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Jade Ellene R.

BSEd English II A

Definition of Learning

Learning involves far more than thinking: it involves According to Merriam Websters Dictionary:
the whole personality - senses, feelings, intuition, • the activity or process of gaining knowled
beliefs, values and will. If we do not have the will or skill by studying, practicing, being taught
to learn, we will not learn and if we have learned, or experiencing something
we are actually changed in some way. If the learn-
ing makes no difference it can have very little sig-
nificance beyond being random ideas that float
through our consciousness. Learning is a process wherein a per-
son acquires knowledge from what
he/she sees, observes, hears and
etc. Learning is a life long process
which cannot be taken away by any-
one from a person. Learning doesn’t
stop, it is continuous and everyday we

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