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E-Mail Assignments

25 Email Assignments
Mail To:
1. You are an employee of RD Solutions Pvt. Ltd. You work there as
Junior Accountant. Draft a mail regarding Leave Application for two
days to your Reporting Manager, Mr. Sarkar. Sign off as Ms. Susmita

Seeking leave – Any personal reason – Date of leave 20th & 21st
August – Rejoining Date – Support to be provided during leave period
– Approval request

2. You are the Course-Coordinator of BM Institute of Technology.

Your Institute wants to conduct an Industry Visit for Electrical Dept.
Students. Write a mail to any Electrical Company HR for approval
regarding the Industry visit from your Institute. Sign off as Mr. Asif

About your Institute and its objectives –Industry Visit Purpose – Part
of Course Curriculum – Practical Knowledge – Complementary for
theoretical knowledge – Date & Time of visit – 40 Candidates – 2
Faculty Members – Seeking approval – Request for approval by 2
working days – Need to make arrangements for the visit

3. Being an HR of Satyam Infotech Pvt. Ltd. draft a mail for inviting

seniors of your Company for attending a Cultural Program at your
Office. Sign off as Ms. Jenifer.

Name of Cultural Program – Rabindra Manch, 14th September, 11:00
A.M – Dance, Drama & Song – Prize distribution to best performers –
SPOC Mr. Dhrubajyoti Mitra, Contact No: 9834667891– Collection of
Entry Pass from HR Dept. – Request for attending the program

4. As Head of the Accounts Dept. of ATA Skills Pvt. Ltd. write a mail
for inviting Mr. Sujit Guha, as guest lecturer at your Institute for
delivering lecture on any topic in Accounts. Sign off as Mr. Ranajit

About the Institute and Its Objectives – Importance of Guest Lecturer
Session – No of candidates who will attend – Date, Time & Venue of
the Event – Subject of lecture – Request for lecture – Hidden deadline
for accepting and informing – Need to make necessary arrangements
for the event

5. You have purchased a mobile phone from SmartShop online retail

portal. But the mobile phone has some problems. Draft a mail to that
Retail Company for replacement of damaged product delivered to
you or refunding the entire money. Sign off as Mr. Prakash Meheta

Your Customer identity – Order No – Date of delivery and payment
details – Problem detail– Sharing good past experiences with this
Retail Company – Express dissatisfaction for current purchase –
Request for replacement – Mention deadline for new product arrival
– Smooth future transactions

6. As your Company, S & S Group Pvt. Ltd. is doing good business and
expanding, your company is relocating its office to a new address.
Using the following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70
words and a maximum of 100 words to your customer informing the
change in address.

Old Address: Near Outer Ring Road – Shifting to – Bigger office space
– November 10 – Change in telephone number – New address: 4th
floor, Cessna Business Park

7. As a supplier, write an email to the manager of RD Wheel Pvt. Ltd.,

Mr. Malhotra, intimating of their payment that is due for the
products delivered to them three months ago. Sign the email as

Product Details – Order No, Price– On time delivery(Date) – Three
months – Credit period(Date Exceeded) – Overdue Payment– Pay at
the earliest – Longstanding Relationship

8. As a former student of BK Institute of Technology, write an email

to your Business Communication Professor, Ms. Suzanne, thanking
her for teaching and guidance that contributed to your overall
development. Sign the email as Sameer.

Successful Placed – Grateful – Help, Advice – Grooming – Inculcating
values – Shaping future – Sincere efforts – Professional Ethics

9. As a member of your residential society, write an email to the

inspector of the local Police station, Mr. Agarwal, informing him
about miscreants who ride their bikes rashly every evening outside
your society. Sign the email as Shyam.

Residential area – Rash Riding – Children play – Elderly walk –
Grocery shops are across the road – Dangerous – Accidents –
Nuisance – Immediate Action

10. As an intern at XYZ consulting Pvt. Ltd, write an email to your

internship Project Manager, Mr. Karunesh, informing about the
progress that you are making and some difficulties that you are
encountering. Sign the email as Max.

Thanks – Challenging – Progress – Tight schedule – Support needed –
Financial Report – Analysis – Guidance -Balance Sheet Components –
doubt – Support needed

11. As a resident, write an email to the Municipal Commissioner of

your city, Mr. Kumar, reporting nuisance of a building under
construction beside your place. Sign the email as Arvind.

Under construction building – Long time(3 years) – Water usage(spill
and stagnancy)– Mosquitoes breeding – Construction Materials &
Debris – Unhygienic –Bad behaviour of construction workers –
Attention required – Request for action immediately

12. As a student representative of your department, form BK

Institute of Technology, write an email to your batch mates,
suggesting a party for Head of Department Prof. Mandy who is
retiring next month. Sign the email as Shruti.

Inform – Retire – Plan – Surprise – Party – Host – Family –Exceptional
teacher – Guide, Mentor – Groom– Students –Helpful – Together –

13. You are a part of the Corporate Communication team in your

company SP Group Ltd. The working time period is revised as 9:30
AM to 6:30 PM. It was 10:00 A.M to 6:30 P.M before. Using the
following phrases, write an email with a minimum of 70 words and a
maximum of 100 words to the employees in your company informing
the same.

30 minutes earlier to avoid traffic – Effect from next week(Date) -
Revised working time – Office will start earlier – Till the end of rainy
season – will be in effect – Next timing will be intimated – Later on

14. You are the Team Lead of Payment Processing Dept. of your
company GK Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Draft a mail to the customer Mr. Roy
explaining the delay in delivery of the payment for the delivered
products to your company.

Payment processing system – Schedule – 10th May (Friday) –
Unexpected power outage – 3 days – Overall delay – 7 days –
includes recovery of lost work – will not recur

15. As a student representative of your college, BK Institute of

Technology, write an email to the Principal of Professional
Engineering College, Symtech Foundation, Prof. Sanjib Chatterjee,
inviting his institute to participate in the Technical symposium being
organized in your college. Sign the email as Arun.

Invitation – Technical Symposium – Previous success story –
Expecting – Huge participation – Latest technology– Stalls– Demos –
Interaction – Topics – Complete – Exchange ideas – Exciting prizes

16. As a recent buyer of their car, write an E-mail to the Manager of

SP automotive Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Kishore, regarding the poor quality of
service facility available in the city. Sign the E-mail as Anil.

Customer Details – Product details – Date of purchase – Very few -
Service Centres – Complaints – Pending problems of other customers
– Poor Service Delivery – More Service Centres – Good quality service
delivery– Increase customer satisfaction

17. Being a Team Leader of Sales Team for MS Group Pvt. Ltd., write a
mail by intimating all Team Members for attending an urgent Team
Meeting. Sign off as Mr. Ayaz Khan

Urgent Team Meeting – Sales Team – Venue, Date & Time – Agenda
Mandatory Attendance– Consequences for absenteeism

18. Draft a mail to local Counselor by informing him/her regarding

the pathetic condition of the road of your locality and ask for
immediate action.

Pathetic road condition – Problems during rainy session – Problems
faced by Commuters, School Children & Aged Persons – Accidents –
Traffic Issues – Action required

19. You work as SPOC for Sales Dept. of IBC Trading Pvt. Ltd. Draft a
mail to the Client Mr. Rahul Agnihotri expressing your inability to sell
the product in the previous rate as the market price has been

Deal for selling 3 pieces of Air Conditioning Machines – Date of
Order, Order Number & Agreed Price – Market rate hiked – After new
budget session – Unable to sell in old rate – Apology – Ready to sell in
new rate – Required confirmation within deadline

20. Draft a mail by applying for a Job application, published in the

Newspaper, at the company RD Solutions Pvt. Ltd. for Junior
Accountant Job Role in the company’s talent acquisition
department’s email id,

Adv. No, Date – Your identity–Apply for the job – Academic &
Professional Qualification Details – JD is matching with Academic &
Professional Qualification – Suitable Candidate – Appeal for face-to-
face round of Interview – Attach Resume

21. Draft a mail as Stock Maintenance Executive of RS Solutions Pvt.

Ltd. to a Customer Mr. B.N Tripathi by apologizing for delay in
delivery of 50 number of Washing Machines costing Rs. 5,00,000/-.
Sign off as Mr. Sagar Karmakar

Order No – Product Details – Cost – Date of Delivery – Cause of delay
– Sorry for the inconvenience – Reminding past records regarding
timely delivery – Assurance of delivery by 7 working days – Give
value to the customer – Assurance of not recurrence of delay in

22. Write an Email to the Bank Manager of any Private/Nationalized

Bank for sanctioning loan amount Rs. 4, 00,000/- for the purpose of
your Higher Studies. Sign off as Sameer.

Your Identity – Loan Application – Amount – Reason – Higher Study –
Proof Documents Attached – Appeal for grant – Assurance of
repayment after getting Job

23. Draft a mail as a Stock Keeping Executive of RGB Garments Pvt.

Ltd. to your Manager Mr. Suresh Gupta, by reporting that due to an
accidental fire few stock were destroyed and need to apply and claim
the insurance amount for the same. Sign off as Ramesh.

Accidental Fire – Reason of Fire – In the Godown – At Night – Noticed
in the next day – Stock Destroyed – 500 Pieces of Curtain – Rs. 500/-
per curtain – Stocked were insured – Need to claim the Insurance
amount – Appeal to verify physically – Urgent need to submit claim

24. Draft a mail as President of the Club “United Youth Association”

for seeking help from all club members for donating the collected
fund to an Old Age Home. Sign off as Mr. Arnab.

Social Cause – Donation to an Old Age Home “Peace Abode” –
Contribution needed – As per capacity – Mr. Suresh Kumar, Fund
Collector – Timing: 10:00 A.M to 9:00 P.M – Collect your receipt –
Adherence to the deadline of donation – Appeal to donate

25. Draft a mail as Team Lead by congratulating all your Team

Members for achieving the Team Sales target for your company
Indigo Trading Pvt. Ltd. Sign off as Ms. Radhika

Congratulations – Sales Target Met– April – Target Rs. 20,00,000/- –
Difficulties & Challenges – Hard Work, Dedication, Team Effort –
Whole-Hearted Participation – Good Result – Happy Management –
Declaration of Incentives – Holiday Trip – Motivation &
Congratulations – Good Wishes – Next Month’s Target

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