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Published by MARS Reports in Case Studies On March 4, 2014

Inaction of OOW Leads To

Collision Of Two Vessels In
Good Weather And Visibility
Vessel A was making way on an auto-pilot heading of about 104 degrees at a speed
of 10.8 knots with an experienced OOW and an ordinary seaman as lookout on the
bridge. It was night, but visibility was good.

Vessel B was on an auto-pilot heading of about 043 degrees and a speed of

19.5 knots with a lone, but very experienced, watchkeeper on the
bridge. Information obtained from vessel B’s voyage data recorder indicated that
the watchkeeper occupied himself with tasks other than those exclusively of
navigation and lookout.


case study colreg

duty of lookout case study

case study on overtaking vessel

case when oow was guilty

vessel location
At about 0515, vessel A’s lookout alerted the OOW to a vessel on his starboard side.
The OOW determined that the vessel was overtaking his ship on a course of
around 090 degrees and would pass 3 or 4 cables clear down his vessel’s starboard
side. He attempted to plot vessel B’s radar target, but was unsuccessful: he did not
take a visual bearing of the vessel.

Some 17 minutes later, the two vessels were less than 3 NM from each other and
on a collision course. At about this time, or soon after, the lookout on Vessel A
warned the OOW for a second time about the other ship on their starboard side.
As the distance between the two ships further reduced, the lookout alerted the
OOW for a third time to the presence of the other ship.

The OOW started to alter his vessel’s heading slowly to port; he predicted that this
adjustment would increase the passing distance of the two ships. Shortly
afterwards the lookout shouted for the OOW to ‘do something’. The OOW now
realized that a collision was imminent. He put the steering controls into manual
mode and turned the helm hard to port. Meanwhile, vessel B’s watchkeeper first
saw vessel A very close on his port bow but was unable to take avoiding action in
the short time now available to him.

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Some of the findings of the official report were:

* Vessel A’s OOW did not establish that vessel B was on a steady bearing, and that
his was the give-way vessel. The inaction of vessel A’s OOW showed a total
disregard for the safety of his vessel and his shipmates. Despite his experience
and knowledge of the Colregs, he made an unfounded assumption that vessel B
would pass clear of his vessel.

* Vessel A’s OOW did not assess the situation correctly initially, or reconsider his
assessment when the situation did not develop as he expected. Even in the
scenario that he had imagined, he was willing to accept a CPA that was much less
than specified in the Master’s night orders.

* It is extremely difficult to determine a vessel’s aspect at night and, even if

correct, aspect is no guarantee of a vessel’s acting heading or course.
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* The complacent attitude of vessel A’s OOW, his misplaced belief in his ability to
assess the risk of collision by eye, and his underestimation of the chance of
encountering another vessel at close quarters combined to prevent him from
taking the necessary actions to prevent the collision.
* Vessel B’s watchkeeper did not post a lookout or set the watch alarm, and
instead relied on his ability to maintain an effective lookout on his own.

* Vessel B’s watchkeeper allowed himself to be distracted by tasks other than

navigating and keeping a lookout, possibly by placing himself in a position where
he could not see out of the bridge windows or look at his navigation aids.

* In choosing to take the watch alone and not setting the watch alarm, the
watchkeeper on vessel B demonstrated extremely poor judgment, systematically
overcoming each of the safeguards that should have been in place for keeping an
effective navigational watch.

* The lack of regard of vessel B’s watchkeeper for his primary roles as lookout and
officer in charge of a navigational watch can only be assessed as complacent.

Reference & Image Credits: nautinst

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View Comments (10)

Miik says: March 4, 2014 at 5:12 am

Why would you alter course to Port as the giveway vessel? Is it not one of the first and first
things you are taught in the COLREGs?

Should have taken early action to avoid a close quarters situation developing. Altering
course slightly starboard when the vessel was spotted could have completely avoided the

Michael S. Carls says: March 5, 2014 at 7:21 am

A prudent mariner should always consider the safety of the crew, the ship, the cargo, and
the marine environment.

The article is very informative and useful particularly in classes wherein COLREG is being
taught. This will also increase the students safety awareness in keeping a proper look-out.

Look-out is look-out and NO other duty should be assigned to him except keeping a proper
esperidion catabay says: April 16, 2014 at 1:08 pm

Vessel B's oow was also neglect of duty. Rule 17 Stand on vessel may take action if it becomes
clear that the give way vessel is not taking appropriate action. Vessel B should give the signal
that she's in doubt and alter course to starboard.

Tran Van chinh says: November 18, 2014 at 8:25 am

Both oow is not experienced don't understand clearly colreg 1972.

fred says: November 18, 2014 at 9:08 am

It clearly shows who is at fault.

Chris says: November 18, 2014 at 4:10 pm

probably bought his ticket, both oow at fault

tausif raza says: August 17, 2015 at 5:14 pm

in the given scenario its difficult for navigator to asses it to be a Crossing/overtaking

situation which by application of colregs is easy, given the time of incidence is usually when
nav-lights can be sighted, unless otherwise. It cannot be blamed on ignorance to steering
and sailing rules but to the simple ignorance of Rule 5 and further to rule 7.

Frederick Ochonogor says: August 8, 2016 at 10:08 pm

The incident clearly shows that, unmanned designs actually requires some level of human
attention. The problem was experienced because both of the OOWs on watch keeping
believed so much on the auto pilot.

Kingsley ezenna says: December 9, 2018 at 12:06 am

Buying of result in our Marine time schools should be discouraged.

Dale Evans says: December 9, 2018 at 11:46 pm

It is dificult to understand that with such advance technology such as ARPA that ships can
still collide in any weather condition or has the standard of training deteriorated that much.
Maybe the IMO should take a look at the standards and adjust accordingly.

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