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Ingles 2


What the Future Holds


Morelia Martínez Gonzales

Presentado por

Hilary Tatiana Díaz Mendoza

Danna Marcela Granada Ladino

Fecha de entrega

24 de septiembre 2019
Lo que pasara en 1 año

Computers will be as powerful as the human brain

Today's computers can do incredible things, but by 2020 they would have a
capacity similar to the human brain, that is, they could perform highly complex

Mobile devices will translate languages in real time

If you are calling to Japan, you will not need to know the language, since your
mobile will be able to translate what you say to Japanese and, what you receive
into Spanish, with a real-time translation technology.

Most likely, the translation process will be done in the cloud, and the results will be
increasingly accurate.

Lo que pasara en 10 años

3D social net Works

The Internet will also change and with its change, as has happened so far, society.
The evolution of social networks will happen because they will be increasingly
three-dimensional, according to Geoff Ralston, founder of Imagine K12, which "will
allow us to improve education, which will be connected to knowledge. There will be
hybrids between great technologies and teachers. Education will be individualized,
according to our abilities, "he predicted.

Lo que pasara en 50 años

Robots that will think and perform all our tasks, houses that will be built alone in a
few hours with a system similar to that of 3D photocopiers, similar to the physical
contact with people who are thousands of kilometers through perfect holograms,
applications in the brain that they will allow us to download a program and learn a
language in seconds, flying cars, Nano-robots that will repair our body, trips to
Mars, artificial organs, internet browsing through thinking ... These are advances in
a science fiction scenario that, However, in the opinion of many researchers they
are not so far away and that, since science and technology advance exponentially,
they could be a daily reality in half a century.

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