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1) Chapter 1: Introduction to MHS
- Material Handling Definitions
- Material Handling system Equation
- Objectives of MHS
- Selection of MH Equipment

2) Chapter 2: Unit Load

- Unit load Design
- Pallet loading Problem
- Principles of MH

3) Chapter 4: Conveyor
- Characteristics of Conveyors
- Conveyor Analysis

4) Chapter 5: AGV
- Typical navigation systems for AGV
- AGV Analysis


1) What is Systems Principle of Materials Handling? Please suggest few examples of MHS?

2) What are general characteristics of belt conveyors?

3) Production batch can be split into a smaller transfer batch containing several unit loads, each of which
can contain multiple parts
4) Typical Navigation systems for AGV, Applications: Given data (warehouse, workshop,…layout);
Choose navigation system for AGV.

5) AGVs Design: How do you design AGVs?

6) A 300-ft long roller conveyor operates at a velocity = 30 ft/min and is used to move parts in containers
between load and unload stations. Each container holds 18 parts. One worker at the load station is able
to load parts into containers and place the containers onto the conveyor in 28 sec. It takes 20 sec to
unload at the unload station. Determine:
(a) center-to-center distance between containers,
(b) number of containers on the conveyor at one time, and
(c) hourly flow rate of parts.
(d) By how much must conveyor speed be increased in order to increase flow rate to 3,500 parts/hr?

7) Five forklift trucks are used to deliver pallet loads of parts between work cells in a factory. Average
travel distance loaded is 500 ft and the travel distance empty is estimated to be the same. The trucks are
driven at an average speed of 2.5 miles/hr when loaded and 3.5 miles/hr when empty. Terminal time per
delivery averages 2.0 min (load = 1,.0 min and unload = 1.0 min). If the traffic factor is assumed to be
0.95, availability= 90%, and worker efficiency = 0.85, what is the maximum hourly delivery rate of the
five trucks?

8) Consider the AGVs layout in figure. Vehicles travel counterclockwise around the loop to deliver
loads from the load station to the unload station. Loading time = 70 min and unloading time = 0.5 min.
The following performance parameters are given:
- Vehicle velocity: 50m/min
- Availability: 0.95
- Traffic factor: 0.90
- Worker efficiency: 1.0
- The total of 40 deliveries/hour must be completed by the AGVs
a) Travel distances loaded and empty
b) Ideal delivery cycle time
c) Number of vehicles required to satisfy the delivery demand?

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