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Risa Ler 0:3:8 076) 9 See ees eon Cambridge English SOU CRS nS ac Oe Official preparation material for Cambridge English: First for Schools, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE) for Schools Introduction Training and Exam Practice Test Paper 1 Reading Paper3 Use of Enlsh Papers stening Test2 Paper’ Reading Paper 2 Writing Paper 3 Use of English fae Speaking Practice Tests Test’ Paper’ Reading Paper 4 Ustening, Paper Speaking Test4 —Paner 1 Reading Paper 2 Wing Paper 3 Use of English Paper 4 tstening Paper Speaking TestS Paper’ Reading Paper 3 Use of English Paper listening Paper 5 Speaking Paper Reading Paper 2 Writing Paper 3 Use of English Paper Audioscripts Teacher's Notes & Keys Tests 1-2 Practice Test Keys Tests 3-6 Sample Answer Sheets Acknowledgements Speaking Appendix 236 Contents a and 17 and want to take First for Schools (FCE) this book Ifyou are aged between foryou! This books called “Trainer because is ful of xerses to help you get better and beter at doing each pat of Fist fr Schools So, complete all the exercises then do all he practice pape! you tran and work herd, yout son ta take Fist for Schools How do | use this book?) Fist, do the grammar and vocabulary exercises on each Training page. Then doth tsk on the Exam pra and check your answers (On Training pages you will find: QO camrdge ream corpus Tidshows ntomaton about males some CE canddtes make you do these fl arches yo lier otto mae se mie hen you do Het for seo aa | These are quick reminders about grammar points or waabulary that you should learn To change direct questions to indirect questions Wh questions: What the time? Do you know what he toe Yes/No questions tsJohn here? + Do you know ifJohn is here? (On Exam practice pages you will find: ‘+s Festfor Schools exam task or you to try and complete advice to help you with different parts ofthe ask Tests 3, 4,5 and When you fish Tess 1 and2 youl be practice tests. sy todo complete First for Schools Tests3,4, Sand 6 are juste real First for Schools Reading, Wong, Use of English, Listening and Speaking papers Doing these tess wil give you extra help to prepare forthe exam, Xeop a record of your scores as you do the tess, You may find that your ‘ofthe test but you may need practise other parts more. Mate simple abies ike this toa Paper 3 Use of English Part Pare? Pant Panta Test Test Tens [Tess Other features of the First for Schools Trainer ‘© Visual materia! th the Speaking test the examiner il give yous booklet with pictues and photographs init “The visual material inthe colour secon fram pages C1~C16 will hep you practise and become familar with the type of pietures and photographs you wll seein the test and help you increase your confidence ‘© Answer shoots Took at these to see what the First for Sehoots answer sheets inthe testook ke and earn how to complete them Ask your teacher to photocopy them so that you can use them when you do your practice tests. + Three audio cos Tinton to thes o practise the Listening paper You wll need tolste to these to practise some pars ofthe Speaking paper too. Cambridge English: First for Schools Contents First for Schools has five papers: Reading: hour ‘The paper contains three pars. Oe part may contain two or more shorter related texts The tusk ypesare multiple choice, gapped tex and multiple matching, The texts ae approximately 550-700 words long, making about 2000 wards ovetal. For Farts and 2 each correct answer receives ne matks For Part 3 each conect answer Feces one mark, Writing: 1 hour 20 minutes ‘The paper contains two parte, Candidates are required to complete two tasks: a compulory ‘nein Part and one from a choice of ie in Part 2. Each question on this paper cates ‘equal mares Use of English: 45 minutes “The paper contans four pat. The task are multiple-choice doze, open claw, word formation and key word transformations For Pas 1,2 and'3 each corect answer receives one mack For Part each correct answer receives upto two marks. Lstaning: about 40 minutes ‘The paper contains four pats. The text types are monologues answerphone messages information tines commentaries, dio documentaries and features, instructions, et res publicannouncements, advertisement, pars, speeches, stories and anecdotes, tals) and interacting speakers (conversations, discussions, teres, quizes, radio plays transactions). Each corect answer receives one mark Speaking: 14 minutes The Speaking test contains four parts: shot exchanges with one examiner and ance candidat, «one-minute Tong tun! Collaborative task involving bath eaneiates; a dscussion Usually Candidates take the Speaking tet with ust one other candidate but sometimes candidates take the Speaking test n groups of three Candidates are assessed on ther performance throughout Frequently asked questions: this evel a learnershould be abet ures ofthe language with some confidence edge of a wade range of vocabulary smuncative strategies in a variety of social situations {> pick out items of factual information from spoken language and written text {distinguish beween main nd subsidiary poins 2 demonstate kno tse appropriate c tdstingueh between the git ofa text and epectic detail produce vriten texts of various types showing the ably to develop an argumentas welas fleseibe or recount events or mare information an‘Can Oo’ tatermens go to nite wancambridgeetlorg/examsfesams-info/efthi Note that ferent students have ferent strengths and wesknesses Some may be good at pecking but not so good a writing: others may be good at readin but not so good at listening. 128 Level Can Da statements simply help teachers undetstand what Fitst for Schools candidates should generally be abe todo at this evel What: grade do | need to pa | \ First for Schools? XL ee wy JAAR ASA fests are eeported as thre passing grades (A, ® and C) and to fling graces (© and) CCancidates who dont gta passing grade but show hat vey have abit in English ata slightly lower lev! (Council of Ewope Leve! BI) get vel Bl on thei certificate. Candidates who. belo evel 1 get ail rade asic user Independent user Proficient usar Al Az BI B2 a fo} Keyfor Preliminary Rt Schools ferSchools Sahoo (Ketfor cefor Schoo's) Schools) What marks do | need to pass each paper, and to get an A or B in the exam? Candidates do not have to get certain markto pass each paper inthe st. he inal mark or Fistfor Schoo isthe total numberof marks from fve papers: Reading ard Writing, Use of English Listening ane Speaking Each paper contributes 40 mark othe examination overall rarkof 200 Candidates receive a graphical Statement of Results anda standardised score for ach paper out of 100 This means thatthe score a candidate needs to achive a passing grade wllalays be 6, GradeA= 80-100 Grade B=75-79 Grade C~60-74 How can | find out about my performance in each paper of { First for Schools? Before you gata cerifcate you wil got the Statement of Result teling you how wel yo Aid in Fst for Schools. As wall as your esult and your score outa 10 Italo gives you your ‘Candate Profle hiss an easy-to-read graph that shows how you performed onal the papersof the test compared fo the alte other cancdates aking the same est. you donot bet the score tat you wanted, the Candidate Profile wilshow you which ofthe sil (eading, torltng. us of Engh stening or speaking) you ci welin and which you need to improve loFiret for Schools sutable for candidates of any age? First for Schools is more suitable fr students who ae at school and aged from 12-16butit is generally suited to tdents who ar stil atschool. To make sur thatthe materials interesting forthisage gloup and not too dificult or too easy forthe B2 level allthe pars of he reading, vwiting, ese of English stening and speaking papers are pre-tested. This mean that ciferent groups of stodents the materials for each pat ofthe test fist. The material wll then only be ‘ised in real exams ifthe esl ofthe pre-test show that they are suitable fr candidates who | want to take Firs for Schools 8 1 tntroduetion Can | use pe nd pencils in the ain? RN : ~ What happens if | don’t have enough LZ. time to finish ng? jour answers onthe ane You can oniy be given mars for what you write on your answer sheet, fyou do not complete ths thes you wll miss the chance to show the examiner what you can do and how 90d your English is Watch the clock and plan your time careful Do nat waste time wring your answers on othe pieces of paper. However, inthe Listening esta good idea to write Your answers onthe question paper fist You will have time a from the question paper to your answer sheet If lwrite in capital letters, will it affect my score? \ ly No. You de not lose mark for writing in capital letersin to use capital eters or not you shoul always make sue that you handwrtng's der and fens to read. Remember thatthe examiners cant mark pice of writing that they can ead! Sr ey) Reading Part 1 tn thi part of thetest you read alongtext 1 answer eight multiple-choice questions # ehoose your answer rom four options (A. 8, Co“) sia ead cuit through the section of text below, and then cover the text [Tg Reed ou he who a | Sed uy to tell your parine what happened in your own words SE taryouter soceaieal 1 Whos inthe ext, do you think? where are they? Who with? What activity are they planning do? How ae they tavling? What the weather he? How does the weiter fel asa resut? [on sturdy my amy and et out to our Favourite santo do a bit of sorkeing. he tip mvelved whet wel thought mould te am enjoyable one-hour boat ide some miles Dut to J | eee ettto me svoreling area near the lard. The ist part ofthe sip was fine as we were | Goss tothe harbour, st 355000 as wet open water the waves go bigge- and we reais | jst now windy ely was, ony fom the sete ofthe beach. The ost led wound and || ent began to ea fet esc I sretnes doom boats. But smest a s00n 3 had hat hgh, boat anes on the land. 22a Read this question about the section of text that you have us read, What was unepectd about the ip 0 the land? ead through the fext and underine the pat where the answer comes from 1b Now red the four options below. Which one is the closest othe (Gir Wen youve ted your anne answer that you markedin the tex? Tie a lok er omy id 0 wimpnstito non hen peers earn 'A-Thevter et il uring the journey. |} € Theweather made taveing dieu. 13 Read the next section of the text on page 11. Check your understanding eee ametty be lowe aster (Ta Beto nh aot 1 wnatwere the water condone rund the lan? es eoeenere 2 where they o before these? Sled non Be aoe 53 What id they ero thers? ‘Compare your answers with your partnes, 101 Test Training Reading Pat 1 The idan is stoned by sales, making the clear be water much coe But this , efor we ment sortling, west bearded the famous assed baat wes head so much about Ws ped there peranenty sa that vrs can view some of thes hat hey an si rong, Once we were on our way. 2 guide told us wat the sh wee al cle, and wich ones we were ily ts. Then etre some Grea int the water, whith tected as of betty coloured Fh fal shapes and Ses They sudeny appeared and swam pst the abseation window ‘a. Find the answer tothe fllowing question and underneit inthe txt. [ph You owes must cae om be Why she writer to 08 such varity of fa? text otra your oun open ‘Compare your answer with your partner 1b Now look atthe four options. Which one is closest in meaning tothe ‘ane thit you undertined in th text? Why ae the other three options 1A Theater was very dear where they were BTaearea was wellknown fo its lifeent fh CC Tefen ware fedto bring them tothe boat |] The guidetold them the names ofalthe fish 5 Now read the final secon ofthe text. As you read think about whether the witeris pestve or negate about his part of thee tip Which weds fend expressons telly ths? |_| Fina he bast neaged tack othe land and we were soon tack atthe beach We all agreed it | had Weer worth giving up presous stoicing time todo the bat tip, but now we were Keen ta get nto the water suse. Ne icky change into or swimming year, and a5 we dived own under waves, we were bring wth cement wording what Kn af wie we encounter tured ut we werent Sapp ~ a hol i ry Tam-o.oure 5h Sam ight by os a we went down it te depts flowed by some other wonderful sighs, of whch ade peste en our tip. 6 Now look atthe question ane options, and undetine inthe txt were you ind te answer Why ae the oter options wrong? Compare your ansvers with your partner How did the vn [A sony that they hadnt gone sooner B tvilad at he thought oat thoy ne feel when they ely wert snarling in these? letdown by the sz of some ch they sa keen to stay undervatr for asong possible Reading Part 4 Te 1 Training | 11 g* Part 1 Cee citi Reo ‘ou ae going to read an ettact rom the biography of gi caled Sarah who s visting Ausra For quosions 1~8, choose the oP pete Sawer (A:B, © oc D) which you tink ts best according tote toxt Renda ugh ne we (Ga Rd estos ne te of Mark your answers on the separate answer sh Australian road trip cd has been vn ural hroogh the beau courtside of Austra for ome days mainly along the oot Then suddenly decided we should explore ‘Short scenery wa kiln oo, 29 we turned ayo the es a8 rove or (Ries through the counsde Dad wos vay opine abou what an advent ‘Touldbe tut twain ong before the rest ofussuspecedirwas goingto Be prety ‘lena to mention uncomfortable asthe road were now ful ofhaardous holes. “The xeenery wos most dylan spate wit excaps tres ands ew foweing pan amen managing to sure the creep tocnes ust sonut te lott pace ever vised We dove through several towns ~ ty gfouns of houses with Ramat ofstores separates by des an ml of pty read in betwen, somtimes punctuated by he odthowse onthe twas curious about te sgn that pointed aay up endless ong dvewaysto single howes nd stated to wonder about liner ot poole ving there. Bt immediately te thought ong in sch que remot place made my her sk an! dof mls a8 ‘thous angingy of my on house th fe were honing tose some iif, we were dsppaine Large aut kangaroos wereacormonsight asthe suk rte ge cow eeding of the rather hingrats an the ends prob because onthe cherie o the fences the aero scoten atsleeyl the cer sss nexhing eee remained fo te poor Kangaroos Lucy they stayed aay Kort thes so atleast we werent h danger of ashing into them Further along the way we et some atl drovers whod een dving ther cate thousands of mies over aperod of months, eo ee nee they tne thet been smal amour There were jus feof them to leok ter morethan 8 sreumed ana antec tat they strove tht ate owards wherever tained They never ne what woul fappen om once to then which seemed stangt unatractve sor oe to me “then wel apprcached big town, whee there was shige soe By hs time, weve wanted o get out cf our cor nd crremng sotepataed upand wenn The shad sn Ausalian anal some of which wel aready come 258 saree va sowenete qe een te freoutmore about ther. We saa cocoa show wher they get cocales Janet ene water by hanging sme mestin the From being the it arma they look when they fa alee ona amin they mee tarsfermed ino fee, snapping crstres that reminded me of ences, tering nasa ‘te we were there two new roodes rived The wo adults had been found nein the wil ond anspor a wee nade specallong wooden bows designe tkeeprocodles co and quiet uring journey. Once hey ete aaa py ere aed ther pond andthe on aight th wter col of siking down anu thei eyes wee vile “Then we wentfto see sor kangaroos Tite ater han jus seelng them fiom af yu cou touch hem you wanted Troe test fer One aetoly hada by in spec pouch, he ate pocket wth just the baby’ king out Th wens happenedta mention hat aut fangaoos con bckat hi enemies ely Srey, 301 deed apis geting to near the mother eventhough se was withthe keeper and just settled fra photo instead. 12 | Test + Exam practice 1. Saran says tht when her dad drave off the coast oad to explore m7 the countryaige crags [A he guilty decided he had made a mistake. fan Cones roa 1B te famiy were eloved to be on beter roads. snes © he was thriles wit the views they discovered, 4 ty os Sach ot D__ te famiy soon realised the ve wouldn't be vey excting Sere’ 5 Woh ccs es Sah 2 How does Sarah deserbe the towne they passed through? eee ea aes ‘A. There was no sign of Ife between each one. aie 1B They were located very far apart. 1G There were alt of gardens in each ene. D They hac quite a few shops, 8 How was Sarah alfected bythe romote homes she sav along the way? [A She began to feel quite homasiex. 1B Sho was keon to know more about the owners’ estes, {© She found the tought o ving there scary. She wondered why people wanted to ve 80 far fom other people, 4 When Sarah fist spotted some wild Kangaroos, she ‘A hoped they would be the ony wildife thy sav B was afraid they might be dangerous, © fait concerned about th leck of food, Das surprised at thor sz. 5 What di Sarah fel about the cattle drovers’ way of ffe? ‘A She envies them ther este. B_ itwas very unpredictable © twas physically exhausting 1D. Sho docided she's like to work with animals too {6 When Sarah saw the crocodile show at the 200, she was [A tightened by thir behaviour disappointed that they were asieep. Geen to have a Detter took at thom, 1D__atactea by thelr unusual appearance. 7 Sarah says that the new crocodiles a tha 200 [A appeared stessed bythe journey they'd had 1B had been transported therein an unusual way © seemed pleased to be in ther new home. D__had been brought in because thay were babies 8 Atthe 200, Sarah managed to pPhotogranh some kangaroos ‘See how kangaroes defend themsalves. ask the kangaroos Keeper some questions, stroke the kangaroos. voor Reading Part 1 Test Exam practice 113 Reading Part 2 Inthispartorthe test you: ‘© read atest witha numberof sntences missing 1 choose the conect sentence ofeach gap 1 Look at the kins of wor that are important Prt 2 nthe ‘Remember box. Coose words and phrases from thelist 2 complete the sentences below 1 Myrbroter loves watching fime atthe cinema oes whenever new comes out 2 Living ina cy iexciing fein avaage is much quieter. 3 realy enjoyed my new schoo, but gan 0 Fin things about that leit ee 4 My gantather spend oto ime i his garden seems to keep hi very by. 5. Myunde changesjobsal he time, Hes lea supermarket, and hes enjoy 6 | dori the go fends arent the computer 7 act gtany money to spend sil went into tons took around the shops working out in winter asi so cl ny eneither so we tend to tay at home and play on Bs youte making cake, rst gt all your ingredients together. ‘itch onthe oven to leit warm up 2 What are the words and phases dong in 1-89 Which sentences tell shat sine the writer isting bau b efrback something already mentioned? {© adda similar or contrasting pace of formation? 3 Read the flowing paragraph and choose the correct sentence (Bor ©) bet tot the gop, People and animals sleep in very different ays. Most people can Steno had together fo carole or cure ahamore (Woe fe ough ex paaph exe Jno nothing better when they feel ‘sed than ing down indoors in 8 sof, cosy hed aa any pela have adopted the waste habit... It ray look vary uncomfortable to ws, but fr ham, ying downto laep ean actually be ete citscul [A Takea pet dog foreample favounte basket, B Whats more they prefer to le dn more natural for them. sleep outside ass | © Horses on the oer hand tent sleep sanding up ‘Compare your answer with your partner Why ae the other two sentences wrong? 1401 Test 1 Tsing Reading Part 2 as ‘You are going ta read an article about a gi whois taking partin su Reading * Part 2 imming competition at her school for the first time. Seven sentences have been removed from the atcl. Choose from the sentences A~H the ine which fits each gap (8 - 16, Thece is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. ‘Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. reed tn ssc ts bea ne ese My first swimming competition Last Satur took atin ya over sing Comoston ay school ges eee ater stl ny ae provi haat wt open hese vers but ths tne y rend pesuned et as teat time ina ago a ving compete = ren eagh rota rant wine Sot was 8 ety steel event Asia ster, tough Fg yt ot charged an pear Howovtrved a schoo fn the hana eos ey teres, among hes tore cube! enneers Far for appear nevus fre ced ef hy col wait to oe ee a ft sted. eae hw contece as mie was Sort by ten 8 | |twashetd y what ani Evan ssntn th shea tng he, stony ey sa sey ort hase compan, enone has dressed up ok en vet in chart {coud ee loa of wads and monsters among he crowd ro estan atow aches 82 ceroon chaste [10] — |The wr dtr ot to mis ot on the fu ‘Once the events got started, twas easy to soe how our schol has gained auch ageat reputation fr swimming. [44] As youcan imagine, these performances rey Impre5se our gust judges, who coud baiove the ‘Sardar that ven our youngest swinmars hac acieves ws a take pa inthe ira race of dy, ss rely invtving cover tea of fou people. Each team ‘amber hd to avi one length as fast a thoy cou, 50 roa ant wart to Bethe one who lt te eam down "ine forte avant, eo that at ast bo able to Reading Part 2 9 How wot te ted eng Sele oor pet? Hourly 2 Heese teeta ty ieee SAS sy length thot ary pee. [T2] — hott thoy mgt at gv me he ent bof Fo Tne. By the net wos my tnt ce, hres of he oa lengths 0 was a own tome Wo wor are sont of to ober teams 12) eveyone wat ‘depending on me, anc the pressure was really on — and twas hat thing Iresed wn | areca so rerous The nthe aoa con’ com scan neigh The momen carne wen we hat ib ont te string Boeke, |adistcmy summing opape ane ‘aged my fat wound a toes tht wes acing tiv one lock, ad than gti stat postion Toe spectators fl set Bu ere was no ror tie oth bout a 29304 as my ten and |wasin he water! or asf cod toto otter end the pool with te shou and chess ofthe spectators ging nye. Win scone reacted wal-isten tra onda see a tte cter one ouh he wal aioe! won my longn= ond trac, on etal of yt! Te whe crondste08 upto hee = eon’ le Of ou, ate asl ov ake a momento 45) |somyviston svseny dnt ana at Brat aera twas il torte not sey rmament of lon Test 1 Exam practice | 15 [A And|ust in caso | dscovered | couldnt, And gank even further whan I ooked out at pt on my lucky suimming shors especially ihe poo! for te event. F Within an hour, gover! records et by formar B realised that, tke me, they probably weren't studants were completely broken, q ‘exactly thir schoo! best swimmers. G_ That made me feel worse a | prepared to © But knewif didn’ manage a fat time, our jump = eefnety wauis have prefered some closest opponents would win cheering! However, knew ' be both happy ana H_Even the swimmers waiting by the pool had lsappointed once it was al over. amazing decorations on their caps. hs aL EP) Reading Part 3 Inthis part your er acta pomp rend. through one ng tert ved ino sections or up to sshontr tents find information in the texts that matches fifteen shor questions 41 Read what Jack sys about his vit oan ae exhibition. Fin the ie in ich he tale abou 1 the numbers of people atthe exhibition 2 wal ews gall fo, ‘ie went ona museum tip with the schoo ast week Its realy crowded ~ one of those exhibitions where you panda lat of time looking atthe backs of people's heade rater hana heart works, having fist queued or ages {ogetin. utthanks to our teacher we went pas tit bar shed bookes everthing beforehand, out even soitwas had to move once we were inside Having ai that, though it was absolutely worth puting up wth ll that forthe « experience, Dont get me wong, Im nota great at expert or even that mach of fan, butte pictures of people painted hundreds of years ago jus touched something within me somehow. ~ nt to mention having the chance to see one ofthe mst ameous pcre inthe wold Thats something wont frgtin a Mary 2 Which one ofthese sentences matches most closely what Jick says about the exbion? Undertine the part ofthe text where he sys this 1K He became iitated by the numberof peopl there 1 Hedsed the behaviour othe people tending © Heaccepted th iil conetions forthe sake ofthe vs. ‘Why are the other options rons? 3 Read what Sophie says about er vst to an exhibition Find the nein which she talks about 1 the kindof exnbton she last went ta, {her owa behaviour vile se wae walking around 2 theproblems she dssveredoftxing suo guides 4 heropiion ofthe content of he aio ide Ths exibtion was he bigest 1d been to, Once got msde, | was pret surprised by the numbers a people sing audio guides which they tend to while they wandered around ooking a the pictures. 0 Nada got Problem was, the art work etre onthe guide were each te ones where most peop were gathering, 0 ingot qute rch to see what the aus guide was describing Ard of course because youre wearing exrphanes, you canicten to what eter vistors are saying about the panting thats cul facinating ut became =o Absorbed in istening to the guide hat | bumped int a couple af people as | walked areunc! Lucky hey dt min, hugh and picked up some real isefal formation «oF probably useage again 4 Wich one of these sertences matches most dosely what Sophie says about the exhibition? Underine the par ofthe text where she says this. 1k She hadi expected 0 many ain guides tobe use by vistors 1. Shewat peste atthe numberof rt werks she got to ee She fl very embarrassed about something she did othe exon Wy are the ater two options wong? Reading Part 3 est Trang 117 Test 1 Exam practice JST ee na) You are going to read a magazine article about people's (Hi Rev he srucns aie te of tet. Then wet etacroneepmpe in D Tepeopemey " bectosen meh ene Saree acca Which person toad vay avd code who wre wing ainda _ ow event FL] eeeecemon | a oes thi pao? [RD] setetrrtomven 9 was pleased to fd that one de completly ned up toits py | promise? fel | tend te tpdetaced non tom tent wn tony menses? [48] _] | forty stargate doo much ang er vt? fl Soisut i 5 wanted atthe park? ‘says ther trip was spolt slighty by the weather? says they felt exch rather than nervous about one ido? took home lot of purchases? was surprised by the size ofthe park? vas relieved to clscover they had things in common with thei ; companions? says it was expensive to go into the park? (ae [g| u Going to a theme park ‘A Joanna We went on a fourday tip 19 8 sully. The fst day was ants however scary! But by the fourth sy, we were geting a it fed up wth the constant B_ Matthew My family had sed we sat dove fing with us and discussed who waned to do what, s0 that ee we got there ~ and it seemed 10 work! Anyway, fe! ended up wating rand ace! ft ead 0 be the fastest in the wor foro us hack inoue seats al pat ofthe © Tim spending money for the day, 50 buying musctave sauvenis fom “ alowed to yo of by ourselves fora it~ Iuellly Pe got an oer brother and sster to accompany me, ad meal managed 1 do the et ‘ble thi tun, they emtled w to go 9 the head ‘ne pont I never fled wo thal! Kaori z ‘We went to the sume pk with Sher an had’ mt them bon so Lvas a bi out Bit mes wea I came to wanting stuf fom the suve Shops! Pl we st inthe park café and soned out ven hee st when they arranged the ay ~ amazing Can smagine TH be doing al fat ‘when Ive otk Tost 1 Exam practice | 19 SSE py Writing Part 1 : - Inartt you fe read though the question, and a leterfemal wit to you fread. thehandusiten nots on theleter/oma vite ther alter or an ema teulé bet a and, teacher, someane you havent met 1 verte betwean 120and 1s0 words 1 Imagine that you have received the eral below ak about the answers to these questions vith partner 1 Whois the ema fom? 22 How welldo youknow the wrter sta rend? A teacher Astranger? 3 Whatareyou goingto oon Saturday? egret that you coring to wal neon Saturday. My dad and will collect yu rom the sation when you ave, Ye thought about sme tings we could co whi youre a Fisk wat —[~ =? hhh a home. Then inthe aternoon we could eter goon harbour tip wth my family, or we cukd go shopping Which would you prefer? “Tt ent much to don my ton in he evenings, so we coud jst tay at ny home. Can you think of some things you's ke todo there? {say wich ane wy | In thorearting else you ned to know before yousama?” ——]~ Sv0aest. ‘S08 you son! — — | ves- ako * A a Ran 2 Look atthe proms atthe side of : — et the ema They tl you what points | M0 crt ial myour rept. | Tanks very much fr ofan to. comeandpck me un on Sate. Thats realy ki of your da My rain aves at 1.00 am. 50 288 you ten partner Inthe atlernoen. tink Fa preter to go ona harbour tri, a ve never mat wilyousayto taneja? | dona it before and i'sounds exc! Do you think we'l eee any wikis? 1 | Mcrmuasveupecer.the | ARK Ri be bet tran shopping, whin's what Go every wookend wih ry Wen! Wt do you think? ‘Anau the questions below wth 2 arbour tp or gomg shopping? wy? Inthe eveing there ae ots of tinge we could do. Why don't we watch a 4 Wnatthings would youtiteto | fm together you wat an bing some of my DVDS, sata we can Veutlostoimer How could you | wateh a comedy fim, Do you Ike tose srs of ns? suggest hem too? inet, ean bring eomething diferent 46 Wit ebe co you need to kxow? | Can you te mo what shou wear for he haybour Sowhatqueston would youtke | rp, Jo? Da you tak twill be cot? soak? ‘Could youre back and it me know? ‘Ba Carefully read what agit caled | S#°You on Saturday Sorah wrote for her anzwer to Jos | Sash emai —— 20 | Test 1 Training Wing Part 1 1B How does Sarah develop each ofthe points in her reply? Work with partner Cover the text and try to remember what Sarah hs writen for fich ofthe felwing points. Make noes in your own words 1 thanking) 2 what she suggests forthe evening 2 whatshed preferto do inthesternoen whats ase ja Look atthe language that Sarah useein her reply How does she do the ip Ty nat rey on guy fam folowing things Find the phases inher emai and underine them “Tepe You eed Sow 1 suggestsomhingtojo 2 aekJoquesions " 2 saywhich she prefers 4 thankjo | 5 The prompts in Pat 1 tll you what to doin your eter or email Match the functions onthe left wth sentences on the right that could be ured to express the eas trying to persuade someone fri cant do that. 6 7 suagesing something neal sory for mising your pty. > agreeing as late fr class because mised the bus expressing» preference 4. Youte absolutely right about tht. rehsing «Unfortunately cant do that because be ay. planing why something nt poseble Swimming’ much mere ecg than cyting, think —e h apologising Pease change your mind and came - yout love! clang wt something happened ‘Why dost we go tothe acl muscu? td be cool ‘The way you lnk your iess together isimportant inthe Weng paper. (Ty am 25 many dient ways Look a Sarah ema again. The words she uses to jin her dest are et ing Sewncs Jo can Ludertind in the email and repeated inthe box Below. Complete Tiel ou chee at se oto sentences 1-8 with the werd in the box. so wothat ae hich 1 We'd been shopping day, we were red when we got home 2 ade bought adress... ted her pertety 2 Wecaughtan early bus... ve could get into town before gt busy 4 Going tothe new department store was ret, espe... Id never eon inde before tn Part the prompt may tll you task a question (WER Look at how Sarh utes dec and indict questions Chee ph Canyoutellme whati should age gaen wea fr the harbour ip? Vir ues "Now make these rect questions into ndirect questions Siete Seto ‘What should 1 wear for the harbour wilitbe col? 0 you think 2 ene Where are we gong? 0 yousnow. 2 metho 1 2 isyourtown veryciowded? Can youtell me. 4 Hw can getbackto the station? Doyou know 2 5 Haveyou een thisfim before? Do you remember 2 érting Part 1 ‘Tet 1Tesing | 21 RR Writing « Part 1 Fallow the instructions below. (ae ic a ste You must answer this question. Wite your answer in 120 ~ 150 words In an appropriate style on your answer sheet. 1 You have receives the following emai from your English-speaking tend, Lee, wh is coming to stay with you at your home soon, Read Lee's emall and the notes you have made. Then wre an email to Lee, using al your notes RA === eee oT row te peson ‘realy ooking forwao coming to stay vith you! ibe ang uaeeoneo) your town on Satay a 1 a.m where posible 1 smn ftas o copying te P8becone bya ae wearaoe.ynsabeaten ean F259 Ce pt "not sure what the weather we i tthe weekend er what you've plane for ws todo, Wha sr of cot shoul beng with me? "ve hear that your owns very nic. Whats the most intersting paca _| tose ters? \Wete your email You must use grammatically corect sentences with accurate epeling and punctuation na style appropriate forthe situation. ‘Check! Have your nen ou nove ne, a [notated at tha points and developed each point fly? rough rch. Look [Fl usesioining wores and a ange of afeent tens and the Cec bana ek) ea pened and closes the etr/email propery 9, i Sam Dear hirs Smith See you soon Leoking foward to hearing from your? writen +20-150 words? 22 | Test) Exam practice Wing Pct 1 BTR I wig ra por In Pare 2 tere may bea question asking youto write a report. Inaeport you ‘= give fatal information, an include some recommendations a suggestons 1 sed to organise your idea thal hee easy 1 follow. Use paragraphs tnd headings. fapproprate 1 usualy ite fora specie audience, such 2s your teacher | @ witebetween 120 and 180 words 1 Look at he task below First decide what you want to say about ex point then nate down some Bit idea for your report. Compare them [Aniw English fm club a stating at your school Your teacher hat ‘eked you to rte 2 report, giving your suggestions about | © hat kinds of fis the club should show and why ‘© ubich evening would be bes oho the cb |+ ow the school could tl stusents about the et your report 2 Look atthe gees below They can help you to develop your answer: What ‘ypes of fim might yu suggest frm th st? seventure fms scence fon westerns comet ceoces Srimated Sw hori rama action fms ruse ‘ils 13 what reasons could you give fr recommending the fs? Add thern to ‘These word ane pases might be ust popu emeraining — breatiakng mysterious fcuetionst impressive sophisticated vigil memorable exciting invormatve keep you onthe edge of your sat | 4 what phrases could you use to suggest the choice of evening forthe ‘lub? Cormpare your dese with partner, nd ad them to your notes in Exercise These phases might be useful inn view 8 far he best evening would be (Thursday) because ‘nes people ould nd uray the mos suitable everng because Wirtng Pat 2 Test {Trinny | 23 ‘5 How could you tl students about the ub? Look at these iss then tak Inih partner What might be the advantages and disadvantages ofeach tay of teing students about the lb? school magazine teachers announcements socal netaidng webstes schoo! webite texting students heal roceboard {6 Now lok a the report tata boy called Jame has writen Hees used some ofthe ideas rom Exerses 2-5 in his writing Undertine them, SCHOOL FILM CLUB chekrdsof ine thit staabe hewn, | ‘he best ving forthe cha tomeet | | ressmupnodeny the incite wlateded ster wissen ctaremhing recommendations fr thapartee es thy wan toe. | “Ta Jsiene makes several suggestions and recommendations. Look at the rou he uses od th, and i them in his report. ‘The most populer fins seem tobe Therefore thnk ln my ven (Thuscay) weuld be the mos sutabe. Ital would be the mos efecrve way of. bother ways of recommending aime coud have used are: {propose tat trinight be aval Wat tink we sould do to... would not be sutable because 26 | Test 1 Training ‘wring Part 2 {€ With partner, se some of the phrases to make recommendations forthe following: {which sports the school should provide aftr hoa which ether after-chool cis the schoo! could start {whlch colour the schoo should adopt fora naw school uniform hich place near te school would be bes fran endo term pay. 18 ime begins his report with a lar introdution and end th 2 condlsion. Marthe phrases below wih hey can be used for an intocition or Cf they ate tse to write a eonchtion, Then lak back time's report and cree the phrases rom the it hat he uses 2 lnthsrepon, intend tookat 3 Toaumup, 4 Inthis repr, fam gong to [alk abou 5 Onthewhole 6 The purpose ofthis report isto. fon your answer sheet Fr your por ih cond ‘Yur schao! ls thinking of starting an after-school club fer students to do a sport Your teacher has asked you to writs @ report, civing suagestions about «hich sport shouldbe played atthe cub and wy [Advice J + ver the club should be held tet nom tte ‘© how often the club snould moet cere reee \Wete your report [ ere Hove vou [sed paragraohs in you report? | consideres using headings? F evetoped o your ideas? i pont in your own words, ging reasons for i wten 129-180 wer? Wietng Part 2 Test 1 Exam Practice | 25 inPart 2theremay bea question ating yout witean essay which wusialyfor [J Tenens x = z ve your opinions ona ceran topic an teasons for thos opinions ite between 120and 180 words ‘1a Look atthe exam tak and answer the four questions below Tk about your answers witha partes | in your Engl class, you have boon talking abou the dierent places where people can lve, Now your teacher has asked | Jou to write an essay ving your opinion on the following | statement The best | \ ovo by the soa We your essay. ‘question Whats the topic you have towtte about? CHa Ak yout guns he these to Queston2 What are the good things about ving by the 23? ABE ele pan youre. (Queston3 What might be the ciadiontagesoflving by theses Questions Whats you parzonlopision? Would you ike olive by these? 1b Read what a boy called Ralph wrote for his answer: How similar are bis ess to yours? ‘What do you agree with and deagree within his answes? LIVING BY THE SEA Many peop dream of living in ther favour place, and for some that place would datntly be by the sea, (= Question 1) Having a home ther ceraily has a fot to offer For instance ifyou live there, you en go sximing inane ove at any tne and take healthy walks along the beach. Whats more, ou can enjoy it along | vith the surits, bus then have tall t2 yourself again once they've gone home. {= Question 2) | COnthe other hand, we should remember thet, unless you are lucky with the climate in your | country, the beac is unikely tobe waren and sunny all year round. tan be an extremely old | Gna bles place in witor,Inaditan, you may find that you miss the ety, with its bright | lights and entertainment, ( = Question 3) | | | rersonaty although would enjoy living near the beach in summertime ! would also miss | cerning thatthe cy has offer, 0 forme, ght not be he nies place to lve, Alina vould sy i proec to live somevshere ee rather than the eeesida. |= Question 4) | 26 | Test 1 Taling Witing Pat 2 22 Look atthe four questions in Exercise 1a agai, How di Raph answer ther? Close your book ang try to remember what Ralphs about each question. Talk with 2 partner 2 Toer are number of wel ning words ad introductory phrases Rahs nse: They arin the box below, and undetined in the text. whats more so for nsance meny people athough but onthe aher hand and ating personaly Wie ones are used to intcoduce general statement about what people thine? introduce your own opin? fei a sla place ofnformaton? ry, intedyce the reason for something? 1 2 a 4 add contrasting piece of information? 6 introduce an example of something? summarise whats been sad? 4 Complete the sentences with words an phrases rom the box in Exercise 3. Sometines more than one answer i possible 1 ik ving by the prefer the ty 2. The beach canbe very crowded in summer esta reat pace go. 3 erates ve ina ty centre than by the se, 4 ows summing, | goto thebesch as often a can, 5: Youcanliein the wat the beach you can go for along valk 6 Youctten come across ea atracions at seaside esr Thee usually aun, ‘5 Look atthe words and phrases blow tht can be used when describing a place. Somme ae ftom the sample answer Decie they are usualy postive or negative {ne pt ther in the eoect box If they could be either, depending on the stuatin, {oF your pont of view, then put them in hee depends box freee cold sunny conde remote ely blights peace popular wid modem scent policed pemresque ls ‘ory unning healthy Supe vast vitun waking stance [periive ] [~ Wedepends | [negative ' ——— Toucan a aes yur 6 Use the words and phrases you have learnt to describe the following, eerpton exten) CO) hiey Talk with 2 partner. fo copy ot ener 1 asummersday onthe beach «3 abusydayinactyeanve ——_Spucnadachs te wh snes 2 winter’ day on thebeach ‘ctooe Wiring Par 2 Test Tring | 27 —————— Se Ty Writing + Part 2 (essay) panier nia) 1D words nanappoptatesyleonyour slang answer sheet. ‘You nave recently had @ discussion in your English lass about | haces to lve, Now your Engi teacher has asked you to write an ener ging your opinions onthe folowing statement | city contres ar the best paces for teenagers to ve. ‘ite your essay. | Grecia Have you | | | [sed paragraphs to organise your seas? | 4 | [2 esa ining words an irocuctr pases to hepa ou | wed words srl ptrases fr deserting Wings, wih aaverbs | | ere apron? | [checked your speting and grammar? 120-100 words? 28 | Tes 1 Exam practice Wiring Pat 2 1g Part 2 (article) cy In Part there may be question asking you townte an ate ‘etna ely and engaging style asthe atc is usa aime a teenager «include some of your awn opinion in your iting 41a Read the tsk below cael || You have seen this announcement an international magazine for young people | Articles wanted! We ae looking for ails cout avout Isso achoal ‘Wot are your favour lesons a schoo Why do you enjoy ham? Is thre onyhing you don enjoy about the letons ver though they've yur Favouitet ‘We wil publ he bes ol nt noth te your articte. Start thinking about what you could incude in your article about your Tip Thekat favourite lessons, Look atthe nots below They may give yu some ideas te rc ‘Werk with a pariner and add thre more points of your own, at 22a Now you need to add come detail to expand on your main points. Lok at these examples 1B Work witha partner. Choos three points from your stand add more deat Wiring Por 2 Test 1 Tsining ‘Werke with a pariner and ad thre more ideas to these notes. How ebour you? What ate your vous leer! —————— | 5 Anna uses the expressions on the ight to grab the readers {oterest and make her ate more excing 1 ree. Find land uncerlne the sentences lo Anna artic where these tapressons apes Then complete sentences 1-8 using ‘Anns expressions in the eorect form, | } ori footballs bong - inact very interesting 2 ‘eno, op of te cas | 5 When fst met ny en, se immediately avey | cheefl person 4 Theooe zon alays was poet coult sand i | } ste who bought ne thi present Hamster! | 6 eight colours a room ays. feel hap, 7 what rath fun is working out sums and geting them rt a au is that very gl ve mat my new maths 30 | Text Taling [ow make erences on the ings you dnt ike about the sons he ato fe kay when Tn rad 4 Now ead the rie gtcle Anna wrt or er nse: Has An on nsered al the quenios the as? A Geography is cool! ‘ | The easens Todays used to hte | lovelenjoy) at shoot were The no Hea how ownativno) ~ | AT can say is tack | Xm mort saying this feachert inmesintely scene What makes hanfhoring) 15 that ond) enjoyabse (the bright colours on the sat) ting Part 2 Se {6 Anna ago uses ‘whic to ak her sentences together fete) never makes negative comment aout my work, hic hae booted imyeonfidence. ‘We rh oa sei wth Complete the sentences withthe phrases in the box Sra di Tht mademecross was eryineesting was quite sary vem — cheered her up Hd ict o dopa her 1 sought my mum some lowers, whlch 2. Myfriend borowed my phonewithout asking, which | Wehadto cross arelly busy oad which 4 Webs to complete al the maths questions quly, which 5. Janelost her brand new mobile which 6 Ourteacher told ull about hen be went t school which FREER Writing « Part 2 (article) Follow the instructions below. (a Rererbar we answer al ne \Wte your answer in 120 ~ 180 words in an appropriate style on your «nee answer sheet You have seen the following announcement in an i Articles wanted! Ue te looking fer articles cbout people who have helped ‘you in youre. hin person da you think hac helped you the most? Hou? We'l publish ce best erie next month Wite your article. (Check! Have you developed your points as fuly as you can? used expression to make your wring engaging to the eae? checked through your work forthe kind of mistakes you often make? 1 wien 120-180 words? iting Part 2 ‘Tex Teasing | 31 h Part 1 Test 1 Training Jeera ra sing wr cen vib DA Inthis part you: & read stestwith 12 gps ean bre ts « ehaote from four options (A.B C,orD} tof ech gap Useful language Verbs + prepositions 41 Write the verbs withthe caret prepestion. Some vers cn go with snare than one preposition. nen you kam ane wo we injurv ne th befeie approve! manage beet” irakt succeed ive ae of te i - (fie belle = do yu bebeve apogee depend care think rel Belong i: apy carbine a 1 © 4 BeRvE on 2 on 5 of wth 6 for 2 Complete the text withthe conet form of verbs rom Execs (a Sates te eon py mum dest (2). in spending alot of money on what she wees. ee SRe2) tothe high prices of designer abel cates and she doesnt : 2) ofa in fashion tthe moment Ts someties (8)... 1 Cinagrecmentsat home because Ive closes Infact, when Teves Tanto (S)__-fora pace afachioncolge ard (6....~%9 he [lub atm school and We (I). reducing several designs ar Site ve oven (2) tomake a acket for msl. thnkashion design Seoul be the perfecto forme because | could (9)... my taentfor “Taming wth mylove of lees But know fiat career to getinto Sind success dsr abays(10} only n alent = good hicks ao imporant 23. Cross out the wrong preposton in each sentence 11 choose my own clothes but my mur alas pays for/to them. 2 Hannah oder ster isa chef who specialises of /in Indian cooking 3. Mydads aways saying that hare work leads at /to succes. 44 Oursinging cu consis inf people of iferent ages 5 i youcontinse o/jor practi, youll get beter. 6 Ra dovstenoy participating in at discussions in ls. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition 1 Youshould ister... ths CD~its gre! 2 | doit knowhow to deal... this problem. 3. Youcanalays rely... Mar ~she' a ret rend 44k a longtime to ave... adeision. 5 Woulé youkeo come... my party on Saturday? 6 Weneedte concenvate....ur work 32 | Test Waning Use of Eapish Part 1 “Useful language Verb collocatons 5 Wie he non prases onthe crete belo et se anes homenerte frends progress ab sport funofsomeone anoiesense—nctes—=—_yourbed the washing up a mistake yourbest 3 ifrence your hair/ makeup a face at someone {6 Choose the verb rom the box which goes with each group of nouns. Then add more nouns tothe groups 2 A party fn, a shower, (enough metodo pass 3 Photos, thebus an exam pend 4 football an instrument, a rick on someone % 6 anexam,apentosomeone,theball(infootbal) ke 7 Wie nouns which can go with each of these verbs = ESS Useful language Phrasal verbs ‘8 Complete the phrasal verbs. The definitions at the end ofeach sentence (Tip Pes verbs oe spper wil he you au Examples Do you find clifeulto .. 9%... up enon ye the but des enn machined vehicles to top working) 1 When Heave schoo | want set ny start or establish a company organisation, ttm et computer games busin teacher eye we ould p new word nour dictionaries (tod information by loking ina book 3 What new sprts or acts da you panto up this yea? to starta new bya 4. Tellmewhenyourtrain gets and Mlcome and meet you. fr planes to ete going tocary. an experiment nour scence css ody to doa arecular piece of work or research, et) 6 Do you think Tom witum on time for hockey practice (to are or appear often when nat expected) Use of Engh Part 1 Test 1Taining | 33 [7 ttyouwant to appl fora passa, you have ina huge form, (to add information to a form /anofeil dacumens) 8 Sabine dosnt arve so, tm going to Lp wating or her (0 stop doing Jo tabays forward the summer hokdays (tel excited about something ‘hats goingio happen) 10 Would you ke ote part TV singing compaison’? tobe prtiipat) 9 © Correct one mistaken each of these sentences written by exam candats. 1 Wen wenton he schoo trp | made asf photos my fends 1 youcamein ny town you wise isa beaut place If yout ted its hart concenrate ard you do lot of mistakes. ‘esterday weve te Sclnce Museum instead of makng shopping ine afternoon | tayed two hours stening tomy Pod [erone wh took par to this anguage course was given aqustionnate atthe end How often do you practise spors? 4 5 6 Theres much time to have sighing 7 9. Nowadays we depend of technology We ent Wve without n ‘Me ve mide ny homework have te help wit he washing up. Focus Meanings of verbs 10 For each group of four sentences (2, chose the correct ver from the box foreach 9p. Use ach ver once ont op put ciel postpone 1 a Theaimpor has decided to, alight because ofthe bad weather bb Nobody can get here in time to start at 6 pm, sole all 630 pm. eszonesartat Bam and at2 pm 4 Thoy hive decdedto off the rughy match because the pitch s too wet attended appeared asocated acampanied | 2 a Lackor epi wit ow eve of concentation. bTrebeen wing fr Harry for ages buthe hasnt vet « rylitle ster to school on her fist ay Sacha has the ame school since she was seven. repeat cominue reman extend 38 Hyou to be te for lesons,yul be sent othe head teacher Please ere and it unl he teacher ves. Students want the shoot. the lunch break 30 minutes isto shoe @ Please dont what fold you tsa secret 34 | Test Taning Use of Engh Part 1 Leas cuuteause Use of English + Part 1 For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer {ff Ln he ie anes y (kB, Corb) best seach gap mash There san example at the begining one feat ke pn ned eto cae Then cee om he feral © A reviewed Blocked © sesearchedD walched stint 2 ated ot bee The magic of sleep | A study which 0) at schoo! start times has shown that a later start can (1) in improved attention and md of sini. (ver 200 students aged Betveen 14 an 18 00k 2). nthe ty a a c00 node sand, USA. Rather | Ahan begning asses at 8m, he 8). the sta of he schol ay by hall an ou (un 8.30} Tre suet lt) In qestannae both fa and tthe, The nab ofthe wo) ight hours per night ree tom 16.4% t 8.7% cu tha study The researchers who (0). eut te study ceimed hat students needed to)... around rine haus a ight seeping, This amount of sep (8)... hemnto tuneton propery during he ay ann parca to)... en thee Wintel oid the researchers fn aut? The perantage of students who said they wer unhapay copped rom fotowing tern. Use of Engh Part + Test 1 Exam proce | 35 10 2 develop place postponed ‘completed succeeded thin attended lead stopped fished managed consider appeared ia Tost 1 Exam practice reautt place put achieved dealt associated made D tolow Paaviced pier ‘oa D cancelled D ‘fied ilowed yo # tie? D arrived fraps or? D ast 4 D meant 12 Tok chou ne means D concentrate 1 accompanioe D went D extend se of Engh Part 1 iy Pu Use of English Part 2 - tn this part your read atestwith 12 gaps {think of word whic fils each gap correctly Useful language Relative clauses 1 In relativ dlauses, which of the words in the box are used to describe [pi Yu be tested manly on ganar |} the things below? w= nrg when whose who. which where wy epson, ver essa ems, oumay aso be tsted on 1 aplce 4 possession e vozabuly sich a pat of pasa 12 apenon 5 areavon vers inking expressions aa pars 3 thing 6 atime {Hed pe Ina defining relative cause, what other word canbe used for both people and tings? Complete these examples. the student boulethe cathe car Joe but 2 Complete the tox with relative pronouns from Exerc 1 Sometimes ip When you have ile he sp, ‘more than ane relative pronoun possible NT radeon apna eek Sean Spooner and Lous Spencer are wo young people (1) ee have recently Been ram the wold: youngest pubes The scondty STholstidons 2) = mtpubsng prec ns ogae anes] , (Sivpeopeinite ton) meyne sya ey hess ON hao fadaloveforbuines (4) ————-tapsned he uatery megane, ACemo ese ta (5. -rowatncsapposinaeys00ases. heyhednemmeney as forthe project They holo snewpeole() "te ert es mse wing 8/29 sche the magione Popa ote athe vason Shes tn oom | . ‘Sean and Lovis think they've been so successful, Searis answer OMe yesertay J thal they hymen nd pologapy asco - sls Useful language Linking expressions 13 Choose a tnking expression from the box that has the same meaning [Ti Unkong express ae ten ted 23 the word in tales in these sentences. nea along wheres dueto awellas soatto Insite of he fact that We decided to stay at home bau of he cod weather, Ifyou go camping, dnt forget to take sleeping bgt nation to los of vam clothes §uan went an the chool tip eventhough he wasnt feeling wel Meg rides herbie school inorder ta save money on fs My mum say you an come fora eepover at my howe ut any if your imu eye OK 6 Aigen ia anasic singer but his younger ss ates mee Use of Engh Port 2 Test 1 Tang | 37 'A-_Choose the cotct inking exprestion fram the Box to complete these sentences tout the wo stents on page 37 who started a magazine sothat unless oning to because despite together wih ; 1 Sean Spooner, is schoolmate Louis Spencer, was econty named the youngest pubishern the word. 2 The two students decided tostart amagtzne ‘hey have aay been interested in busines. 3. You probably wort have seen Lous and Sean magazine ‘youve in their towr {4 They want ahead with he project. not having any money 4 5. They asked companies to adverse inthe magazine tne could enn some money 6 thei hard work, they ve boar very successful 15 Compete the text about Beth wih inking expressions rom Exercises 1 and 2. eth Windsor sony furtesn yeas ol and 45cm tal (0)... AE..that doesn stop her competing in Windsurfing championships. (1 Ther age and height, she has already won several competifons “thome and abvosd. She became waved in the spot two years ago (2) he father who has see andsurng ett for nary twenty years Having father who can train hes 3). Fesngallthe equipment she needs at home, is deftly an advantage She goes tothe gym evry week @ ieease her strength Beth hinks that. (5) she continues to tan had, she wl get bt and better He father thnks ha (6) he buniocky and gts injured sheshoul make it into the national youth team son Useful language Articles, quantifiers and determiners {6 Complete the review ofa hokiday in nia with words from te Box. You wil ‘heed to use some words more tan once. Wie your answers IN CAPITALS. A AN ALL BOTH THE ANY MANY MUCH ever hat you mas ont MOST SOME EVERY NONE ONE (eee peed ech a. India (AN... encing place to vist. My whole fay went on this p= me, my parents and a of my brothers ~ 2). of thom isthe years eléer than mead (3) ober smyth. We de 50 (8) things such () Short time! We wort sighseeing in 6 ‘ofthe (7) ‘amazing laces (8) "wold Icing Agra, where the Ta ‘Mahal is There were stan peopl in ou tou group (8) ‘of usa ever been to india belore, | soitwas(t0) new experience for (11). ‘rus Wie ate crry and rie (12) Band ren ny in bre wo dosent normally ke indian food very (13). aides a4) Test fod ead ever ate. This was such (18). ‘amazing holiday tat woud recommend it to peopl ol (16) ee 7 © Cros the wrong word in hese sentences writen by exam cect I havea /some good news to tll you nex me 1S YOU ry ae very deli. 2. Thefoodin my cou Remember o bring / oe notebook with you She arved with young man that /ho seemed to be abou twenty years Od ry year /years the numberof kadens a shoo fas neeased. ‘couldnt ead who / whose ram was writen ante poster forthe in. eople complain / aesuea pon xX and as wth need 1 bxttade \ 8 think ofan des or plan 2 comevpeth chang fom bg chi tan ast 3 tum a 6 aye tan aon or afer 4 oto change or develop nba shige 5 rmomet ieee 7 looker /takecreat fh aceptrtleateometing someone peat 3 meow i bagnajarney 9 sete 5, soup treo marefsomatng 4a Test 1 Tranny Use of Engh Part 4 LORIE Use of English + Part 4 For questions 25 ~ 42, complete the second sentence so that thas a similar meaning tthe fist sentence, Using te word glen. Bo not change the word given. You must use between twa anc five words, includg the word given. Heres an exempe (0) Example: 0 Ourschool sports day s held at the end ofthe summer tor. PLACE ur schoo! sports day at the ond ofthe summer term, The gap can be filed by the words ‘takes place’, so you wate: T example: [0 | sAxesriace \Wte only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on your 35 Jenny has no intention of joining the hockey team ny INTEND Ie natn yous eon the Rockey team, ieee petra 86. CDs are much cheaper than they used! tobe, ‘omer way mores NEARLY erp COs are not as they used tobe, 237 en pre ve mens {87m sheen now and | ean look after myself’ ssc Holy ower mach ARE Holly ald that she could ‘ow that she's exteen, {38 Pippa’s parents had planed to vist Denmark this year but nthe end they SSbrnaagey ced Visited Portugal instead oes oe carpe eo. coma Weer instead Denmark this year in the end Pippa’ 4 Tenens mh sd parents visited Portugal Bets tod dh 38 Calum doesn't run as fast a5 Mt oo FASTER Rebocnte tar Maxis a Calum dagen’ Wich roe 40 | don'thave enough money fora birthday resent for het es AFFORD hora bithday present. 41 Ws the captain's job to motwvate the team RESPONSIBLE The captain the team 42 Joshua's in a bad mood today, so don't bother to ask to borrow his laptop. Point There's osha if you can bomow his laptop 2s he's na bad mood today. Use of Engh Part 4 Test 5 Seam practice | 45 Listening Part 1 Inthispartyou ‘listen to igh short recordings. wth ater ane or 90 people speaking ‘© answer a multiple-choice question wih three options foreach recording (© hear cach cording wice 1 ead these examples of muliple-cholce questions and recording (Tar kata a pans options Underine the words inthe text that give you the answer ‘ierences are beeen hem 1 You hear someone talking about a musi shop. Who isthe speaker? ‘This musieshops been here for years 29 my dad says anyoay. He lays usedto come here, a castomer ‘when ne was younger to buy hisrcards. My bois sverynice-tmjust doinga few hours here © astopassstant on Saturdays to em mpl somemoney fora © ® manage new bike! 2 Youhearagiltallingabouta shopping Wp. Hi Louce! Guess what Bought great book from that new store town, Then onthe my home! realsed Ras one youd arendylent ——'& ona bUS mel Sori goingtotakethisone backtothe —-B inabockshop bookshop Fon my way therenow-Ivejust_ ¢ at home got onthe bus Ifyou in town, do you want to ‘meetup Somewhere? Callme! 3. Youheara gil caled Sophie calinga Fiend Wns Sophie caling him? Hi Max-itsSophie Justwantedto sy thada to ell him what shel been dong reat time toa. and realy apprestedalyour Po umn cscerenn hep. We must mast up again soon - maybe at him fr something, thesame cafe ‘winvitehim ogo somerere 4 You hear boy talking about his ecen birthday pry How doeshe fel about naw? ‘ell everyone tld memy pany nasa gest ces, btm not sure - I mean, my brother offered to bein charge of the musi, but thane ®-provd hat it wentso wel ‘ventand plyedsome ely weird stuf Stil at 8. gatefl aris eothershelp least wont Behaving another patyforavhile € reevedthatitsal over ro - as ely nervous belore everyone ved, fo be hone 46 | Test 1 Training Lsening Part 1 '§ You heat gil phoninga end about lm they've both seen, What des the gl agree with her fend about? | Hi Jan! Pe just been to thecnema tase ha fim you recommended. vas great, but Fm surprised you thought t went on abit! t ‘as allovrfartoosaon! And ofcourse thet® The iim wastoo lone wetelondsofpeoplethere usteyous saa, $e ae bet tat just ae tothe atmosphere forme! You wore right aboutthe rock band that played Inthe lm, though Thay looked a they were saight out ofthe 70— just det go withthe fiat al The muse n the flm vas too olt-esloned CC The cinema where twas shown wa too crowded, |] 2 Look atthe eptons below A boy is comparing two bieides |} What oer ways are there of saying the options? Choose the comect answer foreach on. A Weeaier to nde= i)ts nets ifeutto ide I) more dit ore. 2 ltemoch ater= i) espe nate good. iy ean go ata higher peed temorecomfonable = Ite beter aston and de i) notas good to sion and ede 3 ®YOBINow tsten to the recording and answer te quesion belowe [ip Look ae a he questo. Ts You hearaboy comparing his new bike with hs od one ~~ tleyou wo ing and cath Whats spinon ofthe newbie compared with the old one? be JA itseasertorde 8 tsmuch aster, C more comfortable Which isthe conect answer? Why are the other two wrong? LUstening Part + ‘Tes 1 Training | 47 LRM ct oteansed Listening - Part 1 FPA You wit hear people talking in eight ciferent situations. For questions 1 ~8, choose the best answer (A, B or) Tp Flore een eorng begs. rad BPE rough he quion a pts 11 You hear someone inrosucing a schol show that fs about to start. Wo sing the nocucon? An estucent B atoacher © parent moe 2 You bear two students taking about a tip they ave going on fOmOTTOM. 3 twat ye at ines ae they gong? Seoamote pect A. tacky Siecape erm B toatoest gestion anrotice © wothocoast pom. 3. Youheaa gil phonng he older cousin Sette geet nwa! {iy he phoning? Seren AA» total fim some good news See 8 toaskhimataou Sir etna © to.complain about someting era 4 You eer a man presenting & radio programme about a pop band. Where ig ho now? Aina racording stusio 8 inahote © atamusic festival ‘5. Youhear agi talking toa ten about her painting that has been in aa exhibition. How does she feel about her painting? ‘A annoyed about mistakes she made B__releved that people wore postive about it © disappointed at th reaction it got 6 Youhear two friends taking about suring ata resort. What do they agroe about? ‘A. Te waves there arent very big B _Thaee are too many people. © Thare aren't enough competons, 7 Youhear a boy taking about a football match that his favourite team played in \Whet is is opinion af the way they played? ‘A They were lucky to win the match B They missed alot of chances to scare, © They were beter than the other team. {8 Youwhear agit talking to her friend about a TV programme they both saw \Wnat was she surprised about? Fee een ete [Alt featured someone they both knew. Tee eueson an the Secor enh B It neluded a topic they've both been studying, fo check you ar © itwas filmed close to where they both ve 48 | Test Exam practice stoning Part 1 inthis part your (Gp ree when yu tern «listen toa ecording wth one or more speakers i sue son, Yu | « write don wor from the racorcng to complete sentences. fat sound tebe ansver ou fear the answersin the same oder asin the recording eed er ony Bone 1 Read exam question 9 below and the extract from the recording Srp in Exerie 1b, Which answer fits the gop? Yau ear a boy cle James aang about sports at school James says that atthe moment B Jistmesporthe spends mes time on at schoo 1b Undertne the part ofthe recording script thet contains the answer: What other sports des James mention? Why aren they the correct anmwe?| [ Feeplayed alto sport school ver she past wa yar, mostly ugby Ive Been inthe team fr ages My teacher |_| saytim realy good at tenis too But vest started playing Baeetbal which sane sport forme, and Im playing that more than anything ele righ nas, cos ely enjoy more tobe hones. Im sure pickup my ater sports aga soon, though ¢ FRGW Linen tothe recording an write the answer inthe comect place 2a Cover the recording sit below and then look at question 10 about the ext section ofthe recording, Before you liste, think of or tee Dossibe words to complete the sentence. Then read the recorng script tnd undtine the words which give you the answer James was surprised to see hs IO] among the spectators a a ie your answer n capes ‘One thing dontenjay so mach, though when we play matches aginst other schools and ot of spectator ve there watching, That makes me abit ervous tlle sar playing any. My parents ty to come as mocha they can my mums alvays thes, wth my ster My father alas works ate and 3 cant make it and my brothers vay at univers so naver expect het come but then at aly big mates ane evening looked up and there |_| rewas siting and watching me! was fantasti! b AUT tisen wo the recording and complete the information about ‘ere Jamess fay usually are when he plays matches. eft i mother estar hie brother Which word i uted to itreduce te contrasting information abut Jamas brother hich gers the answer? 2a You are gtng to fsten to James tng abut plying na ourarent, THE ous i ns Before you sen, lok atthe gap inthe sentence Below. What kind of beth same words 3 you hen word might thevecrang es sys he recent played ia a tournament that took place atthe! Tints town, 1 06) steno he recorsing and complete sentence. {© Wet other posible ansters dl you consider? Why were they wong? Lstening Pat 2 ‘est Trang | 49 } Test 1 Exam practice #UCCUU BUS. {ABE Yow wit hear a student called Loma Myers giving talk Cp Yov have me ate sao eo {Sher class about her tip to a seal sanctuary. For questions read ough er nd he sets, complete the sentences. seco ire es wa whet kn ‘Trip to the seal sanctuary Lorna went toe sanctuary wit nee [8 } Lome mentions hat [1] ona another name forthe common sea Lorna learnt hat ater peridot only [1] ababy sel has took fo its own ood TTB] enti tnyre ab ote 8] Baby sal at th sanctuary arated with [ Lorna was suse toa tha ke ar sels ar keen on etog [ Lora thinks thats [4] sounds tke a good alace to ret. [FE] unite was enced (One ceal called Sammy, was fed by some [ jt [TH] 8 ge pace oat Lorna recommends @ caté Lavra suggests that having 2 7] tte sanctuary woul te fancy help or Lorna is loking forward to vitg some [48] when they come othe santa, snrmenbas wares 12 Wot oo mene? Whehoresmat tay be ‘anon sy 20" Isinomapeoe rote nesancay? 50 | Test Exampractce Lstening Pae2 Listening Part 3 inthis part you ‘¢ hear tive diferent popletalling about relate things fe mateh what they say with one ofsi options ‘These acces describe people leengs. Complete the sentences below (Fir The qos nF 2 sorties with aecbves rom te box Sometimes mae tan one anne pessble, ais gn ners Pepe worried sped confident dsappoined _dscouraced annoyed rleved sory —sembarased dicted bored impressed shocked uncomfortable 1 was... teed. dat my broter gave me some money to spend ~ he doesn normal 2 twaved to that person because thought it uas my ord — butt wasnt Hetvey, 3 Weweral when the teacher toldus the trip was of eld been ely looting fons tot 4 Mysitr bowrowed my Tshirt without asting me, so was bit bt calmed down and forgave he te 5 My brother’ sch good fot that everyone was. hed score loads of gl sn win the match for hs tea 6 twasreal hen they sid he match was cancelled a twas | pouring th ain ouside £208) sen o Lins ting about i she se How se feel (Hp Dots nao you ‘whch you think se arse and sappointed by the ending Sop ltnng, tthe i ed bored because ofthe length oft relieved about what happened ote man actor surprised at the storing 8 impresied by the actors’ performances e wor hat he had undestaos it propery Look at where the answer comes inthe rearing script below: Which | ater options above are alo mentioned? Why ae they wrong? Tove se the im with my Best end She sa ites supposed to be anasi had grat renews in allthe magazines apparent. Fm akways bit conceed when propl ay things ie that, hough, usually end Up fcing deappointed is never ae gad a they ve aid. Any, nsdn have worries. infant abt ong, | Aggy Mite eh haem 08 ed ielnsatom but Mal tured out happlyin the end = lacy AG ow ten to Sono aking abou the same fn. How oid he fet When seers hte sae SooUtk? Choose trom options A-F in Exercise 2a What Joes he say? lomo Be coon hy Doss he use de seme words the option o diferent words? sores ities woe stenting Pare 3 Test Trang | 51 Test 1 Exam practice Jecueoues £2110) You wil hear five people taking about fay tips to (Tp Read trout he bic cart Blare you from the fst (AF) what each speakor says about ther tis. Rader tex of pion o make sue yeu ‘Speaker [ cry ‘ray mention more than BI was glad! got to make new tends. Se Merde or on te neoring © 1 was surprised at the amount of space in [imate ewe the house : Speakers [7 Isening. ese at your rover ates exaely D | was disappointed by the activities on offer vat each pen a spencers [22] EE oa F twavoedsthow edge owe ee E | scovered diferent things to da from what Ped expected 521 Tests Exam proce LUstening Par 3 Listening Part 4 tis part you listen toarecording which can have one or mote speakers lasting about tree mutes ‘answer seven muliple choice questions, ech with thre options (CHR Te ven ase ate ‘epor wit omeone sa Lok 41 Work wth parte Which verb from the box summarises whot each person ising inthe sentences Below? Undine any keywords tat help you deci. gsc cae RP prea vba eden a ca an am aery—— complain react dire reuse describe Geagree fear amt convince persuade cise Segget! agree —fighlght_—agprove cm emphasse— insst ‘ble encourage Example “Linke shold havea col dink inthe garden when we get home’ suggest, Dy new watch was expense, but the straps already fallen apart “The ending of he fm was realy predictable my opinion ‘Gon, come with me othe cinema - youl ove it. Youll? Great! Tie photoyouvetakensantastic~ however id you do i 1 2 3 5 “Tmvnotaute | want that Tht ths ones mech nce 6 "I defintely wast me that broke the window 7 Yeu mus come tothe pay wth me-I {maenccnmons 3 Atumed ——B repinced = mowed «=D Pete 4 sotoingto baled by © rfarngto. Dead by SE 5A time B day © year Dea as cutee © A raleedby —B gronmup —C cometrom D broughtup Saletan Wi 7 A wre B nest © hobby ascnaton Reape tec 8 A attraction B agreement attention —_D approval ae oe ge: a © A Nowy B Nomater © Noneed —D-Nowonder tw ofa 40 A yet Baqie Cat D akeady ihe ret wt sonora 11 A atverisoment B meta «© broadcast publicity yOnama/tueer 12 A Whenever Whalover «© Whoever Whichever ptoatinan 86 | Test? Exam practice Use of Engh Part 1 Use of English Part 2 1 Areyou gen words to choose from in Pat 2 questions? 1 Why sitimporane to ea the ext vary crcl before you stato answer the questions? Useful language Passives | 1 Change the sentences from active to pasive. a Example Everybody hes Ole Ole hed by eveyboy. ee RE 1 Someone sent me funny text message ~ Ftp e5 er Se 2. They are repairing the school heating today ~The 2 Some people ave id th gong o sow t {E> thats going sow GE 4 Te deni gong to takeout ny tooth - My tooth s going the dent cS Derft wary, somneone wil find your bag ~ Don wey, your G 6 How ha the accident flcted io? How > 7 When got home, someone had delivered my new bed, When a © Correct one mistake each ofthese sentences writen by exam candidates esterday Ihave bough wo fantastic Tshirts Ifyou went on holiday o aly what wil you do there? tT 1 2 Rosie went othe fancy-dres party looking asa witch now sould have started at 1920 bu it delay by forty-five minutes 5. Sammy ants to naw about the msc estval which shel tthe momen 6. In my country people give presents in many occasions. 1 Wich books had you brought with you today? 8 wns | arcivad,| was gv left whieh contained some intresting information posible for you to come nest weekend instead. 10 To gettomy hour, go past the restaurant ts namie VIP and then niet. Focus Exam skills 3 © cross out these speling mistakes made by exam candidates. (TBE Aor eco speting 2 Then write the word correctly. er ip wor ee you 9 mark Example Your house is bigger then ine has 1 Matt doesat mind wich cafe we gota 2 Ike the beach becouse can mec my ends there | Have you edhe book lent you? 4 Only two people inthe cass forgot do theyre homework 5) My litlesiser thinks Mexican foods to spicy but ove. 6 Ovefootball team has ust won tenth game ina rv Lets goice-satingtoghtr tthe weokend 8 The place werewe stayed on holiday was nest the sea | ‘Use of English Port 2 ‘est 2 Training | 87 Test 2 Exam practice JVQUC ae) 3 below and think ofthe word which ip Far ome qesions, more arn best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. Thee is an example ~~ Ps ward i esp, bat atthe begining 0 yours wet oy one word \Wite your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on your answer sheet. [yg Anas wile an anser or eve FL TT TTT TTT ttt) Pink dolphin found nay a omer av ectl Mos pecleoowsonaing stat Sh. Fasano at). et a tngreure_—_anemiaetmmunnecs-—- | eee Sout wtateCacosu hiss Usk Pesina fa) oesae—ewekaein ge | Sere ‘ed, is a battienose dolphin. His body is pink all over and this is how he must mn (17).-.-slookad rom bith: heis an aio, 8)... mesranehes amecscal ewe pscoun condition tt esses pala in, 17 to ith sac ate “The dolphin (18)... fist spotted several years ago, athough (20) yams ‘ony very reconty that he has stated to appear amos every ay Wal FUEBLR, 7a euneedo mie om ‘local alr, says he "remember the fst time I sptted him. Before that day (2)... ever sean 19 oak eval orcs 20h rovers oreson ss watched the animal (21)....rumereus occasions, ee. aryting so axraorinaryin my Me. He looked urea exons Walt. The dopa pass tobe heathy, bt atthe mament i out ar (29) Bese ese ‘asked to stay away from him. Conservationists far that the anima a ae chased away (28)... TV enmrers ores and crowd of ahotagrapars in boats, decane nse | ‘i me poe 8 | Test? Exam practice Use of English Part 2 Use of English Part 3 1 Whi ands of words do you nee t form in Part 3 1 Why do you need or decide whicn word the teat around each queso from the wordonthe ign? rely before you Useful language Suffixes 11 Use the sufixes inthe box to form words that refer to 2 person’ ob or Example reception "esepbionist wie 4 ieee 7 pot | 2 sry 5 ase 8 beloy | 2. Filthe gapin each sentence using the word brackets, Use each slic (Fp Remeber that hee are below once ony Temes png changes NM wend sto wore 1 My faut ye ooo s Asn spec. (CHNA) | 2 ‘Pease pre me our. ATEND| the eaher lt cass | 5 maa ting mel nex nave mee PEN | 6 Weds ofsporsatsmmercamp.ané the most. THLE | 9 ane youutn any (CRTAN) hat Dethereon e leita good thing ora ba ting to be very ....(AMBITION? Useful language Irregular spelings 3 Make nouns fom dese adictves and verbs example high ..elght | | | | 2 hot 6 generous 10 pronounce 3 elan 7 receive 4 descibe 3 me Use of Engh Part 3 ‘est? Training | 09 A © Correct one spelingerorin ech ofthese sentences written by [Tig Arsves must ese corey ta Sram candidates we oat aah Example us ean a book and suddenly the Hghs went out adden, 1. sawn your advertisment that there ate 2 tof acts to do atthe summer | camp, | 2 Thatwasthe most embarasing thing that evr happened to me Regarding comodatin, we would prefer hots! rather than a campsite ‘You ean ee the animal real behaviour in ther natura erroment yares has esti countyside athe views are amazing “Thank youfor the wonderful prezont Gating to schoo! by bycce isthe best means of tansport to se Iesnacezary to protect the rainforests | Exam stills Words in context 55 Which kind of word (noun verb adectve or adver) needed to fil (Tip roun she ga, nou ite the gap in each ofthese sentences? Soop? 1 Where are the Nazca finer? The... the Nazca fins sin the eset 2 They iacludesmany enormous images of animals some age han airplanes 3 The images ave attractive to look at and many peoples... pe 4 The aca ines were covered about 80 years ago, but for decades there hes been mach... about why they had ben created (i Fo te conta. do he wore 5. However. thin | to ther gods to send ran Nazca people created thom as mesages {6 Thelnes were cesta inthe sand more than 2.000 yeasgo, $0 find YD vere med nite, ng SS 90 | Test2 Taring Use of Engin Part 3 _— 9 rstra tis inthe gain same he, Tere an Genet scm Seamoleathe beginning) Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on your se of te araner Go on to the et question camp: (2) BRA Nsis- LLL Lines in the sand Ifyou few ove the der in Peru, you's notice huge 0) in DRAW that isthe (28). ‘of areal blue whale, and a bird the size ofa jet che plane. These 26) ctu ae aver 2000 years ot but were Ti en. _tetion, and thershave ben many theories concerning aon ie theta about rigs At sRUE acer up with te 20) doa that they had been created by space ORDINARY sans However (20) rowknow hat an ancient peoplecalled SCIENCE theNazea costed these (31) ceplossofarbat IMPRESS in an attempt 10 (82) the vival of ther people in dry SURE would have out 9) itis now thought ther CONSIDER Use of English Part’ Test 2 Exam practice | 94 Use of English Part 4 ‘© How many sentences do you ave to rental art ‘iter you have done each question, you shoul red heist sentence again and the sentence you've jas writen, What 60 you need check? Useful language Wishes and regrets 11 What does each sentence mea? Cle te correct etter a orb). 1 tweh twas ining rained yesterday, which was annoying 1 eraning ody whieh samoying. 2 only my parents would etme gotojodies pany. ais unkely my paren wl etme got the party. wanted to g tothe party bu my parents cit tm 3 Ta preferitifyoudidnt telleveyone why tm a. Pease dort tel everyone why mate laetocay & was dsapponted you tld everyone why Iwas late 4 drathermy parentshad gwen me somemoney at hope that my parens give mesome money formybithdsy. wanted some money but my parents it give many 22 Complete te sentences with the correct ver orm. Some verbs may need a negative [1 tépetere your music so oud -mtying to concerrat on my es. 2 | wih ourteam won that game i was embarasingt lose by four goals 3 Our Engl tescher rather we lent suey new word every day. 4 twisht sno sre often because ave 5 irony ay the piano ae wel at Magis hes amazing 6 diate you ‘con round on Saturday a6 want to g shopping then Useful language Conditionals and past modals 3 © Gros out the wrong words in these Sentences writen by exam candidates, 1 Thelesson would have been beter there had bea / would have been moe time for discussion 2 Thewinner ofthe quiz mut cant have been very clever because the questions wereso difieul 3 Cotes lie that might be /might have been poplar 20 years ago, bat they lack stange now 4 Thank far your help could cant have done it you hadi bean there. 5 Theleson woul /sould have started at 1 adock- tats when trormally srs ‘ ‘You cant finish art have finshed that book already its would have gan go there if thad known ws dangerous 0 pages ong ‘ou ned lic need to bring any money becaus everthing was ee Exam skills Vocabulary changes 4 Complete these sentences using one word only. Make sure the second azine way ay aero but some answers ay 980 one seotence means the same asthe is. voc chges 1 Joachim, can youlend 2 pento Nana? Jone, can Nana... pen you? | 2 Casiewenttothe party onber own, Cassie wenttathe party... hese | 3 Mydad crives me ta schoo My dad ea. t@schoo 4 ean sum Tm without stopping ale... sin Thm without stopping |_5 otsof people woreatho park weet of people atthe pk, 92 | Test? Taning Use of Eich are & For questions 35. 42, complete the second sentence eo that ithas a similar meaning tothe fest sentence, lsing the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and fve words, Including the word given, Here isan exami example: 10. Our schoo! sports day is held at the end ofthe summer term. PLACE ur schoo! sports day at the end ofthe summer tom. “The gap can be filed by the words takes place’, so you wate: camps [0 ater ‘te only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS on your answer sheet. [GAT Tere Fete mes fr ach ans Even yur note yor mane i ae, aye (Gat Tec sumetung on th rae shes you mg si gt ne rar {35 Gong shopping wasnt much fun because | went by msl eee one Sri kconbesd ame va rycnm becaueit wasnt muchion, enced 26 ‘Someones bulking a pool al my uncle's house at the orn eee bur yunele at his house at he moment sauna centr ne rere ‘ch pasa bas et had got up eat, ‘the bus eae 88 If youad told me about your homework, maybe could have helped you, YB pate emi adit ABLE one you had tole me about your homawork, may help you. 29 | roget saying Assad could borrow my bike ent really need my bike today -itonty Assad {87 ale to catch the bus because | got up too late really needit today. 40. I'm sure Jonas's mum took him to school by car because he wasn't on the bus. GIVEN Jones's mum. lit to school because he wasn't onthe bus 41. Somany people were inthe gym that we didn’ all have @ chance to work out BEEN f fewer people n the gym, we would all have had a chance te work out 42 tsrnot convenient fox you to vist on Saturday because I'm busy 1 Fe pete vist on Saturday because tm busy Uso of English Part 4 Test 2 Exam protice | 93 EMI nse ‘+ How many short recordings do you have olsen tin ths par? (Cr Par 1 you may be ates # How many times do you near each recording? son What kindof question do you need to answer about each recording? Each cet anaes 11a Workin pois, Look atthe dialogue Two fends are taking about a ‘neste hat the boy has received, Read trough the txt Before you look ‘tthe option below ‘Whats the a opin of the sweater? Boy; What do you think of hs sweater? My aunt jst sent tto me | ‘must admit ve never worn arying bright yellow before Girt Wel everyone wil se you coming thats or sur! ike yell, but it does suit everyone Boy: No. anyeiy, havent red ton yet, bt i notsure tnt it Gir On say be perec for you You dont want tobe too big | Just thine not eally the nd of waster that young peep wear fowadys is ean, my dad might choose somthing ke tha, butnot people ou age Boy: Hmm think youre nent 1B owiook a the options. Which ones the cones to what you decid {Abou the gies opinion? 1A The colour wil ely hi. B Theszewenit be righ for him. Thesyl isa bit old-fashioned FAW uisen te rearing 2a FELT) Now stent two fers aking about 2 potas, (Esc ean te ESrmpettin the boy ook prin Te Canc lb pete fen the tre optns below What do you thin the question i? 1 His photos detarved to win some kindof rie Be shouldbe plszed he aida come last (He dent choose the vig pleureso enter 1B Look at the options again, Which one matches what they both think? 94 | Text? Trlning Listening Part 1

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