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ETH - IFW E 44

Haldeneggsteig 4

Malka Guillot 8092 Zürich - Switzerland

H +33 (0) 650309220
Curriculum Vitæ Í

Last updated : 28 août 2020

Research interests
Public Finance, Natural Language Processing, Political Economy

Current Position
01/12/2018 Postdoctorate research fellow, Center for Law and Economics, ETH, Zürich,
Supervisor : Elliott Ash.
01/12/2018 – Research Affiliate, Institut des Politiques Publiques (IPP).

2019 “Qualification”, for the positions of Assistant and Associate Professor in France (“Maître
de Conférences”), section CNU 05 (Economics), .
Fall 2018 Visiting research fellow, University California, Berkeley and IRLE, Sponsor : Emmanuel
Oct. 2014 – Ph.D, Economics, Paris School of Economics - EHESS,
June 2018 Supervisors : Antoine Bozio and Thomas Piketty.
Title : Economics of labour income taxation : inequality and redistribution.
Defense : 19 June 2018
Jury : Andreas Peichl and Emmanuel Saez (reviewers), Olivier Godechot and Stefanie Stantcheva
Sept. 2016 – Visiting Ph.D. student, CEP, London School of Economics, London,
Apr. 2017 Supervisor : Camille Landais.
Exchange within the European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics
Sept. 2012 – M.Sc Economics, Paris School of Economics & Ecole des hautes études en sciences
June 2013 sociales, Paris.
Sept. 2010 – ENSAE (École Nationale de la Statistique et de l’administration Économique),
June 2013 Paris.

Affiliations, Grants and Fellowships

Oct. 2019 Research grant, Russell Sage Foundation and Alfred P. Sloan ($6500), with Monika
Leszczynska and Andrew Thompson.
Oct. 2017 – Full fellowship, Chaire travail (PSE), One year PhD grant.
Nov. 2018
Sept. 2016 – European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics, London School of Econo-
Apr. 2017 mics.
Oct. 2014 – Full fellowship, CREST, 3 years funding.
Sept. 2017

Research experience
Oct. 2014 – Full Ph.D fellowship, CREST, Microeconometrics Department, Malakoff, France.
Sept. 2017
Sept. 2013 – Economist, Institute of Public Policies, Paris, France.
Sept. 2014
Summer 2012 Research Assistant, Queensland University of Technology, Australie, Supervisors :
Benno Torgler and Lionel Page.

Published articles
◦ Designing Housing Benefits : An Application avec French Data avec Antoine Bozio, Marion Monnet
and Lucile Romanello ; Economie et Prévision, No 211-212, 2017 (.pdf)
◦ `‘Portée et limites du modèle Taxipp pour lanalyse redistributive des prélèvements obligatoires”, with
Antoine Bozio and Quentin Lafféter ; Economie et Statistique, No. 481-482, pp. 39-53, December
2015. (.pdf)
◦ “French public finances through the financial crisis : it’s a long way to recovery”, with Mathias André,
Antoine Bozio and Louise Paul-Delvaux, Fiscal Studies, Vol. 36, No. 4, December 2015. (.pdf)
◦ “The Inner Quality of an Article : Will Time Tell ?”, with Chan, Ho Fai, Lionel Page, and Benno Torgler.
Scientometrics, April 7, 2015, pp 123. (.pdf)
Working papers
◦ “Taxes and Technological Determinants of Wage Inequalities : France 1976-2010”, with Antoine Bozio
and Thomas Breda , PSE Working Paper, No. 2016-05, March 2016. (.pdf)
◦ “Who Payed the 75% Tax on Millionaires ? Optimization of Salary Incomes and Incidence in France”,
PSE Working Paper, Paris School of Economics (.pdf)
◦ “Inequality and Redistribution in France, 1900-2014 : Evidence from Post-Tax Distributional National
Accounts (DINA)” with Antoine Bozio, Bertrand Garbinti, Jonathan Goupille-Lebret and Thomas Piketty, Working Paper 2018/10 (.pdf)
— Selected press coverage : Le 1 hebdo, Le Monde, France info
Work in progress (selection)
◦ Elliott Ash and Malka Guillot, Institutional Determinants of Tax Complexity : Evidence from the US
State Legislated Text
◦ Elliott Ash, Julia Cagé and Malka Guillot, Journalism Quality : A Text Based Measure

Other publications
Policy report and policy briefs
◦ Trois decennies dinégalités et de redistribution en France (1990-2018), with Antoine Bozio, Bertrand
Garbinti, Jonathan Goupille-Lebret and Thomas Piketty Issue Brief 2018/2
◦ “Reforming French housing benefits”, with Antoine Bozio, Gabrielle Fack, Julien Grenet, Marion Monnet
and Lucile Romanello, IPP report nř10, 2015.
◦ “French budget 2016 : the difficult control of public spending”, with Mahdi Ben Jelloul, Antoine Bozio,
Sophie Cottet, Marion Monnet and Lucile Romanello, IPP Policy Brief nř21, November 2015.
◦ “Reforming French housing benefits : why not merging benefits ?”, with Antoine Bozio, Gabrielle Fack,
Julien Grenet, Marion Monnet and Lucile Romanello, IPP Policy Brief nř18, June 2015.
— Selected press coverage : Le Monde, Le Figaro, Challenges
◦ “1914-2014 : one hundred years of French income tax”, with Mathias André, IPP Policy Brief nř12,
July 2014.
— Press coverage : Les Echos, Mediapart
◦ Le modèle de microsimulation TAXIPP Version 0.3, Guide méthodologique IPP, April 2014, with
Antoine Bozio, Quentin Lafféter and Marianne Tenand.
◦ “French budget 2014 : the impact of the new tax measures ?”, with Antoine Bozio and Marianne Tenand,
IPP Policy Brief nř9, November 2013.
— Press coverage : Libération, Le Parisien
◦ Les allocations logement. Comment les réformer ?, with Antoine Bozio, Gabrielle Fack, Julien Grenet,
Marion Monnet and Lucile Romanello, Editions Rue dUlm, Presses de lEcole normale supérieure,
Collection Cepremap, 2015 (.pdf)
Open source publications of legislative parameters
These series gather parameters of the French tax and transfer policies, in order to make them accessible
to a wide audience and feed microsimulation models.
◦ IPP Tables : Social Security Contributions, Barèmes IPP, Institut des politiques publiques, April 2018,
with M. Ben Jelloul, A. Bozio, S. Cottet, J. Grenet, L. Khoury and M. Tenand.
◦ IPP Tables : Social benefits, Barèmes IPP, Institut des politiques publiques, April 2018, with M. Ben
Jelloul, A. Bozio, B. Fabre, M. Monnet, E. Perdrix, L. Fardeau, M. Tenand.

Presentation of my research
Invited talks
2020 Séminaire LIEN (EconomiX) (Nanterre, France), ENSAI (Rennes, France), OFCE (Paris,
France) .
2019 Séminaire COURNOT (BETA) (Strasbourg, France).
Conferences, seminars and workshops
2019 Zürich text-as-data conference, (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Cinquième Conférence Éva-
luation des politiques publiques (AFSE-DG Trésor, Paris, France), Brownbag seminar
(ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Political Economy Workshop (ETH Zürich, Switzerland),
Summer Institute in Computational Social Sciences (Princeton, USA), Journée LAGV
(AMSE, France), ECINEQ Meeting (Paris, France), 21st ZEW Summer Workshop for
Young Economists (Mannheim, Germany) .
2018 Econometric Society European Winter Meeting (Naples, Italy) 111th Annual Conference
on Taxation (New Orleans, USA), Public Finance lunch seminar (UC Berkeley, USA),
Brownbag seminar (ETH Zürich, Switzerland), Fórum Internacional Tributário SP 2018
(Sao Paolo, Brazil), 67th International Congress of the French Economic Association
(Paris, France), Royal Economic Society (Brighton, UK) .
2017 IZA Summer School in Labor Economics (Buch, Germany), CREST LMI-LEPP Internal
seminar (Malakoff), LSE STIRCED Work in progress seminar (London, UK).
2016 Rencontres dAussois du Labex OSE (Aussois), EALE (Ghent), EAA, (Geneva), ESPE
(Berlin), Applied Economics Lunch Seminar (PSE, Paris), WIP seminar (PSE, Paris),
Workshop on the incidence and labour market effects of social security contributions
(Institue of Fiscal Studies, London), CREST LMI-LEPP Internal seminar (Malakoff),
CNRS Winter School : Public Policy Evaluation (Aussois).
2015 CNRS Winter School : Public Policy Evaluation (Aussois).
2014 CREST LMI-LEPP Internal seminar (Malakoff), Workshop European public finances
through the financial crisis (ZEW, Mannheim).

Spring 2020 Big Data for Public Policy (Graduate), with Elliott Ash (50%), ETH Zürich.
2016 – 2017 Teaching Assistant in Introduction to econometrics (Undergraduate), Pr. Steve Pischke,
Tai Otsu and Marcia Schafgans, London School of Economics.
2016 Microeconomics (Undergraduate) Pr. S. Jallais, Paris 1.
2014 – 2015 Supervision of projects in applied economics (Graduate), ENSAE.
2010 – 2013 Mathematics examiner, Preparatory class in Social Sciences, Lycée Henri IV, Paris.

Other Scientific Activities

01/09/2014 – Co-organizer of the internal seminar of the Crest microeconometric department, Malakoff,
39/06/2015 France.
08/06/2019 “Can (and Should) Judges Be Shamed ? Evidence from the Six-Month List” par Jonathan
Pektun, Conference on Law and Data Science, Zürich, (.pdf).
02/05/2018 “Elasticity of labor income Evidence from tax and benefit reforms in France, 2006-2015”
par Michaël Sicsic, Séminaire DSDS at INSEE, (.pdf).
11/09/2017 “The role of taxes and benefits in smoothing income shocks” par Silvia Avram, Economie
politique du changement institutionnel seminar, Paris 1, (.pdf).

Language and programming skills

◦ French (native), English (fluent), Italian (intermediate), German (basics)
◦ Programming : Python
◦ Statistics : SAS, Stata, R
◦ Research tools : git, latex, unix

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