1.6 N of copies:
Student’s name: Elisa Lucía Acosta Vásquez 1 Score:
Grade: 10th. DSW Time: 2 hours
Date: March 31st, 2020 (1)
Delivery date: April 3rd, 2020
Objective: to review the topic about the computers.

SELF-EVALUATION (1 to 2 assessment points for each criterion)

Analysis capacity 10
Grammar and spelling 10
Coherence 10
Responsability 8
Team work 10
Average 9.6
INSTRUCTIONS: These activities are evaluated. So send them back to the platform. Not e-
mail. I’m not checking then in my e-mail. Just platform.
Reading activity
Activity 1. Read the information bellow.
A computer is a programmable machine designed to automatically carry out a sequence of
arithmetic or logical operations. The first use of the word "computer" was recorded in 1613,
referring to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and the word continued with the
same meaning until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th century the word
began to take on its more familiar meaning, a machine that carries out computations
In the beginning, computers were as big as a large room. It is only later that they have become
smaller and smaller, accessible to anyone. This has given way to personal computers. Later
developers created new applications to help users perform many things from word processing to
image editing. A large scale of programs, some free and others costly, have opened new horizons in
information technology.
Now computers have noticeable impact on social relations. They have enabled entirely new forms
of social interaction, activities, and organizing. With the Internet, working with computers has
become part of our daily lives thanks to its basic features such as widespread usability and access.
In addition to face to face communication that characterized humans for centuries, a new form of
virtual communication has become more predominant.
1. The word computer is a new term 
a.   True
b.   False 
2. Computers were accessible to anyone in the beginning 
a.   True
b.   False
3. All computer applications are free. 
a.   True
b.   False 
4. Computers and the Internet have shaped new social relations.
a.   True 
b.   False

Activity 2. Do a glossary about 5 technic words, ordered alphabetically from this reading.
Include pictures, and sentences .

N Word Meaning Sentence Picture

1 Accessible What can be “Accessible to
achieved or achieved anyone”

2 Developers He is a computer “Later

specialist who is developers
capable of created new
conceiving and applications”
developing computer
systems, as well as
implementing them
3 Machine Set of mobile and “A computer is
fixed elements whose a programmable
operation makes it machine”
possible to take
advantage of, direct,
regulate or transform
energy, or carry out
work for a specific
4 Programs It is a sequence of “A large scale of
instructions, written programs, some
to perform a specific free and others
task on a computer costly”
5 Usability Quality of the web “Such as
page or the computer widespread
program that are easy usability and
to use access”

Activity 3. Write a 3 lines paragraph about what you understand about this article.

Computers have evolved over time, both their definition and their usefulness. In the beginning,
computers were created to solve mathematical problems, nowadays we give them various uses,
perhaps the most important being communication. Thanks to computers and the internet we have
new ways to communicate. Before, not everyone had access to the internet and a computer, but now
it has become more widespread.

NOTE: These activities must be work digitally, it means in this document. When you
finish, send it back to the platform. Not my e-mail. If you have a printer at home,
print it and stick it in the notebook. All these guides will be checked when we come
back to school.

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