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Look and think

Let’s Review the Past Continuous

1. I was taking a shower when she knocked the 1. Estaba tomando una ducha cuando llamó a la
door. puerta.
2. She was taking notes while the teacher 2. Estaba tomando notas mientras la maestra
explained the theory. explicaba la teoría.
3. They were dancing and singing. 3. Bailaban y cantaban.
4. What were you doing when the manager 4. ¿Qué estaba haciendo cuando llegó el gerente?
came in?
5. What were you working last year? 5. ¿En qué trabajaba el año pasado?
6. What were you doing when the accident 6. ¿Qué estaba haciendo cuando ocurrió el
occurred? accidente?
7. I was cooking while he cleaned the house. 7. Estaba cocinando mientras él limpiaba la casa.
8. He was sleeping all night long. 8. Estuvo durmiendo toda la noche.
9. Why were they fighting? 9. ¿Por qué estaban peleando?
10. I was sleeping. 10. Estaba durmiendo.
2. She was taking notes while the teacher
explained the theory.

Spot the mistakes

1. Was you sleeping all night 1. ¿Dormiste toda la noche? 1. Were you sleep through the
long? night?
2. I weren’t resting, I was 2. ¡No estaba descansando, 2. I wasn't resting, I was
working! estaba trabajando! working!
3. Last night at nine o'clock 3. Anoche, a las nueve en 3. Last night at nine o'clock,
John was washed the dishes. punto, John se lavó los John was washing the dishes.
4. Why were John washing the 4. ¿Por qué estaba Juan 4. Why was John washing the
dishes? lavando los platos? dishes?
5. Last week, we are painting 5. La semana pasada, 5. Last week, we were painting
the house. estamos pintando la casa. the house.
6. This morning at five o'clock 6. Esta mañana a las cinco en 6. This morning at five o'clock
Shannon is taking care of her punto Shannon está Shannon was taking care of
baby. cuidando a su bebé. her baby
7. Where were Shannon 7. ¿Dónde cuidaba Shannon 7. Where was Shannon take
taking care of her baby? a su bebé? care of her baby?
8. I was study when the phone 8. Estaba estudiando cuando 8. I was studying when the
rang. sonó el teléfono. phone rang.
9. They were eating if their 9. Estaban comiendo si 9. They were eating if their
friends showed up. aparecían sus amigos. friends showed up.

They were
eating when
their friends
showed up.
10 So the cat was sleeping the 10 Entonces el gato dormía y 10 So the cat was sleeping
mice were eating its food. los ratones comían su while the mice eating its food.
We are having a very nice Estamos haciendo un picnic We were having a very nice
picnic when it started to rain. muy agradable cuando picnic when it started to rain.
empezó a llover.

1. What __was_____the teacher __doing______ at 7:00 pm yesterday? (do)

2. Gina and Kelly __were__________ to the hotel when it ___ started____ to rain. (walk/start)

3. When Danny __ was _______ the room, everyone ___ spoke_____. (enter/talk)

4. I ____was_____ in the sales department when I first ___met______ Laura. (work/meet)

5. My cousin _was_____my cell phone while I __pack____ for my trip. (use/pack)

6. _were_____ you _pay_____ attention when the manager _called_____ your name? (pay/call)

7. They_were_____ TV when the lighting _watched_______. (watch/ strike)

8. She _ was talking _ about me behind my back, wasn’t she? (talk)

9. ______ the client really ______out while Mike ______ the proposal? (walk / present)

10. Last night, while I ________ dinner, someone _______ on the door. (eat /knock)

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