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Managing fouling in refinery networks

Modelling heat exchanger and other networks enables the use of dynamic
fouling models in performance assessment and predictive studies


IHS Energy

ouling of crude and prod- rapid events are flagged up improved reconciliation of
uct streams in oil refineries quickly and this can only be monitoring data that can flag
is an inescapable problem done where the fouling inside up rapid fouling episodes, the
that causes very significant individual shells can be detailed heat exchanger model-
financial, environmental and inferred correctly from plant ling in SmartPM allows
safety problems. For example, measurements. These measure- dynamic models for crude
refinery preheat train (PHT) ments are often inadequate for blend and product stream
networks nearly always suffer spreadsheet-type analysis, chronic fouling to be inferred
from fouling, resulting in where the geometries of the from the reconciled data. These
reduced throughput, increased individual exchangers are in models allow operators to
energy consumption and more any case over-simplified. compare capex-heavy solutions
frequent shutdowns. The finan- (revamps and so on) with opex
cial, environmental and safety Pragmatic framework routes (such as regular clean-
impact of fouling on processing A comprehensive research ing). Using detailed (rigorous)
73 million barrels of crude oil programme into crude oil foul- thermohydraulic exchanger
per day worldwide is enor- ing was completed in 2010 in modelling and dynamic fouling
mous. It is estimated that crude the UK. This programme was models, SmartPM models
fouling in PHTs costs 0.25% facilitated by IHS and guided correctly the behaviour of
BOE of all refined crude, or 66 by the majority of the networks of heat exchangers.
million barrels per year. super-major oil companies plus The wide range of generic and
Prediction of fouling is an several technology providers. proprietary heat exchanger
increasingly challenging task, The group identified that a configurations, including
with laboratory fouling studies pragmatic framework to apply arrangements such as helical
able to assess blend compatibil- the research knowledge to baffles and tube inserts, is
ity but often little more than a networks such as PHTs was included.
first approximation of real needed. SmartPM (Smart Within a state-of-the-art,
plant performance. Refinery Predictive Maintenance) is the simple-to-use graphical inter-
networks such as PHTs often software tool that fulfils this face, SmartPM is a turnkey
exhibit fouling that builds up purpose, and is now assisting application that connects opera-
relatively slowly and is often refinery operators, engineers tion, maintenance, engineering
managed by exchanger clean- and managers to make deci- and fouling research, with each
ing or improved exchanger sions on how to alleviate group accessing the appropriate
design, as well as rapid fouling fouling in existing and new facilities of the software for the
events. It is imperative for plant. same refinery model. For exam-
effective refinery operation that In addition to greatly ple, whilst operation and PTQ Q3 2015 1

upstream of the desalter, where
temperature variation propa-
gates throughput the network
when associated units are
• Increase in pressure drop
with fouling can result in
throughput reduction.
• Hot end exchangers can
experience crude-side boiling,
which can lead to throughput
SmartPM resolves these and
Figure 1 Schematic of a case study preheat train. Label ‘E’ denotes heat other issues by using full
exchangers. FIT and FOT represent furnace inlet and outlet temperature, network simulation, detailed
respectively exchanger modelling and
maintenance run data reconcili- often used for candidate selec- dynamic fouling models in all
ation and cleaning scheduling, tion in exchanger cleaning. modes of operation from data
engineering costs the benefits of There are many missed oppor- reconciliation to cleaning
revamp options, researchers tunities when using these types scheduling.
review the fouling propensity of model as they fail to resolve
of various crude slates, perhaps key issues: Application to preheat trains
in a range of refineries. All • Many heat exchanger A key application of the soft-
share the same goal, which is networks are poorly instru- ware is in the modelling of the
maximising profit through mented, with important crude preheating system.
increased efficiency and temperatures and even flow Fractional distillation of crude
reduced maintenance. rates missing, or at least oil is an energy intensive
SmartPM is a heat exchanger temporarily unavailable. process. The process requires
network simulation software • Intermediate temperatures the crude to be heated from
aimed at tackling fouling between shells in series are ambient temperature to around
related problems encountered rarely measured yet tempera- 700°F (370°C). The required
in oil refining. The software ture fields in these shells are heat is provided through a
couples thermohydraulic very different; hence the foul- network of heat exchangers
network analysis with dynamic ing in the shells differs called preheat trains (PHTs)
fouling simulations, enabling significantly. and furnaces. PHTs recover
the user to reliably predict plant • An increasing number of heat from the product and
operational limitations, refineries are now using effi- pump-around streams of the
economic penalties and envi- cient baffle types such as distillation column. A simple
ronmental impacts resulting Helixchangers and EMbaffles; example of a PHT based on an
from heat exchanger fouling. tube inserts such as Turbotal Argentinian refinery is shown
The software was designed (but and Spirelf are in frequent use. in Figure 1.1 Crude is pumped
not necessarily limited) to • Online exchangers compen- through a set of heat exchang-
model heat exchanger networks sate for loss of overall heat ers and enters a desalter. The
in crude oil refineries. duty when other exchangers desalter washes the crude with
are taken offline for cleaning. water to remove the inorganic,
Missed opportunities • Cleaning hottest shells can water soluble impurities in the
Many refineries use spread- lead to a loss of preheat in crude. The vapour component
sheet based models or other upstream shells as the tempera- of the crude is removed through
approximate models to evalu- ture of streams (for example, a flash column. Crude is further
ate plant operational data and streams such as vacuum residue heated downstream of the flash
assess heat transfer efficiency. are often bridged between through a set of heat exchang-
These rudimentary models are exchangers downstream and ers where it enters the furnace

2 PTQ Q3 2015

at the furnace inlet temperature
(FIT). The crude is then heated
in the furnace to the furnace
outlet temperature (FOT), prior
to entering the fractional distil-
lation column. 2.8
Crude oil is a complex 2.4 9A

mixture of petrochemicals and

Fouling rate,
impurities and is prone to foul- 1.6 8B 9BC
ing.1,2,3 US refineries are 1.2
reporting new fouling prob- 0.8
8A 3
lems that are a direct 0.4
consequence of the increasing 0
amounts of domestic tight oils 280 320 8 Crude-side velocity,
360 390 430 460
in the crude slate. These prob- 500 540 570
lems arise from the changing Crude-side film temperature, ºF
nature of the slate (one refinery
for example is seeing swings Figure 2 Comparison of fouling in exchangers downstream of the desalter. The
upwards of 5-10 API points on surface indicates a fit of a dynamic fouling model
a day-to-day or week-to-week
basis), additives in the crudes Figure 2 is an illustration of components to vaporise at this
and crude incompatibility heat exchanger fouling behav- stage. The surface plot in Figure
issues. iour in a crude preheating 2 represents a model fit for
Many tight oils have added system introduced in Figure 1.1 chemical reaction fouling.
corrosion inhibitors (usually The figure shows the sensitivity In the last decade, identifying
amine based) and drag reduc- of the fouling rate with the and utilising dynamic fouling
ing agents. This can lead to operating conditions of the heat conditions for best practices has
operating issues in the preheat exchanger, namely the crude gained importance in refinery
exchangers and furnaces, and stream film temperature and operation, engineering design
in the atmospheric distillation the crude stream velocity. and management decision-mak-
towers where the amine salts Apart from exchangers E8D ing.6,7 Recognising the
are deposited, inhibiting heat and E8C, the fouling rates have increasing importance of utilis-
transfer and fouling the tower. an increasing trend with ing fouling knowledge to
Increased deposition of sand increased film temperature and practice, IHS developed
and particulates are observed reduced crude-side velocity. SmartPM combining fouling
in heat exchangers upstream of This dynamic behaviour process physics and proprie-
the desalter. In usual PHT matches reported experimental taryheat exchanger technology
operation, chemical reaction fouling literature where crude – developed over the last 40
fouling dominates the fouling undergoes chemical reaction years by IHS – with new,
mechanism downstream of the fouling.5 The outliers, E8D and advanced simulation and clean-
desalter. Operational irregulari- E8C, are the second and third ing analysis techniques
ties such as inefficient desalting heat exchangers downstream of developed at Cambridge
can lead to inorganic deposi- the desalter. These units are University. This article high-
tion. Such problems are suspected to experience salt lights the use of SmartPM
exacerbated as tight oils stabi- crystallisation due to inefficient software in refinery wide foul-
lise emulsions in the desalter desalting with water carryover. ing mitigation studies.
and increase heat exchanger Salt crystallisation might not be
fouling in downstream units observed in the exchanger Novel approach to fouling
Desalting efficiency can be immediately downstream of the management
further challenged by wax desalter as the thermodynamic Refineries are dynamic environ-
precipitation in the cold train conditions might not be suffi- ments with operational
exchangers.4 cient enough for the water parameters varying with the PTQ Q3 2015 3

Tfilm is the film temperature and
τs is the surface shear stress.
Full HEX and network modelling Proprietary technologies
Dynamic fouling models are
• Detailed HEX simulations • Tube inserts (e.g. Turbotal)
then used for predicting future
• Network thermo-hydraulics • Novel baffle arrangements
performances including perfor-
SmartPM mances based on changes to the
Research tools Decision-making tools network (through retrofit and
• Dynamic fouling models • Advanced data reconciliation revamp projects) or perfor-
• Models for fouling rigs • Cleaning scheduling
mances based on generated
• Retrofit and revamp
optimum cleaning schedules.
These aspects will be discussed
Figure 3 Key aspects of SmartPM software (HEX denotes ‘heat exchanger’) in a series of case studies.

type of crude processed to the Any information on the loca- Case study 1: Advanced data
type of products required by tions of monitoring tags and reconciliation
the market. Heat recovery associated measurement are In SmartPM, monitoring data
systems endure these opera- also entered, either through are linked to the network simu-
tional dynamics, making the connecting to the plant’s lator model though the
prediction of heat exchanger distributed control system graphical attachment of tags to
fouling a ‘complex process’. (DCS) or through importing appropriate streams (Figure 4
SmartPM breaks the ‘complex data storage files. Data recon- shows tags attached to a UK
process’ to manageable, smaller, ciliation is performed to fit the refinery crude preheating train).
problems, unmasking the key available data to a physical These tags store time-depend-
parameters responsible for foul- model (a heat and mass ent flow rate, temperature,
ing. The refinery’s store of balance). During this analysis, and/or pressure measurement
historical raw performance a full network simulation is data. Not all streams have
measurements are assessed for performed to generate all engi- temperature/flow measure-
viability and validity and foul- neering geometrical and ments. The thermophysical
ing physics models are fitted to operational parameters of the properties of the streams and
track historical fouling perfor- exchangers (for instance, the actual available tempera-
mance. This enables the stream film coefficients, ture/flow measurements have
operator with a wide range of Reynolds numbers, surface uncertainties. Data reconcilia-
planning scenarios, from the shear stresses and metal tion approach is based on three
development of optimum temperatures). Fouling analysis steps:
predictive maintenance sched- is performed for the reconciled 1. Generation of missing data
ules to the assessment of the data where fouling propensity through simulation using full
economic and environmental factors are obtained for particu- heat exchanger modelling
performance benefits of lar crude blends. Fouling 2. Filtering unreliable data
revamps and even network propensity factor is defined for through a ‘trusted’ heat balance
redesign. Even without histori- a crude blend and represents 3. Grouping heat exchanger
cal data, the fouling physics the degree of fouling in a monitoring data into periods of
models can be used to guide specific operating condition. processed crude blends.
these scenarios based on perfor- An example form of the rate of Figure 4 highlights a snapshot
mance of other refineries fouling of a heat exchanger is of the agreement of the availa-
processing similar crudes. Key shown by: ble plant measurements with
components of SmartPM are the calculated temperature at
shown in Figure 3. 𝑑𝑑𝑅𝑅! 𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹  𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝𝑝
= 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 −
𝑓𝑓 𝜏𝜏!
the tag locations. The tags are
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 ℎ 𝑅𝑅𝑇𝑇!"#$
Heat exchanger specification (1) coloured green, orange or red.
sheets, P&ID diagrams and ‘Green’ implies that the moni-
stream thermophysical proper- Here, h is the film transfer tored data have a very close fit
ties provide the information to coefficient, E is the activation following the mass and heat
build a preheat train model. energy, R is the gas constant, balance. ‘Orange’ is an indica-

4 PTQ Q3 2015

Figure 4 SmartPM network with a snapshot highlight of the quality of monitoring data. The colours of the tags, green, or-
ange and red, attached to the stream indicates either the data is of good quality, ‘handle data with caution’, or incorrect

tion to handle the data with The green area in the fouling 2011, reducing the fouling
caution due to possible inaccu- resistance graph (see Figure 5) trend. The profiles for heat
racies in thermophysical is a fit of the dynamic fouling duty and the crude-side shear
properties or monitoring model described by Equation 1. stress for this exchanger are
instruments. ‘Red’ indicates This describes a ‘fouling shown in Figure 6. While the
data outside a usual range, propensity’ of 450 h-1, for the shear stress remains constant,
perhaps due to the adjustment crude blend, crude A and the heat duty has reduced
of the reconciled temperature crude blended in a specific significantly due to the
to ensure the heat balance or average proportion over the increased thermal resistance.
an incorrect tag measurement. period January 2011 to October The historical cleaning action is
A key output is the historical 2011. The sudden drop in foul- superimposed on the plot,
operational parameters (such ing resistance around August denoting a minimum fouling
as variation in transfer coeffi- 2011 denotes a heat exchanger resistance identified following
cients, stream velocities) cleaning event. The fouling a cleaning event.
including fouling resistance resistance profile no longer
(Rf) profiles for each exchanger follows the trend given in Case study 2:
with time. When a heat Equation 1 using ‘fouling When to clean which units
exchanger is selected, a combi- propensity’ of 450 h-1 as the A common strategy to mitigate
nation plot (see Figure 5) shows crude blend composition has the effects of fouling is to peri-
the change in Rf profile with changed. A third crude has odically clean fouled units.
variation in the crude blend. been introduced from October Systematic cleaning of fouled PTQ Q3 2015 5

heat exchangers is a proven
100 methodology to minimise
80 economic penalties.6,8,9 Heuristic
Crude slate 60 cleaning scheduling formula-
tions implemented in SmartPM
40 incorporate practical constraints
20 such as:
0 1. Mechanical constraints: loca-
tions of heat exchanger
Fouling resistance,

isolation valves to identify if

0.06 the heat exchanger can be

isolated individually or as a
2. Operational constraints: for
0.01 instance, operation at constant
0 pumparound heat duty/return
Jan 2011 Apr 2011 Jul 2011 Oct 2011 temperature, furnace firing
capacity limits
3. Economic constraints: for
Figure 5 Combination plot of the variation in crude slate and fouling resistance instance, cleaning budget for
over an operational period. The green area on the fouling resistance is the the financial year.
fouling resistance predicted via Equation 1 Once the mechanical, opera-
tional and economic constraints
are specified together with the
economic parameters (cost of
Crude-side equivalent

3 energy, cost of lost opportu-

nity, cost of cleaning), the
shear, Pa

2 scheduling formulation gener-

1 ates an optimised cleaning
schedule giving the highest
economic benefits. The sched-
uling formulation uses the
15 predictive capability of
12 SmartPM coupled with the
Heat duty,

9 dynamic fouling models identi-

6 fied for the crude slate being
3 processed. Table 1 is a simpli-
0 fied Gantt chart representation
of when to clean which units.
Specific details (date of unit to
Fouling resistance,

0.05 be taken offline, furnace inlet


temperature drop, and so on)
0.02 could be extracted from the
0.01 software. The net benefit for
0 each financial year and the CO2
Jan 2011 Apr 2011 Jul 2011 Oct 2011 emission savings are summa-
rised in Table 2.
When there are product
Figure 6 Combination plot of the variation in crude-side surface shear, heat streams connecting heat
duty and fouling resistance. The vertical stripe indicates a historical cleaning exchangers above and below
event (hydro blasting). ‘Star’ on the fouling resistance graph identifies the the desalter (see Figure 4),
minimum fouling resistance after a cleaning action cleaning actions downstream of

6 PTQ Q3 2015

the desalter could have a An example representation of when to clean which units. The number 7
strong influence on the desalter denotes the number of days taken to clean the unit
inlet temperature. 7 is an illus-
2015 2016 2017
tration of the desalter inlet Unit name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
2 1 2 3
temperature when the heat E014 7 7
E015 7 7
exchanger network is subject to E008 7
a cleaning action. The increases E001 7 7 7
and decreases in the desalter E002 7 7 7
E056 7 7
inlet temperature are related to E023 7
dynamic fouling and scheduled E024 7
E025 7
cleaning: E018 7
O to A: The desalter inlet E033 7
temperature gradually E034 7
E021 7 7 7 7
increases as the heat exchang- E016 7 7
ers downstream of the desalter
are fouling (faster than the heat Table 1
exchangers upstream of the
desalter) causing the product
stream to enter the upstream B
heat exchangers at a higher A
temperature. 320
Temperature, ºF

A to B: The heat exchanger 310 O

downstream of the desalter has 300 E
been cleaned, causing the prod- 290
uct stream to eject more heat at 280
the upstream heat exchangers. 270
B to C: The heat exchanger F
upstream of the desalter is
taken offline for cleaning.
C to D: The heat exchanger 240






downstream of the desalter is









back online after being cleaned ar












(recovering more heat), reduc-

ing the heat recovered on the
heat exchangers upstream of Figure 7 Schematic of an example desalter inlet temperature in a heat
the desalter. exchanger network where the heat exchangers are undergoing cleaning
D to E: The heat exchanger
upstream of the desalter is Annualised summary of the generated cleaning schedule
back online after being cleaned.
The refinery operator could Year Start End No of Cleaning benefit Cleaning benefit Total cost Total net
assess economic benefits of date date cleans average furnace CO2 saving, cleaning, savings,
duty, MMbtu/hr tons US$ US$
which exchangers to clean 1 01/01/2015 31/12/2015 8 18.31 8800 260 000 717 800
‘today’, based on the descend- 2 01/01/2016 31/12/2016 8 39.38 18 900 220 000 2 114 900
ing order of benefit (see Table
3). The network duty gain is Table 2
less than the individual heat
exchanger duty gain (difference sents the benefit over a one year exchanger being offline for
of unit duty ‘after’ and ‘before’ operating period. The cost of cleaning. The operator could
cleaning), as the individual cleaning includes the cost of make decisive economic evalua-
thermal energy gain diminishes cleaning the actual unit plus the tions in situations where there
as it moves along the network. additional energy cost for the will be a plant shutdown in
The annual net benefit repre- furnace to accommodate the near future (for example, in a PTQ Q3 2015 7

Summary of benefits in descending order on exchangers cleaned ‘today’ includes models for proprie-
tary heat exchanger designs
and tube insert technologies
Top 5 candidates for cleaning ‘today’ (8 February 2015)
Unit name Annual net Cost of Unit duty Unit duty Network duty gain Initial FIT which enables the thermohy-
benefit cleaning before cleaning, after cleaning, after cleaning, increase draulics to be evaluated with
MMBtu/hr MMBtu/hr MMBtu/hr °F
E014/E015 300 200 74 200 39.57 49.15 5.56 4.9
retrofit changes (see Figure 8).
E008 179 600 28 200 16.17 28.22 3.77 5.3 Table 4 is a summary of
E001/002 144 000 69 100 34.16 46.93 2.81 2.4 selected tube insert geometries
E056 141 100 22 900 2.89 6.42 1.88 1.6
E023/024 116 700 64 200 44.75 54.90 3.59 5.1 and annual energy benefit due
to a reduction in fouling and
Table 3 enhancement in heat transfer.
The software enables the
assessment of thermal energy
gain with pressure drop limita-
tions of the stream.
Network re-piping and heat
exchanger rearrangements
could also be explored through
introducing the changes to the
heat exchanger model.6

Case study 4:
Limits on furnace operations
Furnaces (fired heaters) are
also known to undergo coking
Figure 8 Preheat train diagram with a list of tube-insert models available in on the crude side, where the
SmartPM rate of coking is strongly influ-
enced by the variation in FIT.10
Insert type, geometry and energy benefit due to heat transfer enhance- The properties of the coke
ment and fouling reduction deposits are further compli-
cated as they are subject to
Insert type Insert geometry Annual energy benefit, US$
ageing.11 Coke formation in
Twisted tapes 360 turn per 100 mm 304 000 furnace tubes can increase the
Hitran Loop density of 1 370 000 tube surface (skin) temperature
Petroval 4:1 463 000 through impeding heat trans-
fer. The mechanical integrity of
Table 4 the furnace could be hindered
through exposure of its tubes
six-month period). When clean- Case study 3: Capex heavy to temperatures above the
ing heat exchangers at plant solutions maximum specified safety
shutdowns, there would be no SmartPM enables the user to limits imposed by the manu-
additional energy cost for the explore retrofit and revamp facturer.12 SmartPM explores
furnace but the cost of cleaning options in a series of stages. the variation of the tube skin
the actual unit could be tripled Heat exchanger modifications temperature (TST) of a crude
due to contractors charging a (addition of tube inserts, furnace throughout its opera-
higher cost. If the heat switching crude from shell-side tion. FIT is directly influenced
exchanger is to be cleaned at to tube-side, swapping out a through the degree of heat
the plant shutdown, the segmental baffle for a helical recovery in the PHT. A typical
network will lose the energy baffle, and so on) can be crude furnace consists of two
benefit that could have been assessed based on individual main sections: a convective
recovered through cleaning the performance and network section and the radiant section.
unit ‘today’. performance. SmartPM As the crude within the furnace

8 PTQ Q3 2015

is in two-phase flow, the foul-
ing mechanism is complicated A Scenario 1 with HEX cleaning
and the dynamic behaviour Scenario 1 without HEX cleaning
varies in both temporal and
axial dimensions.10 Radiative 540
heat transfer to the tubes of the 520

radiant section consists of
several factors including heat
transfer from the burner flame
to the tubes, the refractory wall 460
to the tubes and the gas to the 440
tubes. As only one side of the
tubes is facing the burner, the 0 10 20 30 40
degree of coke formation Time, months
within the tube internal is B
Scenario 1 with HEX cleaning
non-uniform.13 The case study Tube skin temperature, ºF 1150
Scenario 1 without HEX cleaning
illustrated in this section uses 1140 Maximum skin temperature
SmartPM to investigate the 1130
influence of heat exchanger 1120
cleans on the variation in TST 1110
and the operating strategies for 1100
safe operation of the furnace.
The preheat train network
illustrated in Figure 1 is utilised
to describe the following three
scenarios. 0 10 20 30 40
Time, months
Scenario 1: Influence of FIT on
TST in the absence of furnace Figure 9 Scenario 1, in the absence of furnace coking: (a) variation of FIT with
coking time, and (b) variation of TST with time. Solid line: no cleaning; discontinuous
The performance of the line: with cleaning actions; horizontal bold discontinuous line in (b): maximum
preheat train was simulated, (i) safety specification for TST
without any cleaning actions,
and (ii) with an optimised FIT, to maintain a constant Scenario 2: Influence of FIT on
cleaning schedule. Without FOT, the furnace has to TST with furnace coking
any cleaning actions, FIT drops provide the additional duty. With furnace coking, the TST
considerably (approximately Higher furnace duty results in would be higher as the coke
90°F drop in three years; solid increased TST, depicted in material would have a lower
bold line in Figure 9a). In Figure 9b. When no cleaning thermal conductivity than the
actual operation, the heat actions are performed, TST has tube material. For illustration,
exchangers are subject to increased to about 1140°F Scenario 1 was repeated
cleaning and would maintain a (615°C) by the end of the simu- including a constant coking
higher FIT. The variation in lation. This has increased rate. Figure 10 illustrates the
FIT for an optimum cleaning beyond the safety operating variation in TST with operating
schedule is plotted as the limit of 1103°F (595°C), period. Without any cleaning
discontinuous line in Figure 9a. denoted in the horizontal actions, TST has increased to
The sharp drops in the FIT dashed line. Under the opti- 1160°F (625°C) by the end of
correspond to heat exchanger mised scheduling, TST the three years. This is ~50°F
cleaning actions. Table 5 repre- increases considerably, corre- higher than the case in the
sents the optimum schedule on sponding to the period when absence of furnace coking. It is
when and which units are the heat exchanger is offline also noticeable that several
cleaned. With the reduction in for cleaning. cleaning actions force the TST PTQ Q3 2015 9

to exceed the maximum TST
Scenario 2 with HEX cleaning limit during the periods when
1160 the heat exchangers are offline
Scenario 2 without HEX cleaning
1150 Maximum skin temperature (dashed spikes in Figure 10).
Tube skin temperature, ºF

1130 Scenario 3: Control of TST by
variation in crude throughput
Several studies discuss illustra-
tions of imposing a maximum
1100 furnace firing capacity in
1090 preheat train scheduling stud-
1080 ies.14,15 The furnace in case
1070 studies 1 and 2 did not reach its
maximum furnace capacity
0 10 20 30 40 during the simulated period
Time, months and hence exhibited a constant
throughput. TST is a variable
Figure 10 Scenario 2: Variation in TST with time with furnace coking. Solid line: which is not always continu-
no cleaning; horizontal bold discontinuous line: maximum safety specification ously monitored (or calculated)
for TST; discontinuous line: with cleaning actions by furnace operators. In order
to control the TST (that is, to
A Scenario 3 with HEX cleaning maintain the TST below its
Scenario 3 without HEX cleaning maximum operating limit),
Crude throughput, 1000lb.h−1

800 imposing a lower furnace firing

780 capacity (for instance, 212 MM
btu h-1) was considered in the
simulation. For the case of no
740 cleaning, the simulation starts at
a lower throughput (777 800 lb
h-1; bold line in Figure 11a) indi-
700 cating that the furnace has
already reached the imposed
0 10 20 30 40 firing capacity. As the through-
Time, months put is reduced, the furnace duty
is lower and the TST falls below
Maximum skin temperature the maximum operating limit.
Tube skin temperature, ºF

Scenario 3 without HEX cleaning When the heat exchangers are

1140 Scenario 3 with HEX cleaning
subject to cleaning, a steep
reduction in the throughput is
observed in the periods when
the heat exchangers are offline
(dashed line in Figure 11a). The
corresponding TST is illustrated
in Figure 11b, where TST is
below the maximum limit
1060 throughout the operation.
0 10 20 30 40
Time, months Scenario 1 illustrated an ideal-
ised operation where there is no
Figure 11 Scenario 3: furnace operation with throughput control, (a) coking in the furnace. In prac-
variation of throughput with time, and (b) variation of TST with time. Solid tice, furnaces experience coking
line: no cleaning; discontinuous line: with cleaning actions; horizontal bold and the increase in TST above
discontinuous line (in (b)): maximum safety specification for TST its specified maximum safety

10 PTQ Q3 2015

Representation of when and which units are cleaned in the optimum cleaning schedule

HEX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
E90 X X X
8A X X
8B X X
8C X X X

Table 5

limit could be expected (as in

Scenario 2). Scenario 3 illus-
trated the reduction of TST
through reducing the crude
throughput via artificially speci-
fying a furnace firing capacity
below its actual burner capacity.
For Scenario 3, the throughput
reduction was quantified by
integrating the area of Figure
11a and comparing with the
initial constant throughput of
801 600 lb h-1. The total amount Table 6
of unprocessed crude amounts
to approximately 350 000 bbl in the refinery. An example is Fouling under two-phase
over the three-year period. the fouling of heat exchangers flow conditions could occur
Considering a margin of $2/ associated with petroleum when the associated stream
bbl, $700 000 has been lost upgrade technologies. pressure is not high enough to
through reduced production in Examples are visbreakers and keep the stream under single
this case study. That is, $700 000 high conversion soaker crack- phase flow (for example, for
is the cost over three years for ing (HSC) units, which are crude (Ishiyama and Pugh,
operating the TST below its thermal processes in refineries 2015)).16 The main effect of
maximum safety limit. to upgrade residual oils stream boiling on fouling rate
Scenarios 2 and 3 considered a produced by atmospheric or is through the high turbulence
constant coking rate for the vacuum distillation of crude. created by the bubbles at the
furnace. However, furnace The associated process streams solid-fluid interface. This
coking exhibits dynamic behav- in visbreaking and HSC units turbulence enhances both heat
iour.10 It would be useful to consist of heavy hydrocarbons and mass transfer. Boiling
combine the dynamic furnace with very high viscosities and reduces the boundary layer
coking model to establish a impurities, resulting in fouling resistance and promotes the
more accurate relationship of heat exchangers used to cool flow of fouling precursor
between FIT, coking rate and or heat these streams. Such toward the heated surface.
TST. fouling is not necessarily Such fouling dynamics can be
limited to a chemical reaction explored through the PM; the
Case study 5: Beyond crude type fouling and a range software utilises two-phase
fouling of fouling models are available flow thermohydraulics from
Fouling in streams other than in the SmartPM software (see standard engineering literature
crude oil is frequently observed Table 6). (IHS ESDU, 1991). PTQ Q3 2015 11

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historical performance assess- quantification of individual Engineering, 34, 2013, 692–701. doi:10.1
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The software provides a benefits under dynamic fouling 7 Wilson D I, Polley G T, Pugh S J, Ten
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dynamic modelling hydrocar- the maximum tube skin
8 Ishiyama E M, Paterson W R, Wilson D
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including segmental, helical Dynamic fouling models for I, Optimization of cleaning schedules
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1 Ishiyama E M, Heins A V, Paterson 12 Moss C J, Barrien P, Walczynski A,
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12 PTQ Q3 2015

operated in crude oil distillation plants, 17 Ishiyama E M, Coletti F, Macchietto BSc degree in mechanical engineering
in: Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning, S, Paterson W R, Wilson D I, Impact from Brunel University, UK.
Crete, Greece, 2013. of deposit ageing on thermal fouling: Edward Ishiyama is a Senior Research
14 Ishiyama E M, Pugh S J, Kennedy J, lumped parameter model, AIChE Journal, Engineer and Consultant with IHS
Wilson D I, Ogden-Quin A, Birch G, An 56, 2010, 531–545. doi:10.1002/ Energy Downstream Research and
industrial case study on retrofitting heat aic.11978 is lead developer on SmartPM. His
exchangers and revamping preheat trains current research into the application
subject to fouling, in: Heat Exchanger of heat transfer, process control and
Fouling and Cleaning, Budapest, Hungary, Simon Pugh is a Director and Consultant thermodynamic principles identifies and
2013. with IHS Energy Downstream Research solves problems associated with heat
15 Lavaja J H, Bagajewicz M J, On a new and is responsible for the development exchangers and heat exchanger networks
MILP model for the planning of heat- and application of advanced software for undergoing fouling. He holds a PhD from
exchanger network cleaning. Part II: heat exchanger networks, with particular the University of Cambridge, UK.
Throughput loss considerations, Industrial emphasis on fouling management
and Engineering Chemistry Research, 44, in refinery pre-heat trains. Under his
2005, 8046-8056. strategic direction, SmartPM software LINKS
16 Ishiyama E M, Pugh S J, Considering was co-developed with Cambridge
in-tube crude oil boiling in assessing University using technology transferred More articles from the following
performance of preheat trains subject to IHS from the UK Government funded categories:
to fouling, Heat Transfer Engineering, 36, crude oil fouling research programme, Corrosion / Fouling Control
2015, 632–641. doi:10.1080/01457632.2 CROF, where IHS was coordinator and Heat Transfer
015.954916 technology transfer partner. He holds a PTQ Q3 2015 13

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